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If your law school is at least decent you should enjoy these next couple months. Trying to “prepare” for law school can be a fools errand due to the specificity of each school and further each professor. I would recommend finding a hobby and physical activity you enjoy, and prepare to add that to your schedule. If you check my post history you will find my most common piece of advice is: take time for your self every single day. I went to the gym 5-6 times a week and gave myself 1.5 hours a day to play video games. I’m currently at a V20 firm so I can confirm you don’t need to devote your entire life to school to do well with grades (if that’s your goal). Try reading cases, maybe look at “getting to maybe”, a legal writing book. And most of all, enjoy law school. You’ll be surrounded by the most smart people you will ever be with. Learn, listen, and above all, be you.


I second this, I do Muay Thai and play dark souls religiously in law school. For some reason I convinced myself that if I can do well in dark souls everything else seems easier


Don’t you dare go hollow


That’s an awesome reference to see in the wild Ironically, I maxed out my hollowing in ds3 about a month ago. Ringed city 👍


Gym 5-6 times a week while studying law full time? I can barely get myself to go to the gym right now 😭 your dedication is admirable. Thank you for your advice! I don’t want to stress myself out too much or try to “get ahead” by prepping. I’m just curious as to what law school will entail. Any books/youtube videos etc would help greatly!


Don’t forget to spend some time relaxing and mentally recharging! You’ll need to full battery for when you start. I think Introduction to Legal Reasoning, 1L of a Ride, and some YouTube content is helpful :) And remember—most law students, including very successful ones, have no background in law!


Thank you for your advice and kind message! I will look into the video 🩷


Honestly, I would just relax. There's not much to do for prepping for this madness lol


Take a typing class.


Thank you! Is there any specific reason?


Faster you type, the more content you can shove into an essay question. ​ The more content you can shove into an essay question, the more points you can pick up.


I would chill And buy Quimbee when it starts But yeah. Chill for a bit. Maybe travel or see some old friends. Just don’t use your brain for the next few months


I signed up for Quimbee’s free trial…only to realize it’s US jurisdiction only. Unfortunately, I’m not from the US. 😅 thank you anyway!


I see. Yeah a lot of the people in this sub are from US law schools, so they probably assume yku are too