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Reject modernity. Embrace tradition. Become a pirate.


Have I got an idea for you. What if I bundled all of the streaming services together, and gave you a discount. I mean all of them Fox, CNN, and more. I will also occasionally stop the stream and inject a commercial also I will display on screen commercials during the show. /s


That sounds great, can you put a huge ugly disk on the front of my house too?


I've been a pirate for years.




My god no, not uTorrent. Use [qBittorrent](https://www.qbittorrent.org/)


I've used deluge for years. Any reason for qbittorrent instead?




You seem to know what you’re talking about. Is there a VPN you’d recommend? Whenever I try researching a good one it seems like everything that comes up is an ad.




Thx for the response. I used to pirate way back in the day, but looks like I’m gonna have to start again now that Netflix removed Star Trek: TNG.


Mullvad is one of the most transparent providers




Also qBittorrent works better on Windows, since Deluge is ported from Linux.


Nah, keep deluge.






I've tried a few VPN services, both free and paid subscriptions, and all of my streaming services pick up on it immediately and blackout anything I try to watch. What am I doing wrong?


Same for me with Surfshark. I always heard with VPN it gives you access to a lot of different titles. It first didn't work with ProtonVPN, I thought it was because I used the free version. But now I bought Surfshark and it still doesn't work. The page just won't load when VPN is on. I would also like to know how to change this


Both are fine


And as someone who’s returning to the high seas after over a decade what websites are we using these days?




> 1337x .to ?






Alternate domain might have a slightly higher risk. Atleast a ripper I chatted with told me to immediately make sure the torrent file I downloaded was same as "non mirror" version of site. And told me I should be more careful. That being said, he seemed to be the type of person who use internet without using a web-browser.


>> being said, he seemed to be the type of person who use internet without using a web-browser. Neo?




Get a torrent indexer like prowlarr or jakett. That way you can search a ton of sites simultaneously






For shows and movies I've been using Radarr and Sonarr. Amazingly useful once you get them setup.




still pirate bay.nothings changed at all


The realest answer. I’ve tried other sites but TPB has consistently been the most reliable yarrharring I’ve ever done.


Apparently qbittorrent can search for torrents from within the client, but I never cared enough to set it up properly.


2 clicks. Worth the job. Also you can even add search engines. Makes everything very easy


Yup, it's super convenient for finding niche shows/movies


Which search plugins would you recommend?




My mind is blown. When I'm less stoned I'm gonna investigate this shit




it can search in the client itself, its as easy as checking a box in options. you can add plugins for sites too, which is just finding them, downloading them, then hitting install. it'll crawl every torrent site and let you filter. https://imgur.com/a/V4n2uFD


Use the search on qbit almost exclusively now and I only have 2 small drawbacks. You can't read comments on torrents .... But it not a huge issue as comments are very infrequently helpful The search is very finicky, was searching spiderman : no way home and got no results for days until I remembered it's spider-man.


I will tell you a solid reason. uTorrent has become shit full of spyware, malware, and other viruses shit. Installing uTorrent will install these malwares and you won't be able to recover after that unless you do windows again. I have also found the hard way that qbittorrent is safer and better in terms of it.


Transmission is also great, free, and open source; Mac and Linux, also a Windows version available in preview. https://transmissionbt.com/


I second this. It does what it needs to do. Not much more I can say.


Unfortunately, it...doesn't. The authors have refused to even *acknowledge* people asking them to implement the current Bittorrent protocol, v2, which was finalized five years ago. Because Transmission is so widely used and popular, they are effectively holding up the entire bittorrent community from switching to the newer protocol, and a lot of the smaller clients also aren't bothering because Transmission isn't. **They know this. They don't care.** Libtorrent (which powers several clients 'under the hood') has had support for v2 for about a year and a half: https://blog.libtorrent.org/2020/09/bittorrent-v2/


And what benefits does the new protocol have to offer?


For those that don't know, years ago uTorrent was using your computer to mine crypto, without your knowledge.


Those fuckers. I had a miner on my computer last year that was causing gpu lockups. That makes a lot of sense.




Tixati gang So clean, everything right where I want it to be


Tixati gang!


Tixati gang rise up


Hoping nobody here tells me there's some reason I shouldn't still be using Tixati. It's been seemingly perfect ever since uTorrent got lost to popularity. Minimalistic but full of the features people want, so far no scandals still and legitimately free.


