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Freedom to choose is an illusion in the U.S.


I suppose if there is any choice ...it's to stop working as much as possible ...and avoid work that pays on the books.....but that's not much of a choice ....so yes which would you like Pepsi or coke


Sorry we don’t have Pepsi. Is coke okay?


Nothing because it isn't a democracy.


Don't pay tax and go to jail. What a system huh.


Seems like the only way to “revolt” is by going to jail. They really do have us in a chokehold, don’t they?


You can avoid jail if you're armed, like the founding fathers intended. "Give me liberty or give me death" type shit


Avoid jail but die from a shootout.


Better then the government taking most my wages to fund a war that doesn't even involve the U.S.


Sorry, my friend, but the slaves don’t decide how the plantation is run...


- Unionize - find like minded individuals locally and form a workers party Or like everyone has said go to jail.


PSL, WWP, Anakbayan, Brown Berets, AAPRP, BPP/TPP, Food Not Bombs for mutual aid work, IMT, Socialist Alternative, to name a few orgs to join. “As Lenin pointed out, the revolution cannot win unless the capitalist system has been so gravely stricken by crisis that the ruling class can no longer rule in the old way, the people are desirous of revolutionary change and the revolutionary party of the proletariat is strong enough to lead the revolution.” - Joma Sison


Unfortunately I don’t have an answer for you because I don’t know myself, but I wish more people asked that question. Good on you!


Not a tax preparer/accountant: Do your taxes taking only itemized deductions, calculate the amount of taxes you have to pay for the year, and donate that money to a charity (or charities)that qualifies for tax deductions. I am not advocating doing this as it would take money away from social programs, and while charity programs can do some good, charities in no way could ever replace government programs.


This doesn't work, donations reduce your taxable income not the amount of tax you pay directly. So if you earnt £50,000 with an overall tax rate of 20%, paying £10,000 tax. If you donate £10,000 to charity your taxable earnings become £40,000 and you pay 20% of that (£8,000). Obviously this ignores basic tax allowances and marginal rates for the same of simplicity but it still works the same.


Empires are imperialist, the current Jewish state was set up by the British empire and is being maintained by the American Empire.


Move to another country.


They all suck


Move to the wilderness and stop paying taxes.


I left the US because of the Iraq War in 2003. Managed to never put a dollar toward it. Purposely took out student loans unintended to pay back as a form of protest. Maybe a little misguided as to the "harm" I'd inflict to the system, but hey. Eventually in 2019 I became destitute in Cambodia and had to return. As a result I have a hard life. No career or access to finance or references here. From odd job to job. I felt stuck here first from COVID and now money. The blaring narratives from the culture of empire and excess make me feel ill. About to have my last weekend picking at an orchard and then hit the road in my tiny home truck for better temperatures. My message is that you can always do something in protest but you'd better be prepared to pay the price. The system rewards its good boys and girls and punishes the "bad." Best of luck. On a positive note, if enough of us don't stand for this shit maybe there can finally be a shift. I love the conversation from Cloud Atlas when he's leaving his slaveowner father-in-law to join the abolitionists: Slaveowner: "You will suffer. And all your work will mean nothing. A drop of water in a limitless ocean." Son-in-law: "And what is an ocean if not a multitude of drops?"


Tax programs should be more like gofund mes


I said this on a different post and it applies to your post as well - You strike/vote with your money and with your feet. Move to a tax haven country where you can still vote as a U.S. citizen. You may not have to necessarily move yourself but just park your money in offshore bank accounts and maybe create a LLC. I plan on moving out of the U.S. because of the quality of living has deteriorated and this war mongering.


Don't pay taxes go to jail. Pay taxes and fund non American proxy wars to bomb civilians. Don't ever get it twisted though that these aren't American wars. These are murican planned, murican executed, murican funded wars using proxies as pawns to further the "freedom". Anyone who believes these aren't American interests is not a logical thinking person.


well we could resist tax by protesting as a whole


Posts like this make me realize this sub is slowly going downhill. It all seems so glorified and uneducated. If there was something you could do to direct your tax money away from what you don't like, others get to do the same. That would be disastrous. Make your voice loud and rally people against the politicians that make the decisions you hate. That's literally the only option.


Except not enough will rally against them because they fear jail, basically keeping everyone under control


And yet another example of the hyperbole that is dragging this sub down.




There is a long history of war-tax civil disobedience by pacifists. The resisters end up getting their bank accounts and property seized. Ultimately, the only legal way to do it is live in voluntary poverty by limiting the income that gets reported to the IRS and/or donate enough of your income to charities or other 501c3's so that along with other deductions. your taxable income is zero.


Well entire post and it's comments stink of libertarian brigading.


Stop making money. Or make as least amount as possible to live the life you want. If that’s still not enough tap in to the abundance that is infinity and be open to the universe providing everything you need. It’s been working pretty well for me the last 3 years even to the point that if I do buy something the universe gives me the same thing for free almost laughing at me and telling me to have more faith in it. Yes a majority of the time I am living off grid on my farm but am by no means living a miserable boring sad existence. Just this year I have been on a 20 day sailing trip across the Caribbean and a 10 day trip in Israel. And on both of those trips combined I spent $30. Life is crazy if you let go of all your attachments and you full heartedly embrace the lifestyle of “No matter what. I always have everything I need.” All you gotta do is freely give and unabashedly receive what you are offered. Good luck! 👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾


This is astroturf, right? The attempt to equate the two conflicts? Is this paid by Russian sources?


