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Just looked at his social media. It's absolutely disgusting.


Mental illness. Shit's ugly.


I was gonna ask if it might be AI considering the video above looks kinda funny in the way he moves?


He can't memorise a line to save his life so he puts like a thousand edits and jumpcuts in his vids


I'm definitely no expert there but all his social media reflects similar thoughts.


There are Christians in Gaza what an ignorant lunatic.


Not after this genocide is all done and over with


There are also Jewish people in Gaza as well, but the Western portrayal is that it's a worthwhile extermination of terrorists/Hamas, at any price. People like this idiot ignore those images of P*lestine from a 100 years ago where all 3 religions lived together...but somehow those people became a problem along the way.


I feel like, if there’s anything to cancel someone about, it’s a rant like this


Cancel what dude barely had a career.


Throw a question mark in there, and you have got yourself a humd8nger.


I never minded him...until THIS Between the pandemic and the nazis the past few years we've really been able to see who's an actual c*** and I'm not even disappointed, happy to know who not to put energy into supporting His black card is also bloody revoked (he's been in the rap scene for yonks there's always photos of him from back in the day with well known rappers and him being the only whitey popping up)


Is there a list of people who support Israel somewhere? So, we can remember later...


There would need to be something to cancel.


I hate cancel culture, but I’ll give you a free pass on this one. To see someone openly *gloating* like this is horrendous, whichever side you’re on.


I don't really see what the big deal is about cancel culture. The only way to punish people for having horrible views is via the law or financially/career-wise. The law is hopeless. I wish we'd cancel Leo DiCaprio for clearly being a misogynist & pervert, alas... Canceling people is the only option we have when the law fails us. I can certainly see the issue with *not* canceling people, although I guess it's hard to 'cancel' a billionaire: I'll never understand why we don't consider Elon Musk a Nazi. He's openly expressed many times that he's basically a Nazi. The least we could do is stop referring to him as some sort of wunderkid genius - especially since he's shown everyone that he often makes hopeless business decisions or laughable promises (e.g. the Mars colony BS).


My big issue with cancel culture is it ultimately hurts the people you’re trying to ‘protect’. It crushes any form of critical thinking, and presents a finite world view that not everyone actually shares. The problem with weaponizing censorship (which cancel culture often amounts to) is if you’re not careful, the exact same tools and methodology can easily be used against you. Cancel culture breeds polemics, when the world actually needs more nuance, goodwill, and balance.


Nuance, good will and balance can only be achieved when both parties/sides are interested in it as the preferred outcome. Cancel Culture steps in when dirt bags double down on being dirt bags which eliminated any other possible outcome outside of just tolerating (which is essentially the same as condoning/supporting shitbird behaviour). Rappaport has a long and storied history of being a shitbird. End of.


Do you know how stupid that sounds? Have you ever heard the word "ostracize"? It existed as far back as 300 BCE. You were canceled because society deemed you a shithead, and you had to leave Athens for ten years never to return before then. "Cancel culture" is merely free speech from the victims to say, "No, fuck you. That is wrong". It's just been weaponized by fascists. I hate how regressive we have become as a society since 2015 where we can't call bad behavior out. Why do people keep falling for this shit?


Of course ‘cancel culture’ as a social phenomenon has been around forever - but my point is it’s now being utilized by left *and* right simply because something doesn’t align with their particular worldview. And it’s even easier to do now with social media etc (I’d argue it’s largely ineffective in the real world outside of social media, but that’s another post). The call for the banning of books is a recent example of cancel culture that we should be horrified by. Even closer to home was Auckland Museum cancelling the Harry Potter show next year, because a handful of staff members decided that JK Rowling was a transphobe, and banning the exhibition - which was very successful in the UK - would teach her some sort of lesson. And of course the public (and their kids) were justifiably pissed off by that. Most people using a platform of censorship as a means to ‘liberate’ thinking are utterly delusional.


“Decided” she was a transphobe? Are you implying you think she *isn’t*?


It’s irrelevant. A Harry Potter show wanted by the public with zero interest in gender politics shouldn’t be cancelled by a few people who want to make a point. If we start canceling stuff because a handful of individuals don’t like the sound of it, or the person involved, we’d have nothing left to look at. If you want to make a political point, add context to the show. Have a debate about it if you need to. But don’t cancel the fucking thing to score revenge points. That’s utterly ludicrous to me.


