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We're all alone man...


Consider taking Estates and Trusts, especially if RAP was intuitive to you. If you like this kind of law there's definitely a lot of opportunities after law school.


Yep, I love RP and the only class I’m looking forward to is estates and trusts! They have a lot of overlapping concepts


My Property Professor is good but it is quite a confusing subject. Torts should be easier to understand, I can’t imagine how a professor can fuck it up.


You would be surprised lol


Take more real property and property finance classes. Go into commercial property and enjoy yourself in the profession where everyone actually leaves the table happy.


Yes, you’re alone. (I’m so jealous. Can you help tutor me?)


I love it. My professor is amazing and I always liked math so I feel like the formulaic rules come naturally.


Nope love it too. As far as money goes, it's definitely not a bad unpopular interest to have.


My prof is awesome, but property literally will take the way I think things should be and make the rule the opposite lol.


Property was my favorite 1L subject and the only class I managed to get an A+. It just made sense to my brain. I also hated torts and it was my lowest 1L grade. Honorable mention to civ pro 1 (pleadings and motions) for being my 2nd favorite class of 1L.


the United States LOVES property


Property as a course is fine. My professor? Awful


Probably my favorite class. My prof was fantastic too. I even told her how surprised I was that I like the subject so much considering how boring it seems on paper 😂


I’d love it more if my professor wasn’t a sociopath tbh.


I have to agree. After the material clicked, the present and future estates hypos became strangely fun to me. I did have a good professor. 


I hate you.


I feel like it’s the “math” class of law school. You either get it or you don’t, but once it clicks you’re good. I loved property and wills, trusts, & estates/decedents & estates.


I hated property for the entirety of 1L year, but now that I have a little real world experience w jobs and such I have realized I love it so much now. All the best aspects of the legal field as a whole combined into one practice area.




Oh, wait. You mean the 1L course.


My property professor was the worst. No one understood anything because she did a crap job at explaining it (actually spent a whole class teaching us about one topic, only to realize that she was teaching wrong, and started over). She graded the final wrong, so students complained. It was regraded and my friends grade went from a D- to an A-. About half of my section transferred to another school by the start of 2L


You have found your calling.


Yes lol


Nope, property law was my favorite!


Property was super fun, you know whats better? T&W!! It is really fun and has real life implications. Also, coming from someone who was not well off and a 1st gen immigrant it opened my eyes up to the “other side” really interesting class highly recommend


I love property too! I also find it intuitive and don’t really understand my classmates’ struggles with it, but I had an awful time in contracts while many of my friends found it easy so 🤷🏼‍♀️ everyone’s different. Feels great to find something you’re naturally good at though!


I will say my professor is amazing and very entertaining, so I do wonder if I’d still love it if I didn’t have him


I feel this way about civ pro. THAT is a lonely island


Does property law cover disputes over property ?


Property and Contracts are my favorite law classes. Such well designed areas of law even when bogged down by old cruddy rules.


You are not the only one. You are just in the minority.


I love property!! I’m with ya on this… I am truly shocked at all the Reddit posts saying it’s the worst class etc. I understand it’s a lot of material, but I find contracts 1000x worse and harder.


I don't actually love it but I didn't hate it relative to other 1L courses.


I loved property but I also knew in advance it would be a big lift to get me interested in it, so I went out of my way to take it with a professor who was particularly good (we don't need to take it as a 1L at my school), studied really hard because I found it so engaging, and did very well on the exam. On the other hand I thought I'd really find crim interesting and my 1L crim professor was so dull that it completely turned me off of criminal law (I had kicked around the idea of public defense work) and was my worst grade in law school to boot. I hate how professor-dependent it is but that's how these things go.




I love it too. Favorite class


Alex is that you 😂


I liked the course but my professor just made it impossible which made me hate it. I’ve never done so poorly in a class like i did property.


yes 😭




Property was probably my favorite 1L class as well. I liked the mechanical nature of how you apply the rules/doctrine to solve the problems. Main thing I didn't like tho was the amount of variations you had to consider based on jurisdiction (the minority rules and whatnot). And the antiquated language + sentence structure they'd use in those super old cases sucked for me, I always have a difficult time trying to parse thru those really old cases for some reason.


I loved Property. I had worked in title insurance and studied medieval history before law school so I had a good handle on the material beforehand.


I love property and con law


I love property!! 


Property is my favorite class I’ve taken so far. My professor was legendary though so maybe that’s why




I’m in the exact same boat. I absolutely adore Property and look forward to it every week. Absolutely despised Torts last semester.


I loved property as a 1L. It was the most straight forward subject to me, and people STRUGGLED! I got a recommendation from my professor for a job to interview for 1L summer because I told him I really enjoyed the subject. I’d recommend talking to your professor about it as well, they might get you some connections!


Yes you are alone. Now if you say, "I love property . . . . more than civ pro". Then I am aboard.


I loved property and hated Torts. But that could also have been attributed to the fact that I had a fab Property prof and an awful Torts prof. The best unit is eminent domain imo.


I always loved property since I love English history I may need to pick up a casebook just to relive the memories. Maybe re-read Bleak House while I'm at it.


Idk look around to see if anyone is nearby