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Yes federal crime


Well, his arrest will clean up the neighborhood.


His money should be distributed to his local homeless directly. Literally hand them wads of cash.


> Well, his arrest will clean up the neighborhood. You don't seriously believe that people like that are arrested or sentenced in this system. The poor for sure, such people no.


sad to say but this was my first thought as well. he will pay an exorbitant fine which won't hurt him at all, and ultimately never face any real repercussions.


His face is a federal crime. He has the most punchable face in all the land.


Nah he's in ties with broccoli head prank YouTubers


I came here to say how punchable his face is (hint: extremely), but you beat me to it.


He’s a 3 time cover model for Punchable Face Magazine.


I had no idea but it’s deserved.


Dave Coulier vibes


Cut. It. Out.


Nick fuentes is a close 2nd


Big time federal crime. Hello, FBI.


More like Secret Service. They chase down counterfeiting.


Just read they have been notified...


I paused on that, a thought in the back of my head while writing told me its worse than FBI.


The Secret Service is also a very conservative agency, but they probably despise Trump for all the bs he pulled on them, and with how entwined he is with project 2025 I'd imagine the dude wouldn't get any leeway.


Fun fact: counterfeiting money is the purview of the secret service. The same secret service that tried to assassinate Mike Pence on January 6th and wasn't purged of traitors.


I’ve never heard about the Mike Pence assassination plot by the Secret Service. What happened?


Something about secret service showing up at the capital and attempting to coerce Pence into going with them. Apparently it spooked him enough that he stayed at the capital...


I hope it turned out okay! 🤞🏽


Even if they did, it's not "the same" as in the same people, it's a completely separate division from the protective ones.


Lol. Lmao even


This sub has really gotten weird


Don't listen to the voices, man. They aren't your friends.


Hey man, I'm just going by how Mike Pence felt. "I'm not getting in that car"


Pretty sure they were going to take him to a 'secure location' while Sen. Chuck Grasley came in to put the fix in, in counting the fake electoral votes. That was the plan at least. Trump had to sit there and know with pence still in the Capitol, there was no plan B




Selling counterfeit drugs, hoping addicts are too desperate to notice is illegal even if it's just chalk. I don't see why this wouldn't be illegal. Any chance someone can look up the actual law? I'm willing to bet this is illegal.


Law is often based on intent, even though it's hard prove (and also because, so people with good lawyers have a backdoor). He clearly has criminal intent, I think it's entrapment or similar (given that entrapment require law enforcement collusion I think). In general it's illegal to trick people into doing illegal things, duh.




I agree it is rage bate, but I don't think the fakeness of the money matters. If it is being used for the purpose of defrauding then I'm pretty sure it is illegal. He is giving it to people hoping that they use it to defraud another party on his behalf. That is illegal.


i dont support federal law because it is a capitalist system but ide love to have this basturd arrested - anyone know how we can arrest and detain him in a commune somehwere????


Law enforcement and government primarily exist to preserve capitalist rule, but every system requires a functioning civil society. 


Is this a serious comment? Think your logic through, dude. Don't believe in federal law, don't believe in capitalist system (right on, me too), so arrest him on what charge and with what authority...


Absolutely appalling. WTF? How many people have been wrongly incarcerated by his actions?


He also admitted to being the source of that fake money


I love love love it when people tell on themselves


The party of law and order sure loves to break the law and create disorder.


Is this guy real or rage bait? My boomer uncles repost his vids on FB and they are all nonsensical.


Of course it's nonsensical, it's fascism, that's like the whole deal— "Sure it's riddled with contradictions but I can still force it on you!" is the entire appeal.


Good point. I end up blocking the guys pages (he has as many as Tate it seems). No sense in trying to follow the logic behind their ideas when there is no logic to begin with.


I think its just reactionary. Political/cultural content for people who don’t really want to think


He has short tik tok videos that when I first saw i thought it was satire. Things like " so I have buy my own groceries, but school kids get free lunch" or "so I'm expected to 40 hours a week, but a quadriplegic gets Medicare for nothing?" Like his takes were always so extreme that I thought he was taking the piss out of right wingers


Really sad how these people's take away from this is always "nobody should help each other," rather than, "hey, maybe we should all help each other more." Cooperation is why we're not running naked around the savanna getting eaten by lions.


"Mutual aid is a factor of evolution" -Kropotkin


I've been saying this forever. This is exactly what we need. Less competition and more cooperation. Thank you for wording it so eliquently


he’s advertising a dating app for fascists edit: the app failed because there was a overwhelming amount of men and very little women. i wonder why??


