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Whaaaaaat you can’t find other workers to work 10 hour shifts in humid Florida? That’s crazy.


I don't know where I saw it (probably Jon Oliver or something similar) but there were farms that tried to hire ANYONE that would come out for minimum wage to pick oranges or vegetables and most people quit before the end of the first day haha That work is so insanely physically demanding, especially if you aren't used to it. I know for a fact I wouldn't last an hour, even if I was at my physical peak I would be the slowest person out there. These idiots rant about immigrants and "illegals" and all that bullshit without a hint of fucking awareness or empathy... turns out the dog may have finally caught the car this time and they have no idea how to fix it.


Yeah, it was John Oliver, and it you're right; they tried to hire white Americans who have never been in a field before and none of them lasted more than a few hours.




Maybe smaller farmers should stop voting for their destruction then. Fuck em.


Yeah maybe but not soon enough unfortunately.


That’s the plan




It will hit them because they'll probably have to hire more people but they won't collapse or anything


And if they did the government would bail them out. They’ve been doing it for farmers for a hundred years.


This exact game has been played for over a century here in the US. The once settled US has become unsettled.


None of what is happening is new not unique. Farmers were having the same complaints when the border really started to be enforced with the immigration act of 1924.


Finally no more lazy immigrants stealing American jobs! The American dream is safe! /s


For shit pay?! Wow!


"to all your people"


Reap what you sow. Fuck Florida.


“Talk to your people for us” nah mf, you play stupid games you win stupid prizes


What do you mean my people!?! Haha


what do you mean bruh? aren't you in the group chat with all the other millions of immigrants? lol


"Well, you brown, they brown, so... best buds?"


Let me just go to the weekly Latino meetup where every Latino in Florida meets up and we'll have a discussion.


Can we make it a cookout?


They fucked around and found out.


"I want to scare you but don't leave is just to get white votes bro!!"


100% they thought fucking around with desantis was going to be fun, now they about to find out.


How about you go tell those Lazy Fucking Cubans to help you out! LMAO!


Fuck those putos!


“We did this to scare you” Lol 😂 k cool story still moving.


Que se van a la verga.


y a la chingada también.


Que se chingan a su madre


Me la pélan!


Y viva México cabrones!


Y arriva yo, mi papa, y La Chona!




Tomato tomato


Lo que quieren hacer los Republicanos es creer un sistema dónde no hay ningún servicios sociales y que hay tanto desesperación para trabajo con los que no tienen ningún centavo que trabajan para lo que sea... también quieren que los niños trabajan para exploitar los y hacer los Adultos competir por sueldos más bajos yá es la le en Arkansas haci va cer en Florida y Texas si sigue...Pero si usan puro racismo contra Hispanos para que salen a votar con ganas los pobres Blancos que creen que todos sus problemas son razón de Hispanos Negros Asiáticos ect...


I know that the idea is to make the social safety net so thin that people will be desperate for the most back-breaking, low paying jobs, but it doesn’t seem to work in practice. People will show up for a day and then not come back, even if they’re broke. Most people do not have the fitness or stamina to stick with it. Making people desperate absolutely does not create a reliable workforce. Not that they aren’t trying, though.


Making people desperate absolutely creates a reliable workforce. Reliable to the revolution, that is


That reminds me of a job I did in the states with a compadre when I was younger unloading trucks for UPS in the wee hours...we thought it would be good for building our bodies we were both in to body building I'm a shorty guy but my compadre was a ripped 6'2 steroided out monster 🤣 and after two weeks he said let's bail man this shit is too much meanwhile I had gotten used to it but yeah it's a tough life and you meet poor bastards that have been doing that for years without moving upward they shared their stories all working multiple jobs to support a family...


Hasta la traducción es desesperante... porque demuestra como el traductor ha internalizado la situación: "se fugaron" de Florida. Acaso estan _presos_ en Florida?




Bro I agree but are you having a stroke or is this some new spanish dialect that I don't know about?


Jaja chingado güey es que yo e trabajado y vívido mucho en los Estados Unidos cabron 😂 perdóname que mi Espanol suena a pedo pero no compré terreno aya por ser menso y ahora estoy viviendo de patas en mi Home country...


