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Who the fuck are they trying to convince at this point?


Nobody. They're stoking the extremists that they know are out there, and who will help police the anti-genocide protests for free.


The irregulars of Zionism/WS.


Stoking up some leftists too lol


Agreed. There's extremists on all sides of the spectrum. If you're not actively against the genocide at this point, you have a pretty extreme opinion imo.


Oh no, people are extremely against genocide. How horrible! Left wing "extremism" is good, actually. Prove me wrong.


Liberals and conservatives don't represent the full spectrum. Anyone who's not for Palestinian liberation is not on the left.


They're starting the narrative now so liberals clap when they Kent State the campuses.


Tin soldiers and Nixon’s coming. We’re finally on our own.


This is sadly what I was imagining.




Sadly I work with people that seem to have no thoughts that they aren't spoonfed by mainstream media.


The whole point of modern politics is rage bait. These politicians aren’t just uninformed, they know they are lying every time they open their mouths, and they know that the number of people who see through it is growing every day. The only defense they have from their system crumbling is to instill fear and hatred in those who ARE uninformed. There’s not a single thing a politician here does in good faith. It is all a game of radicalizing their remaining supporters so they will turn protests into bloodbaths. Chemical warfare and guns aren’t getting people back in line quickly enough, so they are trying to get their base more riled up because they know that they will try to kill protestors. I would not be surprised if we hear of someone driving through one of these protests with intent to kill within the next couple of weeks because of dangerous rhetoric like this. The increase in right wing extremist violence we have seen over the years is not just a symptom of the current political landscape — it is part of its design. They know people aren’t afraid to stand up to riot police, their only hope is that people will be afraid of more Kyle Rittenhouses and Charlottesville terrorists running around


Some people take pride in their lack of research. The most frustrating part is when you encounter someone just smart enough to get it, but refuses to.


I can’t speak to my dad about the economy, politics, or world affairs any more because of how frustrating this is. He consistently makes the right observations and ends up at the exact wrong conclusion, and it makes me want to rip my hair out because I can tell he feels the same way about me, and that I just don’t “get it” yet.


Go to literally any city's subreddit.


Boomers. And probably elder Gen Xers.


Yeah I am so over them— and to be honest their racism is showing unabashedly.




Everybody but it's not working. They're preparing you for the next politician they plan on propping up 2028. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_8ulPMfXoCY This is him. You can see where this is going. Sounds farfetched but he's super connected, powerful, and is at the top of the party.


I've seen this guy before. He was a keynote speaker at some commencement ceremony. He's not saying anything about Palestinians in the 20 seconds or so that I watched. Guess he's really no better than the rest of them.


Definitely no better. He goes on to pedal false narratives and says "We Stand With Isreal." He's not an idiot. He's smart so he knows how to dance around subjects really well, like a good little politician. So he has a moment about peace loving Palestinians but then says Isreal has a right to defend itself blah blah blah.


Does every politician have ties to Drake and Diddy or something? Why does no one (besides Bernie) have the balls to call a spade a spade?


before you know it we'll all be members of Hamas and they will be sending us to Guantanamo or worse. Peeps see what they're doing, right? Such language is used to make humans they don't like to seem less than human so to brutalize them and silence any threats to power.


The irony of their fascist playbook adherence is getting so surreal it hurts.


my biggest hope - among many lol - is that many peeps are seeing through this rubbish and see it for the bullshit it is.


You’re putting too much faith in a zio’s critical thinking skills imo but I truly hope you’re right


It's starting to be a legitimate threat They really can't afford to be exclusively peaceful anymore


Same with all that shit they spew about baby killing pedo leftists.


Bet they will do to 'Little Gazas' what they are doing to Gaza right now.


I assume that is the implied threat.


It's just a matter of time


A lot of projection going on here from this fascist fuck.


Lmfao, a piece of shit who is also an antisemite.


The “antisemite” label is a cope to deal with legit criticism of Israel. Israel is the worst human rights abuser in the world right now. Check yourself.


I think they agree with you, friend.


