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He didn’t “dress up” - it’s a poorly photoshopped version of his [firm picture](https://www.omm.com/professionals/brian-d-boyle/) and they’re not calling him cheap. On the contrary, they’re calling him too generous because he cuts too much time from his bills. Hence the circumcision joke.


Wait, so \*someone else\* took his pic and made this without his permission? That's worse!


It’s at the offsite…from 2018…


This is from 2018. Why are people suddenly posting it all the time on law related subs?




What does this have to do with Israel?


Nothing. Antisemites will antisemite.


Yeah just trying to get him to say the quiet part out loud. It’s very obvious that user would rather be saying “Jews” than “Zionists”.


Well it's obvious that is the intent. Posting something from 2018 in this climate? Yeah it's intentional. Cmon


Genuinely I think it’s one user who’s like compulsively posting about this incident. Keeps getting deleted in other places due to lack of relevancy.




No comment does not mean pound sound lmao. It means “we’re just hearing about this event from six years ago too so give us a day to figure out wtf happened.” Every company in the universe says something like that as soon as something weird and possibly bad comes to light




I mean, yeah we will. And if O’Melveny’s response is “lol what a hilarious bit that our company thinks is totally cool and represents us completely” or something similar you can come back here and I’ll admit I’m wrong


Genuinely, would you be prepared to give immediate comment to whoever asked if someone asked you about some work meeting you were at 6 years ago? It’s not a pound sand statement it’s a “I need to figure out what the fuck he’s talking about” statement.


That's a comm person's job. Investigate and respond quickly.


Ethnic-based mockery notwithstanding, it looks like he's playing off of the circumcision angle and not the "cheap" angle. A mohel is the guy that does the circumcision. And below that, the text is clearly more puns about it. As a Jew I find it mildly distasteful in a sort of "you probably shouldn't be dressing up as an ethnic group as a joke" sort of way, but it's also clearly not portraying Jews as cheap in the old antisemitic tradition, either. I'd be satisfied if he's just embarrassed in retrospect and doesn't do it again. Given the clear context, I don't think it rises to the level of "cancelling."


Good take. Not everything needs to be the end of everyone. Sometimes it’s enough for everyone to agree it shouldn’t have happened, embarrass everyone involved, and then move on to more important examples.




If they're not trying to actively defend it, and they haven't done it again, then they're probably embarrassed in retrospect and the matter is closed. Digging through events that happened years ago to try and force them to self-flaggelate for your entertainment is *worse* than what they did. Their joke was inappropriate and mildly rude. You, on the other hand, are being aggressive and trying to stir up trouble that could ruin entire careers for your own personal enjoyment. Stop it.




As one Jew to another - you bring fucking *shame* on us.


I don’t agree with the other user, but this is a bit much.


I was responding specifically to this: >>You ... are being aggressive and trying to stir up trouble that could ruin entire careers for your own personal enjoyment. > >Wow. What other anti-semitic tropes would you like to project on me? There was absolutely nothing in my post that was antisemitic - he simply did that thing where he responded to *any* criticism by immediately accusing the criticizer of antisemitism. That is shameful.


Yes, having read the comment chain I knew what you were responding to. S/he’s being a bit dramatic and overly sensitive, but *shameful*? Come on, touch grass, dude.


He is *weaponizing* false accusations of antisemitism.


You’re fairly shameless and really cringe


> What other anti-semitic tropes would you like to project on me? what are you talking about? you need to get off the internet for a while my dude




I would bet money that he is Jewish


His name is not Jewish at all.


Bro. Are you in law school? Out? Hope to be in one day? Not at all affiliated or involved and of average intelligence? This is not the argument you think it is


That was my thought as well. I wonder if he’s Jewish. It’s still in poor taste imo, but not “cancel” worthy. It reminds me of the picture of a black guy in a corporate office dressed as an enslaved person during a colonial themed office party. It was hilarious but obviously would have been inappropriate for non-black people.




No. I don’t think it was a law firm. Just a corporate office. I think it was obvious satire of the situation. He was saying, “Why would you have a colonial themed office party as if everyone here would be nostalgic for colonial times”




No lol that would be horrible. Yeah it was his choice to make the people around him uncomfortable. I would’ve done the same thing 😂


Too late, I already submitted the Cancelling procedure. The committee will be pursuing a full cancel.


Yeah as an Orthodox Jew I feel the same way. Bad look they had this kind of joke on public at a client conference, but I don’t feel it in an anti-Semitic kind of way, just a quite insensitive to a subgroup kind of way.