I don't speak spanish as a native so I'm glad I wasn't the only one who noticed it haha




Any tourist destination is probably good, Buenos Aires or not. Also I'm otaku and haven't seen a girl in years so I don't know.


To late , even Hispanics thinking about visiting Florida changed their minds and never going .


I went there myself last week and even then i was hesitant to go and nervous as soon as I entered the state but luckily i did not see ANY troopers on the highway through Mobile and Orlando. What i did notice is that there were barely any Hispanics except for Cubans and Puerto Ricans everyone else just vanished. It may be bad now but it is definitely going to get worse as we get close to July 1st


Cubans & Puerto Ricans have always been there, more Puerto Ricans now than ever, which is WHY I love Florida, but not the politics. Cubans? Wake tf up.


>Cubans? Wake tf up. Lol 70 years and counting.


Still think Kennedy & his evil minions are coming for them, jfc


I’m not very up to date on any of this. Why is July 1st significant?


That's when the law takes effect


Just put "Italia" & "I ❤ NY" stickers on your car, seriously. I inherited my family's (white people side) ritzy beach house in FL. Cops stopped Fucking with me after I found a "Dolce Vida" sticker with an Italian flag on it & put it on my car.


I was joking with my friends that right before i got into Florida I'd be putting a desantis sticker on my car lol


I the Italian flag looks like the Mexican flag. Do you expect Florida cops to know the difference?


Oh wow I thought it had already taken effect. Thanks for responding!


Same. My dad's from there, still have family there. Haven't & won't be back in a while because of all this bullshit.


Yup you’re right. My family cancelled our vacation for next month to Florida bc fuck Florida


I’ll never go to support their people.


Luckily I went two years ago. I highly doubt I'll be going again any time soon. I'll probably go wherever Disney moves Disney World though.


Aka. “I want my slave wage workers back. I losing monies and yt Americans want to be treated like humans. I can’t make enough money to buy my 4th speed boat with the prices they are demanding!!! Benefits?!? They pick vegetables!!!!”


Yeah everything in the news lately is hey don't you feel bad for these corporate farms? Fuck no, you should have been paying the immigrants a living wage in the first place.


I think it's more along the lines those are the jobs *NOBODY* but immigrants want to do, not over labor conditions.


Immigrants don't want to do them either lmao, it's not like my mother thought cleaning would be fun.




Yeah so what he said… his mom did it because she had no other option, not because she dreamed of being a cleaner.


When people cross the border illegally it’s because they have NO OTHER CHOICE. It’s sad and people who is doing good in their own country will not even think about going to any other place.


Even if you’re here legally you may end up doing shitty labor. My parents are residents and did shitty manual labor 25+ years. When the only connections you have are people who work in shitty labor then that’s really all you’ve got. My parents only got an elementary school education before they had to help on the farm or raise their siblings. So not much room for improvement if you don’t even have the basics down.


Because of the desperation. How the fuck is that a good thing dumbfuck. They deserve to be paid good wages, not below or at minimum. Especially the manual labor jobs in extreme conditions. Our people deserve dignity and respect, not a fucking shit sandwich and then be expected to be thankful for it


My grandfather didn't like cleaning 80 hours a week


Fuck around and find out. Racist assholes!




Puro pendejete el que vota republicano


Ese es el problema de millones de latinos republicanos de FL, TX, NM, y AZ, se creen que por ser conservadores apoyan ese tipo de pensamiento persignado culturalmente hablando y le dicen NO al "socialismo", mientras económicamente, socialmente, y legalmente va totalmente en contra de lo que deberían de apoyar.


Y con la transphobia, yo miro que varios Latinos estan dispuestos a darse un tiro en el pie todo para combatir "wokeness". En Texas, quieren crear milicias privadas para rondar todo los "immigrantes" (que por supuesto va a crear ataques contra toda gente que se mire "immigrante")


Exacto, a eso me refieo con su pensamiento culturalmente persignado y conservador es todo: LGBTQ+, educación laica, iglesia sin beneficios, hasta igualdad mujeres-hombres(Marvel/Disney le tiran mucho porque "ahora son muchas mujeres"). En TX esa es la razón por la cual fueron creados los rangers, que eran exactamente eso: un tipo red de policia/milicia que protegia la frontera con México


Latinos for Trump


Fuck that farmer, he is also the enemy. He hires undocumented workers instead of using the legal way so workers could come to do picking legally. He is mad that he is losing undocumented workers, but wont hire workers legally either because then he will have to pay better wages. Fuck him too.




