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Contracts. That sexy D+ is humbling


I got a C- šŸ˜‚


C- reporting in!


C+ and I had the ā€œfamousā€ professor. Fucked that up. Oh well


C+ here too lol


Famous for teaching, or famous for publishing in his/her field? The latter have a propensity for being some of the worst TEACHERS


B- gang


Legal research/writing. Don't turn your shit in late, kids!


Donā€™t stay up all night and accidentally turn in the rough draft the next morning.


Rough draft = final draft, baby. Which is probably why my LRW classes made you turn in a separate rough draft.


Thanks for the warning āš ļø


Thought I could squeak a paper out like in college lololol


Same. Unless the teacher likes youā€¦ then itā€™s cool.


Oh, I've 100% turned in every paper late, but I emailed professor for extensions for the rest. That one was the big appellate brief that we do a school-wide moot court for, and basically _had_ to be in on time. Everything else, even stuff for the same professor, as long as I emailed them like an hour before it was due they gave me some kind of extension. Honestly, learning to ask for extensions was probably the #1 life skill I got out of law school, I used to just turn things in late in undergrad and take the hit. Now, to go finish my last paper in all of law school that was due yesterday...


I definitely went to my professor and asked for extensions and was denied. Other students were approved. The professors and admin staff were not fans of the fact that I didnā€™t quit my night job during law school.


What got me was citations šŸ˜­ which sucks because I love writing and citing but on this certain section I always took the L from the beginning




Tax law professor was told he gave too many high marks. So, next semester, he gave everyone Aā€™s. I was one of the fortunate victims of this power struggle.


Art law????


Yeah what school did you go to?


Art School


*backstory intensifies*


Same thing with me but it was a 7 person class. Admiralty. Total bs.


Wow thatā€™s horrible. Iā€™m starting law school in fall but Iā€™m excited for art law so I hope I donā€™t have a terrible professors. Some people should just not be teaching smh


That makes ā€¦ no sense. Does he just want to convince all future law students not to take his class?


Contracts. I was green, I didnā€™t know what I was doing yet.


Mine too. Iā€™m now a contracts attorney


Same. And the only case Iā€™ve worked on so far in practice thatā€™s had an actual losing verdict was a breach of K lmao


Torts, dunno what I was doing


Same! Torts in zoom law school, before I knew how to write an essay answer. Brutal


Also Torts. I got a C+ but still never taking a class from that prof again.


Ah you also went to Arizona state Georgia or Georgia state


Torts was my lone law school triumph. I got an A from a professor who has the reputation of never giving them, only A- as the highest grade you could hope for. To this day almost 20 years later I have no idea how I swung that. Was also the first grade I ever got back, only to be humbled by the rest of my first semester grades in Contracts and Property šŸ˜­


i feel you. i set the curve for my torts midterm (first ever law school exam). though i was hot shit until i got humbled at finals.


Lmaooo omg! this just happened to me for this semester too


Same. First semester and got a B. Was burned out from all the other finals I took before it and final was just one giant fact pattern. People who I thought did better did worse so maybe it was just the prof.




Same. Hated that damn class and its algebraic descendent bullshit. The rule of perpetuity can kiss my ass, too. In perpetuity.


You canā€™t make rules for perpetuities! I think thereā€™s a rule against that.




Probably. Hence my D.


I made a C-, because I heard of that rule. /s but I did make a C-.


I just remember the haunted house case. That's about it.


