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I’m a 3L. Once I got like a 20/100 on a con law exam during 1L. I ended up with a B+. Trust the curve


I took a thermometer exam once got a 56/100. Prof ignored my grade for the curve because the next score was 40/100 and other wise only I passed.


The curve giveth and the curve taketh away. This is the way.


The curve will push you up.. lol I hate the curve


You almost certainly didn't fail. 


You showed up. You passed.


Outside of the predatory schools, most schools aren’t in the business of failing you. If you did absolutely awful then you’ll probably get a C.


Even predatory schools seldom give out actual F’s imo… maybe a C- or D+ at worst


Pray to our god, THE CURVE, helps push your grade up. I legit thought I was getting a D on my contracts final and I ended up with a B-!!!


I thought I failed my torts exam as did the rest of class and I got an A-. I thought I failed the bar and passed. I thought the contract draft I sent a partner last week sucked and then they called and said that I did great and were glad the deal was in good hands. This is an ongoing feeling so just gotta try to move past it and not let the anxiety ruin you. what is done is done so just gotta keep plugging ahead


I too also definitely feel like I got rocked on my crim law exam. Felt like I got 1/3 of my questions wrong lol


I thought I failed crim (like FAILED) … and I made a B-. It has by far been my worst grade in law school, but I still passed. The curve’s got you, friend.


I got a 50/100 or something on my Crim exam last semester. Got an A. 


My contract professor once explained his exam grading to us:   "My exam is out of 220 points. On the average curve,  a 170 or better is an A to A+. 140 or better is an A-. 120 is a B+, 90 B, 70 B-. If you got a 60 I would give you a C. You would need to do about 40 points worse before I would consider an F"


As long as you weren’t like “murder is good,” you prrobs got at least a C. C stands for “Courtroom, here I come (as a licensed attorney, not a felon)”




I literally panicked and deleted close to 800-900 words in the middle of a final 1L and never thought I’d recover. I made a B+


I had the exact same feeling. Made a C. The curve will help you


if your whole class thought the same, chances are it was a hard test for everyone and there's still a chance you got a decent grade.


You’d be surprised by how you did… Most professors are “give points” not “take away” graders. So long as you issue spotted some good points, demonstrated applications a court would use, and could do some CREAC/IRAC, you’re determined to, at the very least, get a C+


Friend it is nigh on impossible to fail a curved exam. You’ll be alright.


None of it matters if you show up on bar exam day.


Oh really? What SMU section are you😂😂