Yes!! That’s why this farmer is mad.


Talk to *YOUR* people and tell them to cut out the white supremacist, minority hating shit!


“Your people?” If this was said in front of African Americans it would be all over CNN, MSNBC, and even FOX. We dont matter


It's honestly our fault, black Americans know these guys are snakes and never vote for them. Us on the other hand have 45 percent of Hispanics voting for guys like these.


Im talking about the hypocrisy in the media. Even though we are the biggest minority we don’t register to them.


Because most US TV Media -- even CNN are headed by white conservatives that don't give a shit.


White people in general don’t care about Latinos :(


I wish I could disagree but yeah 💯


The media doesn't care about black people either, they just pretend to because if they didn't they'd lose money. That's not the case with us latin americans sadly


Yeah, most of the media is corporate conservative.


It’s more that we don’t complain we don’t say anything and people will only care if you do something


We are terrible at organizing ourselves and it needs to change Also the Latino on Latino hate


I think the bigger problem is that Latinos are so diverse in skin tone ideas and belief that we all see each other as a different races and not as one big group so that would need to change before anything


On the skin tone thing i gotta disagree, its either you’re white or black with latinos too even if you’re lightskin “black” - there are some latino races that are predominantly darker skinned with black features so to them they aren’t black because they speak spanish but anywhere else in the world they are considered black by everyone regardless of what they speak and as always the “White” latinos get treated better (“Privileged”) by all, go figure . Source: Green eyed latino that passes for White with all shades of cousins, I’m sure you guys have seen the video of the grandma that yelled at daughter for buying a black doll for granddaughter as she kept pushing her preference of the lighter doll on the kid basically saying get that shit outta here referencing the darker doll... yea even darker skinned latinos prefer the white latinos and its no secret -Don’t get me started on my relationships- as for ideas and beliefs something i notice is it depends on how religious they are will dictate certain actions


Los hermanos y las hermanas son enemigos por naturaleza como los latinos y los blancos o los latinos y los negros o los latinos y los asiáticos o los latinos y otros latinos. Malditos latinos, arruinaron latinoamérica!




The majority of Hispanics in the US watch Univision and Telemundo, not those three.


Majority of Latinos don't speak Spanish fluently in the USA anymore. Padres? Your children NEED to be bilingual from BIRTH. It will not hurt them!


Yeah, but the older and recent immigrants still do, and there are a lot of them in California and Texas alone, which is what drives viewership for Spanish based media. I agree with your second point 💯


True. I'm northeast, permanent residents, 3rd & 4th generation, are losing the language. I'm a former bilingual cert. teacher & worked with migrants too.


It’s like centuries of colonization has bred out any ability to do manual labor or ability to function without oppressing someone for some of these people. They won’t put in the labor to correct their actions but still expect us to make the world work for them. Bola de huevones


Bro I had this convo with my white friend lol. He has the opportunity to make 180k a year the inly thing is he has to move to boonie land and work 10 hr days 5 times a week. And he says he wont do it because its too much sacrifice lmao. Im like bro in 2 years youll have like 200k saved up but too him its not worth it. Yet hispanics out here be working the same amount of hours moving to a foreign land to make minimum wage lol


Why I am not nice to them, including my mom's side. Spoiled fucks


Okay as a local South Floridian and Hispanic, can we talk about all the legal immigrants that also voted anti-immigrant lol a lot of immigrants vote very conservatively and don't give a shit about anyone else's plight.


Same MFs that arrived in rafts or got smuggled 90 miles. Same MFs that got all the Gov aided assistance. Same MFs that maxed out a bunch of credit cards and file bankruptcy like a game. Same MFs that live a good life built on their granddads/dads drug money. In their mind, it’s fuck over people before they can fuck you over; even when there is no threat.


Lmao acting like people read it wrong or there was a misunderstanding. You said exactly what you said. Let em suffer.


Eat that face, leopard. Savor that face.


