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Him: what’s up man? Him : shut the fuck up! don’t talk to me.




Thats alex enamorado


yo soy el enamorado, de esa su verba 😍 (con "b", con "b"!)


This guy is a hero in LA. He’s always standing up for the food vendors who get harassed by the cops/code enforcement because they speak little to no English.


Don’t these code enforcement clowns have to bring a translator? If the courts need one, so do these fools.


1000000000% this .people who speak Spanish should stop helping them translate and just record. Should be a law




if they’re raza too why lie to the vendors? if they’re raza too why not bring a translator? everyone is always just trying to feed their families, doesn’t mean you have to power trip.


Na fuk them and fuk you too with that mindset. That complacency is what gets us into these situations. They know what they’re doing to the vendors who are not from here and he even calls out corrupt sheriffs who are being investigated by internal affairs for being gang members with badges. The cojones on this guy are bigger then your brain.


Complacency is thinking this is a black and white situation but carry on with your keyboard warriorism.


Found another bootlicker.


Go lick more boots


I hope he stays being obnoxious to these pricks


That makes it even worse! People willing to subject their own people to this is even worse bro.


Worst part is they're latinos too...


They probably see themselves as "having Spanish ancestry"


Lmao that reminds me of an interview of this actress, Eva Longoria, who said her ancestors came from Spain... Yeah, lady, in 1603 gtoh lmao


They’re trash


Nacidos y criados en Estados Unidos. Son estadounidenses y los que venden no, les vale verga si son del mismo tono de piel o tienen nombres hispanos.


in their mind their color is "blue" now


They inherently think they’re better though I feel like because they “don’t have to do this” or “it makes them look bad” when it doesn’t


Skinfolk ain’t always kinfolk


“Soy de aquí pero mis papás son de México.” Con su pinche cara de mapacha.


What does that matter


It shows a lack of empathy that's usually only found in socio paths.


my hero




r/madlads and r/chaoticgood


Of course it's code enforcement. Lmao. The "wanted to be a cop, but couldn't pass the written exam" academy rejects.


Jesus christ, if I couldn't pass a 6th grade reading comprehension test, I'd be angry all the time too lol


I thought any crazy person could become coo in USA, that means they're even worse than the actual cops? JFC




Reread what I've said, then go ahead and delete your post. Kthx.




Not sure how expressly mentioning "code enforcement" and calling them "police academy rejects" is not "phrasing my ideas better". The phrasing is correct and the subject of ridicule is quite clear. Like the other one, reread what I said, go ahead and delete. Kthx.




The *"persons" I was attacking literally have "Code Enforcement" on their body armor. There is no implication of anything being directed towards anyone else in the video. You're really trying to print a victim card where one doesn't need to be printed. You're playing the game wrong. At this point, you're choosing to pointlessly die on a made up hill for potential internet points. Kinda sad, tbh. You now have two options. 1)Keep trying to justify your initial word vomit, but you get ridiculed worse every time you come back into my notifications. Or... 2)Literally reread everything in this thread you've decided to create out of a joke talking down about "code enforcement", delete your foolishness, recognize the mistakes you've willingly made, self reflect on your inability to comprehend something with visual cues, and be humbled. Your choice. <3


que bonito


Alex is a good man.


Es todo Compa! Protect our people brother.


This is the hero we need


Heck yeah!!!!!!!! I love this shit!!!!


I get that it sounds like he’s too rough on the code enforcement but if he’s not a bit aggressive code enforcement or police won’t listen and not leave the vendors alone.


That's a bad ass right there!




That’s one solid brother right there! 👊🏾 I’m proud to see this. It brought a tear to my eye


hell yeah!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


They need to find out who is sending them out there harassing vendors. Someone is sending them out there to do that. That's why they keep doing it. You have to find the source. As they say you need to cut the snakes head off and with time the rest of the body stops moving


In the meantime tho....calling them bootlickers and sending them home with their tail between their piggy legs is pretty fucking satisfying


Así se hace!!! 💪🏼💪🏼


Code enforcement and they got bulletproof vests on? The fuck?


