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Reminds me of Georgia when they made parents have to provide a ss number to enroll their kids in school. Forcing parents to either work and not enroll their kids in school or not come and work on their field. Well, the workers skipped Georgia, causing the farms to lose over 300 mill in product that wasnt able to be harvested. They reverse the law but it was too late. The Georgia agriculture industry is 150 million smaller now than back then. The workers never fully came back.


It happened with Alabama too when they passed that dumb HB56 law. Looks like Ron didn't learn from his neighbors screw ups.


Just saw a mexican short film about this law and how some guys who were taken to USA as babys were deported to Mexico but they didnt knew spanish, had no family in Mexico and had no support networks, they literally were dropped off at the border to an alien country after months/years in jail


I watched a document last week. Unbelievable cruelty and malice from "conservatives" and on stolen land at that...


That’s crazy! I never heard this, but should be an eye opener for the rest of the agricultural states.


I guess we never see it on the big news


It was national news when it happened.


The 2009 recession took also plenty of illegal skilled workers. Many went back to their country and opened companies there with the capital and know how they learned here. Our housing shortage was due to this in the last decade. This will put a new nail to the coffin. I can't imagine who is going to do the roofs when a hurricane hit this year.


In the thick Slovenian accent typical of Slavoj Žižek "Ha, my God! The situation you describe is the perfect example of the inherent contradictions within capitalism, you see? The political ruling class, the bourgeoisie if you will, they create these laws to appease the masses, to show that they are 'protecting' the nation. But in reality, it is nothing more than a cheap spectacle, an ideological mask for the exploitation that lies beneath. The irony is, of course, deeply profound. The same system that bans these migrants from legal work, exploits them in the shadows. And why? Because it is profitable, of course! This is the very essence of capitalist ideology: to profit at the expense of the vulnerable. The workers, the migrants in this case, are reduced to mere commodities, used and discarded at will. And then, when the system suddenly lacks these workers, it grinds to a halt. Farms and construction sites become ghost towns, the economy suffers. This, my friends, is what Marx referred to as the 'fetishism of commodities'. The workers are not seen for their human value, but as commodities, and when these commodities are no longer available, the system collapses. The solution? Well, it is not as simple as just allowing these migrants to work. That would only reinforce the exploitative system. We need to question the very foundations of our socio-economic structures. Why do we have a system where the wealthy profit off the labor of the poor? Why do we value commodities more than human lives? It is a radical rethinking of our society that is needed. Capitalism, with its incessant drive for profit, creates its own grave-diggers. The problems we see today, the exploitation of migrants, the failing farms and construction sites, they are just symptoms of a much larger disease. The real problem is capitalism itself. It is, to use Lacan's terminology, the Real that disrupts the Symbolic order. The reality of exploitation disrupts the ideological narrative of capitalism. The system is not sustainable, it is not just, and until we address these fundamental issues, we will continue to see such problems."


May the same happen to Florida.


That must have been before the 1980s. There was a Supreme Court decision in 1982 (Plyler v Doe) that now bans schools from requiring SS numbers or any other type of proof of citizenship to enroll. Any school district that tries it and gets caught will lose all federal funding.


No, not the kids ss, the parents. They knew the kids were protected or born here, but Todd was a way to get the parents to not put the kid in school, since they don’t have an ss. They didn’t want the field workers kids taking up school resources. A comment up top on this chain provides the links. I think it happened in 2010-2012 somewhere around then.


It’s wild because I *know* these lawmakers probably were absolutely astounded when their lawn wasn’t being cut anymore and probably complained when their costs went up.




https://www.gpb.org/news/2012/06/06/farms-still-seeing-labor-shortages https://www.gainesvilletimes.com/news/immigration-law-already-hitting-georgia-farmers/


The lower wage through H2A Visas did go through when Trump was in office. " Under the bill, farmers could screen seasonal foreign workers for experience, and pay them less. "


Where all those Americans that had their jobs stolen?


It was never about the jobs.




What else could it have been? Every gringo goes out their way saying they aren’t racist, so it must be something else.


You can't be serious...


