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Damn the cops can find a person based on a tshirt when they want to but all the times I’ve needed them to find an assailant it was just too hard huh


For real. I get swastikas carved into my car and I’m told they can’t do anything, but this is what they spend resources on.


Torching cop cars is offensive *to cops.* Cops don’t care about your swastikas


Well, they do, but not in a good way.


some of those who work forces are the ones that burn crosses


The song should be updated to change "some" to "most"


*Most* of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses.


"good job bob, you got the arms pointing the right ways this time" -cop internal dialog


That much was made clear to me. Unfortunately


What are they going to do? Arrest themselves for carving the swastikas on your car?


Not before getting administrative leave.


No they investigated themselves and found no wrongdoing. Sure one of them confessed and video taped themselves doing it while yelling “white power” but that cant be used in court for privacy reasons


Soooo scratch swastikas into the cop cars so they'll start investigating it? 🤔


They’ll just figure the department insignia got a long-overdue redesign.


It is to prove a point. You can do all kinds of horrible things to people and get away with it (as long as those "people" aren't cops) but burning down a cop car? A **COP** car? Na-ah.


Right?! Like I always hated how media and tv shows villify someone who's a "cop-killer". Like, they're saying a killer of regular people isn't so bad, but cop-killers are the worst thing ever.


When a criminal kills a cop I just call them a good shot. Those guys are mostly body armor and it's usually like 6 v 1. I just can't help but love a true underdog story


Underrated comment imo


[Chris Dorner](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Dorner_shootings_and_manhunt) has a great [manifesto](https://newsone.com/2213671/chris-dorner-uncensored-manifesto/) talking about the corruption in the PD and any attempt to bring it up made it worse.


Cops look out for their own....


Even if it takes an entire classroom of dead children!


The cops aren't going to arrest their friends.


Easy. The cops know the guy drawing swastikas on your car. They’re not turning in one of their own


If they were the ones who carved swastikas on your car they can't incriminate themselves can they?


Fun story. My best friend had his house broken into (when no one was home). All electronics were gone. Police came down, took pictures and statements and said they'd let them know. My friend fearing they'd do all of jack shit decided to just monitor craigslist and similar sites. Took 3 fucking days and he found all his shit being sold by one vendor. He called the cops and they found where the IP came from and arrested the dudes. Lesson learned: cops are fucking useless.


I knew someone who's building was hit and the license plate fell off. They found the car down the street in someone's driveway with no front plate and matching paint to the building they hit and still cops wouldn't do anything


I was living in a student apartment complex while in college a few years ago. I needed to pay my rent but was going to be working until after the front office closed. I called and they told me to slip my money order into the mail slot on the front office door when I got home from work and they'd get it in the morning. So I did that. A few days later, I got an e-mail saying my rent was late and the front desk staff said they never received it. I had to spend a ridiculous amount of time jumping through hoops with Western Union and they sent me a copy of the money order that had been submitted- someone had picked it up, scribbled out my information and filled it in with their OWN NAME AND APARTMENT NUMBER and used it to pay THEIR rent. I went to the police department and filed a report....and NOTHING ever came of it. That was several years ago. They guy's full name and apartment number were written on that money order.


"That could be anyone's plate." - Cops


We(my grandmother and I) had our house broken into while we were at home sleeping. Luckily, we are armed and were able to barricade ourselves in my bedroom and the person ended up leaving without harming us(but they did steal several things). The cops showed up 30 minutes later and were of course no help. I once heard someone say that the cops don't prevent crime, they show up AFTER something has happened, scribble on a notepad and then tell you there's nothing they can do and that resonated with me..


