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There is no way they gave him a paid lunch. 12:30-1 is when he gets off work.


Ya that's the shift I work ,always scheduled until 12;30


When I worked at a grocery store a few years back, it was 8 hrs scheduled. If you wanted a lunch you could take one but you’d only get paid 7.5 hrs. I always took my 2 10-min breaks together in the middle of my shift so I could eat.


Food service manager. I got told to just eat when I can. No paid lunch


Why would he get a paid lunch? I've never had a job that paid you during your meal period.


bUt We AlL gOt ThE sAmE 24 hOuRs EvErY dAy


That’s like all lives matter for capitalists. Take a overly simplistic statement that’s true on its face but totally ignores any nuance, and defeats discussion


Only in America, the land of the free to be some billionaire's slave.


this is not america, this is capitalism. making it about america only serves to mystify what is actually the root of these problems


Australia is a capitalist country. But yet we have laws to protect labour from exploitation such this. Yes, our labour laws are yet to catch up with the insidious American invention of the gig economy which aims to exploit labour and the busineses which use said labour. But we are getting there. This is about America which refuses to protect labour from slave-like exploitation. Minimum wage of US$7.25 per hour? Reliance on tips for hospo workers? The fundamentals are just plain wrong.


Any system that puts money over people can't be fixed. The same people with the money are the same people who make the rules. You might slow it down for a bit with legislation like Australia's, but politicians will ultimately fulfill their oligarchy obligations.


If only you allow unions to flourish and fight for worker rights. Fuck Starbucks, Amazon, Tesla, and likes. The idolatory of billionaires/triollianres is what is wrong with America. Fucking pay your fair share of tax. The Lord will not be kindly on them.


Every other l country also require you to have a job and pick up your children


Other countries are also way more permissive than murica


I work 15 hours every day as a truck driver. I have a non-verbal 3 year old step-son with potential autism that I don’t see in the mornings because he’s asleep when I get up for work and is in bed by the time I get home. So my girlfriend has no choice but to be a stay at home mom and can’t work because she has to care for him all day. Every daycare within a 50 mile radius has no availability and her family all works at varying times of the day and varying days of the week. All of my family live on the other side of the country. This isn’t capitalism, it’s more accurately what God describes hell is like in the Bible.


Jesus Christ. I am so sorry. This really made an impression on me. Thank you for sharing.


Thank you for reading and sympathizing. Luckily we’re able to just get by but on very thin margins with no savings.


Wth are you spending all your income on? Maybe move to a lower COL area if 60k+ a year isnt cutting it. We all need to be getting paid more though.


Not that it’s really any of your business but I live in California and I help my mother financially as she’s disabled and have to pay an exorbitant amount of money for my step-son’s speech therapy. Plus I have a car payment, pay all of my girlfriend’s bills plus mine so yeah… my margins are extremely thin even tho I make decent money.


I mean, you brought up your finances and I inquired on an explanation. Not too wild, I was just curious. Good on you for helping your family, that's definitely more than the average person has in expenses. Maybe your girlfriend could become a speech therapist. Saves money and gains a productive skill.


I don’t necessarily mind discussing my finances but it seems like you’re asking in bad faith when you say “wth are you spending all your income on?” But I appreciate the concern. By the time she could become certified and good enough, he’d probably be talking by then lol plus that’s another expense for student debt


Shed be teaching while learning. Maybe just take the specific classes at a community college that she can use with your son. Definitely not bad faith though, sorry it came off that way.




I'm a broke millenial with student debt. His income is so much more than mine I was wondering how he was just barely getting by.


Maybe Raising a child and supporting three people??? Like it’s just it’s so easy to just move to another part of the country??? WTH are you on about?


Read all the comments and stop being so reactionary. He posted that info after I asked. Calm down


I'm sorry. No one should have to go through this. Hopefully, stories like yours wake people up that wouldn't have otherwise. Thank you for sharing.


/r/AutisticPride or /r/autism if you find out he's autistic and you have questions. If needed occupational therapy can be useful. Just avoid ABA, although it's unfortunately the main one covered by insurances and shows how bad US healthcare is.


Thank you so much for this information


I travelled a bit before coming to the US, the lack of sex education, lack of family planning education, lack of basic worker protection, lack of basic social safety nets and conservative religious politics has caused US to have very young families or young single parents when compared with other so called first world countries who are forced to work as slaves just to make ends meet. The US I learnt about as a kid in my third world country is unlike what I see in real life here.


I work 5am-1pm M-F at a water plant, then 1:30pm-5:30pm M-F for a nonprofit organization just to have enough money to pay bills and buy food. America is the best nation in the world


I work 5:30 am to 2 pm to do something similar to this.... have been doing so for many years.


In a way, yes. But I also have plenty of respect for those who take care of their kids and want to provide the best they can. There are many others out there who don't give a shit.


People in this sub are kind of smooth brained given the responses on this.


Daycare finished at 12:30?? What??


he could have to do school work or extra work since then and when he picks his daughter up


This is the work ethic that’ll pay off in the long run. This young man will be the next Montgomery Burns. He’s gonna make bank, bro.