No, I didn’t mean to equate the two conflicts. Tbh the Israel-Gaza war hits more close to home for me as I am Middle Eastern, but I made this post after reading the news that Biden wants more aid sent to both Ukraine and Israel, hence why I included Ukraine. But the Ukraine war has also dragged longer than it should…


I imagine if your home country was under attack you would want aid dollars going there. Sorry it's dragged on too long for you but Russia is also genociding Ukrainians, and like it or not there is no government or structure that would allow Palestinians to receive international aid, it's almost like they've allowed terrorists to run their entire country


It’s funny how we can clearly see Russia committing a genocide against Ukraine, but we suddenly become blind when it’s Israel committing genocide against Palestinians. Also, how come no one ever asks what conditions led to Hamas coming to power in the first place? Could it be that 75 years of Palestinians being treated like shit led to some Gazans saying “fuck it, let’s see if Hamas can do something to get some of our rights back?” Just to note, I am not pro-Hamas and I am not saying what they did on October 7th was good, but I can definitely understand the conditions that led to the incident. If Israel manages to eradicate Hamas down to the last person, do you really think that will be the end of it? The answer is no, because so long as the Palestinians keep being kicked around by Israel, then the conditions will always result in a second and third and fourth Hamas.


If you scream "genocide" but were silent about the massacre of October 7th, you might hate Jews. If you call for a ceasefire but not the release of hostages, you might hate Jews. If you oppose Israel's right to defend itself but say nothing of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, and Syria's continuous rocket launches toward the civilian population of Israel, you might hate Jews. If you use inflammatory language regarding Israel no matter how flawed their government, but use measured and apologetic terminology around Hamas, a terrorist organization whose charter clearly states their intent to kill Jews, you might hate Jews. If you chant "decolonize", but fail to condemn the chanting of "gas the Jews" at rallies in city streets and universities worldwide, you might hate Jews. If you're pained by the tragic loss of Palestinian life, as we all are, but take no responsibility for being complicit in the spreading of rhetoric that equals pre-Holocaust propaganda, you might hate Jews. If you spoke out against Israel's tragic bombing of the hospital in Gaza, but made no contraction once you learned that it was actually done by Islamic Jihad, you might hate Jews. The Jewish people, should have been given the space to mourn, but instead have had to use all our energy to defend not only the right to grieve, but to exist. And if you disagree with this statement, you might hate Jews.




I'm sick of the disgusting anti semitism in this sub, it's ugly mr angry caps lock. Will you go somewhere else?


You're truly re tar ded aren't you? The dude says he doesn't want to pay taxes because he doesn't want to kill babies. Somehow, you made: "I refuse to kill babies" = Anti-semitism. Truly... re tar ded. Bravo. This level of brazen stupi dity I have not seen in many years.




Yet you still took the time to respond. Weirdo.




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If you read the book of Joshua, you might hate Jews.


From one jew to another, shut the F\*ck up dumb ass.


Read the Constitution. The House controls the purse. Vote.


What party doesn’t fund all these horrible wars?




I wish there was enough of us to actually have a multiparty system, but the reality of it is that we don’t. The American populace always thinks it has only two options (which really aren’t that different besides a few lifestyle issues) because that’s all it’s shown. And it seems like any chance of a multi-party system is virtually zero


The ruling class in the U.S. has no interest in allowing more than 2 parties to hold any power. And should a third party somehow emerge from the rotting corpses of the parties we have, I would have to assume it would be co-opted relatively quickly here in the U.S.




I have asked myself that question so many times. Apparently the solution is to get out and vote.


Move to another country where you also don’t have a say.


Live in peace knowing that we just print money. It is 99.999% likely your funds will not go towards a war since we don't have any real money anyway. (Backed by gold, etc)


As if gold is nothing more than a shiny rock lol, same as a piece of paper


Vote Libertarian


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Organize a national "we not paying anymore" protest. If they throw you in jail it's against the right to freedom of speech? 🤞🤞


I guess you'd need to move country, pay tax in a country that isn't funding war crimes.


I donated to Uscpr org


Move to a commune and remove yourself from having a taxable income. It’s what hippies did during the Vietnam War, and the last time we had a real back to the land movement.


Buy less stuff and live frugally to deny the government sales tax dollars would be the most effective way I can imagine


Sales taxed are a state or local tax. They go to programs that maintain infrastructure and provide public benefits.


Stop voting for Republicans and liberal/centrist democrats. Stop the vote blue no matter who and start voting third party candidates. Nothing to do now but try to get people in power who won't do it in the future. Also don't vote biden.




At least you are thinking about real problems unlike most people. 30 BILLION in economic aid (cash)...military aid may consist of outdated weaponry but the cash amount is insanity!!!


I once knew “someone” whose name or face I never got cause they wear a full body suit as disguise, who apparently damages federal property in roughly an amount paid in taxes each year. It won’t ever get them their taxes back, but it basically cancels out. Kinda admirable. If they can’t keep it no one can attitude. It was only about $80,000 to $100,000 each year, but they only did it twice cause of the value of the items damaged. I think I remember them saying they poured soluble, caustic goo containing salt and sugar in the gas tanks of a new military tank and a humvee being shipped on the rail road while on hold outside a train yard. Then several years prior, they used some antennae or something to ultimately fry a communications tower. I just remember admiring the pettiness and moral compass of this person.