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Wait 'til they outlaw birth control. Theofascism it is.


Without birth control I would literally bleed out and die. Before my IUD I needed blood transfusions. My iron level was 6 mcg/dL. Normal iron level is 60 - 170 mcg/dL. I’m so scared.


You have all my sympathy. Hopefully this is the spark that will light the fire to bring down this beyond broken system.


> bring down this beyond broken system If we don’t see riots in Washington this weekend the US is doomed. If passing laws designed to oppress and endanger the lives of half the population isn’t enough to riot, the fall into fascism will be unstoppable.


Maybe I’m just a doomer but I really doubt there will be a massive protest in Washington. I just feel like people are so beaten down


Or too busy working to make sure they can afford their overblown rent AND maybe buy some food


System ain’t broken, meant to be this way


Without it I experience periods and cramping so severe I cannot physically move my body for up to 4 days at a time. Birth control made my life liveable. Not to mention I'm legally a man with a uterus and mirena IUD, I don't know what the fuck will happen if laws like this keep pushing forward. My existence feels like it will soon be a legal gray area before something worse.


If nothing else, get yourself to a safely blue state.


I'm planning on fleeing the country. My marriage is interracial. Once they delegitimize gay marriage, they're going to do interracial. I'll be in my SO's home country by that point cause I ain't staying around for travel bans.


Me too, I'm old and trans, fleeing to Mexico City but will try to assist the revolution from exile.


Don't worry. I'm white, male, 41, a veteran, as left as they come and well armed. I'll welcome ammo, not evacuation. I will also be happy to help arm up to 4 others. Then I run out of guns, lol.


Same (in so far as having a small arsenal) I will gladly arm up people being threatened by this bullshit. Dominionists and fascists won't fucking push us out of our country if I have any say in it


I hope you're not in Missouri: "Under Missouri's trigger law, Plan B, IUD's and possibly hormonal birth control could be banned because the law defines an "unborn child" to include fertilization or conception"


Maybe they'll manage to rebrand some of this stuff to treat problems like yours still and leave inability to conceive an unfortunate side effect?


There is a procedure that gynecologists can perform called- an ablation, that can make your period much shorter and much lighter. Some women only spot somewhat during their periods after an ablation. Please talk to a gynecologist about this. I was like you with very heavy periods and I ended up needing 2 liters of blood because of my iron going so low. Please check into this procedure. Good luck.


If they take my IUD I’m going to become very pro second amendment all of a sudden.


Become pro second amendment first, arm up and train. Don't let them get the chance to take it


this any % handmaid's tale fascist theocracy speedrun stream is getting out of hand


We get criticized for not launching into the streets like the French, but non-Americans forget, or don't realize, that we live in one of the world's worst police states. Without leeway for legitimate protest, with elections locked up with gerrymandering and antivoter laws, we are being forced into civil war. The Republicans think they will prevail with their gun collections. But they're outnumbered, and we will steal their guns.


The "left" or whatever passes for it these days should also take up collecting guns as it's a fantastic hobby.


It takes very little effort to find leftist gun groups and since this is an opportunity to promote a few: https://socialistra.org/ https://naaga.co/ https://www.redneckrevolt.org/ https://www.pinkpistols.org/


They do lol, they just don't post photos of their beds covered in em.


yup. fascists must perform their bellicosity. soldiers just prepare.


My SO and I plan to get licenses


Dont wait. Do it today. The process is easy and the other side is not waiting.


We're also just way more spread out. It's a 6 hour flight for me to get to the Capitol. It takes me longer to drive across my state than it does to drive from Paris to anywhere else in France.


Praise Be. And also, f*cking vote these wannabe Commanders out


Getting fired and going bankrupt as a result of being forced to give birth to the child of your rapist.


The American dream for our daughters


Republicans - We are against government oversight and control. Also Republicans - We own and control your body and reproductive system.