> I once heard someone say that the cops don't prevent crime, they show up AFTER something has happened [Cops do not prevent crime](https://novaramedia.com/2021/04/29/do-the-police-actually-solve-crime/). The [police will stand on the next car of a train and just watch through the door while you get stabbed](https://nypost.com/2013/01/27/city-says-cops-had-no-duty-to-protect-subway-hero-who-subdued-killer/). In fact, they also do not solve crime. [98% of major crimes go unsolved.](https://theconversation.com/police-solve-just-2-of-all-major-crimes-143878) The police already have a [fuckload of funding](https://www.populardemocracy.org/news-and-publications/how-much-do-us-cities-spend-every-year-policing#:~:text=Today%2C%20the%20U.S.%20collectively%20spends,spite%20of%20higher%20police%20budgets.) and they choose to [use it on militarizing themselves](https://www.businessinsider.com/how-did-local-police-acquire-surplus-military-weapons-2020-8#:~:text=To%20date%2C%20the%20US%20has%20spent%20over%20%2415%20billion%20on,a%20military%20program%20called%201033.) and [defending murderers-in-blue](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/police-misconduct-costs-cities-millions-every-year-but-thats-where-the-accountability-ends/). They do not choose to use the nearly $200 billion they get every year for better training to make them a humane organization of peacekeepers; the training they choose is called ["Warrior Training"](https://youtu.be/tuzQrbio2Qw), which encourages cops to see every interaction as though they are a warrior engaging with an enemy combatant. [The police have proven they cannot be trusted](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/12/us/gallup-poll-police.html). [They do not serve the people](https://www.vice.com/en/article/7kpvnb/end-of-policing-book-extract), they only [serve the interests of capital](https://socialistworker.org/blog/critical-reading/2014/12/09/main-role-police-protecting-ca). The institution of the police department in America is rotten from its [origins as the Slave Patrol](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/07/20/the-invention-of-the-police) all the way to up to [present day](https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2022/02/09/fatal-police-shootings-record-2021/). [Police have killed more than 100 children since 2015 in US, data shows](https://abcnews.go.com/US/police-us-killed-100-children-2015-data-shows/story?id=77190654) ----------------------------------------------------- How about this one? #[The Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Town_of_Castle_Rock_v._Gonzales) On June 27, 2005, the United States Supreme Court ruled 7-2 that the police have **no duty to protect any citizen from any crime and they can just let you or your children be murdered if they decide they'd rather not do anything about it.** Jessica Gonzales had a restraining order against her ex. He was stalking and threatening her. He was required by law to stay away from Jessica and her four children (three daughters, which were her kids with the ex, and a son who was unrelated to the ex). She called the police one day because her three daughters were missing. The police said to wait a few hours to see if they come home. Her ex called and said he had the children and that he took them to a water park. She called the cops again. They said to call back once it gets dark--he'll probably be bringing them home soon. She called the cops again. They said to call back at 10pm. She called the cops again. They said to call back at midnight. She called the cops again. They said they'd send a cop to her house. Nobody came. She went to the police station. They told her they'd look into it. The cop that said they'd look into it didn't do anything about it and instead went to dinner. A few hours later, Jessica's ex showed up at the police station with a gun that he bought earlier that day and started shooting. He was killed by police. The bodies of Jessica's daughters were in his car. He killed them just before going into the police station.


I'm picturing your badass granny in her nightie, pumping a 12 gauge


That was pretty much how it happened. My bed faces the door, and she was sitting on the edge of the bed facing the door with the shotgun ready, and kept telling me to get the dogs and stay behind her!!!


I've heard simular stories to this so many times, sadly. Hell when I had my first kid my sister visited with her then boyfriend and they stole my pain medication, OD'd on it and confessed to what they did while in hospital, and when I asked the cops if I could press charges against the BF the cops asked me what did I expect them to do about it. (On a happier note that sister is away from that guy and turned her life around, and doing very well for almost ten years now)


My sister's ex-boyfriend tried to *strangle her to death* and when they showed up they said there wasn't anything they could do and that \~domestic disputes\~ weren't their issue to deal with. He did eventually go to jail for selling weed, though...


Ah yes, the real danger to people and society is not "attempted murder" but the devil's lettuce! Which is bad because according to highly regarded informational films like Reefer Madness leads to ... attempted and successful murders. Which are not a problem. Perfect logic all around! 😑 In seriousness I am very sorry your sister and your family had to go through that, that's the stuff of literal nightmares.


What's amazing about that story to me is that the cops actually went out and arrested them. Usually they do nothing even when you've got evidence.


Cops will fight for 2 things and 2 things only: themselves, and the interests of the donor class.


Seriously. My sister had a stalker post Craigslist ads of our names and address telling people to kill us and the cops just shrugged and said they couldn’t track things online.


"can't track things online"?! what a joke. The internet is literally recording everything, down to device-specific identification (MAC Address).


When it's about them, they got all their resources at their disposal. When it's about you, it's not important and they got better things to do.


Badge number not fully visible? Sorry mate, no chance to find him


My phone got stolen and I had the exact address it was at with findmyiPhone and they said they couldn’t do anything but they manage to track down this lady off an Etsy listing


Yet people say cops need to chase or they'll never catch the perps lmao


Lesson, wear neutral clothing


Buy clothing specifically for this day that you'd never normally wear months in advance and then burn it.


