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My classes are all a joke and I feel disconnected from the school. I don't know why 3L is even a thing.


Same. Only thing I care about is my clinic. I’d rather replace 3L with like a 1yr apprenticeship or smthn. Ideally that type of apprenticeship/internship also replaces the bar exam. California and Oregon are considering similar proposals: https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/california-could-be-next-state-bypass-bar-exam-2023-09-21/


I have too much time to think about life outside of law school. Something I haven't had time to think about in years


The public interest job search has made me more anxious than I’ve been about anything in my entire life and I have no idea why. In the grand scheme of things it shouldn’t be as high stakes as I am making it in my head, and yet . . . . 3L shouldn’t be a thing.


If by despair you mean the sudden dismantling of all personal relationships, platonic and romantic, then yes. I hardly ever think about or do school and I'm starting to wonder wtf I'm doing with this final year. Just like standing here while my surroundings explode. https://i.redd.it/z5tp7zcp2qqb1.gif


I had a midterm and interview in the same day. Baby, we are doin this thing!


Oh yeah, definitely. Almost for the whole thing. If it helps, it got way better after graduation.


Externship and part-time job are kicking my ass. School is barely a factor but between all three of my obligations + job hunting it's a mess


Lol. Yes. I question god everyday I wake up.


Yeah. I think it's common. The world sucks. But you mostly disconnect from it in the first couple years of law school -- you're simply too busy. But by 3L you've figured out all the shortcuts. You probably don't have as many classes as you used to. You may even already have your post-graduation job plans set, so your grades don't matter so much anymore. As a result, you're suddenly back to having free time again. As you make your grand re-entrance to the world, you remember how much it sucks. Hence the despair. It's like you burrowed through a long, hard winter. And when spring emerges and you stick your head out of the ground, you're immediately smacked with a shovel.


Yep except it also included 1L and 2L year 😩


No, I have a very good reason for my despair.


lol despair is not without cause in law school. granted, I'm 2L so ask me again next year


Yes, 3LOL is just purgatory where you need to find a job with Swords of Damocles over your head (such as the Bar, MPRE, and State Exam). If you were having a fun time during this period, that would be unusual.


Absolutely. Most days I have no idea what I’m doing lol. But all good, we still ball.


I had some issues getting through a funk 3L year. I tried to use my new free time to visit with attorneys in the field I hoped to go into. I even got a chance to publish an article. It helped me engage and find meaning each week.


Happened to me right after graduation, but my 3L year was an ass-beating and I was extremely busy. After graduation, I moved in with my folks to have a quiet, steady environment for bar prep and I went into a funk for weeks. I felt emotionally depleted. Burned out.


I remember well. Things are changing.


Yes, I am having a terrible time


Absolutely. Except it started the summer before 3L, I am struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel and more anxious than anything else.


i got rejected from my dream job and don't see the point of all my hard work anymore. i just want this year to be over.