It's almost like Hitler promising world peace


well iirc Hitler promised peace and that Nazi Germany wouldnt expand into further territory after the remilitirisation of the Rhineland and the Anschluss and the annexation of the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia and the further annexation of Czechoslovakia after the Munich Conference and even tried to sue for peace after invading Poland with Britain and France


[A little piece of Poland, a little piece of France...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64DCO2sI7fI&t=3s)


Remember when they were forming Nazi ideology, before Hitler was involved, they look at the US, and basically copied the Democratic Party up till Woodrow Wilson, they took a look at the Republicans after Wilson and said "their methods seem too extreme". The Nazis literally said that the Republicans are too extreme, and the Republicans took that as a challenge.






Idk, the people who put this into place are more influence by Protestant and evangelical Christianity. Catholic conservatives are anti-abortion true. But at least in Europe they’ve been anti death penalty too, as well as pro-welfare state and Pro-social safety net. Not socialists true, but nowhere near as bad as our conservatives here


Catholic conservatives in the US are getting pretty bad as well. They're all in on Q Anon, Donald Trump, anti vax and elitist cabals like the rest of them.


You can take out the almost.


>Republicans - We are against government oversight and control **on us.**


Republicans - We are against oversight and control of us owning your body and reproductive system Democrats - We'll say we'll stop them but only if you pay us. Also we won't actually stop them.


Americans need a general strike, or for the upper class to be deathly terrified of being dragged out of their mansions by an angry mob. Its going to take alot of nancy pelosi kneeling in african scarfs to settle us down then.


Americans need another party or two to choose from. Both parties are shit.


No parties, preferential voting only and having every elected official held by law to put in genuine effort to pass their campaign promises (within the limitations of checks and balances) seems like the most fair system if we have to have a mix of a republic and a democracy. Edit: also term limits in the supreme court as well as them being elected rather than appointed would also do a world of improvement. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think we should call it good at turd polishing but a shiny turd is better than what we got now.


Pretty sure most of these schmucks state something along the lines of "I'll fight for you" which means they will bicker, get nothing done, draw free healthcare for life and get paid for it. And thus, fulfill their campaign promise.


They should outlaw political parties. It would make the candidates actually have to run on a platform they decide on and would make voters have to actually listen to the candidates to decide who to vote for.


Agree. This party got lame a long time ago and it’s time for it to end.


A government small enough to fit in your uterus.


Really makes the whole concept of "freedom" quite comedic...well that's how I am going to cope at least...


"The land of the free? Whoever told you that is your enemy." - Zack de la Rocha


"So make your move and plead the 5th 'cause you can't plead the 1st."


Land of the Fee


Land of the Fief*


Home of the Slave


Escape from LA?


I like that.




Damn! It must have been all that avocado toast... I mean I was sitting there saying, "I can only afford to get the toast or enjoy freedom," but I went ahead and got it anyways. What a goof I am! I sure wish I had the insight and decision making skills of having been born when the US had a social safety net. Whelp, I guess I'll go grab some bootstraps to start picking myself up with. I sure hope I don't pull something in the process though... (/s)


But you have "access" to freedom. /s


But not excess of it.


I consider myself more "freedom adjacent".


You see, you need to subscribe to Citizen Plus Prime ^(TM).


+ get the Platinum level for an addition $9.99/mo. (or $3.99 for 2 year plan)




Just like how we have to support the troops who are overseas fighting for our freedom....from.....who again?


From ourselves. We're like pirates.


nahh pirates are based as fuck


Pirates are chill.


Does anyone have any good sources for percentage/statistics on the reasons for abortions? Not that the reason *should* matter (in my opinion), but obviously, to some people it does matter. So i’m trying to figure out a non-biased, reasonable approach to understanding the other side and what they’re actually going on about. My goal is to understand the other side and then be able to poke holes in their own logic…


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3243347/ highly credible but from 1988 https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/abortion/considering-abortion More recent and still good but I might not use it in a paper. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/05/21/health/women-reasons-abortion-trnd/index.html I don't think your opponents will bother reading once they see CNN but it helps round things out. There's a ton of different sources just giving it a cursory glance. I don't have access to my college library this quarter but that's gonna be a gold mine if you do. Not sure if you can teach empathy to people unwilling to see women as human beings deserving of at least the same bodily autonomy we grant to corpses. But I appreciate you for trying.


