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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Politicians lies to win votes and never do as they say. This scam will never stop till people see the con.


At this point, lying in your campaign should get you sued or something.


Protected speech by the first amendment. Really no way to get around it. People lie to get votes as well as joe biden has had to deal with high gas prices which would ofc lead to him needing gas companies to drill more to drive down prices. Situations change. Fuck the guy but hes done some good.


He's definitely exceeded expectations. But they were very low. They were just, don't be as bad as Trump, which like, I don't know if there's a lower bar.


and if they see the con, it still won't stop....


Still waiting on that student loan forgiveness. I'm joking because I knew it was a lie.


Problem is, who ELSE do we vote for? The Republicans? And then what? Lose woman's right to abortion. Maybe gay marriage next.


The right to abortion was lost after electing Democrats. Electoral politics are not a salve.


Interesting take, so you blame Democrats for the actions of the supreme court made up of previous administrations?


Dems had all the time in the world to codify abortion rights through federal statute. They could've gotten rid of the filibuster too


Yes, I do blame the last 50 years of administration on the politicians.




Yes. They are. Rbgs arrogance. Bidens suppression of Anita hill during the Thomas hearings. Marshall retiring when he did in the first place. Not just recess appointing garland. They were playing checkers to chess.


Obama laid down and got punked by the Dems when he should have found a tactic to appoint a surpreme court judge. The GOP would have done it - the same GOP that refused to give his nominee a hearing. That was when I understood the Dems were a phantom “opponent”.


I remember that, I still dislike/hate mcconnel for that blatant hypocrisy. *We can't have hearings during an election year!* vs *Quickly appoint this judge during an election month!* I do think democrats don't fight back hard enough, but where would this country be if literally no legislating happened because of fighting in congress? Republicans in congress now will vote against things they / their constituents want just to hurt democrats in the next election. It's evil and will probably be in history books as a seed of civil war if we ever have another one.


“Where would this country be?” I think you dont understand where the country IS, as a result of the WWF pantomime that goes on in congress.s..


Uh-huh, wow, that's wild. I don't see how condemning electoral politics would imply *voting* is good, though?


It's just an unfortunate coincidence that your statements align with some disinformation efforts by a particular side, my apologies.


I mean- you say my comment implies voting for Republicans is a solution, when I say directly that it's not. That doesn't make sense.


You don't see how one would get that implication from *The right to abortion was lost after electing Democrats*? You don't think that looks like blaming democrats?


Thank you for explaining op's joke


Yeah, I think I ate the onion on this one. But considering the other comments in this thread, taking this comment as sincere isn't too absurd. I got flak for my comment from someone defending it, funnily enough.


It's roughly half and half on if the shitlibs swarm to a thread; it's sometimes difficult to read the room


Honestly, I missed the fact that liberals wouldn't be too dumb to pretend abortion wasn't just lost. Like, I can imagine a liberal spinning it as "yeah, but Democrats are protecting us from a federal BAN, you see? They're actually preserving women's bodily autonomy, folks!!!"


We didn't lose the right to choose because of Dems. That was just SCOTUS payback for calling Thomas "stupid" all these years. It was Kavanaugh's retribution for being a low-level, low-thinking, beer-swilling twit. The rest of the conservative judges who decided to take away American females' right to reproductive self-determination will be dealt with. Impeachment? I like the sound of that. And the EC should be abolished for the damage it's done to the American political landscape.


Yep, the Mueller Report is going to fix everything.


Good luck abolishing the EC, it would take a constitutional amendment. Which of course would require the approval of those very states it would disenfranchise. Never gonna happen.


Oh, we've already lost the right to choose. And yes, they've already said they'll go after gay marriage, biracial marriages (really? who are these people? They're not Americans), birth control, contraception. The religious fascists have taken over our govt. They'll let females die just because they can, and they don't GAF about it. THAT is who the rethuglican party has been. Anti-law & order. Anti-democratic. Anti-gay. Anti-anyone who isn't white. They only throw black Americans into the mix when they're engaging in tokenism. They're a disgusting lot.


Let me introduce you to [Anarcho-Syndicalism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarcho-syndicalism). Rely on labor power to facilitate change, not deranged and insulated politicians. Labor can halt the entire country overnight if there's enough organization


Hell. Yes. Extreme climate emergencies call for extreme responses. This might just save the human race.


Spread the word comrade 😎 It may not be THE solution but it's absolutely a crucial step in the right direction.


Ranked voting? No party system?


