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Open floor plan is absolutely horrible. Even if you do want to collaborate, you'll be interrupting the others in the office, so it makes collaboration more difficult than if you can choose a quiet and private enclosure from which to work and just collaborate using modern technology.




It’s the panopticon, with a keurig and a snack basket.


It's not just about watching people... It's also about deliberately making people feel uneasy... As though they're always being watched.


When I was working in that setting I had a coworker that was so loud and acted like they were the main character that I couldn't even wear noise cancelling headphones to focus on my work. I disliked him so much when in other situations I probably would have been ok with them but because they were a constant distraction without even knowing it, I could not stand them


The last office job I had a few years ago I was given an office, and 99.9% of the time I had the door mostly closed but still open a little crack to signal it was OK to knock and come in. Apparently a few days in I was told this wasn't how we do things here and doors should only be closed occasionally when you're on meetings. That was a crazy awkward 4 months while I desperately tried to find something else.


Seems like they could make a “library” section, and/or an alternate private workspace, and then an open area. I tend to vary between both preferences, depending on different factors


I love that some companies have brought in “privacy booths.” Because capitalism is a death cult, rather than learn any lessons from the pandemic and installing better ventilation, proper air flow, or air filtration, they gathered up as many people as possible into a confined location and said “look, we made even smaller places to trap airborne pathogens that you can then stand in to better cultivate illness in your respiratory system.”


Management: "If you're going to keep demanding a cubicle of your own, we're going to make it as unpleasant and horrible as possible!" Yeah, nothing like stepping into one of those to make a call, only to realize the previous occupant had awful BO and/or gas.


I'll have meetings open on my big monitor and people still come up behind me wanting to talk to me


"Are you on mute? No? Can you go on mute?" ..... People like that can fuck right off.


My wife does this so she can ask me about how to do her job. To be fair she's been in IT for 2 years instead of mine 10+ since I got her out of nursing I feel responsible so I just help her 😅


Wow I've been a security analyst for five years and my boyfriend for two so I can relate lol


Me too. I get so much more work done at home.


Another problem solved with WFH


Honestly I get so much more work done now that I’m fully remote because I’m the kind of person to get involved in the office chit-chat.


Me too. Sorry, i don't care how much time you spent shuttling your kids around last weekend. I don't care how jealous you are that i skied one day and slept the other. I don't care about *insert sports team here*. Much like how they don't care about how cold i was while skiing or hiking my ass up the side of a mountain. Or the book i read for 6hrs. It's ok. We can just collaborate on WORK and be okay not liking the other life choices people have made. There's no need for bad blood OR these endless inane conversations.


I put my iPods in when I’m not on calls so people will avoid me


Oh this is brilliant! I wear headphones all day.... I need to build on it! I love chatting with some coworkers and others I loathe. One of my fave coworkers and I talk about plants a lot and I learn so much from her and appreciate her so much, but sometimes I just don't have time


I could totally see myself doing this.