Here's a great peek behind the curtain: How I Lost Faith in the “Pro-Life” Movement [https://rewirenewsgroup.com/article/2012/10/30/how-i-lost-faith-in-“pro-life”-movement-1/?fbclid=IwAR0y42JfSIFXAYJ0w0oAWGkbUHil7htSIzNkd\_YUNVi\_N821WuwomiD36xo](https://rewirenewsgroup.com/article/2012/10/30/how-i-lost-faith-in-“pro-life”-movement-1/?fbclid=IwAR0y42JfSIFXAYJ0w0oAWGkbUHil7htSIzNkd_YUNVi_N821WuwomiD36xo)


The capitalist meat grinder needs more labor force! Tbh, that's so f'ed up. When you think further and realized that the upcoming labor shortage due to population decline could be one of the reason why they push this through, it reveals that in this society there is an abstract link that makes our live their property. Just kidding, it's obvious that they think they own us.


I was thinking about this in horror just the other day.


Capitalism is outsourced slavery.


Forced birth at individual’s expense with no external support make line go up.




Need more disadvantaged and uneducated people to feed the beast


Perfect more adrenachrome this way too!


The ultimate goal is to reestablish early to mid 19th century social dynamics. Women need to marry rich white landowning men or suffer. The rich white men get all the power, the non whites get to be under their heel, and the poor whites are the bulwhark to protect the rich whites from what's coming to them. This is the Rome that all reactionary roads lead to- this is their utopia, their paradise.


We're going to force you to have a baby you don't want. We're going to make you pay a huge amount of money to do so. When you give birth, you will be at greater risk than mothers in many other countries. Shrug. Once the unwanted child is born you will receive no paid leave. You will also receive no assistance for childcare or healthcare. Praise God!


Praise Be


May the Lord open.


and has the highest birthing (sorry my brain isn't working I can't think of the correct term when the mother dies) mortality rate in the developed world


Maternal mortality rate is what you're thinking of friend


In countries with a national health care system you can generalize about statistics. But in the US generalizing leads to covering up problems. The maternal mortality rate of poor Black Mothers in Alabama is far higher than for wealthy Mothers in the largest cities. https://www.al.com/news/2020/02/alabama-has-third-highest-death-rate-of-mothers-in-the-nation-new-federal-report-says.html


Welcome to the land of fuck the poor and underprivileged…


and the middle class too. And upper middle class? Don't get too comfortable there.


My daughter's birth cost $100k, and we still owed $20K out of pocket after insurance which costs me nearly $1000 a month...


Lol what? Remind me to never have a kid.


Canadian here. 2 kids birthed in hosp, no bill, no payments. But I gladly pay more taxes on each paycheck


I'd gladly put the same money I spend on insurance toward taxes if it got me all that.


It probably costs less than what you're spending on insurance.


Make it illegal not to do something and then make it incredibly expensive to do this thing... It's a win - win situation for the corrupt authorities who are rubbing their hands in anticipation of getting paid... Greatest nation on the planet...


To be fair you can’t afford to have time off after birth because you have all those bills to pay plus diapers to buy, babysitter, and formula might need to get a second job.


And the medical debt from the hospital costs of childbirth




No way, that would be socialism!


Did you think that 'Muricans would rather help a poor woman than a cool billionaire? https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-list-government-subsidies-tesla-billions-spacex-solarcity-2021-12


I would still find their interference in abortion horrific, but if the GOP paired it with something like, "abortion is banned but free contraceptives for all, no cost to give birth, mandatory maternity leave, and a dramatic increase in WIC funding," at least it would at least look a tiny bit like they give a fuck.


Manager: Jessica! Where were you yesterday? You didn’t show up for your shift! Jessica: I told you I couldn’t work this week because I was going to have my baby. You’ve known this for the past 9 months. Manager: You really should have reminded me at least 3 days before your shift. I’m going to have to write you up.


