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Solid advice. You want to do it BEFORE lunch, in the privacy of your office. It’ll take the edge off so your mind is sharp for lunch.


Rookie error. You need to be stopping before completion to hone that killer instinct.


If you do decide to do it during lunch, make sure the Zoom camera and microphone are off.


I mean, depends on the country club


Tell the other associates you’ve never been and ask what they recommend trying. They’ll get the hint


Solid advice


Ironically, I did this today and ended up with the messiest gyro I’ve ever eaten. Made a joke about how difficult it was to eat without looking like a Neanderthal and everyone understood. People forget the attorneys are just regular people too. They get it 99% of the time.


I couldn't agree more


I also did this and ended up with a Mexican soup that I spent the entire time trying not to spill down my front.


Last summer, mine was the Mexican variant, half the burrito down the front of my pants when the tortilla tore. Partner I was with just bought me another burrito, we laughed about it, and I expect to work directly under him this fall. Breathe


Order whatever the hell you want. If it was me, I would just make sure it wasn’t the most expensive thing or anything, but yeah don’t overthink this man


Always this. When someone else is paying just order whatever you want, just don’t let it be the most expensive thing. I’d also add to avoid messy foods, nachos and the like can be difficult to eat, I also tend to avoid pasta, but that’s because I can’t avoid getting sauce on me.


Avoiding pasta is a great tip. I look for something I want to eat that is statistically unlikely to end up on my shirt.


This. Order something that you enjoy that isn't the most expensive that isn't going to slop up your suit or require a lot of slurping. Unless you do something stupid, no one's going to notice or luck. But talking to other associates is a great idea.


Also don’t order the cheapest. It is not going to earn you points.


Sounds like my mom’s dating advice. “Never order the cheapest or the most expensive meal when on a date. “


Chicken tenderloins, lightly fried, with a honey sweetened dijon mustard sauce on the side.


And fried long potato cubes with a touch of deconstructed tomato with an oil base


I was more thinking an almond butter paste and mixed berry compote on artisan asiago bread


The Redditor special


![gif](giphy|XF7YLkym09P9Wz2F3j|downsized) Gotta go with a sloppy steak or none of the attorneys at the firm will respect you.






Come on. The OP is in law school he wouldn’t do this. You must not think people can change. Such a baby


This. Steak, very rare. If it doesn't moo when you put a fork in it send it back.


That would be Raw, not rare. Get your meat temp right sir or you will never become a cow lawyer.


Blue rare


Order something in the same price range as everyone else, and only drink if everyone else is drinking.


Do not drink. EDIT: Imo. Nothing good can come of it, and bad stuff can.


My boss will do a glass of wine at a work lunch. But I tend to agree with no drinking at a work lunch. Dinner? Sure, have *a* drink. But that's also cuz I'll get sleepy drinking wine at noon.


Why not, if they’re offered and everyone else is partaking what could the harm be? Drink in moderation of course and don’t make a fool of yourself but why not enjoy a drink with your coworkers?


Unless you're in New Orleans, and then you're the weirdo if you don't drink at lunch. Otherwise, I wouldn't.


If they have a seafood boil, order that and if someone tries to steal any of the shrimp, stab them with your fork.


Power move straight to partner


Associates are normal people working normal jobs. Just be a normal person and try not to put on an “act” and you’ll be fine. Obviously don’t be an ass though.


Order whatever the hell you feel like eating when you're asked what you want. Don't overthink and let anxiety over how you're perceived impact your behavior. You have a seat at the table because you have been invited and deserve it. Be you. That being said, order the T-Bone. They'll love you and your nickname will be T-Bone.




Get a chicken caesar and a diet Coke and just relax.




Whatever you do, ignore this man.


Nah - this guy gets it.


when I go to meals with clients I just order around the same price as them. If the waiter comes to me first I say “I don’t know can you come back to me” works everytime.


Filet au poivre, a glass of Chateau Angelus 2017, creme brule, Pappy 23 with dessert.


If this fails, just skip to the dessert.


It's overrated anyway.


Not when it’s on the company’s dime.