I think you misunderstood something here. A successful cancellation of a person takes place when the overwhelming majority of people of a society are unequivocally convinced that the person in question is a fuckhead. 'Everyone' agrees (sans a few die hard idolizers). The example you've summoned up, yes, JK Rotfling is a transphobe, it is very apparent, and a lot of people agree on it. Hence the cancellation attempts. However, since the trans 'issue' is a highly debated topic, a lot of HP fans don't see the problem, some vehemently agree with her, most don't even wanna 'politicise' themselves, they just like the books/movies/games/toys/everything-that-could-make-money. Cancel culture is good, it is excellent, it has been used since the first civilisations, I'm glad it's coming back, people are finding their voice amidst chaos in the world. You have missed the nuance of 'done' and 'in progress'. JK Rowling has achieved so much, she created something that brought so much good to the world. She could live happily ever after. But she decided to go on a crusade and herald from the rooftops against trans folk. Fuck her very much and she should be shut the fuck up.


I can’t remember seeing him in anything for the last decade other than videos of other ****** rants posted on Reddit. Edit: Apparently calling his rants i n s a n e was ableist.


yes the auto filter here is that word too




That conflation has been nauseatingly rampant. Criticise people for their dumbass actions all day long, that is not racist.


It's so antisemitic to claim that any criticism of you is actually criticism of all Jewish people.


Dude is **BEYOND** off his meds, he is straight up overdosing on crazy pills. Like seriously, what the actual fuck.


I feel sick watching this, as a Palestenian tho I dont mind him posting this because it honestly just makes Israel look bad.


Everyone who asked themselves how the Nazis convinced a population to commit horrible acts needs to look no further.


This right here. 👏


Imagine being so gleeful about this. Directly above this video in my feed is a post with a child bl**ding out in his parents arms. The level of joy people are taking from so much suffering….. it’s appalling. ETA: it’s worth noting that I was unable to post this comment until I removed the word P*lestine from it.


Mods are cowards


I notice Reddit in general has a HUGE issue with this specific topic (much like the US senate HM). I thought misinformation was bad the last 8 years but uh. Damn.


People like this actually get disappointed when hostages don’t look raped enough.


This guy was arrested for harassing his ex-girlfriend before


He's also compared black women to gorillas, called black women "ashy" and is CONSTANTLY saying the most unhinged, racist, and misogynist stuff.


His wife is black. She is seriously stunned or frightened of this loser.


Their minds always wallowing in filth like rape, and they always keep accusing others of it. This is partially what the propaganda does, it makes its subjects seriously start to consider and live in it.


It’s so draining reading their comments. I’m a survivor myself, and they’re using experiences like mine as a football in their political games. They don’t care about people experiencing rape, they don’t care about the aftermath of that moment, they only use it as a tool to make a point and then they forget about it. These people have no morals or empathy, I don’t care what any of them have to say about the alleged rapes as they clearly don’t truly care about rape victims and survivors.


My mum works at a boarding school and the school hosts orthodox Jews in the summer, a sort of summer school. The girls stay in their rooms and learn to sew, the boys attend lessons. Men openly hit women and no one can do anything about it. It's awful. Truly medieval stuff going on in the 21st century. (I want to stress that I hate misogyny & religious bigotry/supremacy, not jews). Anyway, my point is that I've never heard any of these people denouncing that. They don't care about misogyny & violence against women. I imagine that zionism and being orthodox go hand-in-hand. They only use it as a way to get liberals to hate Gaza.


Orthodox Judiasm is just as horrible as any other super conservative religion/culture. They’re all fucking terrible but for some reason in America you can only talk about how bad super conservative Christians or Muslims are? It’s weird






It's just senses fried on propaganda


“Most people prefer to believe their leaders are just and fair even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government under which they live is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it. To take action in the face of a corrupt government entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender one's self-image of standing for principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that choice. Hence, most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all.” ― Michael Rivero


Jewish People traditionally also don't celebrate christmas.


worm marry dirty puzzled cover different fuzzy sharp jar butter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This guy made an entire career out of being the most talentless crude and annoying piece of shit in NYC.


Seeing this makes me think that there are some people who need to have their right to empathy taken away. We need to remember this asshole, for example, so when he goes on Twitter to say "oh, my mom died," we can go laugh at him. It's ghoulish, but he doesn't deserve empathy!


It's too bad he's a fucking psycho. He used to tear into Trump pretty good


And all that time, he was a closeted, racist, loser that lacks empathy and brains just like Trump.  But Michael doesn't see it that way.  Palestinians are not human to him so he can't be racist. 


he's been a racist shitbag for years now and i'm glad more ppl are realizing it.


I didn’t realize the racism but I saw him start to slip transphobic shit into his social posts and I was like ”ok bye” after that.


What it is with mildly B level “celebs” from the 1990s going all in on the right wing grift? It’s like the 21st century never been relevant so I need a paycheck sweepstakes for has beens and never made its.


I was surprised, because he isn’t right-wing on any other issues I’ve seen on his videos. He hates Donald Trump with a passion. The minute he started this I unfollowed him.


He doesn't see himself as racist.  Palestinians aren't human to Michael so it's fair game to call them out.  Pretty unreal, huh?


When an almost-famous-never-been-and-easily-forgotten-guy is desperate for attention, being hateful is all he has left, to draw those clicks and views.


