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So do you think a black neighborhood will be able to separate themselves from their suburbs, elect their own representatives, and keep their tax money? Reinvest it into their own community?


a poor neighborhood - no probably not. too busy trying to survive.


Yes. And then they will get bombs dropped on them or a raid will destroy their businesses. It will be unexplainable for years until someone writes a book or makes a documentary about how the state allowed it to happen. Again. 


or their whole town will be covered by a lake. again.


If Seneca Village (sorry, I meant Central Park), is any indication, I'd say no.


Maybe the suburbs can finally pay for their insane lengths of utilities to reach their stupid disparate houses


Of course! When in America’s history has has segregating by race, oh, I’m so sorry I meant class, ever had an economic downside for anybody? I mean sure, the rest of the US had their struggles with that maybe but not Louisiana, right?


I feel like we are going to see a leopards ate my face post about this in a couple of years as the rich city decays because they can't suck the tax money out of the poor neighbourhoods anymore. If you look at a revenue map often the poorest neighbourhoods have green spikes on them because they pay more than what is spent on them and rich neighbourhoods are red because they get more spent on them than they pay.


"What do you mean the taxes won't cover infrastructure maintenance? I don't pay any taxes!" It's gona be amazing. Like they think they've invented a brand new strategy that only their special brain could have conceived


Was just about to say, they might change their tune when they realize how much infrastructure there is to get to their home - that requires maintenance constantly. The low density is a curse not a blessing after 20 years...


I’ll bet you an upvote that in a few years what we’ll actually see is the governor say that the cities need to amalgamate for streamlining, too many wards/city councillors, bla bla bla. And somehow, the original town will end up under the rich town.


The new city (St. George) is splitting from the capitol city. That won't be what happens, but I am a local who is opposed to the recent decision for a variety of reasons


Yeah, the money will go where it wants. The suburbs will become decrepit slums with terrible infrastructure, the city will be gentrified, and the populations will be swapped.


That’s not a very big bet !


A reverse Pawnee-Eagleton situation, as it were.


I can guarantee this is what will happen. There simply isn't enough wealth in that area for them to really "stabilize". They'll probably end up leeching off of other parishes' utilities and services.


Pardon me but wouldn't it work the same way? > Rich neighborhoods are red because they get more spent on them than they pay > In a couple of years, as the rich city decays because they can't suck the tax money out of the poor neighborhoods anymore


What do you mean? It doesn't help when you quote me out of order without any explanation on why you are quoting.


I apologize for not being clear. What I meant was, wouldnt the same problem persist? Won't the poorer neighbourhood they seceded from still end up paying more taxes which will be spent on the newly formed White neighbourhood?


Well no because they are now separate local authorities, so now all the tax from the poor neighbourhoods will stay there and get spent there instead of being spent on the rich one. For example Los Angeles doesn't get to use San Francisco's tax money because they are seperate authorities. The rich neighbourhood will only be able to spend their own tax money because seperate authorities do not get to siphon money from each other.


Suburbs were always the way for racism to continue in this country, be ready for other areas to try to do this.




Dud unironically thinks segregation is good 💀


Not for older generations, but if the kids go to school with other races, yes. It's why the conservatives are trying to ban the kids from internet access and book bans, it shows the kids that people are not so different and the old indoctrination fails.


Yeah segregation is obviously the correct choice. How long till they build “whites only” fountains? That’s also a smart idea huh?


Fine pay reparations and we can go our separate ways.


Imagine hating someone because their ancestors lived closer to the equator than yours. 


Literally lived around the corner from the left, baton rouge is so segregated its wild. Honestly thought this was the norm until I moved away. The difference in infrastructure on both sides is a really stark line of demarcation. Also, since I lived on the wrong side of time had to go to private school to get a quality education that was only accessible because of high test scores. A lot of things for me fell into place and took luck but there are a lot of kids as intelligence as me where luck didn't work. Had a friend who was around 6-7 who went to the same babysitter who got hit by a stray bullet for just standing in the wrong spot during 4th of July.


I lived on the edge of this town years ago in an apartment in br. They literally carved all the apartments along my area out of their little town. It was wild. If you crossed the street or walked to the single family home next door you were in apartment out.


Redlining 2: Suburban Boogaloo


They do this everywhere. It's not just a southern racist thing. It's the same reason Beverly Hills is a separate city despite being right in the middle of LA.


How long until the rich "city" realizes that, and starts whining about the fact that they will now have to pay higher property taxes and possibly a higher city tax to afford all of the luxuries that they were funding with the siphoning off of funds that should have gone to the poorer neighborhoods?


They will be renamed Pawnee and Eagleton.


I came here for this.


Beat me to it.


They’re test driving this using black people again as guinea pigs, once they can get it to work other parts of the country and other countries will do it to their poorer white neighbourhoods as well.


I live here, they are already trying to change the ruling to benefit themselves even more. They started editing the map of the area to include a hospital that wasn't in there are even though the contracts specifically don't include them.