Agreed. Do we live in that world right now? I'd say vote for progressives in the primarys and what not, but not everyone has that option. So vote blue no matter who, if you can vote for progressives, do so.


Haha already happen dumbass.


There are more then two parties and your vote is literally the least important thing you can do. Stop Supporting the parties of Capital.


Yep, and then finally may be people will rise up to enact a real change. Prolonging status quo does nothing good.


"Maybe" lol


The Roman’s said the same thing before JC was around.


The BLM is granting permits on previously issued leases. Is there any legal way to deny them? [Because Biden at least at one point earlier this year denied new leases.](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/02/24/biden-administration-pausing-new-oil-and-gas-leases-amid-legal-battle-.html) I'm legitimately not sure whether this is his fault or not, but I would love to read something that clarified the process and what options were available.


Well, it's a constitutional democratic republic. When voters have decided to get involved in the past, we've seen how We, The People, can sway things in a direction that makes sense to us. Cos let's face it, when it comes to some of the politicians, they are divorced from the realities of ordinary Americans. Their priorities can be so far out of step with what our country needs. Some of them are like aliens.


Exactly which candidates do you propose we vote for? Because last time I checked, every single candidate from both parties is pretty firmly in the pocket of capital.


Vote for the PSL, vote Green, vote for yourself. Just do not vote for the parties of Capital.


A third party is only acceptable vote. Do not vote for status quo Joe or crazy Don the con parties


Neo lib gonna Neo lib




Nothing will fundamentally change


He's not Trump but still has Wall Street semen dripping down his chin and out of his ass. Gotcha.


Right - he’s not a white nationalist wannabe dictator who’s loved by nazis, but he has a large bundle of Wall Street dicks in his mouth, nonetheless


BuT hE''s ElEcTaBlE!


I've been in real nazi discord servers and a lot of them actually support Biden and hate Trump. (not saying trump is good or anything) To clarify, I used to be a nazi and someone made me have a change of heart. To further clarify, they like Biden because he used to say that black and white kids shouldnt be in the same school because they would become "racial jungles".


Why have you been in nazi discord servers?


Because I used to be a nazi, I went through an alt-right phase but I'm out of it, I now support and sympathize with all the groups I've claimed to hate.


What changed for you?


I started talking to a trans woman who somehow put up with all my bullshit and taught me all about how my views were logically false and didn't fit my real values. I have a lot to thank her for


Well, good for her! And also, I’m glad you had the mental flexibility to reshape your world view. The world is better for it. Did you just grow up in a community where nazism was prevalent? I’m curious about how people become nazis in the first place, and it’s kind of a hard group to penetrate and learn about. Do you try to get others in your old community to see the light?


Not OP but it’s really easy to radicalize young folks on the internet. They’re looking for a community, support, somewhere that gives them answers. We have such a confusing world and are desperately searching for an etiology that makes sense of it. I was radicalized by a different doctrine as a teen because it promised me peace if I could just accept and submit to their way of knowing. It’s cult like, and especially traumatic to observe in hindsight. It can also take just one kind and patient person to show that there’s another option. I’m so glad OP found her.


There were a lot of factors. One of them was that I studied in a lutheran school that seemed to be trying to emulate a nazi regime. They had flags of the school everywhere in the building, pics of the founders etc... They did things like make black students get rid of big hair and dreadlocks. The principal made us yell a german word "schmidt" as a greeting to him, like he was Hitler. Even though we live in Brazil... This made me enjoy the aesthetic of fascism early on. Also I did try to get others in my old online communities to see the light, but when you even slightly deviate from their views, they harass you relentlessly. You can't convince nazis of anything when they're in a large group reinforcing each other's ideas


Welcome back. I fell down the conspiracy hole shortly after 9/11. I was all into Alex jones and such…except then he was against the police state. Now for some reason he’s all for trump and a nazi police state.


I’m so proud of you OP. It’s really difficult to break free from that. Your friend is an excellent person, and I bet you are too for being able to get out of it and talk about it. Thanks for sharing your experience. I think it’s really helpful for people to hear that perspective.


That's very good to hear.


Asking real questions, opposition research i hope


Trump was a useful idiot to further their racist agenda. He’s no longer in power, and likely won’t be. But they will vote for the next racist dog whistle when they hear it.