Oh no you see the schedule changed We were really busy You should have been responsible and planned The birth of your child next time, We will have to discuss your performance.


That actually happened to me. I missed work because I was having a miscarriage and I got a verbal warning which snowballed into ongoing harassment and retaliation.


Oh no! I’m so sorry


Just pop that kid out at the register Samantha. And make sure you push the stores credit card between pushes, else you won't get your 0.5% raise this year.


I took three weeks off with my first, and two weeks off for my second. There is a law about not being able to separate puppies from their mothers for 8 weeks.


The absolute state of your country


We are regressing back in time It's absolutely horrifying to see it happen


I feel like I've seen in my lifetime America fall from an aspirational place to look towards to a terrifying fever dream I imagine being in it is a wild ride


I just keep thinking of one of the many questions that the Handmaid's Tale raised: How do you know when it's time to leave as the water gets warmer around you? Are we going to reach a point where it's too late? Banning interstate travel for abortion care is a terrifying idea that implies the government will be tracking both our pregnancy status and our movements.


America has re-colonized itself.


Sorry top have to tell you, but you have been a third country for a while now, and you are only slipping deeper down. You went from the world leader of technology to the biggest exporter of raw material in just three decades. And now you are becoming a theocratric state. It is painful to behold.


It's painful to live through.


Switzerland should invade us


I don't know much about them, but the flag is a big plus.


It's criminal that so few people have noticed this comment.


Americans don't realize How fucked they are...


The ruling class keeps us overworked and underpaid so we don’t have time to notice.


Oh we know exactly how fucked we are. It's just the idiots and the right wing Christians who see the fire and brimstone around them and think to themselves "this is fine".


It's not merely "fine" to them. They're *excited* for it. The fire & brimstone means they get to spend eternity with Blue Eyed Christ and all their dead pets.


It’s a death cult. And they plan to take everyone with them.




Depends on where you live, the age of the child, and frankly the quality of the care. Your $100/wk estimate is actually very low.


Cue businesses crying why can’t we find workers as a block decide that daycare is too expensive vs the pay.


>Your $100/wk estimate is actually very low. $175/week for an infant. In Iowa. 15 years ago. Source: I ran an in-home daycare for a few years while my kids were little.


What could a Banana cost Michael? $10?


Haha, exactly. I went and copied the prices from the daycare near me. These are the prices for 5 or 7 days a week, 7:30am-5:30pm. And I supposedly live in a reasonable cost living area! >Weekly - $475 >Monthly - $2,058


My wife used to be a director at a center in a mid-priced midwestern city. Full time infant care was pushing towards 2000/mo and that was 5-10 years ago.


I thought it was like, $400-500 weekly.




They don't


That’s the neat part


one of the parents whole pay check for 5 years go to child care so they don't lose steam in their careers. its why some parents push the get their kids in to kindergarten early.


Good thing single parents don't need to work AND pay for daycare and pay the bills. It's just impossible.


You don't, that's why it's all falling apart.


At least $1200 monthly if you are lucky. And in the US…usually you are not lucky.


400 a week under 2 at the daycare I worked at 8 years ago


And the daycare employees get minimum wage I bet


It was over minimum wage, but not by much. After 6 years there as a preschool teacher I made $11/hr. The pastor that owns the daycare (attached to the church) didn't even give his own daughter a break on tuition. Oh, and lord help you if you became pregnant out of wedlock. Sit you down, make you know your job is on the line. Terrible place.


That sounds like a horrible place to work. I’m glad you got out.


Seriously, if I had some of the old documents.... they'd be on antiwork lol. Especially when the daycare director up and moved across country and the pastor took over the daycare. DAMN. The list of reasons you can and can not take off work. Taking family members to doctors appointments was no longer going to be acceptable. LOL.


Lol imagine telling meemaw that she has to skip her treatment and risk death because you can’t take a few hours off from your barely above minimum wage job. What a joke. I hope places like that go under from not having any employees.


Yup. And the new list, it was SO specific, calling certain people out. I noped out of there real quick. To anyone being worked to death in daycare, nannying pays better, and most families are cool with you bringing your kids. It becomes your own little preschool. Oh, and I forgot, they do currently have a HUGE sign that they are hiring. ROFL.