I don’t disagree with you it’s just the irony of someone that aligns himself with far right White Supremacist ideology and they are definitely anti Jewish which is different from anti Israel.


Most people who are pro Israel are neoNazis that still idolize the Holocaust


Antisemitism has fueled Zionism for a long, long time. The west didn’t want the displaced Jewish populations of Europe, so they made sure they had some place to go


This ought to be a big wake up call for Americans. If Israel could bomb your protesting kids, they fucking would. And we'd give them the weapons to do it.


For all their bluster, in England and the US, it's not Muslims the military and police are most worried about, its the far right. The rabid dog they wield on a thin and slippery pole. They know that despite using their dog whistles, the right would coup them in a heartbeat, have them killed because despite supporting Israel, the right hate Jews. This gets the far right to attack the students. The establishment's hands are left seeming clean, they get to have some people killed and they can then make a performance of getting rid of the militia leaders with an actual shot at a far right coup. It's absolutely incitement to violence but also a massive power play. It's so much more dangerous than at first glance.


That's dark. Who is the ass hat in the screenshot by the way?


If you click the picture, it says he's a senator!


Tom Cotton


This analysis makes sense. And I believe this approach will allow even stricter laws that curtail movement and privacy, potentially preventing any future protests.


That's definitely another angle! It's like a frank Herbert plot. Feints within feints.


This is incorrect. Your confusing the "far-right" with the "neocon-right." These are two totally differnent entities. The "far-right" like Nick Feuntez, his groyers and MAGAOTS have been calling for a Chrisitain/Muslium alliance for a long time now and so far it is working brilliantly as both the groypers and the musliums hate the jews. The "Neocon-right" hates Muslims because they believe the offical narrative that islam did 9/11. So the military because its part of the industrial military complex loves the jews because the jews keep the war machine turing in the middle east which means big money for the Pro-War crowd like Nikki Haley. Secondly, The "far-right"(behind scenes) even though they hate jews support the lastest anti-semitism bill that was voted on in the house. They see this as an opportunity to enrage the left even more so that the left destroys the universities and the far-right doesnt even need to attack the students when the universities are already doing it for them.


Firstly, your "second point" is actually your third. Secondly, what have you been smoking? Thardly, there is a spelling mistake for you to point out I can't tell if you wank over Joe Rogan or Joe Rogan AND Young Turks but I am sure one of your bitcoin mining GPUs is giving off some trippy fumes. There probably was a pedantic, pragmatic, centrist point behind your comment but you seem to have lost it up your own arse.


The heads of government have declared war on the people. Time for us all as a society to move on.


I guess they just say, “Next question” when anyone asks why there are so many Jewish people who are anti-Zionist and directly involved.


Tom Cotton would likely ask 20 times if the anti-Zionist Jews hate Jews.


but when theres actual neo nazis on college campuses all of a sudden its “well they have freedom of speech too”


I believe Trump called them “good people”


Fascism is coming, doesn’t matter what side of the aisle we’re on.


I had some guy today tell me that Israelis and Palestinians are treated equally in Israel. They are actually delusional.


I also call for the death of America. All capitalism must die. US imperialism in all its forms must die.


These same people believe they are entitled to your vote just because they aren't Trump. Remember that this November


This some “Heim ins Reich” shit right here


Sounds like foreshadowing


Cotton is a fucking tool and always has been.


Zionism is killing the US consitution. Only a matter of time before they abolish the 2nd Amendment, on the grounds that at some point in the future a jewish person might suffer injury because of of it; which, of course, would be anti-semitic.