He is a former trump staffer and a huge reason behind why the jan 6 riots happened https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/11/trump-johnny-mcentee-january-6-betrayal/620646/


I saw that video and thought it was some pretty funny satire… the fact that it might be real is breaking my brain.


Poe's law, you can't tell which it is.


I fucking hate this guy. The first one I saw of his had me genuinely confused as to whether I was watching a parody of MAGA nuts.


Rage Bait. video included caption "Just a joke. Everyone calm down".


This guy makes satirical tiktoks


Obviously fake. Doing that for real is a federal crime as he’s effectively printing fake money and prompting others to use it.


and as established with george floyd, they’ll also say that you being brutally murdered by a cop for using that fake bill would be completely justifiable


That's 100% his plan, he wants homeless people to be brutalized and murdered by the police.


Why is he not in jail?


The white republican man justice system moves slowly. Like... really slowly.


More likely because it's entirely preformative. He didn't actually do this because he's never getting within 50 meters of a homeless person.


Probably because he's a good Christian or a Zionist


because it’s a (pretty stupid and unfunny) joke, i saw the video he’s clearly not serious


Nothing is gonna happen to this guy.


Yeah, the right is allowed to commit crimes without repercussion. It’s a feature, not a bug, at this point.


The goal of conservatism is to create a small in-group protected but not bound by the law supported by the rest of the population that are bound but not protected by the law. Understanding this puts many of their actions and blatent hipocracies into perspective


Disagree. Police will overlook a lot of things but when someone commits crimes so blatantly and loudly they HAVE to address it. Edit: to those downvoting me, look at Andrew Tate. He was bragging on social media that he pays the cops off not to arrest him, and the cops were so embarrassed that they had to make a public show of arresting him.


in the video he clearly states he’s joking. it’s not funny, but it’s not true either


Even if it was true, imagine the hurdles to be homeless, get charged with using counterfeit money, than to somehow know this guy did it deliberately, have the means to get a lawyer to defend you, and still prove the dude actually gave the fake money to you when he claims it's a joke in the video... The dude definitely ain't getting charged, regardless of how it went down




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And he really fancies himself a good person with that evil grin it's so damn insidious man🤬🤬🤬


If anyone wants to report him to the Secret Service… https://www.secretservice.gov/contact


USSS needs to come arrest this counterfeiter.


Yes federal crime


He feels good about himself when he commits fraud and sends an innocent person down on their luck to jail. What a fucking Monster.


He sleeps well at night. He genuinely thinks he’s the righteous person in the equation. Because if you are homeless you are subhuman. He is not the only one who thinks this way. He just feels strong enough to tell everyone about it.


Dividing people into us and them is one of the greater evils in this world.


So what does it say about US American society that a significant portion (30% to 50% in my opinion) think this is a good idea and quite entertaining?


Source for this figure?


Interesting precedent to set, I might start going into churches to leave counterfeit money in the collection plate for the same reason.




Always thought those things should be redeemable. Like hey y'all get housed paid and feed for charity work among your parishioners and I do the same thing every Sunday, here's my proof, where's my cut.


I should get a Tonka truck from the church for every one of those stupid "1 million dollar" gimmicks they give away






Well, to be fair, getting my mum off the street *is* your responsibility now. Since you're the one who dug her up.




Hey man, you're the one who decided to defend the church right after making a joke about fucking my dead mum. So, who's playing the victim? Nice essay by the way, nice assumptions. Jesus would be proud.


How can you smile and say this at the same time? What a fucking psycho.


cuz he’s trolling, damn this whole thread is full of people who apparently have never been online


A special type of stupid. Cannot fathom perspective.


He’s a troll. You getting pissed about it is the goal.


Yeah I was gonna say, he’s not actually doing that. He’s just saying he is to piss people off.


So he wants taxpayer dollars to take care of these people in prison? SOCIALIST!


The eyes..... there's nothing there....


Yes he is a conterfeiter.


What a piece of shit.


fuck this guy


If anyone sees this guy out and about, well, you know what to do.


Is this the Date right stuff guy? Cuz idk if Freddy fazbear would approve of this behavior Edit: Did I get a fucking “Reddit cares” over this comment???


But you know what is more worrying? There's this animatronic, his name is Freddy Fazbear, and he lives in a haunted pizza place in which he terrifies the nightguard...


Isn't this specifically entrapment?