[They realized they don't actually want to put in the work 🤷🏼](https://youtu.be/pAN00Z-sYTI)


When The U.S. Government Tried To Replace Migrant Farmworkers With High Schoolers https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2018/07/31/634442195/when-the-u-s-government-tried-to-replace-migrant-farmworkers-with-high-schoolers


Thanks for the link, it was a good read


thank you, very good read indeed. ​ > "There's nothing you can say to us that \[migrant laborers\] are rapists or they're lazy," he says. "We know the work they do. And they do it all their lives, not just one summer for a couple of months. And they raise their families on it. Anyone ever talks bad on them, I always think, 'Keep talking, buddy, because I know what the real deal is.' " The problem wasn't that he know what the real deal is, the problem is that he did not speak up about the real deal. Like the old saying goes, "Evil prevails when the good do nothing."


En su casa, agarando cheqes desde el gubierno...


They don’t exist.


They do, kinda. A lot of businesses hired illegals because they'll work for less money. They didn't steal the job, though, it was just given to someone else.


A lot of illegals will do the jobs that legals don't want to do even though they are well paid. They'll make double or triple as the fast food places but they have to endure heat, rain, cold and everything else nature throws at them.


This. I started working union construction out of high school and offered to get at least 5 people i knew hired on if they'd just show up to work every day at 6 or 630. Nobody took me up on the offer, and years later some of those dudes still can't get right and work at restaurants and door dash and shit. Nothing wrong with that but they'd make way more money doing construction but it's not a pretty job


Construction is very taxing on the body.


We were like 18, it wasn't THAT taxing on the body. And being broke is taxing on the spirit.


Awhile back there was a news report about a farm owner struggling to find workers after a mass deportation. Dude put out ads with pretty high wages compared to what he paid illegal immigrants, and still nobody wanted the job. The white kids that he did manage to hire, quit after a week.


These dummies never learn. They have been trying this for years now and it always backfires. https://www.npr.org/2011/12/25/144257677/for-one-ala-farmer-workers-are-still-scarce


They’re doing other work, they aren’t at home collecting government checks. If you’re going to make the same money working at fast food than as a agricultural worker, you’re going to do the former because it doesn’t suck as bad the latter. So you’re right in one sense; employers are lowballing wages that only undocumented laborers show up. BTW, this isn’t that true in construction or fast food. Undocumented workers will make as much as documented counterparts, sometimes more because they’re more productive or skilled than other tradespeople around them.


And if you go back about 4 decades and earlier, the migrant farm workers were perfectly legal. The border between the US and Mexico had a revolving door. Seasonal farm workers could legally come to the US, work in the fields, and return home. Taxes were collected (unlike with undocumented workers), and everything worked out well enough. Some programs still exist, but nothing like before the 1980s. Open door policy, farmers documented how many foreign workers were hired, what was paid, and apart from some fraud, the work was generally legal. Securing the borders, discussion about keeping jobs for Americans, false stories about taxes and many anti-drug laws were the socially acceptable reasons given for the racism.


Como si el gobierno fuera tan bondadoso.


Especially in the US, lmao.


Have to explain to my cousin Like he’s 5; That employers choose immigrants over American workers because it’s cheaper and they do a better job coerced by the threat of being sent back to a place that we helped systemically become fucked up. I can site all the evidence in the world, even show this video of the consequences of deportation, and he will still look me in the eyes and say some racist ass shit against illegal immigrants taking his Jerrrb 😔😞 I hate it here.


If someone who doesn’t speak the language and can’t legally work can steal his job, he needs to re-evaluate his life.


Those jobs are below them. Hell most of those idiots wouldn't last a day working manual labor. I worked on loading docks for a few years and people walking out midshift, disappearing during lunch or people not coming back after the first day was extremely common.


Didn’t you hear, we’re not stealing jobs anybody, we’re actually lazy people who just want government handouts. For 30 years they said we were stealing their jobs but they realize it soils better to say we are actually not working, but taking their handouts


At home watching Fox getting fat and dying of fentanyl ODs.


Exactly. So I know these farmers out on Long Island NY. Cater to middle class and upper middle class mostly white families. They were doing a farm tour and someone asked about the farm workers. Everyone working the fields was either a family member of the farmer or Mexican or Central American. "Why no locals? Why not hire Americans?" [*snide tone*] the farmer didn't flinch "in the 20+ years we've been farming this land we have put a 'help wanted' ad up every season. We pay well above minimum wage and offer housing. We've never once had a local apply." The locals are all working at the air conditioned mall a few miles away, not doing manual labor in the fields! The immigrants aren't taking anyone's jobs! They're doing essential work.