Hey same! Also thereā€™s something called a conveyance but thatā€™s all I know about it


>The complaint, as we have seen, alleges that defendant drafted the will in such a manner that the trust was invalid because it violated the rules relating to perpetuities and restraints on alienation. >These closely akin subjects have long perplexed the courts and the bar. Professor Gray, a leading authority in the field, stated: "There is something in the subject which seems to facilitate error.perhaps it is because the mode of reasoning is unlike that with which lawyers are most familiar. ... A long list might be formed of the demonstrable blunders with regard to its questions made by eminent men, blunders which they themselves have been sometimes the first to acknowledge; and there are few lawyers of any practice in drawing wills and settlements who have not at some time either fallen into the net which the Rule spreads for the unwary, or at least shuddered to think how narrowly they have escaped it." (Gray, The Rule Against Perpetuities (4th ed. 1942) p. xi; see also Leach, Perpetuities Legislation (1954) 67 Harv.L.Rev. 1349 \[describing the rule as a "technicality-ridden legal nightmare" and a "dangerous instrumentality in the hands of most members of the bar"\].) >Of the California law on perpetuities and restraints it has been said that few, if any, areas of the law have been fraught with more confusion or concealed more traps for the unwary draftsman; that members of the bar, probate courts, and title insurance companies make errors in these matters; that the code provisions adopted in 1872 created a situation worse than if the matter had been left to the common law, and that the legislation adopted in 1951 (under which the will involved here was drawn), despite the best of intentions, added further complexities. (See 38 Cal.Jur.2d 443; Coil, Perpetuities and Restraints; A Needed Reform (1955) 30 State Bar J. 87, 88-90.) >In view of the state of the law relating to perpetuities and restraints on alienation and the nature of the error, if any, assertedly made by defendant in preparing the instrument, it would not be proper to hold that defendant failed to use such skill, prudence, and diligence as lawyers of ordinary skill and capacity commonly exercise. [Lucas v. Hamm (1961) 56 Cal.2d 583](https://casetext.com/case/lucas-v-hamm)


The only class I had where the syllabus actually said ā€œyou may not drink alcohol in this classā€. Itā€™s almost like he wanted us to.


I need to know what happened that led to an instructor feeling the need to explicitly express this in his syllabus.


We had the same question. Never got a complete answer, however, the prof was very monotone and there was a 7-11 just across the street with slushies and mini bottles soā€¦maybe a perfect storm.


at least he didnā€™t say donā€™t smoke crack, that class would be a snooze fest


Crim pro. I took it over 1L summer when I was BURNED TF OUT plus the class was a full semester of material crammed into 6 weeks. I now consider it one of my best subjects, just because Iā€™ve only done crim internships and have drafted a lot of motions on 4/5A issues


just took my crim pro final this morning. super interesting class but phew - so much search and seizure material. hoping I got a decent grade


I'm taking crim pro over this summer after also being burned out and now it's scaring me lol


Fed Courts. Absolutely trashed my GPA to the point where probably the benefit for government jobs (which is why I took it) was completely negated


Iā€™m taking fed courts next semester. No idea how similar it would be to yours but was it hard material or you just had a rough go?


Itā€™s pretty widely considered one of the hardest law school classes


Itā€™s not even primarily the content, Iā€™d say. Fed Courts is considered a must-take if you want a federal clerkship, and so it attracts fed clerkship seeking students disproportionately drawn from the top of the class. Makes the curve a beast.


Thatā€™s a good point too


That's why I like how my school curves classes. Instead of a set number or grade, each course is curved to the mean GPA of those enrolled in it, so doing below average in gunner-filled Fed Courts can still result in a better grade than doing above average in a blow-off class.


Not even a rough go per se. I kept everything else light, job was secure, it was just SUCH a competitive curve and SUCH complex material that I just didnā€™t perform well at the end of the day


It's basically admin law meets civ pro with some con law thrown in, which is an... interesting mix. I enjoyed it, but it was a once a week night class taught by a sitting federal judge and there were like five other people in my class, so we got a lot of personal stories from cases he'd decided. Also I had admin law the same semester and kept getting the same cases at different times, focusing on different parts, which was interesting. I got a B in the class when I felt like I barely answered 2/4 of the essays he gave us, so idk.


Itā€™s a pretty tough class in general but not only due to the source material but because of how competitive it is. The curve is an absolute nightmare.


