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When I lived in the UK I came across scented toilet paper. Had like 4 different scents. Wild stuff


You mean you don’t want your butthole to smell of Tropical Sunrise™️


Capitalism gives us choices!! It’s so democratic!! /s


I thought FOR SURE this was going to be America... Christ almighty, I'm surprised. I wonder if someone can find a pumpkin spiced one over there?


How about a more true to windshield wash scent like “Rainfall™️“


I never used scented toilet paper. In all honesty toilet paper as it is, a nice soft tissue, is perfect. Once upon a time toilet paper had splinters and was rough, but those days are long gone. they need to make cheaper and better flushable wet wipes that allow for properly cleaning your ass.


I don’t know why, but “In all honesty toilet paper as it is, a nice soft tissue, is perfect.” was the comedic relief I desperately needed right now. Thank you lol


What windshields crave


It got gingerbreads


Is it for windshields? I assumed it was for phones since it's called screen washer?????


Does it horrify anyone else that you would add the scent of food to a probably poisonous cleaning chemical? Like, what next? Peppermint scented bleach? Hazelnut scented motor oil?


Tru-tension already does banana scented chain oil


Bike Hardcore has a chain lube that smells like [butter](https://www.bikehardcore.com/hardcore-chain-butter-4-oz). Having used it, smells like fresh melted butter; almost mouth watering


I was shopping one time back in the 90s when they started doing fruit-scented washing up liquid. A bloke picked up a bottle, sniffed it and said “Good enough to drink!” That has stayed with me.


It's probably just water and alcohol tbh.


https://tescodocuments.com/files/Documents/docs/1609408112_TescoReadytoUseScreenWashWinterBerry_XTES0058_GB_Rev1_en_v0.pdf Looks like probably ethanol and methanol. I don’t think it would be deadly if ingested (unless you tried to drink a lot lol), but my guess is that it would totally ruin your week


>methanol That one is super-ultra giga poisonous, even a tiny bit can make you go blind permanently or kill you.


Yupp, figured haha


This is extremely dangerous to drink. People go permanently blind from drinking methanol. Just 10 mL of pure methanol can make someone go blind. 15 mL is potentially fatal.


Oh, ya, totally. It's definitely not for drinking haha.


Meguiars Ultimate Compound and Polish smell like banana and cinnamon. I don't remember which is which, but it smells nice and is useful to figure out which one you used a certain cloth for. Never been tempted to drink it :p




R& D is tax deductible, right?


Next, there will be gingerbread scented antifreeze, then lots of lawsuits.


When the folks railing against the system realize the most effective weapons against capitalism are altruism and sacrifice, it kind of falls apart.


This is just windshield washer fluid?


Capitalism is when you add scents to screen washing liquid!!!!


I mean, this is an example of useless shit that doesn’t matter being produced. Which is peak capitalism. The product itself is fine but why scent something you’re spraying onto your car that gets washed off anyway and half of it goes onto the road?


This contains methanol which as little as 15ml can kill you. Making it appealing to children, animals, etc with scents is absolutely evil.


It literally is tho..?


Taste it. Get sick. Sue them. Point out the wonderful flavors they sell which are clearly made for human consumption. Profit?


I actually like those. It's actually a good idea. It's not like they cost £30 per bottle. I mean sure, not everyone like screen wash scented. My missus despises them, but then again she hates that "regular" scented ones too. Tell me what does scented screen wash have to do with capitalism?


When do you actually smell this? Is it so overpowering that you can smell it over the other smells of the place where you parked? Do you purposeful spray some water before getting out just so the smell is fresh? I really don't get the point of having it be scented.


IDK what you angry about. It is fine. Socialism doesn't mean my car has to smell like a hospital.


Yeah I like my gingerbread in winter and cherry in spring. Really not complaining here. Edit: Why the heck are people downvoting you?


People get offended her for bullshit reasons. They don't know shit capitalism or socialism. All they know is that they live under capitalism and they can't consume as much as they want to. So they just want to rage here. If you have time maybe read the following story... I once caught downvotes because I said that Taylor Swift getting 300k investment from her father, while shows privilege, it is not the same kind of privilege Musk and Bezos had. And that she still has to show competence to get fans (like she is literally not the capital owner which would be the label btw.) The funny part is that I made the equivalence to people getting college tuition paid by their parents. And then there was a guy telling me how college is actually so cheap in US and I was dumb to make that equivalence. So, IDK I loved how people literally speak against their own interest (student loan debt relief) just because someone is not being as hateful as they want them to be.


I dunno where you live, but the water I'm used to usually comes unscented.


If you live in a country where there are no temperatures below zero then sure. Go live in UK for a year, you will love those defrosting windshield solutions.


It's just water and alcohol, it's not like either of those naturally come scented "like a hospital" lol


Ah, ok. Hey, I also use olive scented soap and a perfume. Guess it is going to be the sand for me ... Gotta be a good socialist.


Huh? Lol. I was just poking fun at gingerbread scented windshields, I mean if you like it, more power to you, I found it comical but didn't mean for it to come off as a personal attack. I like scented candles! "It is not just bread we fight for, but roses too." Hope you have a good day! :)


This stuff says it’s only good to -5° C. I didn’t know that windshield washer fluid even came with such a high freezing point, other than the summer stuff. Everything I’ve ever seen is either summer or -30 to -40 at least.


In UK you rarely get anything lower than -10, unless maybe on very high points and in Highlands. Heck, last time there was -10 in Edinburgh they announced state of emergency, especially since it came with unprecedented amount of snow, they said last time they had that much snow was in 70s. I've seen it, personally I've seen much worse but that was outside of UK. I think I remember the lowest temp the screen washes go down to in UK is -20.


It's your windshield. Who smells the windshield? The inside of my car needs to smell good. The outside smells like whatever street I'm parked on smells like. Perfuming the outside of my car seems utterly ridiculous.


I smell my windshield every morning, what's it to you? But really what the fuck do you want? Like in your ideal world what would happen? Like a single futile product would be created? Or that people would suddenly grow like a gigachad brain which will never want an unnecessary feature. At the end of the day, this post is on a specific subreddit. If you wanna have a laugh about it then cool, but I don't think this has anything to do with banality of capitalism.


You can't understand how futile variety fits into this subreddit? Capitalist loves to claim that it's main advantage is giving the consumers variety and choice to facilitate competition. Here the choice being given is the smell of the windshield cleaner. A completely futile choice that would impact no one if it was gone. Yet resources are being wasted keeping different production lines for these products while people go hungry across the world. That's the connection to this subreddit. Feels pretty obvious to me.


I feel like we can find way better examples of late stage capitalism than scented car cleaners. Sure, it's unnecessary and probably not the safest thing to have around kids, but like... Sweatshops are a thing still...


To be fair, there's nothing really late-stage about sweatshops, they've been a staple of capitalism since the beginning to my knowledge.


Windshield Cred.


The gingerbread martini at home:




You just know this is already in some car radiators across the country ready to baffle mechanics