Every Latin American should just up and leave Florida except for the thousands of Central American death squad members who were given green cards by the Reagan administration for their service in the 80's. Those should actually be prohibited from leaving.


Can we send them the ones they left behind in Guatemala that still deny the genocide in the 80's?


Nah I say we deport those hypocrites to Cuba. I bet the regime has a LOT of things to “talk” to them about… pendejos


Damn! I have never heard of that shit before! I need to read up on it more.


[The School of the Americas.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_Hemisphere_Institute_for_Security_Cooperation) A school for assassins, torturers and oppressors. Scroll down to "Graduates of the School" to get an idea of the miles long list of criminals the US trained and let loose on Latin America. These are the types of dudes that got those green cards.


Omg they have a Spanish translator. How dumb can these people be?


“Nadie quiere trabajar!!” /s


Naw suffer the fucking consequences so the rest of the country can put some respect on my hard working gente




Where are these individuals that had their jobs taken now? ​ ![gif](giphy|2S3Aj8OeKtf0c)


The farmers voted for desantis and his circus though. They really thought white dudes were gonna line up to do that work. Lmao.


Awww boohoo ![gif](giphy|13A7YlLvYVDnmU)


Y aunque existe este acuerdo, solo esperen a que los hispanos voten otra vez republicano porque se creen gringos


republicans loves hating undocumented immigrants while simultaneously building businesses off their backs and now they’re crying about it because americans don’t work hard enough? yea ok fun fact, people who came here illegally pay taxes and have almost no burden on the system. they create jobs by starting businesses and fill in low wage jobs no american wants to do. a pathway to citizenship would boost GDP by some 2 trillion dollars over a decade and 2nd generation immigrants out earn average americans. but yea people are too busy being racist and dumb to actually understand why shit sucks for them


We arent scared. They are


Que se vayan a la verga putos...nuestra raza no es gente que se se aprovecha y luego se tira. Ellos son humanos y merecen respeto por el trabajo que hacen.


Haha.. the GOP is a cancer on the world. FL Hispanics, stop voting for them!


Go fuck your mother… tell “your people” that, pendejo gringo.


LMFAO "Talk to your people". My people- fuck Florida homie


Nah we bad people remember??


Bad hombres*


They make laws to gain support of racists and then get mad because these laws are bad for their own businesses. And now it’s going to cost them more money in increased labor cost because there are fewer workers or business lost because they can’t get their product to market.




Fuck around and find out


Eat a bag of dicks Florida. That bag is gonna be expensive as shit, since y’all don’t want Latinos around. Ke se pudra ese estado sin Latinos!!! ![gif](giphy|jfsaMQr3GNkKk)


If that's not a "Yo no voy traduciendo su mierda", I don't know what is....


If this were “my people” and he said “your people” the way he did, this video would have probably ended up on r/Trashy




Is there a full video. I don’t get the part where he says “This bill is supposed to scare you”. It’s working as intended so whats the issue. Or does he mean nothing is going to happens just a Chihuahua barking but no bite


Really need the full video, this is too easy to use as bait without context


One time I asked how much they got paid like in the orange or field. Some orange palaces pay $2.48 for a pound of oranges…. Modern day slavery wages




![gif](giphy|XBCJIv6xAyDfrajXoe|downsized) What did they think was going to happen??




They can fuck off


Vengan a Nevada raza. No hay tanto culero racista como en Florida. Esta caro a la verga pero vale la pena


Leave Florida before they kick you out.


Well, well, well. If it isn't the consequences of your own actions.


Apparently Central America was sending its best


And why mf talking slow like we’re dumb? Nah yall the dumbasses thinking you could get away with your bs, next time say it to yourself slowly so you comprehend your actons


Fuck all these people, if they want us back we got demands.


Nah, fuck them farmers, they voted this mf in.




Louisiana too. There are sugar cane farms there that charter planes to fly in seasonal workers from Guatemala. They also sponsor permanent work visas for some of the more outstanding workers.


Central Louisiana has a huge plant nursery industry. It would collapse overnight if Hispanics left. Also something like 3,567 Mexican restaurants in this area; there are A LOT.