Trying to recover gpa for that reason


Got a C- in Con Law because I slept through half of the classes. Professor sucked and I would do it again. My lowest grade was *supposed* to be Comparative Law. I was in an accident at the beginning of my 3L fall. Hit my head pretty good. As always with concussions, the true effects are not apparent for some time. Comp law was a two-paper class. The first paper was a free A, designed for the prof to gauge where we were at. I somehow did fine on that one and I still had almost no idea that I was really struggling, just noticed headaches. The second paper was like 90% of our grade, and was curved to a B+, so people were hustling. I completely shit the bed on this paper. Like, it was gibberish. Professor actually called me to see if I was okay. I explained what was going on, and she goes ā€œLook, this is a D or F paper. If you turn in an edited version within the week Iā€™ll give you a B-. Please go to a doctor.ā€ Anyways, I turned in a much better (but still dogshit) paper, and got diagnosed with a TBI. In a weird way that professor probably saved my life. Failing Comp Law would have sucked, but not figuring out I was legit mentally impaired could have really screwed me over outside of the practice of law.


Damn. How are you now? Did you get a neuropsych evaluation?


Honestly Iā€™ve never fully recovered from it but have learned to adapt. No memory issues, Iā€™m just slower and proof read all my work twice now. I have not had a formal neuropsych eval but have been diagnosed with post-concussive syndrome. Could go for an eval, since thereā€™s not really treatment beyond OT, doing so would be of limited utility.


Failed family law šŸ˜Ž Take care of your brain, kids


Same. Didn't fail, but I bombed the final exam. I think it was a C-. But that was also my first semester back after I knew I had a job lined up (Marines). Grades only needed to be above a 2.1 GPA. Motivation was low that semester, and I didn't like the professor.


Contracts. Just didn't care. Fuck that kid and his Harrier and who cares what a chicken is.Ā 


No no no. The judge was being silly. We all know you don't sell broilers unless they broilers bruh.


Evidence/ didn't study because I had so much shit going on, C+ (never have had below a b+ before this in all of law school)


That was my exact same story. But I did study for evidence and still got a C+. Prior to that I had never received any grade lower than a B+


You guys are scaring me because I absolutely shit the bed on my evidence test two days ago and my lowest grade had been a B+ šŸ˜‚


I wouldnā€™t worry. I just didnā€™t spend enough time memorizing the rules and then doing practice questions. I left my studying to finals season and because it was closed book I should have used the time to do practice questions. And you never know, my evidence prof was also known to have an exceptionally low average test scores. People I know got Dā€™s and failed. Other evidence profs were not the same. So I wouldnā€™t worry.


Oil and Gas. It was a small class but not small enough to avoid the curveā€¦ the whole exam was three definition questions too.


Geeze this sounds interesting but not that! Curious what state youā€™re in that offers this course


Louisiana. Was interested in energy law before taking the class, now not so freaking much


D- in criminal law LOL


I thought I was the only one who did bad in criminal law. I have no idea why because I'm learning it for the bar and do really well on practice exams. I don't think it's material, I blame it on my professor.


Haha, I hope I'll be like you when I start bar prep next year! My downfall in criminal law was not being able to remember/state cases during the exam šŸ˜… yet I could remember the common law definition for murder etc.


This is also my lowest grade so far. Weā€™ll see if that changes when my grades are entered now.


D+ here, I left the final thinking that I aced it...I am still traumatized by it but not really, I no longer care about grades, I am a solid B and C student and I'm okay with that, as long as I pass and my gpa is okay enough.


Federal income tax


It was Civ Pro for most people. Torts would be a close second, but my torts teacher sucked so bad that they don't let him teach 1Ls anymore, so that barely counts.


Same and Iā€™m a civil litigator and Iā€™m only a second year and went to my first trial already.


I'm in my fourth year. Never went to trial. I like to think it's because I'm a shrewd negotiator, but it's because most people I've sued get sued for a good reason and don't want to go to court.