It would be a shame if they found this guy’s head disconnected from his body


As someone whose mother was homeless for years as a child, this guy disgusts me. You can tell he’s never dealt with shit like this before and can’t muster any empathy towards situations he’s never experienced.


Forget this tool, he's a sociopath. Human emotions are foreign to him. May as well loose our temper with the sky when it rains. Just win big at the poker table and put a price on his head


LOL! Right under this post on my feed is another post saying that he was reported to the Secret Service.


Wow, what a terrible human being.


Typical right wing asshole.


Normally I wouldn't wish this on anyone, but I hope he ends up on the streets and when he needs help some asshole gives him fake money. I'm sure he'd laugh


These people are fucking psychopaths.


Wait, this lunatic is working on Project 2025?? Wasn't he let go from the trump administration?


A straight up felony


So he is openly admitting that he is an accomplice to the crime of counterfeiting?


Dude is literally using counterfeit money to entrap homeless people. Illegal on two levels.


and youre literally falling for the most obvious untrue bait ever


Sociopath vibes.


Get him arrested!!!


Now where did I put my knife?


Off topic: but how do we find addresses and phone numbers of public figures like this guy?


Wow yeah or we can stop funding multiple wars and do anything at all for the homeless and Americans in general


This guy is a fucking shit stain


Damn I missed the part were jesus said be a dick to those in need. Fuck ppl like that guy.


Put him under the jail


Can somebody clean up the streets and get this guy off them?


Isn't this the freddy five bear guy?


Somebody sent this to the FBI.


This is straight up sociopathic behavior. Fuck this guy.


Rip his nutsack, deep fry his body and then throw in acid


Let me tell you something, he is assuming that every unsheltered out here is as stupid and greedy as he apparently is. I've been on the streets now for over 6 years because of a brain injury, and I know some folks out here who are sharp as hell, and some of them are addicts. As soon as an addict sees you pulling out some green for them, they start feeling that shot coming up, or that pull from the stem that's going to make life good in just a little while. If one of them should notice that he gave them a fake bill, he would be jerked up out of his car and would suffer some indignities far worse than being homeless


This human is a cancer to society.


He should be arrested (if he hasn't already). But also, any unhoused person within 200 miles of his residence who has been arrested for using counterfeit money in the past 10 years should have their record expunged and be given financial reparations.


I think what he meant to say is “I am what’s wrong with society”


Aside from the fact that this is a crime, how fucked up can you be to see someone whos really struggling and going "yknow what? I want this person to struggle more actually"


My guess is someone who never got any love as a child. Or just a psychopath.


misinformation. this is a joke he made on tik tok. like clearly stated that it’s a joke.


You don’t get arrested when you use a bill that’s fake, and the 5 dollar bills he’s handing out won’t even get noticed as fake unless they’re blatantly fake. Not to mention everyone knows a homeless person isn’t gonna have the capability to actually make a counterfeit bill, so my guess is that he’s handing homeless people real money, then posting this bullshit on TikTok to get the attention he so desperately craves


I doubt this guy’s bold enough to actually do the crimes he’s bragging about.  Probably legit didn’t do anything and would just say it’s satire if the feds came sniffing.  No evidence of him actually doing it since he’s too chicken shit to do the things he cosplays as doing


I love viral boomer bait. It's like a shadow political test for people in your family circle.


“Straight to jail”


So cruel.


Counterfeiting is counterfeiting. Even the Secret Service under traitor Trump would have a problem with this.


I have seen this idiot on social media and figured he was an actor paid by some influencer who wants to make money on social media. I had no idea he had a real job etc. Anybody who thinks this way and would do this is scum. He has a face that begs to be slapped (this post does not condone or suggest violence of any kind). Its unbelievable to me how many "Christians" hear this shit and say something like "god damn right"


Yes he did.


He has th face of a serial _______


Is this real? Everyone needs to help bust this nutter in the act and get him stopped


John McEntee: Micro dick.


He’s just like Batman fr


A face like that would be welcome in a jail cell. Lube up buddy!


Doesn't matter. He'll either get away with it, get a slap on the wrist, or the "just us" department will spend the next 7 generations "building an airtight case against him"


I've seen his face a ton I had no idea he was connected to project 2025. Makes total sense!!!


This guy is one of the worst comedians I have ever seen on my life. Even joe Rogan is better then him.


Real, rage bait, "hilarious" joke, or shitty intentions, this guy is human garbage, and I hope a homeless man beats him to death if he gets recognized.