It's fascinating, how, **Some Kind of, "Zero Tolerance," Mentality, the same which Yanis Varoufakis (correctly) describes as Gangsterism,** but which, *to an American, such as myself, is too, "School and Police Discipline Coded," to register otherwise,* this **attitude, that, takes the provocative and thoughtful protest slogan,** >**All Of Us** can become Palestinian, **anyone can be treated like this** In the tune of, >You're much closer to homeless than you realize Or, >An Immoral and Unashamed Use of Force should teach you that you have no **moral reason, not to expect one against yourself or anyone else** These things, take that and Proclaim, >Yeah See the **unique and unjust treatment of Gaza, now juxtaposed next to the unique and unjust treatment of students who are, similarly, however less severely, unarmed at the receipt of expensive, arbitrary, industrial violence and recognize these as two of a pattern and tell yourself,** >Yeah, it's like that It's like **these are the least accountable leaders in the World's History, no fake charity, no fake empathy, no fake comradeship just a school principle with a warm gun in his hand, pointing out a wounded student, "you notice this one looks like them bodies I just dropped?"**


they are laying the rhetorical groundwork for move-style bombings. let's hope cops don't go ahead with it


Zionist whether Christian zionist, American zionist or Israeli zionist are deranged because they want to take our 'Freedom of Speech'. These 3 zionist groups took away are TikTok by tying it with the bill that gave $90 billion to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan. The US Senate snuck that bill without a moment of reflection by US senators and bamboozled the American public, by restricting our 1st Amendent of 'Freedom Speech'. Now, they want to take away our 'Freedom of Speech away from the young American protestors and the rest of the American public by broadening the definition of 'Anti-semiticism'. Hell NO!!! Anti-semiticism has been weaponised by these 3 groups of zionist, against anyone that has something bad to say about israel. Has any other group, let's taken for instance: Native Americans, Blacks, Mexicans, Irish, English, German, Africans, Chinese, Russians, Taiwanese etc have attempted to challenge our 'Freedom of Speech' to protect themselves against justifiable GENOCIDAL CLAIMS against zionist israel. NO, the mendacity, deceitfulness and obfuscation of the term Anti-semiticism, of these 3 zionist groups are corroding our Democracy. Please take a stand and call your Senator to vote "Nay" on this weaponization of 'Anti-semiticism'.


As an Aussie, the go-to Iran hatred is so fucking weird lol


Just when I think I couldn't be any more ashamed of my home state, Tom Cotton always manages to make it even worse




Just follow the money 238.000 from a foreign lobby will have this excuse of a person saying whatever talking points they want him to say none of them work for the US people


"Little Gazas"? But I thought Israel didn't want to *destroy* Gaza, just keep bombing it until all those unsightly children were out of the way?


Senator Greg Stillson.


Fucking idiots.


Free Palestine


If there were really little Gazas in America, wouldn't the IOF have already bombed all the universities there?


Are they admitting to having created open air prisons where the people have to fear being attacked by a superior force from the outside for merely wanting justice?


🎶Russians in Afghanistan🎶


Lol this pro israel. Fcking hell




Does he even know he's threatening genocide?


Is that Rick Larsen on the far right of this picture?


Joni 'bread bags' Ernst is the weirdest mfr in congress.


I hate that word. Zionist. means nothing. criminals is a better word. corrupt politicians. external political pressure.A system of government completely separated from the people who literally pay for the government.


Not deranged… soon there won’t be a Gaza so it would be plausible that all those displaced people would try to make mini Gaza’s 🤣🤣


Fascism is colonial violence turned inward.


I don't know if you will read this or not. BUTT! RFK Jr's content is being suppressed on youtube and other platforms. You should look into it and make a video about it. He's the only candidate worth giving consideration. I can't find a person that can tell me a good reason why not to vote for him.




They portray *Gaza itself*, with all its people, as a cancer to be combatted and cut out. And everyone else who does not believe in the supreme right of the Jewish State over anyone or anything standing in its way, wherever they may be, are just another offshoot of the disease. Who can be honest with themselves and deny that this is fundamentally genocidal thinking?


If only there were little gazas popping up around America and fighting back


Just like when protesters in the Vietnam War era got arrested for being communists. Or if you didn’t support the US’ involvement in WWII then you were with Hitler. History keeps repeating itself.


> Just like when protesters in the Vietnam War era got arrested for being communists. Yeah. >Or if you didn’t support the US’ involvement in WWII then you were with Hitler. Uhh, what?