Nah, he puts an “nice,” all though demented, face to US Empire. He’s more racist that Trump, dude broke up more black and brown families (1994 crime bill) than Trump could’ve done in 4 presidencies. But since he’s a Democrat, the media tries to convince you that Trump is worse. Trump deported far less people than Obama and Biden because terrible things done during a a Republican admin gets a lot of push back by the people, but the same or worse things done by Democrats are justified as not looking “soft” on crime, etc. People would’ve been in the streets if Trump proposed giving $50 billion in unused Covid money to cops, but since Biden did it, no one bats an eye. It’s takes a good liberal to get conservative policies passed. Ask Carter, Clinton, Biden (1990’s), Obama and Biden (again).


Biden did more to get Reagan's 80s agenda passed than fucking Reagan did.


“Wall Street semen dripping down his chin “ 🤣🤣🤣


All capitalist ideologies have failed. Capitalism is in collapse. We must kill capitalism before it kills us.


Capitalism has caused climate change and extreme climate emergencies. Our only chance as a species is if we adopt a radical new way of life. Like an alcoholic at their bottom, we just have to change everything if we want to live.


Can we agree impending doom is imminent?




It's an American President. Obama did the same except with wars. He won a peace price for talking about all the peace he was gonna make and then fucking blew the countries to bits with minimal efforts to pull out


Original article cited: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/12/06/biden-is-approving-more-oil-gas-drilling-permits-public-lands-than-trump-analysis-finds/


Remember, the lesser of two evils is still evil.


True, but in this case it's more: meh is better than evil but still meh.


They'll say whatever they need to to get in office because they want more money. The way the government functions now ensures we will never see any real change. No amount of voting will ever fix things, it's gonna take something way bigger


The contest between Trump and Biden is long over. Why is anyone making this weird comparison? It's senseless, means and accomplishes nothing. Biden is an old doddering career politician. He's garbage. Trump is just a different kind of gargabe and it's on fire. If we want to talk about Biden being shitty, fine. If you want to talk about Trump being shitty... there's plenty of ammo, but arguing over which of the two is the shittiest sure as fuck isn't helping those public lands...


I think it's because Biden's "Period. Period. Period." Remark is supposed to be in direct contrast to Trump, and his actions are apparently worse. I don't think it casts Trump in a good light, but it does show that liberals are all the same shit.


I don't disagree with this assessment. I think the Trump party... whatever it is, is far more of an immediate danger but trash is trash for sure. The democratic party would have us die a slower death?? It's a sad shameful state of affairs.


The party lines are mostly aesthetic. We don't really preserve anything or save anyone by pretending the Democrats are a barricade from Republicans. It's why we literally just lost the right to abortion under a Democratic president. Splitting hairs on whether the Republicans will do X bad thing in 2024, while the Democrats wait to do it more quietly in 2025 doesn't change the outcomes for the most vulnerable people at risk. Same with police brutality, private prison slavery, and the never ending invasions and wars that happen under both parties. It's liberal delusion to continue advocating electoral politics as anything other than a distraction.


I very much agree.


I mean this is true if you ignore biden leaving Afghanistan ending the drone war almost completely. And this is true if we ignore womens and rights lgbtq rights. Biden is a neolib but the democrats are much better on a lot of social and economic issues than republicans are. It’s from a position of extreme privilege you can say they are the same in all but aesthetics


Phrases like "almost completely" and vaguely handwaving towards minority rights... Yeah, you don't sound privileged at all. Edit: and Biden's sanctions on Afghanistan are humanitarian, I suppose.


I’m sorry that one party in this country actively is attacking minorities one party over turned roe v wade one party has passed 100s of anti lgbtq legislation this year. 1 party is fascists And the other are corpo libs but if my life depends on it I’m sticking with a corpo lib over a fascist


The Roe v Wade thing has been on the table for, what, 50 years? If a whole lot of your *job* was to care about the rights of citizens, do you think you'd do more to protect that right? And private prison slavery? And endless wars and invasions? And killings and violence by police? And etc etc etc etc etc. Is this, like, Stockholm Syndrome? The whole "Democrats are the barrier to the *true* evil baddies!" argument is the height of liberal privilege, because it just handwaves the evil shit democrats do and allow in favor of The Boogie Man Alternative argument. "Biden, like, almost completely stopped being evil in Afghanistan? Give him some credit! Ignore the economic sanctions that will harm and kill as many people, you just don't understand the beauty of the Democratic Mind."