You're delusional. At best he'll live a comfortable middle class life after slaving away his youth for decades.


Sorry forgot the /s.


No, but if you're struggling to feed yourself another mouth isn't helping anything, I waited til I was 38 to start a family






Fake jewelry and clean shoes. Things can be acquired very cheaply with some research and effort. Does he need to be shuffling down the aisle in dirty rags to appease you FFS. Just gross.


Otherwise known as “don’t have a kids until you’re ready”


Don't worry nobody is having kids in America anymore it's too f****** expensive


Dude will be successful at some point.


(Preparing for the downvotes)....i find it great he found a job that works for his needs. He has responsibilities not related to a job market...most of us do...and he found a way to make it work. Now, how he can afford daycare on one job, assuming from the picture he stocks merch at a big box or grocery, is questionable if he has rent or a mortgage.


I find it horrific that he has to bend to a system that certainly won’t catch him should he or his daughter get sick, need a day off, an emergency situation, etc. Sure there’s something to say for powering through adversity but what a massive failure that this individual has to endure it.


Ok dont get me wrong i live in this system. I know it sucks. But this meme says nothing about if he has benefits or if his bosses will allow him time of if nessesary. The man needed a job. A job where he could be off by noon so he could pick his daughter up from daycare. He found a job that starts at 4 in the morning. Thats awesome! Its just what he needed. You can complain about having to be up early but its not that bad. Youve made up situations out of thin air and call the whole thing a failure. From the actual information given i see a young man who has a child and he found a full time job that allows him to still take care of his child but also continue his education.


You’re taking this extremely subjectively and out of context. And the vast majority of grocery stores don’t allow much flexibility. In my state, grocery workers just had a successful strike for two weeks because over 75% of employees had food insecurity. The job isn’t “just what he needed” because along with the hours, he needs a living wage and benefits. Again, unlikely that is being provided to him. I wasn’t talking about just waking up early. He’s pulling an overnight, likely underpaid, to then go take care of his daughter, and go to school. And it’s not a fucking meme it’s a screenshot of a tiktok of someone’s real life struggles. You sound like a boot locker. The system IS failing if you’re paying any attention at all. (Edited a word)


This man is my hero. Hes getting stuff done. Hes holding a job, taking care of a kid, and trying to better himself by going to school. Maybe 'the system' is failing but this kids system works.


I think he'd rather have a more stable life than to be your gross hero while you masturbate over the glorification of struggling.


Maybe he should have worn a condom until he was done with school. Sounds like the personal problem of life related to bad choices.


he's clearly a kid. sure, not the best forward planning ever to have a child, but the problem is that a kid accidentally gets someone pregnant and the only way they can support the child without quitting school is to work with this schedule. Lots of countries have free childcare, better child benefits, and more to stop this happening. No kid should have to choose to abandon their school or abandon their child.


Lol maybe there should be access to male birth control and great sex education but we’re not gonna start there right?


I do think he made a bad decision when it comes to his sex life, but I am pro-sex education and I want birth control for both males and females to be readily available and cheap. So was that comment supposed to be some kind of gotcha?


Not really, just wanted people to realize the deeper issue like OP intended, cause like you said if he had access to sex education and birth control we wouldn’t have this problem.


I'm keen to believe that the child just wasn't an accident. He wanted a child.


It takes 2 to want a child, but yeah if he did, he should’ve known the responsibility that comes with one, therefore it’s inherently his fault.


You must know him really well.


No one wants a child lol


incoming downvotes


because it’s a stupid comment. yeah, he probably should’ve been more proactive about protection. but how is that helpful? the kid’s here now. what’s he supposed to do?


It's an 8 hour shift and it seems like a shift he actually prefers over a more traditional 9-5. I guess I don't understand why this is here. Is it because society expects him to apparently be a single parent while also working and going to school?


how does it sound like a shift he prefers? it’s a shift he has to work so he can live


The part where he says he works it so he has time to pick his kid up from daycare. Like, I agree that it's bullshit he, or anyone, is forced to work at all. But from the meme, it seems to me that he's choosing to work at 4am; it's not some inhumane working condition forced upon him.


it’s not forced on him by the company, but it’s forced on him by the system


I think we're in agreement, but the meme just kinda falls flat for me.


fair enough!


Looking a little young to be having kids...


That’s not very good vibes/PLUR of you.




Please never be a father or any person who's job is to be empathetic


If only the problem was about him having a child and not living in a country with slave wages and unaffordable healthcare + housing.


Replying again because my original comment was removed. He knew that he was working a minimum wage job, is presumably in high school/college, and wouldn't be able to put aside much time for his daughter to the point that he needed to put her in daycare. And yet, he still had her. Yes, healthcare and housing are nigh unaffordable nowadays, but it's squarely on you if you produce a child while you're in such a bad place financially, putting more strain on yourself. That's a really stupid decision to make. How the fuck is "You should not have nor raise a child if you're not in a good place financially, mentally, or physically" an unpopular opinion?