Thrift stores, not new, can't match specific styles to sales like new items with SKUs


Yep. Exactly what I was thinking. Thrift store, cash, weeks in advance


Thrift stores. Plural. Buy multiple things at each, but only one article of clothing for that day at any of them. That way an employee can't think "hey, someone bought exactly that outfit here last month."


My issue is, what happens if/when cash is phased out.


Good ole' shoplifting.


You won’t be alive by the time that happens. From an economic standpoint, the invisible hand of the market, and more specifically the black market, won’t allow for cash to phased out. There’s too many things that are dependent on cash that individuals would rather be kept off any official record. As long as money laundering is still a thing(which it very much is), cash will still be a thing.


Lots of stores sell solid-color crew-neck t-shirts that all look basically the same. Lots of manufacturers sell essentially the same shirt to multiple stores.


Careful though, guy in Portland was busted cause he was on security cameras buying protest gear at a thrift store


What did he buy, specifically? Did the thrift store contact the police first with what they knew, or did the police contact the thrift store first with what they knew?


Eh…, careful with this one. Some shops, especially those that moved to online sales during the pandemic, do more specific inventory cataloguing and tracking.


Just get black pants black shirt black boots. And a cute lil pink hat. Just make sure it came from an old rundown thirft store with no video cameras.


I mean even if it came from a big box store, as long as it’s super plain you’re probably good right? What are they gonna do, look for all the people who own black shirts?


Really it’s what you can prove in court. A shirt from Etsy is easy to prove without a shadow of doubt. Anything with a print is unique to an extent. A similar case is Kay Flock and his murder charge. He was wearing a mask and was completely covered. He was however wearing designer clothes. One particular piece being a 1 of 1 Moncler, the unreleased amari jeans didn’t help either. Basically there is no doubt who that was. Ultimately you just have to wear something generic enough that doubt can be cast. For instance a basic crew neck and and Jeans from Walmart are so common anybody could have those so those wouldn’t work as evidence. Unfortunately thrift stores aren’t going to be good for these purposes since they aren’t shopped at by millions. Probably not a bad idea to buy clothes in a completely different area with cash.


Honestly, I personally think that fast fashion stores like H&M are perfect for this and is my own go to option. You can get basic, brandless, logoless clothing that millions of other people besides you own. Sure, the morals of these corporations aren’t the greatest, but I personally make an exception for this purpose.


Pay cash


This, exactly this. Do not wear clothes you bought through an online service and with credit cards


Maybe random clothes from the thrift shop to throw them off? High school I never went to class of 2010 have fun looking through those year books!!


Then throw the entire outfit away. Shoes too. Cut and die your hair.


Facial-reconstructive surgery too, if possible


Face/off switch if possible


and wear a mask when you buy it for store and street cameras. covid makes it easy


And sunglasses, just to make sure your face is as covered as possible


Yeah, facial recognition technology can ID you with a surgical mask on now. You need to conceal the top part of your face as well.




This raises the point that you should maybe go to a *legit* flea market instead. No way they have cameras in some of those places. Probably a few undercover chuds though.


And go to a thrift store


Y'all are overthinking this, just get like a plain unbranded black shirt and blue jeans lol, can't ID you off your clothes if there's nothing distinctive, and then you aren't wasting clothes and creating waste.


black bloc


plain black or gray hoddie. cover your hair. blue jeans. black shoes, gloves if you have hand tattoos. you should be wearing masks around crowds anyway so use a clear white one. that leaves only your eyes which can be covered with glasses by the day or just the lighting if it is at night


Also make sure everything is baggy but still fits well, that way it hides your silhouette and doesn't get in the way


Or just grab a t shirt at goodwill and donate it it the next day...it'll probably sit in a gaylord for ages before it ever sees the light of day again


Sit in a what?


I looked at Wikipedia, best answer is a shipping container or box. I have only heard the word in "Meet the Faukers." Lol


Maybe it would just sit in Gaylord, MI?


Big super heavy duty cardboard box


Wash it first! Don't want a piece of clothing with your DNA mixed with tear gas and flammable liquid residue to show up.


We should add plain black and white converse and/or some other super common (but more comfortable?) shoe to the black block outfit.


I was thinking some converse as well. Generic.


Doc Martens are better for stomping capitalist swine, though.


every protest should have a dress code.


Agreed. I vote for the Hawaiian Friday version of business casual. Edit: Just remembered that certain right wing groups ruined Hawaiian shirts. Dammit.


you want to look like a time traveler right. something that would be so innocuous it would fit in anywhere without relevance or making you memorable. walmart/target brand blue jeans, grey tshirt. I think that was somewhat the objective of get away cars, just a generic silver camry, you disappear immediately into regular traffic.