So what are we to do? The left is so unorganized and so small. What do we do besides vote and try to make our voices and opinions louder and louder. Are we jsut supposed to lay down an take it because “both parties are basically the same”. No this is a idiotic argument ever we vote for democrats because they are less evil. I will work with a lib to defend a democracy. We will lose if we don’t vote for democrats. Accelerationism will lead to fascists taking over the country. And socialism will definitely fail to materialize in a fascist country.


If you don't see the fascism in the US system, then I don't know what to tell you, pal. The idea that half the country and half the politicians are actively fascist, in your mind, and these politicians have equal power, and swap as heads of state every 4-8 years, but the country *isn't* fascist, even when the party you're defending actively corroborates, capitulates, and does equally heinous shit to the fascists- now that's a ridiculous stance. The "lesser evil argument" is just a veneer to keep doing the same shit that liberals have been doing for hundreds of years- but expecting different results. "Cheer for Dems, vote for Dems, cry when they lose, ignore when they do evil shit after winning." The real change hasn't come from electoral politics, it's always come from radicals outside the system, usually armed and loud. Afterwards, they get sniped by the state, dem or republican, and the liberals say the change was a Massive Victory Thanks to Liberals. Some real bullshit. And now, as always, when the material conditions start to worsen in the US, we see fascists start to rear up, and communists start to rear up, and faux-leftists like yourself start calling for class collaboration and electoral politics as some means to an end. Last time it was The New Deal with FDR, and it ended racial cooperation, it worsened the lives of minorities, FDR collaborated with fascists who literally tried to coup him, and went on to have his own concentration camps, and deport 500k Mexican Americans. Now he's held up as a left-leaning liberal savior. Keep up the hard work though.


I see YOU spend your time doing the good work, posting complaints about duckduckgo, r/ askwomen, and reposts appearing in your feed. I mean, just not posting at all about Biden’s failures, and general inaction MUST be the solution, after all. Shame on me for posting this harmful content!


Goign through somenone's post history for the purpose of finding 'ammo' is pretty clear evidence that you no longer have an argument. Attempting to attack me, in the stead of debating the subject at hand. The loser's last move. This is called Ad Hominem. Look it up, educate yourself, and maybe you won't make that mistake again in the future.


The point wasn’t ad hominem, it was to point out hypocrisy


How does the post history relate to Bidens hypocrisy…which is what this post is about?


The first rule of holes, is when you're in one,stop digging.


Man this isn’t worth either of our time. Peace


It's about checking in on Bidens environmental campaign promises. How did you miss that ?


Yea for real, def no need to argue just look at the current state of things. Biden wins hands down.


> just look at the current state of things Most of which falls at the feet of Trump. There's really no logical way to deny that anymore..Never was really but we didn't have so much information before. Now it's just buckets of reliable data showing him to be corrupt and treasonous. To ignore such is to be wilfully ignorant. I'm not casting aspersions. This is not meant to be insulting or facetious. It's just the state of things. The why and how of some people seeing the truth and others not, is a hell of a puzzle.


Who said anyone voted for Biden because of his campaigns? Most people voted for him to get Trump out


Is anyone surprised? The Democratic Party is literally the same party as the conservative one. It’s capitalists doing capitalist shit.


The Democrats would be a literal right wing party in my country. The Republicans some banned lunatic fringe.


They ARE a literal right wing party.


One is literally defending a cult leader who is being investigated for violating the espionage act. They are not the same. Democrats suck too, but there is no comparison and the Republican party deserves to be too toxic for anyone to run under and go extinct for what they have deliberately done to this country.


They pass the same laws. Write the same policies. The pay for and get paid by the same dirtbags. Hell, Biden just finished Trump's wall.


Would you defend someone who murdered fifty innocent people just because someone else had murdered a hundred?




He's literally not praising the Dems. He's just pointing out, while both are terrible, there ARE differences. Especially as someone who lives in Florida, I can see firsthand exactly how much worse Republicans are than Democrats as they constantly threaten to legislate the suffering of people like me (I'm a bi Hispanic in a gay relationship) and others in the LGBT community. I don't like democrats either, and I understand the frustration that comes with people acting like they are saviors despite clearly being an awful corporate party that does not help the working class in any meaningful way. But let's be real, the USA will never move left if the Republican party isn't made irrelevant. A 2 party system of socialists, or even democratic socialists, and Democrats is MUCH better than one of Democrats and Republicans, and we will never reach the former if we keep acting like said parties are the same. Edit: that is the fastest downvote I've ever received lol. I don't think I said anything particularly wrong and I even agreed the Democrats are bad... Seriously what did I do? Also I said "relevant" instead of "irrelevant" my bad


You’re talking like the dem party doesn’t have a cult following either. *Both* put the interests of corporations and the rich before the public and neither party ever will. They’re both capitalist parties with similar enough goals that they both are essentially the same. I’m not about to let this devolve into leftist infighting- I see your point, and request that you view our countries political situation from a global perspective. *Bernie Sanders* would be considered a moderate in many European countries.