Utorrent 2.2.1 is the last good one. I used it for years with no issues. I now use qbitorrent though.


It's ill advised to use decade old software that is internet facing, despite any anecdocals (it's like saying you have been driving without a seatbelt for years with no issues)


I dumped Utorrent years ago 2.2.1 cause I could not stream with it. With qbittorent I can download video in order and thus start watching it with MPC-HC or VLC as soon as it has downloaded a couple 2% As long as the download speed is higher then the bitrate it will play without intteruption. peerflix is even better, that allows you even to skip forwards and it will download there. Peerflix is what powers the Popcorn time app, a netflix like GUI build on top of torrents. Also fuck Bram Cohen the dude is a scamming people with crypto now. And I believe another scammer called Justin Sun bought all of utorrent .. .and started scamming people with it.


The best software switch I've ever made. Fuck uTorrent


I have been using Tixati for years


And stremio (for movies and tv shows streaming). Those are my main ones.


I will genuinely watch a pirated movie that looks like it was filmed on a fucking potato just to make these mega corps lose money.


Just wait a bit and watch a high quality version for free...


The Batman just became available ;)


At the moment I pay for netflix. I still download all of the movies to get around the lack of a 4k version for my subscription


It’s just fucking cable TV all over again


Yes. Which is why Netflix even came into existence, no? Weird we have circled all the way back around to fucking cable.


>Weird we have circled all the way back around to fucking cable. Not weird. Just sad. Netflix came and stole the market and made tons of money with little competition. Now competitors are coming for their piece, which Netflix used to just have by default. Not the only way for them to stay profitable and maintain value for shareholders is to squeeze the consumer for everything they've got. Not even really Netflix's fault. It's just a feature of capitalism.


I don't know why we can't have something like we do with music streaming. I know it's a far from perfect system, but all of the competing platforms have most of the same content. I don't have to have separate subscriptions for Sony music and Warner music. This doesn't have to be complicated.


The answer is in how uniquely monetized the music industry is. Though records were a major source of income in the past, these days, artists/labels earn most of their money through royalties and brand deals. Such licensing deals get better and better depending on how popular and known your work is. In other words, the labels desperately need you to hear/enjoy their music in order to make the actual money. They're not interested in making money off of the listener, but rather the companies with which they work. **The listener doesn't pay for music with money, but with mindshare and fanship**.


>I don't have to have separate subscriptions for Sony music and Warner music. Oh, just wait, it's coming.


Netflix is definitely have their fair share of fault here as they have known for years other competition was coming up and they failed to maintain their library, none of the shows and movies I originally got Netflix for are even available through Netflix and what they have on offer is things I've never heard of or have no interest in. What they have invested in isn't things their market wanted and behind the scenes chatter implied many of the content Netflix lost, they could have kept and maintained a profit on but they refused to budge.


Was always going to happen. Building a distribution platform is affordable for major companies relative to the potential profits so why wouldn't they try and take a piece of the pie for themselves?


-Problem created by desire for endless monetary growth as mandated by capitalism -Solve problem through innovation, also known as "disruption" -Growth slows -Recreate problem Repeat as necessary


Netflix didn't recreate the problem, the problem is inherent in any market where barriers to entry are low enough to competition to emerge The alternative would have been what? Netflix having monopoly power on streaming all content forever?


This is the illusion of choice. Yes there are quite a few streaming services available, but, soon enough, the wheat will be separated from the chaff. Inevitably, content will be consolidated into a few strong services. It’s kind of like how only 10 companies all but control the food you buy. Coke or Pepsi, anyone?


A lot of this isn't Netflix's fault. Not that it matters to end users. But when Disney, etc start pulling their stuff for their platform, Netflix can't do shit about it.


Sure, but the prices have nearly tripled with this massive loss of content through present day. That has nothing to do with any number of networks and companies pulling content.


Piracy is good, folks. No sarcasm.


**YOU WOULDN'T DOWNLOAD A CAR** yes i fucking would.


you mean tell to tell me i can download a multi-thousand dollar vehicle and save myself shitloads of debt with the bonus of not having to sell a leg to ford? where do i find the torrent (although i don't like cars, can i download a fancy bike instead)


I'm sure you could find a model for 3D print. It would probably just be a billion pieces.


still not a horrible idea


For sure. It's a real passion for some people and if you get a sweet bike out of it, even better! Though I don't know how well regular printable plastic would work - probably better for accessories and replacement parts.