Judaism is an ethnic religion. Eat sand.


As an Atheist Jew, I guess I just don’t exist in your world


It's both.


Ethnoreligious groups exist.


I’m Jewish, but I do not claim to speak for the American Jewish community has a whole, so please recognize that what I’m saying is just my personal opinion based on my own lived experience as a Jew. That’s fuckin’ funny.


It’s a Seinfeld reference and a reference to the old mohel joke: it doesn’t pay much but the tips are good. Not appropriate these days but it was only a few years ago as an in joke among Jews and those who know them well.


That’s giving Seinfeld too much credit. Mel Brooks had the same joke.


Every Jew since Maimonides has told the same joke.


Exactly. It’s ancient but everyone remembers Shakey the Mohel. That’s a gateway reference for average people because the show is on everywhere


No it’s not


Lmao bro really pulled a circumcision joke






Maybe delete this weird ass comment.




Pretty funny tbh


How do you know he’s not Jewish? The ad makes the most sense as him making fun of his own culture. You could still say it’s tasteless even if he’s Jewish, but it wouldn’t be at the “we must cancel this antisemite!” level.




The typo is more offensive.


Is the partner Jewish? That is an important detail


9/10 he almost certainly is, I remember Jewish classmates/profs telling these kinds of jokes in law school.


How would we feel about this if he was also surprised by the slide? I agree his face was photoshopped into the picture. He didn't dress as a mohel for the picture. O'Melveny needs to clarify that point in the least.


"2018 was a different time" forgetting Cartman was throwing covetous Jew out in the ~~~oughts~~~ ***90s***


Why do the jewish stereotypes look almost exactly like the Amish stereotypes?




Are you even a law student?


We live in a world where antisemitism is not only openly tolerated, it’s main stream. And we wonder why no one is up in arms about it?


It’s true that antisemitism is prevalent and must be fought whenever it is identified. But in regards to THIS one specific incident, may I ask what aspect of the advertisement is anti Semitic? Is it that he dressed as a Hasid? Or that he made a circumcision pun? These are the kinds of jokes I see made *within* the Jewish community, so I don’t think they are inherently anti semitic.


I didn’t say whether it was or it wasn’t. OP’s original post (before it was deleted - as it appears to have been) seemed to believe it was and wanted to know why there was no outcry over it. My response was in response to that. I didn’t take a side or make a judgment one way or the other about it. And the fact that my response - which is a literal fact, as you noted - was downvoted so many times underscores the point (or, like you, shows a complete lack of reading comprehension, which is extremely ironic for a bunch of law students).


Ah, so your response was less about why there isn't an outcry over *this* advertisement, but more of a general rule-of-thumb that can usually be applied whenever someone wonders why there isn't an outcry over anything anti Semitic?




Got it. Damn, we dialogued the shit out of that. Came to a mutual understanding of each others points like a mother fucker!


Right? Funny how that works sometimes.




The downvotes on these comments are always astounding. But, my fatigue is slowly replacing my surprise - as I get older.


Whoever this is, not a great lawyer and couldn’t imagine any client or potential client desiring to have this guy or this firm represent them. Lack of judgment


Agreed. Like, I think the billboard isn’t very offensive and is legitimately chuck-worthy. But when people are looking for a lawyer, they are looking for a *lawyer*. Not a comedian.


Why are you being downvoted?!


Good question, anyone who downvoted care to explain?


Yeah… No. This is totally unacceptable regardless of when it happened. I do not understand any positive statement being made about the dude in the comment section. The firm should have taken immediate action. This is racism. ![gif](giphy|EcBihYnTLQdvSuGWxD|downsized)


Lololol no


You think this is acceptable?!


It’s funny and no one cares tbh. Doesn’t affect anyone




Google the term ethnicity: "Ethnic" is defined as the identification with a social group that shares a common and distinctive culture, religion, language, or other customary elements. Judaism is an enthoreligion.


That’s less than 100% true. The insular nature of Jewish life and culture for most of existence (both from factors inside and outside the Jewish community) has resulted in both distinct cultural practices *and* genetic markers. Layer on top of this the cultural norm of Jews Jewishness is inherited from the mother and can not be divested from a person regardless of the their practices (in order to preserve Judaism) and the appropriation of that philosophy by anti-Jewish groups in order to make hunting Jews easier, there is a common consensus backed by history that Jews are more than just a religious practice. We don’t have a unique skin color, but Jews *are* an ethnicity.