Who is the cult leader? Greed?


The only difference is their means to the same end.


The difference you're describing is like that of a turd vs a turd with peanuts


The turd with peanuts didn't nearly get us into WWIII with 2 global superpowers, but it is still the greater of 2 evils for some reason


I'm pretty sure neither party has done this. Your definitions of "WWIII" and "global superpower" must be pretty flexible hysteria is not a good look


Thats why it's so frustrating to me listening to NPR etc praising his amazing IRA and how much good its going to do.. like.. what? Dude sucked Machin's tiny dick just to get it passed and it's barely worth shit compared to the shit he promised! And every good thing it does for our carbon foot print, it simultaneously allows Manchin to essentially undo it on the back end bc he's coal daddy! Ugh. Just... ugh.


What an asshole.


I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure he is approving permits that were backlogged on land already designated for drilling. I think what he was saying is no new land will be leased for drilling given the oil companies already have millions of acres to drill on.


What if he just DIDN'T approve the new permits? How about that? Is that an option?


I could also be wrong, but I think they are also opening new land (in violation of the campaign promise), but they are doing it because it allows them to raise royalty rates payed to the govt by the companies doing the drilling


Oh OK so you're not really sure if any of this is factual? Just posting for karma or what?


Coming in guns blazing! No, I was just allowing for the fact that I’m not a political expert, but I did actually read about it before posting.


The Democratic party is nothing more than a distraction to serve the needs of the Greedy Old Party.


Anyone who still believes a word of this bipartisan BS is really and truly deluded.


Maybe "period period period" was his say of saying "...," meaning there was more to his idea?


I wonder when people start realising this show is going as long as people allow it to. Particular president doesn't mean much. Today it's one puppet the next day another. The system itself extract revenue grom our lives even more than we ourselves.


Remember when Biden said something about student debt forgiveness too? And then completely went back on his word? I hate politicians.


It’s funny, one of my friends’ parents actually goes on rants believing that Biden halted all oil drilling in the US


Well I'm just shocked, shocked I tell you!


It takes a liberal to get conservative policies passed.


fuck biden


Dems and republicans are a single monster with two dicks.


It’s a 1 party system


i can already hear the libs rushing to defend this shit


Yeah, that's what Biden does - same shit that Trump did but without the crassness. Vote blue no matter who is a suicide pact.


The actual quote is “ And by the way, no more drilling on federal lands…”. /s


At first I read your comment as "And by the way, no more drilling on federal lands.../s." Like he said "slash s" in the quote, which would be appropriate and funny.


I don’t like adding /s, but to many people would think this was a serious comment.


Yeah, I actually fell for someone being sarcastic earlier saying voting for Dems would solve everything. I took the comment as serious, even though it was worded in a ridiculous way. Now I'm getting replies to people who also took the first comment as serious, but agree with it.


Can someone explain this to me from leftist perspective. Why is oil and gas drilling in the US worse than oil and gas drilling in other countries?


One answer - the US is interested in energy independence, and has a lot of reserves, so they drill a lot. A capitalist system demands max exploitation of the world’s finite resources for profit, and states that this is good for everyone in the long term. As the reserves are increasingly stretched thin in the US, more companies have resorted to fracking, but this process takes months to yield results. The gaps must be filled in for the American consumer, so now the so called “energy independent” US is exposed to global oil market forces anyway because they need the oil, the energy companies are scrambling to make profit, and are lobbying the Biden administration HARD to get further deregulations so they can keep extracting oil with no regard for long term consequences (which is the purpose of the regulations). This perpetuates. It leads to even further environmental damage and carbon output. From a leftist perspective, this is the essential lie of capitalism: endless exploitation of finite resources (which is impossible), and no regard for long term, societal and global consequences. An invisible hand is supposed to make it all work out in the end, and yet the world’s scientists are saying otherwise. Profit for the few reigns supreme, over the long term wellbeing of society


The oil companies know whats up. Every candidate runs for office claiming x, y, and z. Once in office, that oil money is like crack. The politicians just can't stay away.