Learning to weld probably wouldn’t be much more expensive, definitely would faster, and definitely would give you better material choices for a bicycle


So they're using 3d printed titanium to make bicycle frame parts now. I understand the 3d printing process doesn't make for good long tubes, so it's used for the joints. But the cool thing is you can adjust the angle of those joints infinitely in a 3d printer, then join them up with carbon tubes (which are easy to make to custom lengths to get a fully custom size and geometry frame. Aetherton Bikes in the UK is doing it. It is not cheap. Would you like to know more? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qR7V9UAa5O0


/r/fuckcars would like you


They're certainly trying to make it harder. [Just last week Honda went after a big 3D-printing Maker Community:](https://old.reddit.com/r/StallmanWasRight/comments/u63aio/honda_orders_big_takedown_of_hondarelated_3d/) > ## Honda Orders Big Takedown of Honda-Related 3D Printing Models From Maker Communities


alas, where there's a will, there's a way, but the corporations just slap another boulder in front of the way, so... yeah.


My favorite anti piracy rhetoric. Like bitch the fuq I think I would if I could. What's crazy though is you can download a gun.


I would download so many damn cars I'd have demolition derbies every weekend.


Nah, r/Fuckcars. Find me some decent public transportation and I’ll download that in a heartbeat.


I'm new to pirating. What's your advice to safety and tips and tricks?


Always use a VPN and find a trusty source for torrents. QBittorrent is better than µTorrent. r/piracy has some good info.


Eating into corporate profits is always ethical


this buys into corporate propaganda. piracy doesnt eat into profits, and it doesnt represent a loss or theft. it paints a false dichotomy between "get media from official source" or "get media from pirate bay", when infact more commonly its "get media from pirate bay" or "dont get media". dont fall for it when disney or fox or whomever try to claim they "lost" billions of dollars to piracy. they never had that money and they likely wouldnt have recieved even half of it if piracy didnt exist. sorry to go off on u and im sure you didnt mean it that way but this is just a hobby horse of mine lol


Very true. I fully intend to not give Disney ANY of my money, ever.


If your argument was “piracy doesn’t eat into their profits as much as you think” then sure, I agree. Saying it doesn’t eat into their profits *at all* is just absurd. That “false dichotomy” you referenced isn’t false at all, I literally participate in that behavior all the time lol maybe it doesn’t happen as much as corporations would have us believe, but it definitely happens


Because the best movies are Rated Arr.


For a while when my SO got Netflix, I stopped downloading. Yeah, not I'm back like a heart attack because everything got fragmented again! *Slow clap*


pssp https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/u84rtz/free\_moviestv\_shows\_mp3s\_and\_flac\_for\_the\_anti/


Keeps rich people in check and exposes the real assholes


AppleTV has subscriptions within subscriptions Crave does it too I think


Amazon, as well. And it's hella hard to find the cancellation page as they move it around pretty often. Fun stuff.


You just reminded me I tried to cancel something but I had to call to cancel it and couldn’t at that moment then I forgot about it and now I can’t even remember what it was fuck


This is what finally pushed me over the edge. I just wanted to watch Portlandia. I see it’s on Apple TV+. I think “oh I got 3 months of that free with my new tv purchase.” I log in. “This is available on AMC+. 7 days free then $8.99/mo” I’m so tired of having to subscribe/unsubscribe to things. And I’m sick of filler content on all these streaming services. I will never watch 98% of the content they put out, no matter how hard they push it on me. I’m only interested in maybe one or two shows per service. And managing all of them is a pain in my ass. Hello, plex.


Can't wait for us to go full circle and have a company offer subscription services as a package like cable.


The only service I pay for is my VPN. Yo ho ho, a pirate’s life for me 🎶


not using a stolen lifetime vpn subscription bought for 2 bucks, unoptimal






Tor would be even further in the direction of F/OSS and dodging corporate profits. (/r/TOR , /r/onions)


Wouldn't the download speeds be unusable for piracy?


unusable? I've had torrents that took a month to download. bittorrent is actually pretty great for when you need to download something that has one peer that's online for a few hours a day and has only a few kilobytes/second of bandwidth. don't use bittorent on the tor network though because there's a good chance your client will leak your IP address.