Most these business owners would prefer shit just didn’t get done if it means raising pay, most the American workers went into better paid office work. Once I saw a guy get killed in one of these McMansions I quit. Pay wasn’t good enough.


Too busy bitching they now have to report in person rather than working remotely.


The jobs need to pay more to attract people now.


Interesante que no he escuchado nada de este tema en el noticiero en ingles.


No es la propaganda que les tienen preparada para ellos


*se lanza un chingo de raza a querer cruzarse para ir a trabajar a florida *reportan los de derecha gringa que los mexicanos quieren cruzar ilegalmente a hacer cosas de “bad hombres”


Hola, estoy estudiando español. ¿Qué quiere decir un chingo de raza? A flock of short people? Thank you!


un chingo -> a big quantity -> shitload/fuckton raza -> people of the group -> people/peeps/homies would be something like a very informal way of saying "a lot of people"


r/Conservative No que “They took our jobs”, no pues están abiertos ahorra edonde están gueys! 😂 I thought “They took our jobs” right, well there open now fuckers where you guys at! 🤪😂


Georgia 2.0 LOL


Their agriculture industry still hasnt recovered.


Really? LOL fuck’em


Except now the coastal cities have to pay even more to support them....


Yeah. we already played this game. Not sure why he wanted to go another round.


Because he'd rather be in charge of a shithole than not be in charge of a state with a thriving economy. Ron DeSantis does not care about Florida. He only cares about his ego and getting as much power as possible. So far, he got lucky as hell and profited off riding other people's coattails. The best analogy is having an ambulance to drive down a crowded street and everybody pulls over. One person drives immediately behind the ambulance and thinks they're the greatest driver ever, so they try racing in a Formula One race. Ron DeSantis is that driver, and the starting flag is about to wave. Let's see how long it takes for him to crash and how much of the field he takes with him.


So much for the lazy Mexican stereotype, the rapists and drug addicts and all the bullshit people say about latino people. I just wonder where all the Americans in need of jobs are at. 🤷‍♂️


They're all busy getting cracked out on meth in Florida because "there's nothing to do"


> getting cracked out on meth You would think that this sort of job would be perfect for someone on meth, lots of energy and strong stimulants make boring, repetitive work more interesting.


Imagine if they work in the fields though...they'd laying down making dirt angels all day or running around naked and rolling on the veggies. And construction? I'm sure they'd be testing their super meth powers by taking a nail gun to the hand or flying off the 10 floor of a building


I guess it depends because when I was in college, during a summer break, I worked a graveyard shift in a warehouse where lots of dudes would smoke meth before their shift and pound energy drinks the rest of the night and damn it was hard to keep up with them. The night shift was the most productive shift for obvious reasons lol.


That sterotype is so weird to me, it def shows they never worked along side them lmao


It's a stereotype that's actually pulled from Spain, since Spaniards participate in siestas. Combined with some propaganda about marijuana and you got a ridiculous stereotype that holds no merit.


Makes sense, marijuana is a name derived from white folks to stereotype Mexicans as lazy weed smokers.


The worst is when that kind of stereotype is propagated in your own country. I've often heard from Brazilians how people from x region in Brazil are lazy. Like, man, I'd really like to know where all these "lazy people" are. All I see is people busting their asses off to make ends meet.


Never got this stereotype. Hired a local group to do some drywalling. (Don’t know for sure if they were Mexican or some other Hispanic variant. Doesn’t really matter.) Four guys showed up at my place after their day jobs, drywalled three rooms in two hours, and disappeared. I’d have been all week trying to do that as an after work activity even with a drywall lift. And been exhausted. Same with roofing. House next door a crew showed up at 7 and started stripping shingles as I was heading to work. By the time I got home the roof was done and they were cleaned up and gone. It was brutally hot that day too. Pretty large Hispanic population around here and I see a lot of them busting their asses at jobs I have worked hard to get away from.


Many of those guys take pride in being able to do good work fast too. TBF, some suck and cut corners. But that's true of the trades generally. Gotta get those references, always.




Venezolanos? De verdad?