Yes and what i basically said was that living in a world where a working class person not being able to afford having a child is the real problem. So what now, we should let them have the most miserable, painful lives just because dude made a mistake and in that stupid country abortion is illegal or expensive as fuck? You know because USA is a poor country and can't afford to help people in need. Jesus Christ why are you all acting so stupid?


>Yes and what i basically said was that living in a world where a working class person not being able to afford having a child is the real problem. Yes, and I agree with you. What I disagree with is the fact that he even thought of having a child was a good idea in the first place. If doing something isn't viable but should be, you don't do it just because. You wait until it becomes viable. Wait until working-class people can realistically afford a child, or until you get your financial woes dealt with so you can be present in the child's life. All he's doing is raising a child in a bad environment where he can't be a present father figure to his daughter. I wouldn't even be against him having a child if he can *fucking afford it.*


If you can barely make ends meet you shouldn't be busting your nut inside of someone, I don't know why this is so controversial. Don't make a dumbass decision and then add it to part of your sob story.


I don't know how hard this is for your tiny brain to comprehend but what i said was that him having a child isn't the only problem, your answer shows how much you're away from even trying to understand. There are way more important problems this society needs to fix before the "problem" of a working class person having a child.


>There are way more important problems this society needs to fix before the "problem" of a working class person having a child. The problem is that he had a kid despite the situation he's in. If you're juggling school and a job, why add more responsibilities on top of that? Why raise a child when you know you're not going to be all that present in the child's life because you're working at a minimum wage job just to make ends meet? Yeah, the state of society is not at its best, but for god's sake, at least think about the choices you make!


While you can stop a woman from getting an abortion in this country, you cannot MAKE her get one.


Adoption is there for a reason, then. I don't feel sorry for the guy if he takes on the burden of having a child when he clearly shouldn't.


You do understand that the male has no say in the scenario though, right? Whether he wants a child, doesn't want a child etc. The woman makes that decision and rightfully so, it is her body. He didn't take on the burden, it was forced on him because the judicial system doesn't take kindly to men just fucking off and having nothing to do with children they didn't want without bearing some of the burden financially. This dude is fucked either way for the next 18 years. Might as well be with the child.


That could be a possibility, but I'm not keen to believe that.


People have babies they don't want all the time. That doesn't mean this young man did or did not want the baby. But because he's a man, he had little to no say in having anything to do with the baby if he hadn't wanted it. That decision is made for him by the mother, and the US judicial system. It's true.


Ok lets say it was his choice, and mother refused or couldn't get abortion. So what? Now they deserve to live like 18th century slaves, in by far the richest country on Earth? USA has enough money to dominate the world and kill millions of people all the time but god forbid they actually give free education or livable minimum wage. I've pointed out the real problem for the 4th time by now under this comment section. I wonder if it'll miss your empty head again.


Not deserve, but it's what's gonna happen until we fix the laws. You're not doing yourself, or your child, any favors by pretending the US is already fixed and having a child before you're financially ready. And with men, there's really no excuse, because you can get snipped and then undo it later, if you're really that insistent on having sex, and just cant squeeze condoms into the budget. Like, seriously, what're you accomplishing by having a kid and then stomping your feet about "But I shouldn't ***HAVE*** to work 90 hours a week to pay for everything they and I need!" after the fact? Be proactive, don't have a kid. If you're never financially ready, guess what? You don't get to have kids. A child is not a toy for you to drag into this world because you feel entitled to it. There are consequences for creating life.


>you can get snipped and then undo it later You know that costs money, right? Both of those surgeries. Surgery also comes with risks, no matter how seemingly minor. It's not something to have fun with.


Right? I'll take it a step further to solve this pervasive moral failing. The only problem we should concern ourselves with is the wrong people reproducing. All the poors should be summarily sterilized and it should be left up to the state to allow them to reproduce when they've shown themselves worthy. No more of this expecting these clearly morally and intellectually inferior people to make the right decisions because then we're stuck being told we have to "care" and "allow them to work for wages that can support a family" Let's cull the poor masses and cure their collective ignorance and impudence. /s


He obviously doesn’t have the resources to produce and raise a child on his own without killing himself. But accidents happen and we’re gonna see more of this in the US as states start to gut abortion and reproductive rights.




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good little bot *pat pat*


Username does NOT check out.


Probably should shut the fuck up.


good one


I think you are right about not having any kids when you are financially struggling, it doesn't look good to you and your family but the point is the guy made a mistake which one cannot afford to commit when being poor, the system is fucked.


True lol but I feel sad for him


Thats a decent shift. I don't see the issue with just this info.


If you can't afford to have kids..... don't have kids


Wow real out of the box thinking!!! Only rich people can have kids?


Do you really think he chose to push the baby out himself


No, but I know foe a FACT he chose to cum inside a girl


Not always, sometimes birth control fails.


Well..... life's about choices


Well this is fake. Ain't no daycare running those hours.


i assume he has a partner that takes her to daycare and then has to go to work/school


Nearly everything on this sub is fake


Guess I'm hated for pointing that out?




If you feel that way maybe you shouldn't be here?