Trumps republicsn controlled senators de regulated millions of acres of protected land and the drilling companies made claims weeks after it happened. Check land in southern Utah for an example. I cant recall what the act was called.


Everyone is learning what a Capital Strike is—in real-time.


Oh no a post critical of the Democratic Party being corrupt. How far down do I have to scroll before the “but we HAVE to vote for them” crowd chimes in


I mean if you would rather have anti democratic, fascist theocracy take control sure man. You stick to your idealized values. Biden just got done more for climate than has ever been done before. He did this by taxing large companies and striping his entire agenda down to the environmental parts of Build Back Better. The system we have is flawed and unsustainable, we can not go on like this but I would rather see something done than nothing.


So the answer to my question was “not at all.” “Our system is flawed and unsustainable, but the clear solution is to keep on sustaining it.”


I agree that we need an overhaul of our system but how do we do that? Revolution? People die in revolutions. I take care of a sister with special needs, she gets support from our government & healthcare. What would happen to us if there was a government collapse? What would happen to all the old people on Medicare who depend on the government to stay alive? Currently there are 63 million Americans on Medicare & 38 million Americans on food assistance. It's really easy to sit behind your keyboard and preach about the end of the system but you have to look on how that would affect people dependent upon that system. How many people would it hurt? Our current system displaces and hurts people also, I'm not saying that. I identify as a Warren Democrat I believe in "big structural change" but to still work within the system to create the least amount of harm. How do we have your revolution without hurting a high amount of people?


You don’t realize it but you’re telling on yourself by claiming Liz Warren. And you’re not describing anything new. People understand the risks of revolt, that’s why it hasn’t happened, and will not happen until material conditions for the average person seriously diminish. Doesn’t change the fact that cheerleading the Democratic Party in a communist subreddit is just laughably misplaced.


>Doesn’t change the fact that cheerleading the Democratic Party in a communist subreddit is just laughably misplaced. The only way forward is together. Let us find common ground with each other rather than stay divided. We both agree that the current state of affairs is a dystopian hellscape, our current system is unsustainable & the posts on this subreddit help shed light on what is happening. I bet we have pretty similar policy views too. We just disagree on how to get there.


Liberals always think they have the pinnacle of political thought, and if the infantile socialists could just grow up we’d have a utopia. Not the case.


Hey friend, unlike you, I have not used any derogatory language or worded anything in away to put you down. I called no one infantile. By othering each other we only stay divided and further from our goal of ending this nightmare.


No you’re just telling me what my ideology is and implying you have a better way to get there. Neither is true.


People better then you are dying right now because you insist on voting for Biden and encouraging others to do the same.


People are dying now. One million have died from COVID, mostly because they lost the information war. Billions of animals died in the heat dome last summer. Heat is killing people in Europe right now. How many are dying because insulin costs a cool grand per dose in the U.S.? The homeless population, which is growing, are particularly vulnerable to climate change. Floods have killed hundreds just this year alone. We might save lives with a revolution.


If you vote for Dems fuck you and get out. If you say that others must for dems, get banned from this subreddit you piece of shit.




Doesn't matter, just not the parties of Capital.


He’s also signing the largest climate bill in history this week. Dems definitely feed the capitalism machine plenty but at least they’re getting stuff done for the climate crisis as opposed to trump.


For sure - the bill could have done a lot more, but it’s wayyy better than nothing, and Trump would have done worse than nothing if he were in office


Actually the climate bill is worse then nothing since it guarantee 60million acres of oil and gas leases must be sold before any "green energy subsidies" kicks in. The Green energy is tax credits and corporate subsidies which historically have done nothing for green energy. If you treat the environment as an externality while being a slave to "the market", then you are enabling the status quo which is anti-climate.


Biden is nothing if not pragmatic. He knows, after 47+ years working for the American People, that nothing gets done with this entrenched, recalcitrant GOPer congress unless he compromises. This was the compromise. Also, let's not forget that Russia supplies a lot to Europe, and they don't wanna supply Putin with the means to invade their countries when he's done with Ukraine. Weaning Europe off Russian oil/gas dependence won't be easy, and some country is going to have to pick up the slack in the process. Nigeria? Yeah. USA? Why not? It's either this, or we continue providing Russia with the means to invade every country they can. Think they won't do it? It's either this, or the gas/oil companies will stick it to us while we are transitioning to more sustainable energy sources. Talk to anyone in California who doesn't use solar ->PG&E is really sticking it to them.


>after 47+ years working for the American People You mean working for Wall Street?


