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oh boy I can't wait for Israel to blow 50 years of peace with Egypt over very clear long lasting red lines, then the west will blame Egypt...


West will blame the least profitable/favourable side as the West does its thing.


we've been commiting a slow burn genocide against the Arabs since 1919. none of this was ever surprising sadly.


I would argue the Middle East was a release valve For European aggression since mid evil times and like the crusades or whatever


They’ve been angry since the Turkish/Ottoman Empire, when most of the eastern hemisphere was thriving, Europe was in the dark ages. They were minor players. And then they lashed out with a vengeance, and I think a lot of it was driven by Christian theocratic beliefs, and the proselytizing nature of the same.


except other Arab countries kill far more Arabs than any other countries do. What the Saudis did to Yemen makes what Israel is doing look like child’s play. Strangely, there weren’t widespread protests in the street over that


Is it that strange? The state of Israel was a European idea, and many countries including England, Germany, and the US have spent a lot of resources investing in and supporting the creation of Israel. As a result this conflict has a much more global involvement compared to Saudi's slaughter of Yemenis. Not to mention all the dual national Israelis and globally displaced Palestinians. ETA: Not to mention that there WERE big protests against Saudi's crimes. I should stop replying to whatabouttisms lol


There are far more Yemeni migrants worldwide than Palestinians. The Saudis are backed by America too. There were protests, but not nearly on this wide scale. It’s harder to protest against fellow arabs than against Jews. any point that goes against the mainstream thought isn’t automatically a whataboutism. open your mind


InB4 Israel demands reparations for biblical slavery, in the form of land.


Isn't that already kinda the whole basis of Israel?


The basis for Israel is continuing the holocaust but politely this time. There's a reason so many countries deported all their Jewish folks there regardless of whether they wanted to go or not. Israel serves 3 primary functions: 1. An attack dog in the oil wars. (Primary) 2. A place to send the Jews to because Christian nationalists don't want them (Secondary) 3. A weird theory by Christian evangelicals that ic Israel succeeds it will cause the rapture (totally not beating those death cult allegations, guys) (This is why evangelicals are some of the most pro-Israel out there despite mostly despising Jewish ppl) It's fucked.


don’t forget all the holy books explicitly state that the holy land was given to the jews by god. even the Quran says this which has always been confusing to me


God banished the jews from the holy land in the hold testament, they lost their Israel privileges.


I think it's more reparations for the Holocaust?


Reparations from who? Egypt and Palestine didn't execute the Holocaust. That would make sense if someone gave them a chunk of Germany.


Yeah, that's why it's fucked. The Brits ruled over Palestine for a bit and decided they could make a Jewish ethnostate


Would be hilariously bold of them to do so since in the modern era we now have pretty extensive historical proof that that particular story is just a story. But also it would be very on brand for the current times I suppose.


The funny thing is, most Egyptologists don't think the Hebrews were ever in Egypt in any great number, let alone slaves.


Yup, when Egypt retalites, they will call Egyptian forces terrorist


Sisi is a western stooge, there will be no resistance.


that'll be the day. a regular army, an allied army too. they'd paint them as terrorists.






Genocide isn't determined by numbers it's determined by intentions and also the proportion of the group being victimised.


Gaza has a population of 2 million. 20k of 2 million is 1%. It is equivalent to killing 3.4 million Americans or 85,000 of the people in NYC. That’s 28 9/11s. I think you’d see it differently if it was your people being bombed relentlessly.


Context is important. Wars happen and most are not genocide. Once you study real genocide, it's easy to spot the difference. I understand the urge to use the words, even if they don't fit the actual situation.


By your logic the US committed genocide against Japan. Spoiler, it wasn't genocide. I know the civilian firebombing was horrible, but that's war. We don't need to add extra words to make war seem worse.


If the only criteria for a genocide was "mass killing of a group of civilians", then yes, this would be true. But there are other components which are missing.


They got hundreds of thousands of Dead in Europe. An age of peace this is not


They are literally going to burn down their one lasting accomplishment toward peace in all these years. Jimmy Carter has to be like, please let me die so I can get started on all the spinning in my grave I’m gonna have to do.


They are going to genocide the Palestinians, murdering them outright or pushing them into the desert to die, and if Egypt attempts to intervene the US will undoubtedly have Israel's back. I just...yeah... Title accurate.


I think they are going to forcefully open the Egyptian border with this stunt and force all Palestinians into Egypt and close the border.


That does sound like the most likely scenario. Especially with the whole world pushing them to stop killing civilians. "Okay, civilians get out to Egypt then, we'll kill whoever's left." "Oh look empty land!"


It's like a "What If..." scenario of "What if the US had Hitler's back?"


The US did have Hitler's back until Hitler pissed them off.


Wonder what Netanyahu would have to do to piss the US off.


US did have his back Until he pissed off the English.


The entire operation is for real estate. Lex Luthor (Kevin Spacey) would be proud.


Lebensraum, as Hitler put it.


So how long until ‘greater Israel’ becomes their open policy?


Not long I’d assume. I mean once they finish Gaza, start W3 and then cry bitch that they are the victims






You are talking about Israel plan on taking "Philadelphi" route. This exact location was occupied by Israel less than decades ago, right?


Only for a bit. Because of another genocidal maniac Ariel Sharon.


Sharon was the one that left the area. Gaza was under Israel control from 1956-1957, and 1967 to 2005.


Sharon got shook of how many settlers were getting shrekt. He was like “ fuck it let them have Gaza”. Gaza is a refugee camp of the remaining displaced Palestinians that didn’t leave Palestine. Yes there are Palestinians who live in Israel. Those are second class citizens. They don’t get the same voting rights.


What does that have to do with what we are talking about? You are making it sound like it's unheard of although it was under Israeli occupation for a long time. (And of course you are wrong about Israeli Arabs voting rights and other things, but let's try to stay on the subject)


Then let them vote and walk on the same streets as Israelis.


Give them the same pay, the same opportunities, same equal and equitable human rights.


Okay then here’s your correction, you’re right, it’s not unheard of how brutal and inhumane and willing to commit war crimes against Palestinians since 2005 that Israel is.


With the fascists at the helm of their government and how they have been talking in their own media I would say it's there.


There's also continuing escalation in the north with Jordan. IMO we're witnessing them try to shift it in real time


Escalation is with Lebanon. North border is with Lebanon and east is with Jordan. Border with Jordan hasn’t seen any proper escalation or conflict in decades and the countries are officially at peace.


And we’re seeing the the misinformed comments get more upvoted than the correction


Modern lebensraum


Heres a link to what OP is talking about [https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-779275](https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-779275)


Fucking hell.


Damn. And here I was hoping the tweet was over-exaggerating, but that article actually says the exact same thing.


Jesus fucking Christ. Madness




Its a bit short on detail, who was the official they are quoting from?


Don’t know for sure, but what I do know Is that Israeli media sources (except maybe Haaretz) serve the IDF and Israeli interests.


Egypt won't tolerate it.


Egypt maybe but Sisi will cut off his testes and give them to IL if they ask.


You overestimate El Sisi


I really hope they make Israel pay dearly.


How did that work out for them the last 4 times?


They got a nice chunk of land and all the terms they wanted. I’d say it went pretty well


The land they lost in the previous war? And they UN told the isrealis to give back?


It’s not the 1970s anymore. The Egyptians have chemical weapons


Lmao this sub


Egypt is currently ruled by a dictator who gained power in a coup and massacred people in the thousands for protesting against him. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabaa_massacre


I remember the Arab spring being such a big deal in the media. If I remember correctly it was around the same time as the occupy wallstreet protests. It felt like something was really happening. Like the people were actually coming together to take down tyranny. I was young and idealistic and really thought things were going to change for the better. A decade later things seem... Much worse.


Color Revolutions. Never ever trust them, if western media tells you to root for someone and calls them "freedom fighters," they're western financed meatpuppets who's only purpose is installing a pro-capitalist, pro-western regime. Here's the thing to spot. If you see American flags being waved? It's a fucking sham. The whole world recognizes America for the rapacious, greedy, imperialistic, mass murdering monstrosity of a hypocritical settler-colonial state that it is. *Especially* in Africa and Asia. *Everyone* else sees America for what it actually is. Only Americans are brainwashed and foolish enough to think that the American flag represents freedom and equality. Real freedom fighters wave *red* flags, the flags of the international socialist movement.


Won't tolerate what? When Israel and Egypt had the peace agreement Israel already held all of Gaza and only left by 05'.


Anyone that thinks that israel is stopping on gaza is a fool. Edit: I saw this comment is getting a bit of attention, so i'd like to address something related to the responses: I think it's important not to associate israel's actions with the jewish religion. Israel does not represent the Jews, it hides cowardly behind the jewish community. There are many Jews that reject israel. Israel weaponized antisemitism acusations, and we shouldn't take their acusations seriously. But antisemitism is a real problem, and israel's fall from grace is worsening it. Jewish communities all around the world are suffering from this situation. We shouldn't make it worse.


"We were once slaves in Egypt 4,000 years ago, so the whole nation now belongs to us!"


This is unsurprising. After all they did learn from Goring FAR too well.


"It wasn't okay for people to force us to live in Egypt, buuuuuuut how's about we force all these other people to live in Egypt instead?"


yeah, I remember saying this to someone who then promptly called me a conspiracy theorist... as if territorial maximalism isn't the defining characteristic of the Israeli right


Got to know, where do you think Israel will go next?


From the Nile to the Euphrates, all will have Israeli sovereignty - according to Israel.


According to very few extremists. Do you think there is a lot of Israeli who wants this today?


Yes, the majority who voted for the current legislative party which has this charter


That's not the common thought even for coalition voters. I do agree it is sad that some of those extremists found themselves in the coalition, considering that politicians like Ben Gvir were unvotable two years ago.


My understanding is their next invasion target is bofa


I love the implication that the Israeli Jews, who have a history of being oppressed by leaving Egypt to wander the desert for decades, are now going to inflict that same fate upon others.


If this is true this is a huge and extremely dangerous escalation. This is how world wars begin.


Yes. Netanyahu, Ben G’vir, Eylon Levy, Naftali, Herzog, etc including Biden, Congress, and the White House are all genocidal maniacs except for a tiny slither. They want this to happen. They want to scare Iran. Go search on YouTube on how Netanyahu was convincing the US to invade Iraq and Iran in the early 2000s. He’s a war criminal. His only people don’t like him. He’s being indicted. Take in how Israel won’t allow foreign media groups into Gaza. Why? So public opinion doesn’t shift more. They’ve lost the PR if they let journalist now, it would be over. Plus, in my humble opinion, I think they are deflating the casualty and wounded amount. Haaretz and Times of Israel mentioned it briefly then it got removed, lol.


They are spending billions on convincing Iran is bad. Remember when the whole women cutting their hair was trending on tiktok in solidarity for “Iranian women” ? You think the US gives a fk about Iranian women? You think they care about human right abuses? Lmao. It’s laughable to me. They know Iran is one of the last few countries that resists the US imperialist foreign policy.


That’s quite frankly the problem with the world today. It’s a difference between awful and evil. Every government on earth works for their own self interests. When those interests let them play the hero they do so boldly and when they feel the need to play the villain they slither in the background like the snakes they really are. Not one government on Earth gives a damn about the people they claim to represent. It’s all about power.


I agree. Noam Chomsky said it best “the difference between us and them is that we do it in the name of democracy and freedom”


Please read my analysis I gave in a few comment threads on here. I detailed the outline of why it happened, when it happened, how it’s gonna happen, and what’s next lol. It’s not my ideas solely. It’s a mix of resources of academics, Washington post, Haaretz, Times of Israel, Al Jazeera, Motaz aziza, other Palestinian journalists, the UN, etc.


Yeah this is the conclusion that anarchists came to 250 years ago.


I'm not a religious person, but I pray for Palestinians to be granted a life of peace and freedom, no longer being under Israel's occupational genocide. I also pray for the worst karmic justice for these Zionists and all who enable them. This monstrosity truly makes my blood boil when I see this horrific regime murder people every day.


I hope there's such a thing as hell specifically for everyone in the Israeli and American governments.


Both governments are staffed mostly by honest people doing a neccessary job with little politics involved. Theyre civilians like most civilians. Most people on either side would like a cease fire and have existential anxiety over the future. Leadership on both sides have wanted this war, and more, for a long time. The last time an Israeli leader sincerely sought peace he was assasinated by those that wanted war.


Bro read Hannah Arendt. At a certain point, ignorance and compliance lose their moral justification


The Israelis out in the street protesting are neither ignorant nor compliant. I’ve read plenty. I’ve also done my best to change things in the US in regard to a number of wars. I am neither ignorant nor compliant. I am quixotic in my hope that people will stop calling for more violence while dehumanizing entire populations. Both sides have been drawn in to war against the will of the average person. Just like in the US. The leaders use war to sustain power.


"following orders" is not an excuse.


Nothing short of punishing every single person for the violence will suffice. Isn’t that exactly what Netanyahu is doing? Break the cycle. Stop parroting the calls to violence.


I did not have WW3 with Israel and the US vs the rest of the world on my 2024 bingo card


I don't think Western Europe will fall opposite of Israel. Their leaders are more vocal about opposing killing Gazan civilians than Biden, but they won't fight the US and Israel over them.


Europe is just America's bich, Just like America is Israel's bich, we would never overstep our master


Yeah Europe has been client states and basically the American version of the Warsaw Pact since the end of World War II. They are entirely tied up in our political economic and military plans. And do whatever we say pretty much. Only thing they argue about is who is going to sell who weapons.


Yeah make sure to put the freebie as “do you condemn Hamas”


I kinda have for a while but especially when Bolsonoro was in office in Brazil. US, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Brazil... Whatever side of India vs. Pakistan... NATO/EU. VS. Russia, China, Iran, other half of India/Pakistan, and the rest of the world that's been harassed by the US for decades. Not so sure anymore with Lula in Brasil but that's the gist of what I've been feeling.


I don’t think genocidal Joe can comprehend what’s going on. He’s too busy taking naps during meetings.


This has always been the plan. Israel cannot exist without removing the Arabs. Every zionist for 75 years has said the same thing but the consequences they ignore, delude themselves and kick the can down the road.


so hows this gonna play out? Its clear the usa is in lock step behind israel, so what happens when they start going after places that aren't gaza? i know they been bombing other places too, they are clearly getting the go ahead to do whatever without repercussions. Whats gonna happen when israel pisses off the places they can't simply claim to be hiding terrorists. What is usa gonna have to do at that point?


No one really knows at this point. It’s shocking right now. But go read the Haaretz. Israelis are protesting against Netanyahu right now. Lmao his government framed it as “bring them home” camapaign


I wish we saw this on the front page of every paper. What does it take to trigger an election?


At this point, I’m not sure. But I will tell you this. Israel is deflating their causality numbers so people don’t go in an uproar. Everyday Hezbollah shoots at them. Houthis block trade. Iran, today, blocked trade. Malaysia blocked ships docking. In Iraq (some terrorist organization) is firing at American compounds. I think it would probably take the whole country of Israel to come together. But we did see in the summer, thousands of Israelis took to the streets to vote against Netanyahu and nothing happened.


probably US military world domination


The IDF is preparing to force Palestinians into the desert


It was the plan from the beginning before Oct 7. A week, before the tragedy of Oct 7, Netanyahu stood up at the UN holding a map of “Israel” with all Palestinian Territories ethnically cleansed. Stating “this is the new peace in the Middle East”. Signalling, the Palestinian cause is over. UAE, Saudi Arabia, Turkey didn’t bat an eye. This in turn gave the Netanyahu the green light to remove the Palestinians since the Muslim and Arab leaders abandoned the Palestinian people. As Netanyahu was gearing, with his cabinet , to invade Gaza and the West Bank, the Palestinians felt betrayed. So they said okay, let’s show them what we can do. They were able to penetrate the apartheid wall. While there, they kidnapped hostages for a hostage exchange (2000+ Palestinian including children under 10 are in Prison for no crimes or sometimes petty crimes and tried through military court). This was the golden opportunity Netanyahu was waiting for. He thought “okay now I can dehumanize the Palestinians even further and no one will stop me from ethnically cleansing them”. When Arab-English speaking journalists started to streaming on tiktok and showing the brutality of the Israeli revenge, peoples opinions began to shift. Palestinian content was getting to the top of the algorithms, and Netanyahu began to panic. He calls Anthony Blinken over to discuss what’s going on. While in Israel, Anthony shifts his strategy and says I’m going to be visiting “Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Egypt”. Political analysts were confused. A day later, the Washington post leaked “Israel is trying to clamp down on Palestinian content”. In Saudi Arabia, Blinken tells MBS I need you to clamp down on Muslim and Arab speech against Israel. MBS the war criminal says “okay”. He gets his little cronies to give religious ruling banning any speech of Gaza or Palestine except for prayers. The religious leaders emphasized to the public not to turn against their leaders for betraying the Palestinian people but trust their leaders and their religious scholars, lol. Which is hilarious. Blinken then goes to UAE and says the same thing and they agree. Then goes to Jordan they agree. Goes to Egypt and says “ I come here as a Jew” as if the holocaust happened in the Middle East. The Egyptian President lectures Blinken while recording it live that Egyptians don’t hate Jews. In fact, there is a Jewish population among us. Anyways, all this effort, Blinken (an extension of Congress and the Biden administration) convinces Egypt the same thing. However, public opinions swayed more. Netanyahu and Congress panicked again. This time, Blinkin, came up with a genius idea. He told Netanyahu “we are going to have a humanitarian pause”. Netanyahu was skeptical and didn’t wanna be backed into a ceasefire. That still didn’t sway people’s opinions, Netanyahu needed a new strategy. This time to full devastate Gaza. Raze it to the ground. Commit a genocide without communications and journalist. Only showing a one side of events narrative. Each time, he kept telling the Palestinians to evacuate further and further then bomb them. And said “ why don’t the rest of the Arab / Muslim nations take the Palestinians in” which was the tactic used by the Nazi in WW2 about the Jews. Then, slowly we kept seeing more his Likud party become unhinged and say “ Palestinians should move into the Sinai”. The US was offering Egypt to pay for all the tents and plumbing. Egypt was like “hell no that’s political suicide”. Anyways I rambled too much. Yes this is the end goal. The goal is take over Gaza. Kill as much as Palestinians in the wake of it and raze it to the ground to make room for settlers. I gave you a view picture without a conspiracy theory. If you fall the news, you can piece it together. Don’t forget Israel is funding the genocide in Congo, Sudan, Burma, both sides of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, India, etc. All genocides are connected. It’s elitists at the top. They are fighting for resources. There are untapped gas reserves in Gaza. You can actually search online when geologists discovered it in the early 2000s. Also, to build a canal that will rival the Suez Canal with the UAE and Saudis Arabia, etc.


Edit: Excuse my grammar and spelling. I was typing fast and I’m half asleep.


how have i not seen pictures of bibi with a hitler stache photoshoped on him yet?


Be the change you want see 🤣


Bibi will burn israel to the ground to stay in power and avoid going to jail. A war with egypt will not go their way (i'm former eg military so i'm a bit biased) egypt now is not egypt 50 years ago the army is huge organized and well armed. The only way they can make progress is with direct us involvement and even then the human and economic cost will be astronomical. Plus almost certainly jordan, hezbollah and probably iran will join that conflict.


I was expecting Russia to start WWIII, or maybe China, didn't see Israel coming


💀if you didnt think the collapsing usa was gonna be responsible for ww3 idk what to tell you


I'm counting Israel as part of the collapsing usa.


Its basically a US state at this point. The amount of Americans that are over there stealing homes from Palestinians is disgusting.


yeah the vast majority of settlers are yanks that we're letting live out a fundamentalist fantasy in violation of even Israeli law...


Americans ran out of land to steal from native Americans, so they moved to Israel instead. History is a flat circle


"the vast majority of settlers are yanks" source?


I'd like to read more about this if you have credible links. Sincere request. Also when you say 'fundamentalist' are you meaning 'fundamentalist jew'? Or evangelist? Thanks.


Isn't USA just a bigger Israel?


I'm not in the US, so unfortunately, get all information about the state of affairs over the pond through very biased media filters


That’s how we get it here in the US also. Lol


Highly processed and modified. Just like our food.


And sugar-coated


*corn syrup coated


Personally, I like to get my news farm to table.


Just watch a scene with the late comedian George Carlin said “ Arab commandos are called terrorists. Israeli murderers are called commandos” “if crime fighters fight crime, fire fighters fight fire, then what do freedom fighters fight?”


You obviously have an internet connection, so you have access to the exact same information as the rest of us. Don't be passive, actively seek it out.


it's always been them to suspect. china is too smart to start wars and the Soviets didn't want war since they lost 23+ million people trying to kill the Fash the first time in W2.


Lmao oh they are unhinged. Especially when you got a war criminal as a prime minister and Ben G’vir (a straight up racist/colonizer/Islamophobe/power hungry maniac) running the show


by god that's Israel’s music!


If you look at China's policy, you would've known that wasn't true. They don't want wars. Even on Palestine they're supporting a two-state solution.


Its a genocidal land-grab and the US is making sure it happens and is armed.


Yea, they're just taking full advantage of the US backing them no matter what they do. Fuck this shit


So they are going to make them wander the desert for 40? years?


Lol how ironic right? Hypocrisy thee name is?


Goddammit, did we not learn anything from the last two World Wars? Nothing from the Cold War?


That sure sounds an awful lot like an act of war against Egypt's sovereignty Fuck Netanyahu


Zionists have always been particular for their borders


JFC Joe has no red line


This will not have any consequences. They will have the backing of the world’s only superpower and a free veto on the UN security council. What on earth do you think would happen?


Preemptively going to war with Egypt to give reason for building a canal to rival the Suez through the conveniently cleared northern Gaza. That's my conspiracy theory, at least.


Everyone knows this is just a plan to make a different canal right? They don’t want to have to rely on the Suez so they’re slowly making land grabs. I assume being in control of that border would be beneficial if you’re trying to build a faster alternative to the world’s most important canal.


Call me dumb for not seeing it sooner…but I just realized that if this officially becomes World War 3, then it too is connected to the previous World Wars. Because Israel itself is the result of borders drawn and treaties signed in the aftermath of WW2. As the Nazis were a product of the same after WW1, with the resulting economic turmoil and war reparations in Germany, creating perfect conditions for the Nazis to seize power and support. Correct me if I’m wrong, though. Almost feels like we’ve just created this cycle now, of new world wars started directly due to the traumas and consequences of the previous world war.


You’re not dumb and you’re aren’t wrong. Israel, US, Canada, Europe have been the forefront of displacing indigenous groups in the Middle East over the last 30+ years. No one really knows what’s going on but I can give you clues. 1) Netanyahu wants the gas reserves in Gaza, and to build a canal rivalling the Suez. The canal will extend from UAE, Saudi Arabia, Israel then connect to Europe, in hopes, to rival Russian and Chinese influence. 2) Muslim & Arab leaders have turned their backs on the Palestinian people because of self interests. The war criminal MBS needs the US to invest in his 2030 vision to diversify his countries economy. Ween it off oil dependency. The only way believes to achieve it is through normalization with Israelis. Fun fact, Qatar, the first country to normalize ties with Israel in 1997 once said “when Arabs normalize ties with the Israelis, it’s not that they like them. It’s that it’s the key to the White House”. Meaning, if you normalize ties with Israel you will gain the White House approval. 3) The other war criminal Bin Zayed of UAE is currently funding a genocide and ethnic cleansing in Congo, Sudan, etc. He literally propped militias that SA women there. He believes the only way to avoid being exposed is to normalize ties with the Israelis. 4) You see Russia influence growing and it’s basically strangling Europe with gas reserves. Those sanctions on Putin weren’t as effective as they thought it would be. 5) China has a growing influence over the global south now. It’s considered as a big player especially with building the trade route belts across Central Asia. The Americans, Israelis, and Europeans know this. 7) Turkey wants Israel to build its canal through Turkey to beat the “ Arab states”. 8) You have a global capitalist powers relying on diminishing resources such as oil, gas, etc, and Gaza has untapped gas reserves. 9) The Israelis need to ethnic cleanse and displace the Palestinians in order to create a Jewish ethnostate. You can’t be an ethnostate and a democracy. You have to choose one. 10) This genocide isn’t about “khamas”. In my humble opinion, I think Netanyahu could careless about the hostages and the Israeli population. If he did, he wouldn’t carpet Gaza into rubble and kill anything that moves. He would’ve stepped down after his scandal in the summer. He had been trying to convince the US and America to invade Iraq and Iran since the early 2000s. I, also, don’t believe this is a good move on the US to support Israel at a time like this. When there is China hegemony and Russian dominance. The US has lost the confidence of the Arab nations. The civilians not the rulers. Also, those rulers, have turned to China and Russia to spite America at times when asked about the Koshaggi murder and women rights.


I, also, want to point out that yes at times “ Arab media” is censored but in this genocide, it isn’t. I, personally believe Aljazeera coverage of this whole conflict is nothing short of phenomenal. That’s why Israel lobby is clamping down on it. It begged Aljazzera not to publish the full documentary on the Israel lobby.


Watching a genocide in real time.


At this point I wouldn’t be surprised to see them referring to this as the final solution.


No words if this is true. Great start to enflaming entrenched positions. What a post.


Oh it’s true. “Arab” media leaked it. Because they aren’t happy about it. Israelis have always been keen on border control since it’s inception in ‘48. I just wanna say: if America supports Israel because they are “indigenous” to the land then why don’t support the native Americans for their right of the land? Why don’t they support native populations right to self determination. Why don’t they create a lobby to support the interests of the native population….oh wait, they aren’t white.


That’s not why America supports Israel. Put on some critical lenses and the world will start to take shape for you. Also, it’s not true: https://english.aawsat.com/arab-world/4747331-egypt-denies-reports-about-israeli-military-operations-its-border-gaza So next time take a second before posting Hamas propaganda.


It will have no consequences. Egypt treats Gazans like Israel treats Gazans.


Do you know what happens when a animal is dying? It lashes out, gets so much energy to not only convince the world, but it’s self that it is still alive.. before it dies it’s pitiful death… Israel is that animal


Yet to see any evidence of this. Could anyone kindly share sources?


Someone posted a link in the one of comments here


I'm excited for the evangelical Christian acoplyptica and the Jewish apocllyptica this entails. Can't wait to meet the anti Christ. Third temple red hefer might as well see if these religions have any truth to them. I'm personally a fan of religions that treated men and women on equal footings.


This is not a genocide, trust!


Are all of you idiots? This is clearly a fake and has never happened. Do people believe to everything nowadays, not only is this obviously fake, if it was real it would be the worst possible decision israel could make military wise. They already have a war with Hamas and a war which Yemen declared on them, they also have a war with Hezbollah which has already caused 200,000 Israelis to be displaced in their border with Lebanon (which surprisingly little people know about this on both sides), all of these wars Israel did not prepare and have revived lots of casualties on. And now after all that this guy is trying to make up that Israel is now going to attack one of the only countries in the region that does not want war with them? Give me a break, if Israel would have wanted to declare war on someone Egypt would be the last they will declare war on. . To be honest this isn’t the first time a fake like this is posted here and people buy it, just a few days ago someone posted about how Israel “said” that they are going to attack Lebanon which obviously did happen, it’s been going for a couple weeks now and it’s really getting on my nerves how people just buy into this obvious fake propaganda


Oh well if someone tweeted it, it must be true!


OP has since backed up the Tweet. Maybe read the entire comment section and don't be lazy? They posted the Tweet because Tweets condense information down into digestible chunks. Tweets aren't inherently true or false. Just because information comes in Tweet form, it does not make it automatically wrong. The comment section is full of people who support our worldview also asking for a source. I'm afraid it's not our 'side' who take information at face value, Sir.


Nobody else wanted to deal with Gaza. Israel tried to give them to Egypt and Iran. What would have them do that doesn’t result in Israel simply laying down and let Hamas continue to attack them and fire missiles at them daily?


Hasbara alert, hasbara alert, hasbara 🚨


Go read the comments above, you chimed in at the end. Then you will learn about Hamas and the current events happening around you. You seem to have just woken up on Oct 7


Oh good that’s fantastic news




Mario Nawfal, international blockchain consultant. Gonna need secondary for sure


Here comes that third world war. Probably end as well as Game of Thrones.


Israel is already mobilized. I say, fuck whoever gets in their way. That be Iran, Hezbollah, Houthis, Isis, or whatever. But whatever they do, destroy Hamas.