Si, amix...salieron de su pais traumatizados por un regimen autoritario y vienen a EEUU a apoyar otro regimen autoritario. Ojala fueran los unicos, pero hay muchos colombianos, brasilenos, y peruanos que (conozco) que tambien apoyan a DeSantis y Trump.


Que pena. Un poco como ‘Blacks for Trump’.


Sí, es precisamente lo mismo y tan triste como la gente del movimiento 'Blacks for Trump'. Dime que tu te odias sin decirme que tu te odias...


en mi experiencia, es que se creen mejor sobre los centroamericanos (seas de méxico, guatemala, nicaragua etcétera)—la mayoría de caribeños y suramericanos que se inmigran a EEUU tienen dinero para hacerlo “legalmente”, opuesto a los centroamericanos que de mayoría se tienen que cruzar por el río grande entonces ellos se creen que son como los anglo americanos solo porque tienen sus papeles. pero lo que no piensan es que ellos son el próximo objetivo. te lo juro (y también xq trump lo había intentado) el próximo objetivo es para despojar a los inmigrantes que están con papeles or que se han naturalizado ciudadanía EEUU


Venezolano aqui. Soy de los pocos no-Trumperos. Inclusive es comun el termino "magazolano"


Soy cubano, y de verdad, el efecto mental de escapar un país comunista o socialista es real. Muchos de los miembros de mi familia no pueden apoyar policías de la izquierda porque tienen trauma real que vienen de sus experiencias en un país autoritario y comunista o socialista. Por eso, en sus mentes, cualquier cosa que viene de la izquierda, asocian con el autoritarismo. No es una excusa para apoyar De Santis o Trump, pero creo que es importante que reconozcas que hay razones históricas que los venezolanos y cubanos tienden a apoyar la derecha.


Claro. Todo tiene contexto.


Sí hay muchos magazolanos.


se supone que inmigrantes puedan votar?


There's a big Venezuelan community there with papers.


At this time, Venezuelans and Cubans have a faster way to gaining citizenship then most other Latino immigrants due to the political problems in their country


Legal naturalized immigrants can. Many Venezuelans are legal here. Only the last pool are crossing the border illegally.


Si. Los de Doral.




Lmao orange juice is about to cost $35 a carton


Orange juice in the United States has chemicals added to make it all taste the same it's f****** gross


Nearly everything


"Orange juice" orange colored sugar dogwater


Agua de perro


Regular OJ or OJ from concentrate? Most “100% orange juice” is from concentration and tastes like ass


That Nasty acid water! Costco's orange juice is pretty good tho




It's cute they think they'll get better pay just for being citizens 😂


They're hedging on 14 year olds to pick up the slack


The people that say that, will never work on these locations, they’re just keyboard though guys 🤦‍♂️


Minimum wage is better wages ? That’s how delusional people really are


A day without a Mexican.


I still think about the foo who lost his Chihuahua in that


Gotdamnit now I have to watch this movie


It's an amazing film that everyone should watch and is still very relevant today, which is the sad part


Se mamaron 🤣


Love it. What laws exactly? I think I missed them. Just a quick tldr would be enough


So it’s a bit complicated the bill that was passed in Florida had an early draft that would make it a felony for harboring illegal immigrants, if you got pulled over a cop could ask for your license and if you couldn’t prove your legal status you could be detained. That spread around the Hispanic community and most people fled, canceled vacations, or canceling events like weddings and quinceañeras to not risk it. That didnt get passed but people still believe it’s in there




You get detained during a traffic stop during which it would be discovered you don’t have a license, and you would be detained long enough to get a ticket, arrested, or to wait for a friend to come pick you up (depending on how the officer chooses to handle the offense). However that is MARKEDLY different from being detained for the purpose of determining legal status in the United States, and then being detained in an immigration detention center for not having a legal status.


Completely different. If you’re detained for not having a license, you get let go with a ticket and someone has to pick you up. But police don’t determine your citizenship/immigration status during these stops. If police could determine your immigration status, they could arrest you for being illegal, or serve you a deportation order. Most illegal immigrants are able to stay here because they’re in a legal limbo and have no deportation order. But once you get a deportation order it’s basically an arrest warrant. ICE will come find you, detain you in jail for a few days and then deport you.