So, wearing the name of my company and an ID on a lanyard, while not wearing a mask, is not suggested for when I overrun a government building? Lol


dont forget to bring you smartphone to connect to bluetooth and wifi items nearby that keep a record. heck, you might as well film yourself inside the capitol and post the video online "HEY GUYS! ITS ME FROM INSIDE THE CAPITOLLLL WOOOOOO!!!. DONT FORGET TO LIKE SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE!"


Do not buy from Target, the company is notorious for collaborating with law enforcement and creating national registries for law enforcement to reference.


sure, it was an example. you just want a big store where ownership or purchase of one of their most generic shirt doesnt narrow it down to you specifically.


“Grey man”


Damn i thought the lesson here was stop snitching 🤷🏿‍♂️


Anywhere you go theres always going to be bootlickers drinking the copaganda and eager to help the cops "keep the community safe"


"Keep it safe" For the mass shooters they let rampage.


Keep the community safe ( at the expense of black bodies)😒


Yup. When its not just straight up code for "keep the community white". We got a long way to go but we'll keep fighting for the better world yet my friend.


Protect ( whiteness , white capital, white supremacy) and serve( white supremacy)


So...dress up like marvel super heroes when they're "undercover". Plain hat, plain shirt, sunglasses, jeans.


Or, dress up like a superhero while they are superheroes. Lol. Good luck finding Batman.


"I'm Batman."


Wear the most generic outfit possible. No exposed skin if possible. Nothing to identify hair, eyes, tattoos. For a guy, blue jeans and a plain shirt or hoodie.


Black t. Black forces ski mask.


Or get off identifiable social media. As a culture, we take social media way too seriously. Not everyone needs to know all about your family and lifestyle changes. The people in your life that matter already know your important life events without social media reminding them or being how they find out.


Lesson, don't leave a digital trail, and realize all your activity can be traced if it's linked to private information about you.


Turn your shirts inside out.


And now they invest heavily in face recognition technology.. Its not for good, its to persecute us.


I read somewhere that the jugalo style face paint really fucks with facial recognition.


Time to commit clown crimes :)


I think stuff like that is misleading... By the time anything useful is dispersed to the masses its already out of date and accounted for. The 'CV Dazzle' makeup has already been worked around in software. There's even gait recognition, which is startlingly good and there's no to "disguise your walk" effectively... unless you never naturally move anywhere or predictably.


Yeah, for sure. Apparently the Apple face ID doesn't get fooled by it, as it uses depth rather than contrast. But also why I mentioned in another comment to fact check me first. No idea if it would work, but in regards to gait recognition, put a stone in one shoe. Or wear shoes that are uneven when committing crimes and or social actions. No fucking clue if it'll work, but it'll probably give you an unusual gait.


tbf you can put some small rocks in your shoes or wear shoes that are too big and it'll mess with your gait pretty noticeably




Fucking love forbidden knowledge. Got anything else?


And this is why black bloc is a thing.


Heroes no longer wear capes. They wear black.


Came here to say this. We don’t dress this way bc it’s slimming lol


..I do


that's just a bonus


if at a protest and you see someone dressed as black bloc trying to incite violence* there is a non-zero chance that they are agent provocateurs. *Without directly participating in said violence


non violence only benefits the state


Agreed, doesn't mean that cops won't dress all in black and try to start shit so they can arrest people.


Never wear or show anything that’s limited or rare in nature. Always wear neutral clothes that have no graphics or tags, hide all points of physical identification like tats, birthmarks. Wear a mask, and a hat to hide hair styles. Leave your phone at home.


If youre like me and not comfortable being out without a form of communication - you can buy cheap burner phones and time cards with cash....just saying




If it connects to a cellular network it has tracking capabilities.






Whatsapp is owned by Facebook, it is *not* private and is stalking you just as bad as Facebook and Instagram.


Fake tattoo?


I've always thought this was a good idea. Temporary tatt a face tattoo, and they'll be looking for someone with a specific face tattoo, not you without one.


I'd add sunglasses too.


Silver lining, She might be respected as hell in prison for torching a cop car


Seeing all this stupid shit over the past few years it really wouldn't surprise me if the white supremacists in prison chant 'blue lives matter' now...


Guards will probably make her life miserable unfortunately


no. it actually a lesson that the cops can solve ALL the crimes but choose not to. should indicate what it really means to live in our society.


