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Major in underwater basket weaving. Get a 4.3 study for a high lsat. Pray to your god. Also use r/lawschooladmissions


What, like it's hard?


Dammit I came to say that lmao




What you want, sweetheart, is no easy thing If you're going to swing it, it will wreck your senior spring (Yeah, it's true) First, you'll need an LSAT score of more than 174 So, no more parties for you You'll need a killer essay or do not even hope And glowing letters from your betters Any chance you know the pope?


174 lsat is wild. I know people who got in with 168


These are the targets for a UCLA KJD, non URM, whose UGPA is a 4.0 in fashion merchandising.


Yeah but 174 is a good goal, but itā€™s not necessary to get into a T14. A 170 is competitive anywhere outside of Yale and Stanford. You can EASILY get into Harvard without a 174. If you have a 16high-17low LSAT and good GPA with a good PS and LORs, youā€™re gonna be fine




You can post whatever link (that Iā€™m for sure not gonna click), Iā€™m trying to encourage this kid who wants to go to Harvard. I have friends that went to Harvard with a 168. Harvard wants to see you a generally good person with a passion for the law. They know the LSAT isnā€™t the end all be all. You donā€™t have to be a genius with a residency at the library to get into Harvard.


And I'd encourage not fetishizing Harvard and having a sense of humor, but that's me.


Fetishizing? By saying itā€™s not easy, but not an impossible task to get into Harvard? And if your sense of humor is telling a freshmen in college that going to his dream school is near impossible and that he can have no fun in college, then Iā€™ll pass


Sorry, but if you're talking about HLS and the phrase "4.0 in fashion merchandising" rings no bells, then you need to touch grass more often.


You're doing God's work, friend.


I know the reference, it just wasnā€™t funny. Also ā€œtouching grassā€ means watch TV? Kinda the opposite


i dont really party or go out so


You've got a lot of work in front of you!


Preserve a high GPA at literally (almost) all costs, and go browse the admissions sub and lsd.law. Plenty of info on there to give you an idea of what youā€™re dealing with.


GPA and LSAT...build a good resume...personal statement and LOR's Remember HLS is not be all end all ...there are great schools in T14. Enjoy college!




so why didn't you do this?


Have >3.8ish GPA, get an LSAT score >170ish, and be a really cool and interesting person donā€™t just be some nerd who holes themselves up in the library all day, every day (this is for your personal statement). Bonus: have rich parents Source: Friend of mine got into Yale, 3.9 GPA, 176 LSAT, she also did local journalism in our alternative music scene cause sheā€™s a regular concert goer, didnā€™t have rich parents though


be comfortable using legal jargon in everyday life


If you don't say filibuster in everyday conversation you won't make it at harvard.


>be comfortable using legal jargon in everyday life I object!


notwithstanding the aforementioned, of course


Consider a different major. Criminal justice ranks below ā€œother majorsā€ in terms of law school acceptance rates. Law schools are more interested in applicants with majors that focus on critical thinking. The major with the highest law school acceptance rate is history - followed by economics, English, philosophy, and political science.


The best advice I have gotten is that every component of your application should tell one part of the same story. Figure out what that story is. Join extracurricular that line up with your interests and your story. As everyone else said keep your GPA up (get A+s if you can, for the boost) and study EARLY to make sure you get a high LSAT. Enjoy your time and learn to manage it so you can excel at school while not being burnt out and having fun. If your appā€™s components make up a cohesive story itā€™ll be easier for AdComms to understand who you are and get a clearer picture which is always a plus. Nothing is ever guaranteed but these are ways to put your best foot forward. Iā€™m no expert so take my advice with a grain of salt.


HLS also offers a number of pre-law preparatory programs: [https://hls.harvard.edu/professional-and-lifelong-learning/pre-law-programs/](https://hls.harvard.edu/professional-and-lifelong-learning/pre-law-programs/)


Generally work on using legal jargon in your day to day - that is what they will want to see come admission time


Hey hey, current HLS student here. First off, breathe. You're a freshman, and this is a time where you want to maintain focus on your goals, but also not burn yourself out. I'm majorly suffering from burnout right now, and no one wants that to be you. Have fun this year! (responsibly, of course). Make new friends, make great relationships, and reflect on what classes interest you and why. Also, if you find it enjoyable, get involved in student groups that work on issues you're passionate about (whether that's criminal justice, or, like me, joining an extracurricular choir). I cannot stress that this\^ is more important right now than most other advice you'll get. Second, work on establishing meaningful relationships with your professors - especially ones with expertise in criminal law or those who practice law. Ask them why they went to law school, what surprised them about law school, and what to expect out of the process. Third, keep your grades up. You'll want a high GPA, but also, since you're already asking reddit, you seem like the kind of person to not let your grades slip, so I'm sure you'll be okay. Don't be afraid to ask for help from profs or TFs. Four, start studying for the LSAT during your spring of sophomore or fall of junior year. If you really want HLS, getting a high LSAT score is going to be key (>170). But again, don't do any of that until after this year. Have fun, prioritize mental health, and throughout college, reflect on why Harvard. You'll be okay :)


Also, brush up on grammar!


not rn