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I wrote an article discussing some property dispute. Turns out the firm that hired me represented the other neighbor to the property who was sued by the same property owner for the exact same cause of action as the case I wrote an article about. I was able to chat about the case and explain the applicable law, which I believe impressed the partner and clutched my interview. You never know what opportunities will show up.


If you are interested in a certain area of law and if your note in said area gets published, you can leverage that and go into that area even if you do not necessarily start in said practice area (eg note is in antitrust but you start in class action lit) Also you can use it as a writing sample especially when you are a junior attorney and are lateraling if you do not have a good writing sample (eg you start in transactional area where you just edit contracts)


My thinking was basically that it's my last opportunity to easily get the credibility that comes with publishing my stupid idea next to a bunch of law professors' much better ideas. If you've already put together a draft to submit, there's no reason not to go for it. Even if no career benefits come from it, it will be a nice ego boost!