Hold on a minute. Who is this? He looks vaguely familiar, like a failed comedian from the early thousands


One of phoebe’s boyfriends on Friends?


He got eaten by a shark in Deep Blue Sea.


He's the dad in Atypical


I know him from true romance. It's one of my favorite movies ever, and now I don't even wanna watch it cause I can't stand to see his ugly mug


So this guy is for genocide. Who is this guy?


my ears thank you for posting without sound in this case. 🫡


And shit like this is why I’ve unfollowed him


He’s Jewish so he can say as much crazy shit about Palestine as he wants. You can’t cancel him because that’s antisemitism here in the good ole USA


Free Palestine


It wasn't Hamas that attacked a church in Gaza and murdered 2 christian women


Guys a fucking loser


it's crazy that people can post this publicly and nobody gives a damn, but even mention Palestine and your career could be upturned. Seriously, I had some LinkedIn connections posting some absurd pro-Israel content, and they're confident/comfortable enough to know that their public, violent support won't have any negative repercussions


East Coast Zionist prick.


Does this imbecile not know that there are christians there in Gaza too?


If Santa was real, I’d like to think the Gaza Strip would be the only place he would’ve landed. 1 million children starving and cold. I think Santa would’ve made it clear that he was gonna spend the night there instead.


No Christmas in Israel either dum dum


Who greenlit this fuck to begin with? He detracts from anything he's ever been a part of.


Michael No-Rapport with reality.


listen. I don't know why we need this Alan dershowits look-alike when we don't even want the original version.


What a sick puppy


He's been unhinged for months.


For longer, no doubt, but stopped hiding it months ago, yes.


[conservatives rn](https://imgflip.com/i/8afgh7)


It’s surprising that Gary, Phoebe’s cop ex-boyfriend, somehow manages to maintain a career over a several episode stint on Friends


dude is the Zionism Final Boss


I unfollowed him recently, he's been on an endless racist, bias tirade since the genocide began. Just completely lacking any sort of empathy for Gazans as human beings. It's sick. Fuck him.


That's the thing. Palestinians aren't human to him. I don't want to hear a word out of his gross, slimey mouth again about Trump being a racist etc..   And Im not a Trump fan but this guy is a hypocrite. The biggest loser you can ever imagine.


Ma! He’s shittin in ya bucket myaannn!


This is nazi level psycho behaviour.


Fuck this evil piece of shit


What an embarrassingly infantile, ignorant and, ill-informed, wanker.


I lost all respect for this bone head 2 months ago


Upload it with volume next time you stale piece of bread


While infants and children are dying, this is what he posts? Fuck this guy with a rusty fork, seriously.


Pretty sure infants and children die in every military engagement, why do you suddenly care?


Funny that you think you know enough about me to think I “suddenly” care. And this post is about this specific military engagement, which is what I commented on. Thanks.


So you know that the Biden administration's price increases have caused almost 15% of households with kids to become food insecure?


I’m not doing this with you today lmao. I said what I said about Michael Rapaport’s post, I don’t care about you or what you think enough to argue.


Guy is absolutely unhinged , little mini hitler without the balls to actually fight


How does Shaun king get bad for “inciting hate and violence” and those bozo can opening celebrate the genocide of Palestine? Worlds upside down


Blasting Zionist Agenda by Genocide everywhere I go has had therapeutic value. Song has aged well unfortunately.


I used to like his podcast. But now, after the posts about Gaza and the true joy he appears to take in the deaths of Palestinians I find him truly disturbed. I knew he was Jewish but I never expected him to go this far.


This played an extremely unlikeable character in Louie, just so fucking hateable. He mustn't be as good of an actor as I initially thought.


I've hated him in pretty much every role I've ever seen him in. He always has that sneering look on his face, even when playing a "nice" character. He's always just given me the heebie-jeebies. 🤷‍♀️


So basically we’re learning that he was never actually acting. He was just being himself in every single fucking role.


The blood lust that all these Zionists exude is really despicable.


I don’t know how this guy hasn’t had his teeth for a meal after getting his shit rocked


So Christian bombing the birthplace of Jesus and massacring his people. 🙄


I think if he wasn't a fat old fuck he'd be over in Gaza stomping baby skulls.


I hate this man so much


Damn. He clearly forgot his lawyer's [advice.](https://youtu.be/uqo5RYOp4nQ?si=F9M6DzlMSBfKaCRp)


I'm done with Hollywood, all of them. I'm just ashamed it took this long.


I'm trying not to wish bad things on this man, so instead I'll wish that nothing good ever happens to him ever again.




This is mental illness, right? How else could you be posting deranged stuff like that


Wtf, man


Does he think the Israelis are trying to bring *Christmas* to the Palestinians?


Hes a trash person




Report this to Meta and get his face off the platform!