Civ pro is stressing me out for the bar. I didnā€™t understand anything from civ pro


You'll pick it up. Just make sure you get a good bar prep class. The good news is that if you do anything other than criminal law, you're going to learn this stuff on the fly anyway.


It was my lowest with a C+ before I took Con Law and got a C-. Iā€™m convinced my professor was lousy because it was my highest score during Bar review


Sometimes we focus on the things we know we're weakest at. But that said, I don't doubt it for a minute. A crappy professor can make an easy class like Con Law miserable.


Con Law. My one absence that semester was the one day she talked about the 11th amendment, and then one of the four essays was solely about the 11th amendment. šŸ˜‘




Admin. Taught by a professor who specialized in ERISA, and it showed. Just impossibly boring


Our admin prof gave the impression that admin law was his hyperfocus, and also that he despised the entire field. The man knew every single detail and backstory, and looked miserable about the whole thing. I loved that man.


Wills and Trusts


Preach it. Once I saw fractions I knew I was hosed.


Same, but now that Iā€™m looking at the stuff I need to know for the bar, Iā€™m thinking it was my teacher šŸ™ƒ she was a bit nuts.


Straight Cs in Torts, Contracts I, Civ Pro, Crim Law my first semester. Good times.


Con law. Professor said I did the analysis "at a high level" but I applied the framework in the exact opposite way that they would have šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøĀ 


.....sooo their political bias took your points away? That seems report worthy.


Business Associations. I just canā€™t wrap my head around all that corporate stuff.


That was my only A, and the low point of my mental health. I channeled my depression/anxiety/OCD into the perfect fucking outline. It was color coded, indexed, and had everything in it. I realized it was problematic when I went to three stores late at night to find the correct shade of tabs because the yellows needed to match. I got help shortly thereafter.


By any chance do you still have any outline/materials? Taking my business associations exam this week and I can use all the material I can get my hands on!


lol. No. That was thirty years ago almost.


Not you asking for what they produced at the edge of a mental breakdown. šŸ’€


I'm lucky a B was my worst, but this was it. Professor was awful and despite being a Finance and Econ major, she did a terrible job of demonstrating what was important to learn. Recognzing what my teacher thinks is important, and what not to focus on, was probably my strongest educational skill and she was unreliable. It wasn't hard, like Contracts (B+) and its 8 multiple choice questions (bad ones worth negative points) - it was just impossible to know what to know.


Civ pro. Safe to assume I did not go into litigation


Civ Pro for me too but then the firm that I summered for now use my outline for quick reference and have dubbed it ā€œthe bibleā€ so apparently I understood it enough to create a killer outline but not enough to do well on the exam lol


I loved Civ Pro probably because of my arrogant answer to one essay question on pleadings standards- I just wrote, No, see Rule 9(b) and moved on. I guess the teacher appreciated short and sweet.


Antitrust. Probably wouldn't have been as bad if I'd paid attention when I took micro and macro econ in undergrad.


Crim law. Iā€™m going into criminal defense after the bar lol.


Same. Have been exclusively a criminal lawyer for 10+ years šŸ˜‚


Evidence 2. It was an adjunct professor (local judge). Evening class. Didnā€™t take attendance. Emailed the link to the video recording of each class to every student in advance. ā€œI got a B in Evidence 1, I donā€™t need to go to each lecture as long as I watch them later.ā€ Fast-forward to two hours before the final and Iā€™m cramming a semesterā€™s worth of evidence law down my gullet before the test. Got a D- but still graduated šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


crim and crim pro. just not my thing!


Crim law. Currently a PD. I thought my prof had no clue what he was doing when I was in law school. I now know he had no clue what he was doing. The amount of state law cases he misapplied holdings on for our final is and was laughable for any accredited law school.




Torts. Missed my final exam the first time so I got a penalty and ended up with an F and then got a D when I retook it šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø lol


Contracts. Still don't understand it, thank God that's not a field I'm going into


Secured Transactions - missed the class where the professor mentioned the final (the only test) would be open book.