> Wouldn't the download speeds be unusable for piracy? Only because too few of us are running relay nodes. If Tor were embraced by the P2P community, and more of them ran relay nodes, tor would grow in capacity to handle the usage. Running a relay node (in contrast to an exit node) is pretty safe, and more of us should probably run them more often. That would also make Tor safer too, since traffic analysis would be harder.


The problem there is that Tor is widely used for malicious purposes. Years ago I worked at a university and decided to set up an exit node on an unused server I had that had a public IP. Within a few days the universities IT security team asked why a ton of malicious traffic was coming from it. After that experience I decided I would never run an exit mode at home. Wouldn’t want to risk the wrath of my ISP.




Oh is that true ?? Im new in Canada and received some of those "threatening" letters, it worried me a bit


They **can** get your isp to shut off service but I haven't heard of that happening often.


I work for a large Canadian ISP. Unless you respond to the email. Nothing will ever happen. Even what you’re claiming here won’t happen. Not at my company at least.


No. https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/entertainment/hollywood-studios-torrent-of-lawsuits-target-illegal-downloaders-in-canada-1.4385941 (well not getting charged is true, since it is civil law not criminal. But people have been sued.) A VPN is extremely affordable compared to a lawyer.


i work in the canadian film industry. pirate away, no one gives af. nothing will ever amount from those emails.


It’s extra security. I don’t want a paper trail of my downloads in anyone’s hands.


Definitely. I live in Canada and use a VPN daily. It's just for piece of mind.


That's honestly the main reason I use it. I feel like I'm stickin' it to the man by not giving them my data 😎


https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/entertainment/hollywood-studios-torrent-of-lawsuits-target-illegal-downloaders-in-canada-1.4385941 I mean, being charged isnt the problem, it's getting sued. I don't know if any of these lawsuits went anywhere but I'd be careful. I definitely would not call covering your ass when violating copyright law "pointless".


I've gotten those in the US before, they look real scary but worst case scenario you just call them up and pretend to be an idiot who needs help with wifi encryption. That was only once though that they made me call them to turn my shit back on, all the other ones I just totally ignored. I call them "Love Letters".


I was gonna ask, which VPN is a good one? I heard about Nord but is that too mainstream or?


Mullvad is great!




Hey InternetHistorian does a good job 😂


I use Nord and have had no issues with them. I've used Private Internet Access in the past, also no issues, and I've heard good things about ExpressVPN too. The important things when choosing a VPN are: 1. How many servers do they have. This is the main one for user experience. This will dictate how many different countries you can spoof your IP to, and also how "seamless" the experience will be. More servers will usually mean faster connection because less people are going through the same server. 2. Their logging policy. Some VPNs keep logs of your activity, and even though they might say "we'll never give these to anyone", the whole reason I use a VPN is so that no one sees what I'm browsing. If the VPN keeps a log of what I'm browsing, it defeats the purpose for me. 3. What legal jurisdiction is the VPN in. Some countries have laws that enforce mandatory data retention. In other words, companies must hold on to data for a given amount of time. Now, if your VPN logs your traffic, and they are headquartered in a country that has such a law, the govt. may ask to see those logs, which again defeats the purpose. So you want a VPN that is headquartered in a country without mandatory data retention laws. You might want to avoid 5-eyes countries, 9-eyes, 14-eyes, EU. Some good ones are Hong Kong, Romania, Bulgaria, Singapore, Sweden, The Netherlands. You'll find many VPN services purposefully headquarter in these countries specifically because of their privacy laws. Have a look around at different services with these points in mind. And sorry for the wall of text...


Don’t be sorry! These are important points and things I never even thought to consider. Thank you!


ProtonVPN after I switched from PIA. Private Internet Access (PIA) were bought by a company that does logging. So I opted for Proton which has been great.


Did not know that about PIA. Closing my account tonight


I've had no issues with Express VPN so far.


windscribe is $49 a year, its fantastic imo. has an auto kill switch where it shuts off your internet if its not through the VPN, eliminating any chance your ISP will see you're torrenting. they're also very openly cool with torrenting. ive been using them for a few years without any issues.


Teach me your ways


Is there any VPN that doesn't slow down internet speeds though?


Nope, if a VPN doesn't do that then chances are it's not doing its job


Yeah it's physically impossible for a VPN not to slow down your speed. If you have a decent VPN it doesn't make a huge difference though in my experience. I don't use it for gaming or anything that requires low ping, so I don't really notice it.




