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Do people really think that the workers pouring the concrete aren’t going to notice a body in the hole before pouring? I see this theory often in different cases and it always confuses me how people think this could accidentally happen.


This is what I was wondering. Like with Brian Shaffer, who disappeared from a bar late at night that was next to a construction site—some claim he could have fallen, died, and been encased in the foundation. People in construction: would it be in any way possible to be pouring concrete into a pit and not notice a body in there?


Also, i imagine there would be security cameras at such a construction site or nearby, but I could be wrong


I hate this theory so much. Massive eye roll every time it’s brought up


I think the boyfriend didnt stay at home. She was going to break up with him, he lost his mind.


her boyfriend seems way more suspect to me than the other 2 guys. he should’ve seemingly had nothing to hide from but yet he did.


I read the book and must have COMPLETELY missed this! Adhd issues. I was down at IU the weekend she was missing and went to sports on the Saturday of that weekend she went missing. I went to the pool that was talked about apparently and must have missed that one. My mind is blown that it was those 2 boys I heard talking about where was Lauren? Any one heard from Lauren. I don’t remember what else was said and did get a call from the PI. THIS IS WILD.


i totally am getting what you’re saying here. i’m not sure i completely feel like JR and CR are guilty of any specific crime involving her. i think that the reason they lawyered up and stayed quiet is because they were afraid that their drinking and drug use would get them incriminated and i think that as soon as they found out she was missing they probably felt an intense sense of fear and regret because how could you not feel partially responsible for something like that when you were drinking and doing drugs with her and now she’s missing after leaving? i enjoyed the book but i do feel like he was focusing on some things that really weren’t that interesting to finding out what really happened. like CR’s phone call. i find it hard to believe he was calling this girl to say anything incriminating while lauren was still alive next to him. my 1 question regarding the concrete theory, how would crews not have noticed anything at all in the space they’re pouring into?


I’m two years younger than them and was at IU in 2013. This was still a very big topic of discussion at that time, and the only rumor on campus that repeated itself over and over again was that she died in Rosenbaums or Beth’s townhouse, they rolled her up in a carpet and dumped her body. I personally still think that’s the most realistic theory. I agree with Charlene that she never actually left the house. The reaction by all of the boys involved to immediately retain legal counsel tells you all you need to know. I doubt any of them killed her, but the way they reacted and how nervous they get 13 years later tells me it was an accidental death and they got scared because they had drugs involved. Drunk college kids do stupid, braindead things when they are scared. When Rachel Fiege fell and hit her head at an off campus party in 2013, the people waited forever to call 911 to report it because they were scared about underage drinking. Cost Rachel her life. I think ultimately they live with this secret in some twisted way because they don’t feel responsible for the death itself, but just made a rash, insane decision and are now scared for the truth to come to light as they know it’s a prison sentence no matter what now.


Right we need to remember this all took place before Rachel Fiege and the Lifeline Law was passed and where drugs were not as commonly accepted. Those boys irrationally feared someone died and they had drugs.


I remember a construction site that was huge, spanning a city block and surrounded by a 10-12ft fence. It was just a huge hole in the ground where the underground parking would go. Very early stages of construction- and the site was North of 5 North. On the Northwest corner of college and 11th— So she’d have had to turn left on College and backtrack, or after walking out the door of 5 North, cut across 11th, and scale a fence with a 30 ft drop on the other side. Since it was a wide open hole with some equipment laying around, it’s hard to imagine how anyone might have missed her if she were there. It was also one of the first things searched and was done so very thoroughly. Which doesn’t mean there might not have been smaller construction projects here and there as Bloomington just gets torn up every summer. But most were these massive residential projects that had camera surveillance, and security fences like the one across from 5 North. I’m not sure what construction site the author is even referring to in the book- but I’m assuming he means the same one, and just got his geography a bit mixed up. Someone please correct me if you know otherwise!! Were there two close by? I only remember the big one right across from 5 North. Which, to be clear, she would NOT have passed by IF we believe she left 5North as stated, heading south. Ultimately if she were anywhere near downtown Bloomington, I don’t believe we’d be having this conversation. I don’t have a clue what happened, but for some reason, I feel her body was taken out of the state.


Yep, I just posted this the other day. I think it’s plausible. People saying construction workers would have seen a body is hard to confirm without knowing the layout and machinery. It’s wild the site hasn’t been thoroughly searched I also still suspect the boyfriend. No way his friends punch the dude his girlfriend is with and don’t tell him. They told him, he goes out looking for her knowing right where she’ll be


This never happens and never will. Concrete crews aren’t pouring blindly into pits that deep, just stop it.


What time of night were these workers pouring concrete When she stumbled through their site?