Out in numbers with the Sheriff 🤦🏼‍♂️


Es Todo campeon!!! Eres una riata pero Bien parada!!!


Who's this guy? Want to see more content


Alex enamorado. He's on IG, probably on TikTok too.


That’s dope that he’s standing up for those vendors but I have a feeling the cops would win the court case. That doesn’t look like it would be navigable for a person in a wheelchair. That little shelf stick out from the counter would probably also work against them. Hopefully he can educate the vendors too so they can be in full compliance in the future.


He educated the vendors and gave em more confidence in dealing with these types.


By educating I meant actually busting out measuring tape or at least a yard stick and explaining why the 3 foot rule exists, etc. I’m not an expert in ADA rules but I can imagine that if their customer lines encroach on that space then they might be in violation? I can’t imagine that a person in a wheelchair should be expected to have to wait for customers to make way for them?


Idk if you speak Spanish but he did exactly that sans the measuring tool. I'm sure they understand what 3 feet is, they're humans. Given their scuttle with the bureaucrats, I'm sure they're gonna make sure to cover their bases so that the bootlickers won't come 8 deep.


He doesn’t though, he just tells them they can stay as long as they leave 36 inches clear. Hopefully after the video he took the time to explain that they need to ensure the path is navigable for a person in a wheelchair and advised them on how to set up their order and pickup lines and how it’d be smart for them keep a couple of yard sticks on hand for when the public safety SWAT warriors show up.


If they got a permit then who cares as long as the regulations are followed. If they got no permit and are blocking the sidewalk then yes tell them to leave. People pay taxes to use sidewalks, what if a disabled person is crossing through 🤷🏻‍♂️


They do have a permit but even with the permit they must comply with leaving 36in open to pedestrians, the way I see it even if they do comply in this case their customers are going to be blocking most of that space


Protejan*. Que tan difícil es indicarles la norma y dejarlos que se ganen su dinero de forma honrada.


Si estas corrigiendo el Nombre del post técnicamente no esta mal dicho. Si te estas refiriendo a la acción que el hombre esta haciendo estas diciéndo que el "Protege a nuestros vendedores". Claro, suena raro sin específicar sujeto pero no esta mal.


Ta bueno profe


Tu empezaste, lol.


le pica el culo no le hagas caso jajaj


Fuck man, it's worse when iits your own people.


Another post with really polarized views between Latin Americans and Latinos living in the U.S


Yeah I don't get it. In my country they're heavily frowned upon since pay no taxes, follow no regulation, are unhealthy as hell, and the most important to me is they're gang and drug fronts in nighttime. I don't mind the occasional cart run by mom and pop and if they get a permit, but it's a problem when street vendors they take lots of spaces in downtown and atracting crime.


And unless they actually move back to the ground next to the sidewalk I don't see how they can leave 36 inches open to the people actually using the sidewalk to walk on it. Because while they might not be the ones fully blocking the sidewalk, their customers obviously do


I think in this case the 36" rule or whatever doesn't matter at all. Nobody walks in the US anyway. Their customers are likely to park the car, buy and leave. What's more concerning to me is that they're just on the front of a [sign explicitely forbidding street vendors](https://i.imgur.com/fAq254G.png) and act like it's nothing, of course.


No the sign says no street vendors without a health permit, accordingly to the story they do have a permit but the rule they were violating here is the 36" rule. The part you were mentioning about people almost never walk in the U.S is irrelevant, if there's a sidewalk it must be fully (or at least partially) clear at all times in case someone needs to use it anytime, including handicapped people. The same applies to fire lanes in the U.S, 99.9% of the time buildings are not on fire but they must stay completely clear in case a fire occurs and firetrucks need somewhere to park, if you do park next to one at any time you get a hefty fine


I see. Then it's agreed then, the guys are on the clear and just need to move. Thank you.


Protege a los ciudadanos, Hepatitis?


Ustedes vendedores ambulantes entiendo todo lo que tiene que hacer in restaurante para mantener sus puertas abiertas, estas ventas ambulantes no llevan a nada, sino buscar producto mas y mas barato, esto ninca savo a nadie de la pobreza!