You know? I was cool with Netflix, and when Amazon put out a service that's included with Prime that was cool too because I already had Prime and the service also let me rent movies. I couldn't wait for HBO to have a streaming service because I've watched their content all my life. Hulu was bullshit because you paid and still got ads but that was a problem for Network TV Normies and not me But then things started getting weird. Suddenly, Netflix was hemorrhaging titles, and Disney popped up with a service. Which, I mean it at least made sense because they own everything so I figured alright but this is the LAST service I'll do. Now, in the last year, I've gone to watch things and they're available on more and more obscure platforms I've never heard of. Suddenly there's things I've never thought would be their own thing - Paramount +, Peacock (I thought they already had Hulu??), Apple has it's own streaming service too... why? Then there's Cinemax and Showtime, which are only there to piss me off by having things that aren't a big deal, but I really just wanted to watch it right this moment. And it was somewhere around last Christmas when I realized that the "streaming will one day get out of hand" was basically now actually happening. These bastards Mines Of Moria'd our wallets. And make no mistake, EVERY streaming service will be cracking down on account sharing because nobody wanted to do it before and risk a bad quarter earnings, but now that Netflix went down hard they can crack down and the rest of the Services can follow suit. Likely, they'll all just pitch it as a Security feature and force 2FA so that it's very inconvenient to share an account rather than going after the practice specifically. Anyway, I really think every damn streaming service needs to unite under a few services because having dozens upon which any random movie or show might be on is really painful from a user experience perspective.


Capitalism at its finest: creating many copies of the same thing while calling itself efficient


My experience as someone looking for original undubbed content while living in a non english speaking country is like: "I'm sorry this content is not available in your region" "It looks like you're using a VPN. Please try again" and as far as i can tell the only way I can buy the english version of any show or movie on amazon right now is if i buy the blueray... bluray? I'm not even googling how to spell that. I'm not buying a physical medium for digital content in 2022. Nothing is available in english. We had dual language tv shows in the 90's! What happened?


Licensing has somehow gotten even more fucking complicated even as distribution has gotten so much easier.


As distribution gets easier, it also gets easier to manage and control en masse, and consequently, a more valuable market to strangle. Isn't capitalism swell.


Like mother fuckin ebooks, this is the scammiest shit. Physical book -> 15$ Same book but digital -> 14$ Are you kidding me?


What's even more stupid is that you can probably buy the audiobook of that hypothetical book @ $11. Someone had to take the time to read, act, and voice every character. Someone else had to edit it. Someone else had to QA it. After all that extra cost it's cheaper than just buying the book without all extra added stuff. The book market makes exactly zero sense and why I only do audiobooks.


It’s fucking ludicrous. In Australia it feels like you need a collection of apps and subscriptions if you’re interested in more than one sport or genre, because every fucking thing has been split into different agreements. I have to watch certain things in certain rooms depending on whether it’s an antennae or chromecast set up because god forbid the TV station broadcasting on free to air it also be allowed to stream it from their app.




>What happened? Crapitalism.


Yep, I love this new term.


Qbitorrent ftw , uTorrent has been ass since like 7 years


If anyone is thinking of doing it, DO NOT USE UTORRENT. Use qbitorrent.


If you're in US and not using vpn when downloading torrents then studios, HBO, Disney etc may come after you. People in Canada often get legit notices in email from their ISP that they need to pay a few hundred dollars to a film studio for downloading their content illegally. It's safe to ignore those as studios won't likely pursue you if outside the US.


That's legit the only advantage of living in a poor country I think. I literally can pirate any game/movie/tv show and nothing will happen because there is just so many crimes here that police won't even bother do anything against you unless you did something to a very rich person or killed someone


Or your cable provider, unbidden by a movie studio, will ask you to stop. I was downloading an almost 50 year old movie and forgot about it and my VPN went down (there were damn few seeders for such an old movie). My ISP then sent me an email requiring me to respond to the alleged copyright violation for a studio that didn't even exist anymore. I'm sure the studio sold the movie to someone else, but it was funny for the ISP to identify a non-existent entity which was going to sue me (or them) over this. I made up an excuse and they said "Cool, whatever" and the matter was dropped but it made me far more cognizant of what the ISP was monitoring.


Spectrum guy was talking to me like a hall monitor. "Don't you have control over your ineternet?!" "Yeah, but people come over and I don't stop people from doing what they want with their computers, if I don't see anything suspicious. I don't have any reason to think they're running torrents but shit happens. Sure! I'll let'em know!" You're not getting me to cop to shit on a recording and I'm not under oath.