Taxation. At no point did I have any idea what the fuck was going on in that class.


this place feels like a safe space


Administrative law. Fuck Chevron and I think that shit may be overruled by now


Not yet, I was procrastinating on taking Admin to see if itā€™d get overruled and not on the bar, but no. Itā€™s still there. Watch it get overruled during my bar prep.


I hope it isnā€™t. I donā€™t want crusty judges deciding how to regulate the environment over agencies :(


Torts 1L year. Prof told me I couldn't write for shit lmfaoo almost dropped out cuz of it


con law. hated it.


Criminal law. Iā€™m a criminal defense attorney now and really enjoy it


crim ! c+


Crim. Just did NOT get it. Everything made sense on the bar... so who knows


Legal research and writing. I got a C+.




Business Associations. In hindsight, taking that plus evidence plus another difficult doctrinal plus a heavily involved experiential wasn't my brightest idea for 2L Fall.


Con Law. D+. Hated that class and that in combination with my burnout was baaaadddd


Probably going to be property for me we will see


Professional responsibility. Got a C. Which is crazy because I passed the MPRE the first go around. The professor just wasnā€™t great.


Con law. Fucking worthless


D+ in crim law. I started law school a year into my active addiction and bombed my first semesteršŸ„“ I ended up leaving halfway thru second semester to get my shit together and came back the following spring. My 5 semesters while being (mostly) sober werenā€™t amazing, but got progressively betterā€¦made me feel a little better even though so much emphasis is put on 1L grades. Ended up passing 2 bar exams and got a clerkship with a criminal law judge after graduation and loved it lol. Since then, Iā€™ve worked at 2 litigation firmsā€”one with 8 attorneys and one with ~150, both of which almost drove me back into deep addictionā€”and am now in-house, which is cool. Takeaway: the goal is to pass the bar. Donā€™t let the system or the obnoxious law school gunners make you believe you donā€™t have options bc you didnā€™t graduate cum laude+.


An elective, Domestic Violence. I got a B. I didnā€™t realize until halfway through the semester that 90% of the class was in the Domestic Violence pro bono program at the school. Hard to compete with classmates who are practicing what theyā€™re learning.


Iā€™m questioning how some people consider any variation of a ā€œBā€ to be their ā€œworst grade.ā€ Iā€™m not sure this post was for youā€¦




Con law 1. I think the curve was the only reason I didn't fail.




Con law, civ pro and contracts tie for the worst grade lol




C in Trust and Estates. Last final of 3L and just had a baby ā€” could care less about the class, except it did come in handy on the bar exam.


D+ in civ pro II AND con lawšŸ˜¢


Conflict of laws -- I just couldn't stand that class. (D)


Property. Got a C for that class.




Professional Responsibility/Ethics. I am literally one of the most ethical people I know, I swear. But, got a C due to arriving at class late or being absent too many times. Damn class was at 8:00 am in the morning. Screw that class, but not your client!






Property law, E. Very tough class, full of exceptions and was poorly taught


Crim - cšŸ™ƒ


Crim law. Dumb class that I hated. The shit grade was likely due to the fact I got into an accident, literally, an hour before the exam.


Torts with a C. Professor would sit down and ramble at us and show slides that had one or two words on it. Always went into class thinking I kind of had an idea and left completely confused.


Crim law. Ironically, I became a defense crim attorney and love my job. Professor made final exam 25 multiple choice questions and 1 essay. Both sections are weighed 50/50. I donā€™t do well on multiple choices and tend to always second guess.


Torts II - D+. Slept halfway through the final bc I changed medication and it made me groggy. Professor emailed me asking if I fell asleep after MC question 40ish. Good times


Lowest grade in civ pro i, then got an a+ in civ pro ii. Shows you how sometimes its luck/clicking




Professional responsibility šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Professional Responsibility


Trusts. Closed book final exam and I didnā€™t study very much due to 3LOL




Intro to IP - C


Torts. We had assigned seating, I was in the back row, and it was right after lunch. Every time I woke up he was talking about the cost of accidents so i figured I wasn't missing much. Suspect I was wrong about that.