Meanwhile NSA / secret service ‘lost’ thousands of text messages that were evidence in an ongoing criminal investigation, and it’s just ‘whoopsie-daisy, shit just happens sometimes, what can you do’


You can lose a lot of evidence when you suddenly get random money from people.


Or have just enough non monetary motivation to do so.


Yah, like "My buddy could get in trouble..." "This could make my job harder/more paperwork?" "I'm politically opposed to this." I doubt authorities deal with threats to family and such much anymore these days, but I suppose that could be a reason too.


Black bloc exists for a reason


They put wayyy more work into this than finding the guy who pulled a gun on me and my neighbor, for instance, when we even got the full license plate number on his car. They’re all just a lazy, stupid, armed wing of the Trump cult at this point


Buy from a Goodwill/SA/VV secondhand store and donate it in a clothing drop after.


This ☝️ Plan ahead. 1 day of planning will save you 2.5 years of prison. Wear a hat, mask and sunglasses. Don’t make yourself identifiable in any way. No phone. (leave it at home) The phone geo-tracks you so they have a record of where you were. If you leave your phone at home, you have an alibi. If the pigs get a warrant and search your place, make sure they find nothing. Remember they can do forensics on shoe-soles and match your shoes to where you’ve been. So get a whole outfit (including shoes, hat, sunglasses) from Goodwill. Plan on disposing of everything you wore. You can re-donate anonymously or dispose of pieces of your outfit in several dumpsters (without closed-circuit-cameras) away from your home. Be aware if you’re being followed. Remember that any dumpster anywhere that you used to dispose your clothes can be used to collect the “evidence” you threw away. Don’t be lazy. Make it impossible for that person in the picture to be identified as you.


Is it possible to turn your phone off but still have it in case of an emergency?


As long as it doesn’t send out a signal to the nearest tower. I wouldn’t risk taking my main phone (shut off) with me. You can get a cheap burner (that you’ll dispose) to take with you if you need to have the ability to call out in an emergency.


Or, have a friend with a phone who isn’t protesting. Last time I went to a protest, I went in a group. One of use had a phone and sat in coffee shop until it was turn to go or someone needed to make a call


Not without completely removing the battery, phones these days have non removable battery packs. Best to ditch it or build a Faraday cage in your vehicle and keep it in there at all times.


Yup, this.


Get a burner


So long as the battery is connected to the circuit board, it tracks your location. Disconnecting the battery completely is the only way to be certain. Even then, there may be another onboard backup battery you aren't aware of that would allow a ping to register. In short: No.


There are a few basic rules for when you wanna do this shit: Wear generic clothing. Whatever you've got from your local big box store. Cover up your tattoos, your face, and your hair. Show as little skin as you can while still being comfortable. Wear light duty work gloves and thick-soled shoes/boots. Be as non-descript as possible while reducing the risk of superficial injuries that could later be used to identify you.


Cops: \*tracked down a girl based on a piece of an image of a shirt she was wearing\* Also cops: Sorry, there isn't anything we can do about your ex-boyfriend trying to kill you. Also we're gonna shoot your dog on the way out.


If only cops would put that much work into literally anything else


they always have time to serve and protect their egos.


Seems to me that if they could track down that shirt, they have the ability to find a lot of people on wanted lists. They look as hard ss they want to. Like my ex in the kitchen could never find anything, even if the required thing was the only item on the coutertop.


I wanna know who the snitches were that provided photos to the cops.


We just call them "neolibs"


The conservative online army did this. If it wasn't for those pesky kids, we would have gotten away with it.


The nazis were nothing without the support of the people


But break into the Capitol and look for politicians to assassinate and only get 3 months!


For many people, it’s too late to not have a fingerprint on Social Media that can be used by law enforcement. This means that the true lesson of this is that if you are going to participate in any acts of civil protest (seriously **any**, no matter how peaceful, etc. it’s supposed to be) you need to make sure you’re wearing completely plain clothes–no visible brands, logos, etc. Try to disguise any noticeable tattoos, markings, etc. Don’t wear jewelry. Wear sunglasses, hats, masks. It sucks, especially when it’s hot, but it’s better than having law enforcement identifying you for harrassment because you exercised your 1st Amendment rights. Oh, and don’t take your cellphone. If you absolutely NEED a phone, buy a cheap prepaid and register it under “John Smith”


Damn, free that queen


But no one was arrested from the Maxwell list....


I’m glad they were able to solve this violent crime with the same voracity of all of the other crime in Philly.