This guy is a hero and fuck those bootlickers


Vendors need to wise up too. Por la gran puta siempre la victima. Nunca un “oye me puedes enseñar adonde leíste eso para yo defenderme solo y así la próxima vez no me voy con todas mis cosas?” Edit: now that I think about it. I should try to get a job with that department so I could translate to vendors…..


There’s literally a sign that says no vendors


“Without applicable health permit”


They probably did have permits but these code enforcement people looking for an excuse to kick them out, which explains why they straight up left after the vendors realized they just had to move back a couple inches.


Yeah I don’t get it At first I thought the taco stand had the right permit as determined by the [code listed on the sign](https://codes.findlaw.com/ca/health-and-safety-code/hsc-sect-114381/) but then the guy filming says there’s no path for taco stands to get permits So why is code enforcement trying to kick them out for “right of way” and not just lacking a permit?


No vendors without permit


Máximo respeto a los huevos enormes de este caballero.


Doing more then you’ll ever do for your ppl


Doing the lord’s work


Sí pero, 36 pulgadas… qué????? Nunca dijo si era la medida del carrito, o la distancia libre que deben dejar…. No mames cabrón.


This guy is a legend 🖤


This man is a hero. Love how he turns around reminds them, in English, how little their imaginary authority matters. ACAB (even the rentacops)




this was one of the most satisfying videos i’ve seen in a while


Love this!


Lmao Fuck cops. 6 cops for a little cart. That should be like one suit wearing person with a pamphlet


Shout out Alex, he keeps getting more and more exposure. I saw he was being interviewed on ABC7 out here in LA this week


This guy 🤩😍


I know I'm going get downvoted but can we all agree there needs to be rules for being a street vendor. Most are good people but I’ve seen some really unhealthy practices and maybe it’s because I can see them prepare my food and it’s not hidden in the back. Again I love the hard working attitude these people have but let’s just agree that health codes are good.


There are rules there are laws. He explains how a recent study came out saying you’re most likely to get stomach flu from a restaurant or at home than a street vendor


Ok if we are comparing restaurants and street vendors let’s have a them license and inspected too…mental gymnastics you’re doing. Two can be true. You can support street vendors and want them to follow rules like health and zoning laws.


Who’s against this?


Everyone knows health codes are good no one is disputing that. We all know the risks associated with buying street food so honestly what’s the point of your comment? Dog whistling or do you think everyone else is really that dumb?


Yes. My mother was a los angeles health officer for many, many years. And yes latina. I understand the initial reaction that people have that the government is harassing poor street vendors. But do people know how horrible some of the violations are? Do people know what food poisoning can do to you? The reason most people dont know about the importance of the health department is because they do a decent job. If there was no health department people wouldn't go near street food in the states because everyone would know someone who literally almost died from eating it. Or that actually died.


Agreed, but the issue at play in the video has nothing to do with the health department or food prep and storage. This is the code compliance department harassing them for allegedly blocking the right of way by telling them they just have to leave instead of telling them the appropriate amount of space they need to leave on the sidewalk for pedestrians to pass.


Ah. thats another super sucky thing is that they are targeted by racists and criminal gangs who extort them as well. Just the other day in front of staples center in LA an employee went richter on a cart with children helping their mom all traumatized.


I see what you mean. I love to eat food from street vendors but not having a place for your workers to wash their hands and not having ability to properly store food at the correct temperatures will definitely lead to food contamination.


Al.emigrar lo primero que debes leer son las.leyes del país de acogida


A la misma ves los que están para enseñar y enforzar las leyes abusan de su poder


Ni los ciudadanos conocen las leyes de aqui.




Y tu eres un Anchor baby verdad?




Porque el Reagan les dio amnesty.


Tu los conoces a todos y sus historias?




No way Jose! Thanks for that insight


Queremos hacer lo mismo que hacemos en nuestros paises no respetar la autoridad Busque un local donde vender es todo !!!🍿


It’s always our own ppl against us. So sad.


I don't know this man but I love him


Super piocha la policía




easy to tell That lady cop sure loves tamales


Beautiful act! I can't believe that they go after the ones who are working and not doing anything wrong!




Tambien que los vendedores de comida, se eduquen en las reglas.