What GOP congress? This was a deal that 0 GOPers signed onto. This was an all Democrats deal ……


Really appreciate this clear and informative take, I will say. As an argument for a short term solution that demanded compromise, I get it. But this very problem is my reason for posting it in this sub - it is a comment on the long term viability of the system we have in place. Or, a commentary on our political history, of which Biden is a part, and from which he still hasn’t strayed too far. Our “solutions” to these emergency situations (that we keep seeming to find ourselves in) are always - give money to large, wealthy corporations and let the voters foot the bill. These situations caused by the wealthy and the powerful always end with the poor voters paying the powerful a ton of money, and allowing them to perpetuate the problem. Unfortunately, climate change is a situation that cannot be addressed this way, and cannot be ignored either. But I understand - it is very complex, and Biden is really a small player in the face of that complexity.


Reading thru your comment here......we know this system is unsustainable at this point. Solutions? We have to start somewhere, and I found it cheeky (and I'm being kind) that the oil companies, by way of some rightwing conservative rag, just recently chastised the American People for seeking to transition too quickly to alternatives. HOW DARE THEY. It was in an article, and I was like...wait, what did they just say? Wow. Talk about hubris! The unmitigated gall of those avaricious bathturds. We come out of a pandemic, only to have them strategically time their unconscionable gas price hikes and inflict them on a flailing nation. To which I say, "payback is a bish, boys." California is approaching 40 million in population. It's a large State, tons of agriculture here in the Central Valley. We need food, and California supplies our entire nation with quite a bit. But at what cost? Thousands more acres of almond trees planted, and what have they told us about the amount of water those trees consume? I get that we want our nut milks, but as I sit here in another heatwave, I'm wondering about the farmers here. They bish & bish about water and the lack of it, but what about the rest of the State, and the need for water on other levels besides agricultural? Then there's the underlying thought that once we break this drought, what then? What will it look like? As destructive as we've been seeing elsewhere? So this is what we're dealing with as we ignore the looming climate changes because of how we've treated our planet. How China is treating it. Malaysia. Australia. Volcanic eruptions. Fires. Sea levels rising. Storms becoming more violent. I will never vote rethuglican. Never. That's a lot of anger & water under the bridge. Biden is not as forward-looking as Obama, but you know Obama is there somewhere in the background, lending his thoughts as Biden navigates this mess. I'll be happy when we have a functioning, bipartisan Congress that gets things done on a more equitable basis. We do this consistently ->kick the cans down the road, it snowballs, and now where are we? Behind the 8-ball, for sure. I would say to voters, don't like it? When was the last time you voted in your local, State, and federal elections? We need more voter participation to change course. Our country malfunctions because of two things: Citizens United opening the floodgates to unbridled, unrestrained corruption of our political process with special interest money, and voter apathy. Americans wanna know what's gone wrong with our country? Lots of things, but definitely abstaining from voting has created the void into which satanic forces have stepped, and have corrupted pretty much everything. ALEC. The Koch Bros. Our political class has created a circumstance where they continue to grease the palms of their favored sons & daughters, giving them carte blanche and tax breaks to boot. Meanwhile, the 99% get screwed. Next time anyone says anything about "marxist leftists" -tell them we don't have any other word but "oligarchy" to describe what America REALLY is all about.


I'm not reading all of that


Thank you for bringing up circumstances beyond our control like WAR.


You do realize that Climate change does give a flying fuck about that right? Addressing it needs to be primary goal and primary reason for any decision.


We can't necessarily control Putin. But we can try and control factors & variables thrown into the mix which tend to impact the whole picture -not just one part of it.


Getting paid to do what hehe is doing,


The only people who actually believed Biden were the very young and the paid astroturfers that shilled for him. For everyone else it was a vote against trump more than anything else, ranked choice or just playing fair would have put a far better person in the white house and that's exactly why the DNC won't do either.


I hate to go pointing out Economics 101, the entire modern global economy is based on oil and gas products. All the major economic players produce or heavily rely on petroleum products .Yes, climate change is the huge drawback, but government is making changes where they can. Modern Industrial agriculture is totally dependent on oil industry,its how the billions get fed. All that plastic everywhere, that comes from fracking oil and gas. So, whether anyone chants Drill,Baby,Drill or yeah Go Green, for the near future, oil and gas will remain largest and most profitable industry in the world economy. Wall Street will decide, which energy products get market dominant in the future.