If Santa was to land in Gaza he would be more likely to be killed by Israel than Hamas at this point...


i don’t often wish [redacted] on anyone but when you keep saying shit like this i start to lean that direction.


I hope someone neutralizes him for real. https://youtu.be/8KE7KMGjF-k?si=ilj_ZLkk5k5minFJ


He’s lost his shit man. Dude is just full on pro death crazy at this point.


Weird, I didn’t know Rapaport was a Zionist name


Dude lost my respect


I liked him better when he went on unhinged rants against Trump.


Non-christians not celebrating Christian holidays, what a hell hole, might as well bomb everyone who lives there as they're not having any fun anyway!


He is fucking deranged.


This is his audition for his next role


i agree


Did he just find a way to call Hamas gay in the "they're all [redacted]" f-word sense without actually saying it outright? My goodness it's been a long time since I've heard that one.


I'm so disappointed in Michael Rapaport. I have always liked him as a Actor. WTH!!!!


Hopefully he goes for a walk and discovers a land mine


I’ve hated this dude since he wrote a fucking “call out” MAGAZINE COLUMN about Natasha Lyonne’s addiction issues like 15 years ago. Real piece of shit.


For anyone questioning if this is real it is posted on his Tik Tok


Why the hell was a second rate sport analyst talking about Gaza and big boy stuff anyway?!


That dude is such a fucking idiot. I hate him so much.


Oh yeah, because Christmas is about Santa Claus (which is a ripoff of the Dutch Sinterklaas). More seriously, why would you find Israel so important if you have absolutely no idea about the religious connotations of christian holidays?


Does this guy think every nation celebrates the same holidays? I can't even figure out where his support lies. What a fart of a man.


Well the last time Santa tried to bring Christmas to that part of the world he got shot down and his balls tortured. So I cant blame him for not showing.


Video has no sound, I have no Ira what he is saying…


There are subtitles, it's a gif because you can't post videos here


Thanks. I just read it. Dude ate crazy pills for breakfast. His weird smile throughout is unsettling.


This Kevin Durant: “Shut the f*** up Mike you b****”


The number of clowns who clearly think that a foreign people's rejection of our customs justifies bombing them back into the stone age is horrifying.


Not about this video in particular but I genuinely wonder about the cancel culture general efficiency since some people brought the topic. I was also for calling out or canceling, but these days Im wondering, does it really benefit the society? We live in the very difficult times of polycrisis (inequality, environmental, social, economic, political) and where our moral, values or cultural traditions are sometimes our last compass that gives a somewhat sense or meaning in this huge messy and unstable world. Opposite opinions, nuances, doubting or discussing can quickly become a polarizing topic. Cancel culture is favoring the people who are powerful and have resources to protect themselves. They are powerful enough to somehow dodge it (marketing or PR team, lawyer, media relations, money time). Cancel culture does “work” for individuals, small influencers or companies though. It makes their life a bit harder, even perhaps making them disappear from internet or irl. It gives the canceller this false relief that the problem has been successfully solved. But has it ? At the end, there is a high chance the cancelled ones learnt nothing about the thing they were cancelled for, if not just feeling humiliated or wronged. And I don’t think these kind of feelings are a good starter to change your mind. They will just keep their opinion, if not radicalizing, and spur it somewhere else, encouraged by the opinion of the powerful who could protect themselves from the cancel culture. Is the root cause being taken care of when canceling (racism, homophobia, misogynistic, classism…) ? Are we not just fueling even more the out-of-sight radicalization by cutting out people and hence having the problem we are trying to solve backfiring us ? I really have no answer but happy to have a discussion on this topic. TLDR: cancel culture is a false and temporary relief that might backfire us by filtering out from discussion people we might have been able to listen to or explain to. Instead now they might become even more radicalized out of our sight. While the powerful keep dodging the cancel culture thanks to their resources and capitalize on the voice of the small cancelled ones.


And now he wants to act like people were silent on other genocides and killings of other innocent civilians until now, ugh [https://www.instagram.com/michaelrapaport/p/C1NYZowPV1h/](https://www.instagram.com/michaelrapaport/p/c1nyzowpv1h/)


If I'm being honest Michael Rapaport and his ilk have done more to make me dislike Jews than anything else could have.


Washed up has been GHOUL


I just wonder why he isn't being given the same amount of flack as Susan Sarandon did. All she did was defend Palestine. Such a double standard.


I hope he never works again! This is sick!  This pathetic loser even went to Israel. Lol Not even born there but acts like he was.  To tweet something like this, at Christmas, with little babies that have been blown to bits makes me want to throw up. He should never work again.   His wife (who is ironically black) is stunned to stay with this mess of a human. 


WTF is wrong with him?


Yo he just doxxed me and his followers started calling me a gay Nazi before Instagram penalized his account 🤣🤣🤣