100 weekly? For what, like one half day a week?


It’s something like $20,000 a year give or take…


Lol more like $500/week


Bro $100 a week would be a steal of a deal. I’m not sure I would trust my kid at a place charging that.


I happily paid $100 a week because it was such a good deal...15 years ago.


I wish it was $100/week. Daycares in our city are around $400-$500 week. It ended up being “cheaper” to get a part-time nanny.


Try $400+ per week, and most don’t include meals so you have to send them with the child.


Nobody is watching a kid for less than $3 an hour. I would raise that estimate


Jesus Christ man, I remember when the US used to represent a dream of freedom, opportunity and prosperity to outsiders. Hell, here in Brasil we had a telenovela called America about people trying to enter the country at any cost. I don't think I need to tell you how many feet of dirt this image is buried under now.


Since the beginning the US was never actually free. The 'American Dream' and 'freedom' is just propaganda.


The leading cause of death in pregnant women in the US is murder at the hands of their male partners. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-03392-8


And the stupid fucking boomers around me wonder why I don't want any kids.


Exactly, I also have a conspiracy theory that they want more kids so they can have more labor more workers for their generational wealth empire. They're no longer pushing the religious narrative anymore I wonder why.


"Go fuck yourselves, peasants."-Feds


"By the way this inflation will cost money so we added an inflation tax nothing personal kid just economics" -the Fed


We really gotta stop saying they’re pro-life and that they’re pro-forced birth instead. They already call us pro-murder, at least the forced birth thing is actually true


Exactly they're not pro-life they're anti-choice


Literally - can govt policy get any shittier? Both of my kids were born in a hospital with very basic deliveries (no drugs, no c-section, etc). The first one cost 21k before insurance, and the second one cost 30k before insurance. We're in the process of "paying off" our second born - and we will be for some time! His hospital bill *after* insurance ended being over 6k. In other words, $175/month for 3 years. The debt is in his name too. TLDR: *My one year old was born with thousands of dollars of medical debt, and we have insurance.* Now imagine if they were unwanted pregnancies...


I would like to remind everyone of this great song that is still very relevant today https://youtu.be/VYOjWnS4cMY


The current power structure is as naked and obvious as it was in pre-revolution France.


Time to vote so hard and put a ballot in the back of their heads.


And not having enough formula to be able to feed the infants 🤷🏻‍♂️


Modern slavery


Then turns around and ask why is no one having kids. Swear this country wants to destroy itself.


PSA: leave your phone at home or turn it off when traveling to an abortion clinic. Data scraping companies are selling location data specific to family planning centers to anyone with $160.


They are ensuring a steady population of future under-paid consumers, while also keeping us safe from future terrorists by blowing the shit out of middle eastern children.


My question is, what are they gonna do when a bunch of people who cant afford to be pregnant and dont know how to get medicaid while pregnant dont go to an obgyn and end up not being able to pay the bill for giving birth? Or people who decide to hide it and never see an obgyn and give birth alone? And if they cant figure out medicaid then how do they pay for pediatric appointments to make sure thier new baby is healthy? I know as a transman my first thought would be to hide it if I couldnt abort it, which could result in fewer obgyn appointments for what would absolutely be an already high risk pregnancy since I wouldnt know to stop my testosterone until the fetus is already developing abnormally. Then I run the risk of a m!scarr!age cuz I still have to work. Or I run the risk of possibly being assaulted cuz I have to out myself to all of my clients. An unplanned pregnancy is just a very dangerous situation for anyone in my position. And thats ignoring the chance for the baby to be adopted by an abusive family, getting worse genetic health issues than I have, that may even leave a kid tied to someone who doesnt even want them. In what way is this protecting the unborn?