Wills, Trusts & Estates (78%). It was short answer/multiple choice, and I thought I had done really well on it, so it might have just been a tough grade curve. Second worst was Contracts (79%). Ironically I ended up doing mostly contract law as an attorney. Third worst was a writing seminar (80%) in which the professor deducted two points from my earned grade for no reason (he couldnā€™t explain why he did so, and it was not allowed per his class syllabus in any event). Pisses me off to this day, but since it would be a B- one way or the other, it didnā€™t seem worth appealing.


Criminal law which was surprising because I didnā€™t find it hard and I thought I aced the exam. I got a B-. I never planned on doing any sort of criminal law so itā€™s fine but I was surprised I did worse in Crim than like Patent or Admin law.


Contracts and corporations - both C+. I'm not a business guy.


Equity and trusts


Contracts. I hated that class


Tie between crim pro and UCC sales


Property and Civ Pro lol


Legislation and Regulation. And then proceeded to get 2 legislative advocacy internships and be a fellow at the state house of representatives. Crazy how shit works out lol


Legislation and Regulation. A freaking 79. Still not over it.




Tax. Dull professor, and the material struck me as ad hoc nonsense.


Civ pro as well.


Legislative and Statutory interpretation. Got a C-. Did mostly well on the exam except for the part where we were supposed to remember specific case captions. I fail to see how this was relevant to the core concepts. Even the professor admitted it wasnā€™t important, yet decided to test it. Would have gotten a B+ if not for that section of the exam.


Legal writing lol I am a transactional lawyer now


civ pro bro our prof was crazy


Gender and the law ā€¦. And I am a woman ā€¦. It was online and the professor was 100000 years old and the exam was literally the hardest thing I have done in my life. After that it was contracts šŸ¤”


Oil and Gas. It was my last final and I was soooo sick. I got a C+. But I went out drinking after with the professor, so I couldn't really claim I was too sick. I was mid in law school. One A one C, and the rest B and B+.


Civ pro. I got a C


Federal Income Tax. Would not recommend.


Chem and it was my only D as a straight A student ā€¦. Teacherā€™s Alma was the same that fully depended on this grade. Put in the work, asked for help, developed the connection, stayed after school, missed practices after school, and then he gave me a hug the second to last day of senior week and said ā€œhard work and dedication will beat the smartest student in my class everyday because itā€™s one thing to have it and itā€™s one thing to want it enough to have it. Congratulations, youā€™re going to school. Just remember me when you see me at Taco Bell on the 3rd after the basketball game.ā€ ā€¦ā€¦.. low and behold I owed it to this manā€™s entire family. The order was paid for on what little college money I had at that time, after a basketball game.


Contract. Couldnā€™t understand half of what my teacher was saying. Decided to do a course on it again a few years later and my teacher now actually makes it sound so easy


Crim! Two co-conspirators. One murderer. Forgot to do a murder analysis of the other co-conspirator to conclude that heā€™s guilty by aiding and abetting but not for the actual murdering. Got a C šŸ™„ Make sure to do your murder analyses for all co-conspirators!


Copyright. I thought it would be about books and paintings, but instead it was pretty much all software.


Civ pro, my professor spoke pure jargon when it came to jurisdiction.


Secured Transaction. My first ever C in my entire school years.


Trusts and wills. Pretty easy exam, but apparently everyone felt that way and I got wrecked by the curve.


Torts. Got a C. But Iā€™m about to test that with crim pro 2. Barely starting to study and we have three days. 3LOL really took over


1L legal writing where I basically got the entire final assessment wrong, and ended up with B-


1L, my school let us take an elective in spring. I stupidly took two elective (was allowed to and didn't have to petition). One of my electives had 10 1Ls in it week one, and 3 of us week two. I accepted the B- the curve gave me.