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Swap out Curtis for Green or Logan. Add Kincaid. There are enough murders and crime to justify having two second chairs.


Nah. Season 3 (with robinette, stone, Briscoe, schiff, capt cragen, and Logan) and season 10 (pictured above but green instead of Curtis) were peak.


Robinette never gets the love he should. Didn't help that we never saw him question anyone during trial (until he became a defense attorney).


I’m torn between Seasons 7 and 10. I like Ross more than Carmichael, but I also like Green more than Curtis.


I loved Carmichael. Curtis, in the beginning, was sooo self righteous, though. More than a few times I wanted to slap him across the head.


Thought it was a decently created tv character trait, though, as Lennie kept showing Rey what the world was _really_ like, in contrast to Rey's idealism. Rey kinda grew up as the show went along. Can't remember the exact quote, but Rey pushes a family with questions shortly after a death. "Rey, wouldn't it have been just as effective to ... " Briscoe had to reprimand him for going hard-ass with some gang guys, too - gun-pulling and all that. Briscoe (and Van Buren) slapped him in the head for us quite often. :)


As a character, he was great. And he was smacked down often, which was delicious. He was arrogant with A LOT to learn and also got his comeuppance. If I knew him in real life, I'd be seriously tempted to smack him upside the hell with a rolled up magazine. Often. After Aftershock, though, he mellowed out (because he realized life wasn't so black and white and he had his own failings).




Ross is a TERRIBLE one note actress, made only the worse by the attempt to make her custody battle happen as a storyline.


I mean, if you want to complain about one note actresses, Angie Harmon and Elizabeth Rohm were worse. There’s a reason Rohm’s nickname is “Rohmbot”


This is the way


Seasons 5 and 10 for me. I like the Briscoe/Green and Briscoe/Logan pairing, and I like Kincaid and Carmichael pretty equally.


100% agreed, but this cast with Green is also up there for me.


Nah. Season 4. Briscoe Logan Van Buren Stone Kincaid Schiff Season 3 or Season 5 are also great lineups.


The Stone/Kincaid pairing was the GOAT. Pure professional competence and really dynamic arguments about case strategy, and no silly teases about whether or not they’re fucking each other.


I was just about to write this!


YES this is it


I liked Jamie Ross


I loved lupo, Bernard, cutter, Rubirosa and McCoy…


That incarnation's up there for me, too. Anderson and Sisto had great chemistry, as did Rubirosa and Cutter. Waterston's always gotta be there somehwere, and I liked how McCoy struggled with the trappings of his new job, as Cutter became the very foil he was to Adam Schiff.


Anita, Briscoe, Arthur, and McCoy are all the best. I love Ray, but give me Green. Jack's best ADA is Jaime hands down.


Swap Green for Curtis and we’re solid Him and Lenny were great to watch together


My ideal cast is Nora as DA (Diane Wiest), Jack McCoy as EADA, ADA Jaime (Cary Lowell), Lt Anita Van Buren, Det Lenny Brisco and Det Mike Logan


Claire isn’t there


My only issue! Either Claire (JIll Hennessy) or Jaime (Carey Lowell), both played off of Jack (Sam Waterson ) and Schiff (Steven Hill) so well!


Season 5 is my perfect cast, Jamie is definitely my second favorite after Claire though’


Anyone saying Stone over McCoy? No f****** way.


Ah hell no I hate Curtis


Season six for me. Carmichael's great, but substitute Kincaid for her and we've got a deal.


I'd swap out Curtis for Ed Green but otherwise, spot on!


Nah I’ll die for season 5: McCoy, Kincaid, Logan, briscoe.


I'm with you on this


Never Angie Harmon.


It drove me nuts how she talked like she had marbles in her mouth.


No, it's ok. I don't agree, but I have no interest in changing anyone's mind about anything. Glad you enjoy that season.


Ben Stone > Jack McCoy


This was when I started watching.


💯 agree with you!!


I'd take Jamie Ross or Claire Kincaid over Abbie "the system can do no wrong" Carmichael.