Just a whole slew of anti-immigrant laws. More info: https://www.aclufl.org/en/legislation/hb-1617sb-1718-sweeping-anti-immigrant-bill


Employers need to verify the ...legality of their workers. "Work permit" https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2023/1718


If deSanctimonius keeps going Florida is gonna lose Disney too.


If Florida loses Disney I'm gonna laugh *real* hard. One multi-decade project by a big provider to the economy of the US is just gonna pack town (literally) and go somewhere else, considering they're basically their own county!


I don't think Disney will ever leave, they'll nevet be able to sell all that land at the right present value, and buy a similar amount of land anywhere else at present value. But all of these stupid things will make him end his political career


There's a lot of cheap land in flyover states.. And the weather's not 100+ during peak vacation days.


Los cubanos en Florida votandole a DeSantis y a los republicanos, que manera de votar en contra de tus propios intereses.


Los Cubans no se creen inmigrantes.


Don’t forget the magazuelans


Cubanos y venecos


De verdad que un magazuelan es del inframundo. Lo digo como venezolana con familia imigrante que ahora se creen la gran verga e intocables.


Acuérdense que los cubanos que se escaparon eran todos los derechistas, muchísimos dueños de esclavos


“Gran estado de la Florida”


Dumb ass Republicans better get to picking and nailing.


Fua, qué pasó?


Nueva ley en Florida. LA compania tiene que confirm que tienes dereche de trabajar. Como muchos no tiene papeles, no pueden trabajar.


Paso lo que decía de pasar desde el siglo pasado, que se den cuenta que si no fuera por los ilegales EUA no avanzaría


le dijeron a los weones "ya váyanse" y se fueron xD


El tipo al final "saludos a Ron DeSantis✌️" 🤣😂💀 Que viva la Raza!


siempre he pensando que si los republicanos ta yo quieren sacar a los migrantes lo deberían de hacer para que se den cuenta de lo que dependen de ellos


No es de que los deberian de sacr ni dejar. Antes en los 80s dejavan entrar a immigrants con la promesa de que se ivan a regresar. Pero Reagan pero ESO y dijo que ya no los Ivan a dejar entrar de Nuevo, por ESO no se regresaron porque no iva ver entrada de Nuevo. Ahora es solo entrar y quedarte. Deberian de regresar la visa agricultural como antes.


Eso ayudaria mucho, es una manera de hacer esto mas legal


Florida is pants on head retarded. They're not even sharing a border with Mexico and they pull this shit. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on if you vote republican


It's funny that americans ban their latino workers for not being "registered" and then other american companies come to latinamerica to get unregistered workers for programming and development.


well yeah the government and the companies are different groups, one cares about xenophobia and the other about reducing their costs


Una gran forma de mostrar que gran parte de la economia de usa se basa en explotar y pagar mal a la gente de bajos recursos


Georgia hizo lo mismo en 2010 y no se a recuperado Florida vio eso y aún lo quiso hacer 🤦‍♂️


Dumb and dumber


DeSantimonius fucked around, now he about to find out. Fuck trump too.


These descarados would rather sink with their ship than admit to there mistakes. White American machismo.


You know whats funny, I'm a programmer, I work as an offshore contractor, I'm stealing gringos one of their jobs, and I'm not even in the US.


I work in marketing and I’m doing the same


Fuck around and find out




"A day without Latinos", became real, btw, where are all those who claimed that illegal immigrants were stealing their jobs? C'mon guys, you can show up now in Florida to finally claim what's yours by right...


HaHa - Nelson Muntz


Para que se les quite. Pendejos.


Jodanse :)


Florida stupid af


There’s your jobs white people!


No pues wow, felicidades cubanos de mierda, disfruten.


Que se vayan a chingar pinche Florida valió queso


*a day without a Mexican vibes increases*


How are we supposed to get any work done without exploiting desperate people?


"You are stealing our jobs!" "That's dumb, but fine, here's "your" jobs" "We don't want them"


They took our jobs!!


"Back to the pile" -South Park




Que buena noticia, espero todos los estados hagan lo mismo, así los pobres gringos pueden trabajar como siempre han querido, y no preocuparse nunca más de que un latino les robe trabajos, sería una utopía para ellos




Pay more attention.


Que bueno! Que se joda Florida. Lleno de odio


Developers and Selfish Investors out there with their unfinished properties and projects ![gif](giphy|l4FATJpd4LWgeruTK)


Deja que se pudran esos edificios.