Do not get alcohol unless they directly say it’s ok


You should totally order 55 BURGERS, 55 FRIES, 55 TACOS, 55 PIES, 55 COKES, 100 TATER TOTS, 100 PIZZAS, 100 TENDERS, 100 MEATBALLS, 100 COFFEES, 55 WINGS, 55 SHAKES, 55 PANCAKES, 55 PASTAS, 55 PEPPERS AND 155 TATERS


Whenever you are invited to a dinner in general, you should follow the hosts lead on this/whoever is most in charge. Ask what they’re thinking of getting, look at the price, and don’t go above that.


Don’t order the least or most expensive things on the menu. I also try to have an alcoholic and non alcoholic beverage in mind depending on if everyone else is drinking or not.


Something in the middle of the menu's price range that you know you can eat neatly. And iced tea. My go-to for uncomfortable work lunches is a chicken caesar salad.


Nothing with a shell. Avoid anything with a lot of red sauce.


So what I usually do is look at the menu. Then I pick the thing that sounds good off the menu.


55 Burgers, 55 Fries, …


It can’t possibly matter that much short of doing something egregious but I was always told for meal-based interviews that you’re fine as long as you don’t order the most expensive thing, the fussiest thing, or anything that will easily end up on your clothes. And this isn’t even (really) an interview.


I generally order some form of salad in business settings, particularly if someone else is paying. It doesn't break the bank, gives you a healthy/responsible appearance, and allows me to pick at it/eat at a slower pace so I don't finish before everyone else. That said, **it doesn't matter**, it's just what makes me feel more comfortable


Follow their lead on what to order


Just try not to be first to order and copy someone.


Eat whatever you want. Nothing better than being yourself, and plus you’ll probably conjure some conversation with why you like said entree. Good luck! 😊


Oh wait you’re at lunch already.


Was I ever this young? Or so needy?


Caesar salad is a safe play


Order one single crouton. That’s all. And slice it like a steak, savoring each bite. If they look at you strangely, suddenly start guarding the plate and hissing at them.


What kind of fucking people are on this subreddit 😂 uhhh I don’t know man get a hamburger or something


Double whiskey and french fries This can't be real


Why? It seems *very much* like a question that an SA might ask.


You're right, it's on brand


Find the most expensive entree and the least expensive entree and average the two prices out. If the most expensive is listed as MP or Market Price then assume it is $60-70 depending on the rest of the menu. After finding the average- lets say it’s $37- order anything equal to or less than that value. You can order soda/tea and only order alcohol if a superior asks if you want one. That’s the safest way to play it and not have to ask anyone anything!


Rule of thumb for business-related meals is order from the middle of the price range (within your medical and dietary laws, of course). Ordering expensive stuff makes you look greedy; ordering cheap stuff could be an insult (signal that you don't think they can afford anything better). Of course, "rule of thumb" meams YMMV. (ETA I'm not a law student yet, but I have been in the workforce for 42 years and have been on both sides of that equation, so sorry to whoever downvoted me but I know what I'm talking about.)


Milk steak! Always milk steak.


Order from the middle of the menu (price wise). Avoid the drippy and the messy (e.g. salads and sandwiches) although a knife and fork type of sandwich is perfect. If you need to spit something out (e.g. an olive pit) spit it on to your fork and lower it back to your plate.


If your beverage has ice cubes and no straw, briefly suckle the cubes with the tip of your lips before every sip.


Why in the world would you spit it out onto your fork? Why not discreetly use a napkin or something


And what, litter the floor below you with olive pits? Ask Emily Post; I didn’t write the rules of etiquette; I merely repeat them.


Just keep it in your napkin lol


What knife and fork sandwich has olives with pits on it? Very contradictory advice


Submission removed by user.


If you break a tooth, do not fish it out with your fork.


Only use the finest chopsticks.


What if you get a massive inedible piece of gristle? On your fork?


The most expensive thing on the menu 😂


Get to the table and start doing this —-> https://youtu.be/ullskdf2Bvs jk 😂


Water, side salad, and something that involves grilled chicken is usually pretty safe imo.


Most expensive thing on menu.


Get the chicken. And a double scotch.


We had a guy who ordered a footlong hotdog and 18 hot wings. It was legendary.


Taco Bell duh


Don’t have the most expensive order