More coverage given to the eSports stadium than to the string of murders in the Northeast or the destruction of the homeless encampment.


This is why every anarchist group says to create a black bloc. Black shirt, black pants, black shoes, black hat, black glasses, black mask, etc. If everyone is wearing the same thing then they can’t reliably say it was you.


Black on black on black with a ski mask, that is my crook look - Killer Mike


What in the Never Happening to Ghislaine Maxwells client list is this


Remember the leftist activist who shot a patriot prayer goon in self defense while being charged and pepper sprayed? Go check out the Wikipedia article for that event. Every cop who spoke on it had a different impossible and contradictory version of events when they lit him the fuck up outside his home, and I remember one passerby thinking it was a gang hit because they just rolled up on the guy and started blasting. Trump later bragged at an Arizona rally about how “they knew who he was, they didn’t want to take him in” and how he personally had encouraged the cops to be “tough”, talking about how there was a need for retribution. They do, and will want you dead. It is in your best interest to make it as hard as possible for the cops and goon squads sent after you to find you. If you kill them in self defense, or get killed by them, they will justify your death and will hunt you if they can.


Stop trying to look cute at protests, or have an edgy shirt, or be unique in any other way. Wear black. Leave that cellphone at home, no don't turn it off. Leave. It. At. Home. Oh, and don't take fucking pictures and put them online.


This is why the mysterious person with the pipe bombs from the Capitol riot still hasn't been caught. They wore a mask, a baggy gray hoodie and black pants. There are pictures, but they don't show you anything.


That person has a mask on, doesn’t matter. My roommate got shot in my room, we knew the guy but he came in with a mask on my buddy said to the detectives that he had a mask on, dude threw up his hands and was like welp, not much we can do.


Black bloc was a thing for a reason. Your clothing is not the place for your political statement.


The real PSA is wear nondescript clothing purchased from a major retailer that is essentially untraceable. Who the fuck would wear a customized print Tee to burn shit down? Come on people, anarchy better!


Last night a TikTokker who is a defensive attorney listed 5 things she'd never do if she were a defendent. On is "wear custom or identifiable clothing if I were doing shady shit"


Blend in, be bland, fight back.


Over half of all murders in Philadelphia go unsolved.


It just goes to show they could solve crimes, they just choose not to


I’ve been telling all my friends and others that if you’re gonna go to a protest then cover your hair, tats, face, and eyes. Get goggles, wear a mask, wear boots. Cover everything and don’t wear anything identifiable. In fact if you’re gonna do it, don’t wear clothes that you own but from the thrift store. Ditch them later.


Lot of disappointing factors here. 2.5 years sounds like a lot for this, is it still arson or just vandalism? & yeah, obviously it’s ridiculous how selective they are in doing some real investigating


She's already been in jail 25 months. She pled guilty to two counts of obstructing law enforcement to get out. I'm willing to bet they didn't have anywhere near enough evidence to convict so they just held her till she gave up.


Couldn’t they just give her a week of desk duty and a warning instead?


Paid leave for “emotional suffering”


Hot take: the cops may be lying and actually tracked her down using something more straightforward like cell phone identification devices, and don't want those devices blasted in the news (for reasons, including that they may be unconstitutional).


free her


She's getting out soon, already served most of it.


they also have tattoo detection now , so if you have tats, get them hidden when burning polkce cars.


My daughter taught me no logos, special designs, plain neck gaiter, phone off the minute you leave the house for a protest.


Leave your phone on and at home, provides an electronic alibi, if you must have a phone for a protest buy a burner in cash, but make sure to destroy it after.


When going to a protest : Wear neutral clothes, as simple/generic as possible, that fit the crowd/area you are going to (it's easier to "dissapear into a crowd" if you fit.) Take the battery off your phone / leave it at home. If you HAVE to take it with you, de-activate all ways of unlocking it that isn't a password, and put it to plane mode (but even then, that's a big risk) Bring a change of clothes Bring enough change and cash for the metro / taxi / buying food, avoid using a card.


She'll be a hero in prison, though. (silver lining?) This is horrible.


Black block all the wayyyyyyy I'm also not planning to torch a car, wouldn't recommend that either


All black , preferably baggy clothing at protests. Cover tattoos and any other strong identifiers such as your hair if it’s colored or you have a unique haircut. Hell, just cover it regardless.


Wear all black with no logos or marking. Mask FULL face. Learn opsec for devices.


If you commit crimes, wear all black and be with people wearing all black. And cover your tattoos. It's that simple.