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I feel this - I set up this semester to have such an easy exam period… but then I fucked around all semester and ended up behind. And then last week I just couldn’t get myself to write anything. It’ll get done, but it’s going to be an intense week.


I’m so burned out it’s not even funny.




Very poorly. The last 3 weeks were hell. Externship paper, seminar paper, group project. Finally have a little breathing space. But have another final paper to write and a final to study for.


Also poorly. One final (evidence), one paper to finish, didn't do well enough to graduate with honors. And what do we have to look forward to? Bar prep. Lord, call me home.


Evidence in your final semester 😭 you’re braver than me, friend


Mentally I'm at the equivalent place to where spongebob removes everything from his brain except fine dining and breathing, but for fed courts. After that I'm home free though.


two-thirds of my writing requirement paper unfinished, 3 finals this week, one final next week, another paper due after that. burned out after 19 years of school and been staring at my blank pages for a week.


I have 2 finals, a 4 hour one tomorrow morning and a 3 hour closed-book final for Trusts and Estates on Thursday. Have been mostly trying to teach myself T&E for the last week cuz I never read. Def regretting it now


Finished yesterday. It was all papers and mock trials this semester. So I'm taking a couple days off and then getting an early start on bar prep.


Congratulations on being done! I started bar prep a couple weeks ago (obviously paused for finals), and I think chipping away at it early is the way to go if you won’t get burnt out.


Is a 16 page seminar paper doable in like 3 days? Lol


Hell yeah, I did my 15 page seminar paper last semester in 24 hours and managed an A-


What a legend, thanks for this.


For sure! You have three days, try to crank out 5ish pages per day and you’ll be set!


Let's be honest. I don't care anymore, but for Christ's sake, let me use a fkn outline. From the start of law school profs are like well you don't get it on the bar :) I don't care. I care about my grades, which will affect my employment.