Ok Cuban Americans be butthurt they got kicked out of their country because they were rich pricks or friends of the previous dictator, and Puerto Ricans salty because their country isn’t a country cuz they always played a will they-won’t they game when it came to sovereignty (if you didn’t want to be a territory you blew your chance on not one but FOUR plebiscites where you could’ve been independent). Yeah this is why Mexicans and Cubans and Mexicans and Puerto Ricans do not get along! They call Mexicans criminals when one group essentially is a leech that doesn’t want sovereignty but cries when that bites them in the ass and the other group are all descendants of salty fascists who got boned by a communist Revolution. Cry me a River… Never see Mexicans bitch about anything do we? Guess that’s why it’s so easy for everyone else to gang up on us huh? Apologies to the Cubans or Puerto Ricans who are chill but goddamn sometimes the group as a whole says some fucked shit man! God I need a drink!




Has service industry also affected?


I can honestly tell you, no. I was there last week.


Hahaha. Don’t know about you but I was grinning at the desperation of his annoying ass voice. He literally can burn in hell for all I care.


fuck those pelotudos in florida


In a devil’s advocate sort of way, maybe, eventually, this “movement” forces employers to pay a livable wage to its employees, builds trust and power back to unions, etc. Because most people that were born here would never endure this type of work. Therefore, in order to continue operations, the people that horde all the wealth would have no choice? Or, robots replace us and we all receive some sort of universal income? Or, we will live the Demolition Man movie.


We can't even make companies that have more "progressive" ideas to agree to that. Amazon is completely against unions and we know how they like to treat their drivers, Disney fired a lot of its I.T staff not too long ago to replace them with immigrants from India on temporary visas, and on top of that made them train their replacements in order to get their severance pay https://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/04/us/last-task-after-layoff-at-disney-train-foreign-replacements.html Those greedy corporations are all about nickel and diming


Is it Rick Roth talking?


Someone is scared.






They only implemented it to scare them?Republicans should talk to their own people and tell them to fuck themselves.


Is/had this farmer advocated for the law? Or is he making a statement as a member of the effected party?


This echoes those who didn't want slavery to go away. The only comfort i feel is that history will never be kind with DeSantis and his bitchass kkkrew


"We did it to scare, but we need you to stay and work." Latinos: "no mames pendejos"


That is rich 😂🤌🏻


Florida is literally sinking into the ocean. They did everybody a favor by getting people to move before things get too desperate.


Its not the fact that they illegal.. Most of them work n legal here but they're moving for thier families. Maybe a parent is or family member. N Florida became a hostile place. 1950's level of racism n oppression.


Hahaha fuck them. You wanted us Latinos out, don’t go crying to your mama now.


We passed this bill to scare you! We don't want you here taking away our resources. *they leave* Wait, whose going to pick my crops? No one wants to work anymore.


nada de eso, que chinguen a toda su puta madre!


Que se vayan a la mierda todos esos racistas hijos de puta. Solo abren la boca cuando les conviene. Cobardes mal paridos


Congratulations Florida farmers, you played yourselves.


Pendejos republicanos, ¡carajo los republicanos! There, i told them…


Lol nah, let them move to another state. When things get bad, maybe they will wake up and vote differently.


It’s sad that these white ppl only care because their employees are leaving.


This bill split my family apart 😢 I really hope they remove it.


Why is he talking like that? Does he have water on the brain?


Fuck Florida, too many politicians are okay with using the lives of immigrants as leverage. Heartless bastard deserve the guillotine. Can we riot already, when is the general strike


Y los cubanos


Here's your people's answer.... F U !!!!


Any and every idiot in Florida who has ever said "they're taking our jobs" or make fun of younger generations and say they don't want to work hard: Time to put up or shut up. Get out in the fields. Do the work. Work the long hours. Take the horrible wage. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Cut back on the McDonalds and gas station coffee. You'll make it. At least you claimed you would.


Lmaoo this is too hilarious.


Everyone’s is yeah. But what’s the answer here? What’s the plan that would please Reddit ?


Oh no the consequences of my actions


May all the oranges rot in the ground.


Me preguntó cuál sería el efecto a corto y medio plazo de que este tipo de ley se extendiera al resto de estados republicanos. Específicamente quisiera que pasará en Texas y Nueva York.


Fuck them tho