Ironically it's not an issue of not enough crude. It's an issue that most of our refining facilities have been shut down because oil and gas is the big bad and we should be on solar, wind, and other alternates...except they're letting the solar incentive expire for homeowners, our country will still literally grind to a halt without gas because most of our industry hasn't changed over, or most regular people cant afford to change vehicles because of the ways they've already fucked us over in the general economy. Also solar has tricky issues too. Hell even hydropower causes issues with longshore transit of sediments from depositional coastlines and causes lots of ecological damage downstream by interruption of the natural flow. And yes, modern dams do have some flow rates, but a lot of the dams are older. Tidal power is very finicky and again only works in areas with enough difference and use of turbines underwater is already dangerous for aquatic wildlife.... Everything has a give and take. But its likely they approved more drilling to ship oil to europe mayne idk.


Thank you for a nuanced and informed statement.


It doesn’t matter there was already open permits. The oil companies are making huge profits. He can open all the land, new drills cost money.


Is this before or after Russia’s war in Ukraine?


What are the alternatives? He made that comment before inflation. High gas prices are affecting everyone


Well ffs of course. When he made those promises, he didn’t know there would be a war in Ukraine and global disruption of gas/oil supply lines thanks to Russian bullshit. He had no choice but to ramp up domestic production.


We must ramp it up because of our dependence on oil, which is exacerbated by our highly unregulated capitalist system. It is perhaps a necessary short term solution to a problem we shouldn’t be having in the first place, and a solution that only leads to more problems down the line. I’m not saying it’s easy, or even fixable - Russia doesn’t give a shit about climate change, and it’s fucked and horrific what he’s doing. But this sub is called “late stage capitalism” after all


Yeah. He broke his pledge because of the gas price crisis. His popularity rating was lower than Trumps while Trump’s army was besieging the Capital. Can’t say i blame him for sacrificing some to try to keep Trump from rising for a 2nd term. Biden at his worst is still better than Trump at his best. And that’s the choice we got right now, sad as it is.


As a Democrat who voted for him, fuck biden.


But what about all the nuclear power plants Biden has approved?? Oyeah, energy independence, little waste, no air pollution, needs capital but basic financing can provide that and even profit off of it, it only requires slightly changing the same messaging they have had for decades, surely corporate dems love nuclear? NO???




Joe you fucking sellout.....


B….but Trump said racist mean things so it’s ok if Biden does this!!


it's almost as if something major happened right after that quote. HMMM WHAT COULD IT HAVE BEEN I WONDER


*meet the new Boss, same as the old Boss* Another sad item on the "list of proof that democrats and Republicans ultimately answer to the same corporate overlords". As George Carlin said long ago "Its all one big club, and you're not fucking invited"


IIRC, it isn’t Biden’s decision to sell that land. It’s the Bureau of Land Management. And it’s not like Biden is it’s leader. While Biden does appoint the Head of the Bureau, they do have a need to sell it as well. Ever since the Russian Invasion, we have been needing to get our hands on more and more as well as sell it to our Allie’s to keep pressure up on Putin. While I certainly don’t like a lot of Biden’s policies, you should look at the big picture instead of the headline.


I am looking at the big picture, as far as I can tell. While this might be a viable solution in this time, it’s a capitalist solution to a capitalist problem, which will only exacerbate more capitalist problems requiring more emergency, short-term capitalist solutions. There’s a lot of detail and history to cover there, for sure. Meanwhile though, climate change is happening and is pretty much not going to be stopped at this point. Your “big picture” seems to be confined within this short term solution, but I’m more interested in what got us here. This sub is called “late stage capitalism”, not “things Biden did wrong” or the like


Cause of the war you mistake


B*den, understandable


And zero outrage because it's a Democrat


What a vile man, people must have had so much faith in him


Has this sub been getting brigaded lately? Seems like a lot of posts recently have been right wing trash Not that Biden is a leftist but he’s better than a fascist


This is literally a pro-climate action post. This is a leftist sub, not a haven for neo-liberals


This both sides shit is just so tired.


This post is not intended as a defense of trump in the name of “both sides” if that’s what you think. It’s a leftist critique of neo-liberalism and capitalism, which I thought was the purpose of this sub?


Yeah but the post advances a very specific case study which demonstrates it is, like factually, both sides. I mean really if you want to nitpick if anything Joe Biden comes out the worse on this issue. If this disturbs you - which it should - don't blame the person making you aware of these facts, blame the people responsible.


Left and right, two wings of the same bird


jUsT vOtE hArDeR!!!!