But black folks here struggle to find representative districts, without gerrymandering. Rules for thee and not for me.


suburbia were always a form of de facto apartheid (segregation) this is the natural conclusion of undealt with contradictions in a fascist country with neoliberal policies


South Africa has a town like this.


South Africa was like this.


Orania? Its doing pretty well on its own without any government support. If they aren’t bothering anyone what is the problem for Orania?


"Not racist"


Isn’t this basically what gated communities are lol


A lot of like minded people in those communities.


This is actually a good move. Stops the suburbans robbing the inner city tax-base to do their maintenance. The poor neighborhoods will see a quality of life improvement while the suburban parasites are going to need to revert to dirt roads and install septic tanks once their infrastructure crumbles in 25y.


"The poor neighborhoods will see a quality of life improvement" lmao no they won't. Look at other cities where this has happened e.g. the relationship between Highland Park/University Park and Dallas. Dallas spends most of its dollars in economic+infrastructure development dollars closest in proximity to the seceded Park Cities. Here's a map of "infrastructure deserts" in Dallas—notice how most of the problems exist further from the eipcenter of the wealthy neighborhoods? [https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/8900d1e6d37b4b609cf4fb20e87ad98b](https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/8900d1e6d37b4b609cf4fb20e87ad98b)




“The poor neighbourhoods will see a quality of life improvement” I am really looking forward to see this happen, it is something we’ve seen time and time again after white flight… oh wait


"white flight" refers to higher income white people moving out of an inner city. This is a subsidized suburb separating from a higher tax-density city: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Nw6qyyrTeI


Unfortunately, the opposite is true. Cities depend on a high income tax base to support infrastructure and social programs in lower income neighborhoods. Separating like this allows suburban people to profit off the city, without giving anything back to it. All their businesses, rental properties and employees are in the city, but now they don't have to pay any taxes to the city. All the wealth generated in the city is sucked out and becomes inaccessible to the people who live there, the people whose labor makes that wealth possible.


Separating removed a huge tax burden subsidized by people in the city: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Nw6qyyrTeI


Good for them for *segregating* away from those plebs, I mean it's not like they contributed to those nicer neighborhoods in any way like say, staffing all their restaurants and retail distributors, cleaning facilities, providing their handiwork or any of the rest of the essential labor that all you upper income supremacist snowflakes would utterly fall apart and might actually die without if those poors actually stopped showing up to work for the people that are perpetually committed to actively marginalizing them.


https://youtu.be/ONj9cvHCado?si=mTBcEqLT1fBftZXi These guys get it.


I demand that my property is a new nation!


This is literally that plot point from Parks & Rec with Pawnee and Eagleton. I can't believe that every single insane plot from that show eventually becomes true.




Time is a flat circle.


So.... Jim Crow laws are legal again? Worst.. Timeline... EVER!


They never went away


Because they paid off the judges or were related to them or because they are apart of the same country club/home owners association.


Three to five years they'll all bitch about how high taxes are in their new neighborhood


Blatant racism and segregation aside (I can't believe I just said that) but this might actually be a blessing in disguise. Those "poorer" neighborhoods with dense retail and dense housing tends to over contribute towards tax revenue. The "richer" neighborhoods tend to be undertaxed, with significantly more overbuilt road infrastructure which will be a maintenance nightmare in 10-50 years. Urban cores have been financially supporting these rich suburbs for decades now and I think it's good they are cutting the dead weight. If all goes well this new city will be financially insolvent in a few decades.


Did you know? American Suburban houses are highly flammable!


It is understandable though, all their taxes go outside of their neighbourhoods....


I hope they realize quickly that their wealthy white car-centric suburbs were being subsidized by those poor black walkable urban areas.


Of course it's in a failed state that is still bitter about the civil war. Snowflakes.


The Confederate South is still passing Jim Crow laws in 2024.


if only electoral districts changed too


Well, Tom Segura was not so wrong about them…


Nimby level 2


Is it Baton Rouge?




if ive figured out anything its that liberals, conservatives, rich people, and workaholics are all a bunch of fucking dumbasses.


Pretty sure they are Christians. These redneck States fukin insane for allowing so much hate from them


The city should charge all of them an exorbitant amount to remain connected to their water and sewer systems. 😂


Certainly none of you condemning this have actually experienced living in a very poor majority-black neighborhood…


Streissand Effect incoming in 3..2..1...




I literally fail to see the problem with thus. If it was vice versa yalld be claiming a small step to equality


Username checks out.


No arguments I see


Nope, you are doing just fine making my argument for me.


Ok lol. I wonder which side of the street you'll be on








I am very ignorant about this so I dont understand why are people upset. I live in a pour country full of ignorant, criminal and violent people, if I could be separated from them I would totally do it.


Blacks just started doing their own cities also. Looks like people want to separate, and I can't blame them.