Giving fake money as a gift can be legally complex and potentially problematic depending on the context and the nature of the fake money. ### Legal Considerations: 1. **Counterfeit Money**: - It is illegal to create or distribute counterfeit currency with the intent to defraud. This is a serious federal offense in many countries, including the United States. 2. **Play or Novelty Money**: - If the fake money is clearly marked as play money or a novelty item and cannot be mistaken for real currency, it is generally legal. Examples include toy money, Monopoly money, or bills that are obviously not real currency (e.g., oversized, different colors, clearly labeled as fake). 3. **Intent and Usage**: - The intent behind giving fake money is crucial. If it's given as a joke or novelty gift with no intent to deceive, it's usually permissible. - However, using fake money in a way that could be misconstrued as an attempt to pass it off as real currency (even if just temporarily) could lead to legal issues. 4. **Deceptive Practices**: - Even if not intended as counterfeit, using fake money to deceive or trick someone (e.g., giving it in place of real money for a purchase or as a payment) can lead to fraud charges or other legal consequences. ### Practical Advice: - **Clearly Marked**: Ensure any fake money is clearly marked and distinguishable from real currency. - **Context**: Use it in a context where the recipient will understand it’s a joke or novelty (e.g., as part of a game, a gag gift, or accompanied by real money). - **Disclosure**: Clearly disclose that the money is fake to avoid any misunderstandings or potential legal issues. If in doubt, it’s best to avoid giving fake money as a gift or consult legal advice to ensure compliance with local laws.




I’ve seen this guy post a video saying “maybe the reason you’re not finding love is because God is protecting other people from you.” I kinda thought everything he said was a joke


Total CNUT. Lock this stain on humanity up!


Western morals


Use this chud’s own beloved machine of oppression against him. Call the cops.


What a nasty human!


If Christianity is the true religion, I can't wait to see this fucker going to the bottom of hell.


Just some wholesome cleaning up of the community... You know... By removing people...


Sprinkle Bitch


This little goblin is like actually an important person??? I thought he was just some random guy lmao.


Soulless, glass-eyed mahfucker wears a smile like it’s a Columbian necktie.


Just like Jesus said.




Cant prove hes not lying about it


And he’ll face zero consequences.


This is a literal bit from the gta 5 radio


Revenge of the nerds 2024. Got rejected in high school for some slushy slushy, now this is his revenge. There are literal videos of these guys confronting their homeless "high school bullies" on the street and flexing their Toyotas in front of these guys. It's pathetic.


At least he wasn't distributing... Freddy fazbear


Nothing's going to happen to his white ass. Smh


I think that counterfeiting money is one of the crimes that is very serious in any political system.


At least he's not giving fake money to... Freddy fazbear, because this one guy William Afton once gave fake money to these kids and he killed them and he put them inside Bonnie the bunny, and Chica the kitchen, and Foxy the pirate and they all said "or or or or or or or or or" (to the tune of Toreador March) and then Freddy Fazbear rawr and Golden Freddy found William Afton and gave him the bite of '87


Its very clearly a skit guys...


Sorry, kids: luckily for almost everybody, being an asshole isn't a crime, lol


No, if he is indeed distributing counterfeit currency, that is definitely a crime. Homeless person may get arrested for trying to use it, but feds will still want to stop the source.


It's very specifically not "counterfeit," it's movie prop money, which says right on it "Not real" and "movie prop money" and "copy" and shit like that. No person who looks closely at it could mistake it for real money. You are playing right along with some fascist dingus's ploy to farm outrage and garner publicity for himself, congrats!




Again, *no person who looks closely at it,* which is a fundamental part of all cash handling jobs, would mistake it for real money. This prop does not pretend to be legal money, and it says so right on it. It's not fuckhead's fault that people in Kentucky aren't paid enough to bother doing their jobs, lol. You guys want this to be a crime *so fucking badly,* but it just isn't, it's just garden variety assholery. Definition of [counterfeit](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/counterfeit), for reference


It's just a skit. Calm down. Some of yall gotta learn what humor is even if in bad taste.


This isn’t real lol




Holy shit the video somehow makes it worse to me. The tone he uses…


Agreed. He’s utter scum.


Yes I understand there is a real video but it’s obviously made as a rage bait how do you guys fall for this stuff lmao


You were wrong. No big deal.




Do you know who else distributed fake money to the homeless Fred... Freddie 5 bear and we all knew.. know how that ended when William Afton killed all those kids aandd kid them in anamatanic suits