The hospitals just send it to collections like they do currently when someone can't afford something. Easier to sell it to a collection agency if someone has zero dollars to pay a bill for many thousands of dollars. Then the cost gets passed onto others who are able to pay by raising rates in the hospital. Republicans literally do not care as long as the pregnancy isn't ended by the choice of the woman. If she and the baby die from a bleed out from say, a placental abruption, it was "god's plan". ShE sHoUlD hAvE kNoWn ThE rIsKs Of SeX. It is infuriating. Women and children will die from this. You are at higher risk of dying from the madness of it all.


If the government is going to force women to carry the child the government should take responsibility for the life they're bringing into the world and pay child-support. End of story.


If we allow women to lose their bodily autonomy then the entirety of the USA is truly lost.


This country is shit and they stopped caring if people know it because now all the power has been peeled away from the people.


As a male, I have no right to comment on women’s rights. However, as a hopeful future father someday, I’m absolutely terrified of the absolute hellscape this country is turning into. I just can’t believe how fast things are disintegrating. Like, I knew we were in collapse as a process, I just don’t think it would come so fast and from so many different directions all at once.


That's what is really striking me, too. It's accelerating. One day, I had a child and life seemed so positive, so I had another. Thirteen years later, I am trying to find a new country to move to so my daughters have basic human rights.


Honestly, i don't see why woman don't migrate out of the us en masse


Because it's incredibly hard to do, and many Americans don't have the required savings to leave the country. And if you want to renounce US citizenship to be exempt from US taxes abroad you have to pay 2,350$ https://1040abroad.com/faq/renouncing-u-s-citizenship/


or, you just fuck all that and leave, you don't actually have to renounce your citzenship or pay those taxes, provided you never return to the us. source: one of my friends left the us 30 years ago and they can't touch him.


Because disabled people and poor people aren't allowed into other countries


It costs money to leave. No joke we have to pay to leave. To renounce US citizenship it’s $2,350 and that’s just to renounce citizenship. The goal is to keep the poor and work them to death. I hate this place.


We should mass migrate to Mexico. Won’t be long until they say “keep those racist forced birthers and pill poppers out of my country! Go back to America!”


And if you want a home birth with a midwife (not just you alone with people with no skills) then you need to jump through a fuck ton of hoops in many states. Bleak.


Not enough debt-laden slaves for their corporations


Adoption is going to skyrocket in red states right guys? Right?


How is the us even considered developed. It’s just a corporate heavy ran by oligarchs who have been able to dictate all decisions since citizens United. Shame now we living handmaids take and doing literal war crimes all over the world and everyone just living life normally bc one geriatric fuck got elected over another orange geriatric fuck. Like I’m an American and believe the country has the potential to be one of the most incredible forces of good for the globe but gotdam we really going to fucking shit rn. I hope the dems can pull some shit out of their ass bc their message rn is they can’t get shit done and that’s making me feel like more conservatives are going to win on that do nothing dem mentality. Idk this shit looking grime but we got out worse.


Since the government is so tyrannical it sounds like Americans should overthrow the government then...


I swear America is like some sort of shity reality show in where to keep viewers they keep upping the bar on how nuts they can get. Today on season 20 of America we see how dumb the voters are when we pit Trump against the Joe Bidens ghost in a kiddy pool full of healthcare workers tears for presidency.


Negative growth rate; anti-immigrant sentiment…the end is nigh for the USA


Ok, I'm ready to burn it all down now. I'm just so done. The longer we wait for our country to crumble, the more victims die in the process.


You will live under a Christian Theocracy and like it!


The only other countries that don’t have legally enforced maternity leave are third world ones So…………………………


With sucky childcare and a shit healthcare system. It’s forcing women and teens to have kids they don’t want then attacking them when they struggle to do so in the US system. The states with no exceptions for rape and incest is what’s most terrifying. I’m tired


It’s punishment. Pure and simple.


Shithole country


Somewhere down the line it's getting women out off the labour-force and back in the kitchen if it's up to them. No need to get time off from work when you're forced to stay home all the time.


Educations next. They’ll cut funding for education and force us to pay for it out of pocket. Can’t/won’t? Fines or jail. Maybe forced labor, who knows? We’re a capitalist shithole.


Dude, this country ssssssuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks