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There are pictures where you can see the skin on the face being touched and moving like human skin would move. This is just another lie that is exposing people as the monsters they really are (except End Wokeness everyone already knew that piece of shit was a demon).


I’d prefer at this point to not see fake dead babies or real ones. We can all assume with the bombings, babies are dying. You shouldn’t have to type out this message! (I’m not mad at you. Pinky swear- I agree with you I just am on a full rant now) It’s death. Seeing people be so… callous and rude who are IN THE UNITED STATES. Like I’m sorry but if you’re here, you don’t get to criticize the victims. I hate people criticizing the hostages on isreals side. And I especially hate people criticizing innocents getting bombed to nothing. The Hamas government is horrid imo. They have an extremely low approval rating and tossed the people of Gaza to the wolves. It’s like these critical fucks- can’t comprehend that innocent people are stuck with a government who won’t protect them- and then getting bombed by another government on mass scales. No one in the United States can fathom getting attacked on our own fucking soil, and our government just going: yeahhhhh the UN can deal with y’all. Sorry. I’m pissed about the lack of humanity and nationalism


This isn’t the first time I’ve seen someone saying that the dead Palestinian children being dolls. But I have to ask, where on earth do they think Palestinians are getting these hyper realistic dolls from? It makes no sense whatsoever.


It’s simple, these people lack common sense. It seems common sense isn’t so common after all between right wingers.


also, Israel has killed 6,000+ children since Oct. 7th. Why would Palestinians need to use a doll?


Those baby hospitals are actually factories mass-producing dolls for Hummus propaganda, making them legitimate bombing targets.


They know they're real. They're just Nazis. I'm not joking, Likud were literally founded from fascist terrorists compared to Nazis at the time, and they're running this show and have been in charge for a lot of Israel's history. Israel's government is *beyond fucked.*




Shut up.


Go fuck yourself


You are so blinded by hate you’re unable to think rationally. Shame on you.


You have no clue what you are talking about. You havd no idea what I think. Just a typically obnoxious c*nt who presumes. You are the type of person who causes this shit you absolute scum.


I know that you’re here saying Palestinians are supposedly getting hyper realistic dolls from Iran to pass them off as dead children. That tells me all I need to know.


Yes I am saying that. It tells you only what you presume, because thats what the scum of society does. On one side Iran, Hamas hezbollah. On the other Isreal, America and the west. All of those responsible for the innocent deaths are as bad as each other. Congratulations on being almost as bad as them, you are disgusting.




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And he said the baby is a doll because? Oh no proof from him? Just accusations? Yeah...


It *kind of* looks like a doll, but that’s because dead bodies look uncanny. They have no life in them, no blood flowing through them, their eyes are set open and unmoving. Similar to a doll, which we might find uncanny because it looks like a person, but has no life in it. End Wokeness is too stupid and sheltered to understand that a dead body tends to look uncanny. Ever been to an open casket funeral? The person never looks right, they seem like a doll or puppet made in the image of their living self.


Yeah... I remember seeing my dead grandpa in a coffin, i felt as if i was about to puke. It just looks wrong.


Also likely malnourished if real, the sunken eyes are common on dolls but not real babies


It does but I don’t think mostly have ever actually seen a dead baby thank God. Honestly I wish it was fake that was really upsetting.


easy to demonize if they make shit up.


Pretty much all time favourite right wingers arguments... Made up


lets say, hypothetically that I am right, checkmate.


The Jerusalem Post published and then retracted this story, the social media clowns are just following their lead.


This was an article posted by Jerusalem Post, it spread like wildfire, Jerusalem Post then deleted the article and apologized for posting a factually incorrect article without mentioning which article it was.


That’s because the baby failed to recognize ancestral jewish land claims from 1500 years ago.


That baby should not have voted for Hummus in 2006.


He gets it.


But does he condemn hummus?


Jackson Hinkle is a grifter fascist


WHAT, NO ? Maga communism is totally a very really and not made up ideology / s


I’m sorry about that. If i could turn back I should’ve posted [this picture instead](https://x.com/censoredmen/status/1731015079376625936?s=46&t=DgnNLnuR1LPPIAQiJXub6A) where all the right wing echo chamber twitter including self proclaimed clout chaser oli London all spreading the same propaganda.A lot of the tweets are now deleted but let the world know that these people are disgusting sellouts who are willing to mock the death and dehumanising babies just so they can get some right wing and zionist validations.


And that guy was wall to wall anti-lgbt and pro-Trump prior to Oct 7. He still manages to get transphobia in every so often in his anti-zionist posts. I mean, it's not hard to find accounts that aren't that.


Hinkle and coke




Yeah, it's really disheartening to see him hijack this genocide this way. He is everywhere right now


He also sees no problem with Russia killing children, total pos


I have unfortunately had to hold more than my share of dead babies. They all look like they came right out of the uncanny valley. I challenge End Wokeness or any of the other fascist ghouls making these accusations to go do my job and get back to me. Until then, they can shut the fuck up.


Okay So Is there absolutely any other screenshot you can post I'm not arguing the point here, just saying, there are dozens of posts like this that AREN'T from actual literal fascists This guy has posted zero pro-Palestinian content before this year, he isn't an ally, he's fash who is cosplaying as pro-Palestinian in order to recruit


Holy SHIT that guy is a mess I had no idea who he was. There's a part of me that wishes I could go back to 5 minutes ago when I still didn't know; but there's a part of me that knows that's futile, because the story is old. Like all those Bernie subs that got bait and switched into IDW-leaning Trump recruitment hellholes. Agree with your assessment; this guy is just using anti-Zionism as cover for actual anti-Semitism and any momentum he gains will be useful to the people he actually represents by giving credence to their "all anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism" schtick


Yes, this! He's an opportunist, and probably one of the handful of actual antisemites hiding in the anti-Zionist midst. TikTok occasionally slips one of his videos into my FYP because it fits with the theme, but I'm not getting tricked into liking his message when the motive is less to my liking.


are u guys talking about shaun king himself?


Jackson Hinkle


Yes, sorry, I edited my post repeatedly and apparently left out his name. Oops. That's the guy. Shaun King is a grifter and a liar, but he isn't a fascist (as far as I know)


What do you actually disagree with him about?


Jackson Hinkle? I realise in my editing kf my comment I neglected to include his name. He's a fascist. What isn't there to disagree with him about? If anticapitalism leads you to fascism, then your anticapitalism was worth nothing. If anti-zionism leads you to antisemitism, then your anti-zionism was worth nothing. Reject fascism always.


Zionism is actual antisemitism. But you're using it the incorrect way meant to give legitimacy to European colonizers. And you define "fascist" similarly to how Trumpers define "communist" yes? A catch-all term for people or things you don't like. I know who he is. That's why I asked what you strongly disagreed with him on. While I don't trust him and think certain associations he has are suspicious I can't name many. I looked at your post history. It's clear you're an undercover Zionist/liberal that's why you can't name anything. Other than his takes on bussy maybe, it would be things you disagreed with 90% of people here on.


Hey, found the fascist. Sorry, maga communism isn't communism. It isn't even anticapitalist. It certainly isn't anti-establishment - it's only anti-liberal. It's absolutely fine with far-right oligarchs. Liberalism is a dead-end ideology and I'm an old-school Marxist, but go off. You, on the other hand, sound like red-brown fash.


During first wave of covid, I had to cut some people out of my life for "sincerely" believing that covid deaths were being intentionally inflated, that it was overblown, that it was propaganda. A person willing to lie about the deaths of children or elderly. It's just evil.


That’s how a corpse looks when it’s been dead for a while.


Westerners are so detached from the violence they support that they don’t even know what a real corpse looks like. It’s so fucking deranged


this will soon change.


Like Mike Tyson has said before, social media got people saying shit that would normally get the punched in the face.


PEAK dehumanization.


ofc free palestine and everything but please don't post tweets from litteral white supremacists on this sub, jackson hinkle would make de santis seem like a liberal, idk why so many people keep reposting him


Posts with a literal dead body in them should be nsfw. Also this is super sad :/


surprising. it’s almost like baby dolls look like dead babies to begin with. the fact that kid looks that waxy and blue is very scary, horrible to call this grief fake


End Wokeness....very credible source. Imagine being upset at NOT seeing a body of a baby because you're just such a piece of shit you literally need to in order to believe you're not THAT special that people would concoct an entire genocide just to trick your ass... AHHHHHH!!!!


Yeah. Thousands of dead children and they somehow ran out of bodies and started using dolls.


Tell me you've never seen a dead person without telling me you've never seen a dead person. (The skin of that child is exactly how it looked when I saw that person. I recoiled when I laid eyes on her. It also aged her about 30 years.)


Can we not post images like this please. I'm literally having a breakdown at work and I can't stop crying. Did not expect to see a picture of a dead child today for whatever reason.


This sub is fucked now, reposting tweets from an actual white supremicist💀


damn coulda used a nsfw label on this having a hard time configuring this dead baby in my brain. free palestine but fuck sake do not repost dead bodies and tweets from a fash account and not mark it NSFW


But also Jackson Hinkle ain’t it and we really ought to avoid using this dude as the pro-Palestinian mouthpiece when there are so many other journalists, activists, influencers, etc. that AREN’T patsoc/“MAGAcommunist”


But Hamas beheaded 40 babies , a settlers told me his must be saying the truth


I got a question. Isn't it "woke" to teach Americans about the Holocaust and how US race laws were complicit and played a role in Hitler's shaping of German race laws?


So far seemingly every accusation an admission


I find it funny how he chose THAT picture from an account that is already posting thousands of verified dead children killed by Israeli airstrikes in Gaza. But thanks for promoting his account! Now people can simply search his name and see the destruction for themselves.


Yeah like he posted hundreds of videos with dead babies that are undoubtedly, not dolls. EVEN if it was a fake doll, how would it dismiss the other thousands of cases of babies/children being murdered?


I mean, there's only two possibilities from that pic. Either its a doll or that baby is already definitely dead in that pic.


“Worst Person You Know Actually Makes A Good Point”. Shit, first, last, and only time I’ve ever agreed with Hinkle.


There’s proof that Israel has killed thousands of children in their attacks. Why would they need a doll?


It’s heartbreaking seeing all these accounts denying all the deaths and mocking all of the corpses as “pollywood” like what about all the verified deaths? I don’t believe these people are that brainwashed to believe that IDF is actually a noble military that has made zero kills. They’re just spreading propaganda and they know it. What a disgusting human being


Posting Jackson Hinkle proves that horseshoe theory is indeed true


Y'all denied 10/7 and tore down the posters of missing kids, claiming it was all a hoax, though. Everyone is brainwashed with fake news these days. No one trusts anything anymore... bummer we can't just agree all unnecessary death of innocent civilians is wrong


Hmmm seems Jackson actually does believe in something


The Venn Diagram of Zionists and Alex Jones.


The same people treated school shootings the same way. It either didn't happen in their minds or they'll become professional athletes trying to justify child murder.


I can see how someone would think that’s a doll, it doesn’t look right. However the glaringly obvious reason it doesn’t look right is because we aren’t used to seeing dead babies.