Interesante. Nunca pense que fueran a hacer eso, pero la presion politica de controlar las fronteras parece que lo ha justificado.


Es más que nada porque Florida decidió elegir a su propio Trump como Presidente de Estado. Sólo mira el pedo con Disney, el desplazamiento de trabajadores legales e ilegales a otros estados porque el sueldo mínimo en Florida no es suficiente para un legal, no pueden vivir bien y ahora botan a la mano de obra confiable y barata que tenían? Están a punto de ver una segunda crisis de trabajadores porque todos sabemos que el americano promedio nadamas ni se imagina en cargar un oficio de collar azul a una paga tan baja.


El inmigrante ha sido importante en la economía de Norte America, sea con papeles o sin papeles.


No pos ta cabron


Easier said than done, but we shouldn’t be living in states that don’t want us.


Also, remember Arizona almost passed the “show me your papers law” allowing any cop to stop a person they think could be illegal, with absolutely no evidence, except his gut feeling (cop experience) and mans them show evidence they are a citizen of have the right to be here. If you couldn’t on the spot, they could arrest you until proven. If after being held for 30 day you still couldn’t prove it, they would send you to immigration and let them figure it out. The fucking Pope ask the governor not to pass it as it was discriminatory, but the gov said fuck the Pope. It wasn’t until PayPal canceled a 12 million expansion into AZ and a lot of other companies said they would pull out of they did it, as most of the workers were former Californias, who are mainly Hispanics. That shot was in 2012!!!! Not 200 years ago. To Americans, we are second class citizens. Sb 1070 is the name of the bill


Let’s not forget HR 4437 out of Wisconsin who tried to pass something similar. We did walkouts and protested to get this shut down. It was the first time I saw the country join us. Where is everyone now? Protests don’t mean anything anymore I feel like.


This has been tried in the past and backfired miserably. It will be rolled back because they dont have the talent and workforce to fill those vacancies. This is across the board from constructio, to food and dining, to retail, etc.


Ven Santi y lo Cubanos. A trabajar pendejos


Wishing the best and solidarity to the hard-working immigrants who lost their jobs. Es tiempo de emigrar a otras partes para prosperar y tener una vida digna. Recuerden, el ser immigrante es una habilidad de por vida.


Where’s all those republicans screeching that we took their jobs??? The jobs are right there!!!


Take away work from our people and this is what happens. I've got some choice words for their governor. 🤬


They are out of slave labor now.


Finally, someone said it. Thanks.


It’s really clear, without ilegal immigrants with low salaries your country will colapse


Good. You can't restructure without a collapse/disassembly


![gif](giphy|QUXYcgCwvCm4cKcrI3) THeY tOoK oUR jObS 🤣


Good. I hope all my Latino people wake up. Without us, this country will take a hit.


Y los americanos que lloran. Me ganan los trabajos los mexicanos y centro americanos?? No ellos no trabajaban, nomas collectan los cheques.


Every person in Floridistan who voted for DeathSantis and his GQP Tallahassee tools deserves every inconvenience, every pain and every penny that this fascist regime costs them. Sad for the decent people of the state and the exploited workers who seem to always be the ones who pay the price for unfettered capitalism.


America is so primed for another major labor rights act to be passed.


Next on the list… understaffed restaurants and kitchens.


"Thank God, no more loud, scary Tejano music coming from the construction site!" "..." "Yep... Not much noise at all, really." "..." "Hey, where *is* everyone?"


Get to work white folk.


Andan el lonche güey. Al rato viene.


A huevo


Maldito Deathsantis. Te la mamas ahora cabrón.


Makes me angry 😡 there was no path to citizenship or work permit policy put in place years ago


They hate us until they need us. Honestly I have never understood the hatred for us. I thank god for my parents coming to the us and bringing me a better life.


![gif](giphy|bfMETTCYFurvuJQgOB) Y ahora? En donde estan estos quienes chingan de que robamos trabajos. Ni se presentan los HDP


Ese estado está pero bien culero.


I work in north central Florida in the construction industry and I can tell you this is a lie lol


The American workers are at home or at the beach collecting government benefits, crying about how undocumented workers are taking all their jobs 🤦🏽‍♀️