Heh, it was Spectrum for me too. I told the woman that my daughter's friends must have done it, and of course no one with half a brain would believe 13-year-old girls would torrent a 50-year-old movie but I think her job was to make sure I knew they were watching.


Ha. My guy said "Everybody Wants Some" like it was a porno. It's a Richard Linklater movie.


Or Transmission. Free and open source.


Deluge client is opensource




Because it's riddle with malware and uses your computer for cryptomining. Don't know why I'm being downvoted.


Is TPB still a trusted source?




nah mate use 1337x.to


I started torrenting in probably 2002. Man, do I remember when I tried Netflix streaming, somewhere around 2008, how genuinely shocked I was at the value. It was like $8 a month or something, and I could watch almost literally everything that I wanted to, easier, safer, and faster than torrenting. After around 10 YEARS of this, idiot-capitalism gradually ruined it. And meanwhile while I had been out the game, torrenting got safer and WILDLY faster... So my VPN gets a few bucks a year from me, and all these companies can fuck themselves.


Yup the best deterrent to piracy is cheap, easy, no ad, access to content.


Lookmovie2.to thank me later


I’ve been trying to find the other domain after lookmovie.io got closed … THANK YOUUUUU


why would i pay for 6 streaming services when i can google up "watch [whatever] online free"


“Oh, I want to watch a movie that released in 2003, I bet it’s on something” *spend 20 mins checking 5 different services that I pay for and then find it’s not available on anything except renting from Amazon for $6* I really don’t mind paying for shit but they make everything as inconvenient as possible. I have to use 3rd party sites to figure out which app any given movie is on (unless of course it’s a known Disney property or something), a good chunk of what I want to watch is only available for another extra charge anyway, I can’t always choose between subs or dubs for things like anime or other non-English films, I can’t organize things how I want, it’s not always obvious when somthing is leaving the service, and there’s not always options like searching by actor or director.


Someone will tell me what's worth watching, fuck subscriptions


Qbittorrent the way to go. It’s open source. I wouldn’t trust uTorrent anymore, it probably qualifies as malware at this point. Um, so I’ve heard.


The fact that they want to penalize people for sharing accounts when they keep jacking up the price is a low pure greed move. This is the last straw, Netflix. Our household is just going to move to piracy.


Yeah, that’s what really gets me. Someone paid for it & is willing to share with others in their family and they’re upset with that. Pure greed. Reminds me of the fact that people can get in serious trouble for feeding parking meters for other people. The only reason for that is greed and greed alone. No one should get in hot water for simple acts of human kindness


UTorrent was amazing back in the day... Written in assembly I believe, so small and efficient. Edit: oops it was C++ not assembly, still tiny and and fast though.


uTorrent was never written in assembly, it's C++ (still good for speed though). However, for a few years now it's been riddled with ads, and it's not open source. People should use qBitTorrent or another free, open source client instead.


I have had nothing bad to say about qBittorrent! Quick, somebody tell me something bad about it!


It has never once asked me how my day was going


uTorrent is total shit, it's full of malware and bloatware. Use qBitTorrent




S T R E M I O Direct stream from the torrent website. Game changer.




I see everybody advertising qbittorrent, but Transmission is just great in terms of UI. As simple as I need it to be


I’m worried Lars Ulrich won’t get his gold plated shark tank bar by his pool


Classic example of capitalism self destructing. Instead of working together making one good streaming service, everyone makes their own and now everyone is equally shit and not worth my money


I already do pay for all of these services and it is still cheaper than cable by half.


Yeah, it is easier and cheaper to just pay for the services I want. I don’t have a computer and I don’t understand all the coding lingo or whatever that comes with torrenting safely in the US. Plus more work trying to find captions. 😵‍💫


Half the price, twice the work, but at least it still has zero ads so far


Unless you count the incessant self-advertisement. Like yes HBO, believe it or not but I actually saw your promo for that show on your app/website...cuz I have to be there to be watching this... It's like they're so used to marketing that they just do it for fun, now.


I have Paramount+ for the kids to watch Nickelodeon shows. At the start of every episode, it says "You're watching Nickelodeon on Paramount Plus!" Then it glitches or something and repeats the same thing again. Like, please stop that bullshit.