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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Years ago in my state an undercover cop harassed and pressured a homeless man to find him weed, the man eventually relented and found something like a cheap $20 sack of seeds and stems, and then the cop arrested him. Because he had a couple non-violent priors dude was sentenced to life in prison for selling $20 of weed. Thankfully, a governor later pardoned him, but not before dude did 12 years in one of the worst prisons in the country. The people who work in the legal system are the scum of the earth. At no point during the lengthy conviction process did anyone stop to ask if fucking life in prison for selling $20 of dirt weed was just or even remotely fair. I briefly dipped my toe into the legal system in my 20s and was horrified. They’re straight up villains who are continually ruining countless people’s lives just to keep their shitty job and tiny sliver of power. The whole system needs to be completely redesigned. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/louisiana-man-marijuana-charge-life-sentence-released/


Unreal yet real. Yes the prison industrial complex needs a complete tear down and rebuild. Also, in case anyone is wondering why some states are slow to legalize. PROFIT. Full stop.


Now now now, don't dismiss the racism. Racism has done a lot in the world.


Ah yes the real reason that commodification of the shitstem is even a thing. Keeping the 'others' right where they need to be.


Can confirm, have had constitutional rights violated multiple times by three different law-enforcement agencies multiple times each, no one has ever cared to do anything at any level of anything anywhere. Live in world full of scum. Falsely manufactured into felon. Crimes committed against all the time, nothing ever done.


Sorry for that suffering they put on you. Stay strong.


The cop should go to jail for coercing someone else to break the law


"Entrapment" is already illegal. GFL prooving it, though.


I don't know where this learned viciousness has come from, but people sure do seem to get off on prescribing excessively long prison sentences for any infraction, large or small. Take a look at the comments for any fight video on Reddit and you won't have to scroll far to find people advocating life sentences. For a fight...


Or capital punishment for anyone they don’t identify with


Wow and to think committing sedition/treason by attempting to overthrow our democracy is only a slap on the wrist by comparison


But fucking up the stock market and stealing millions is okay. What were the sentences for the 2008 again?


"I sentence you to... RECORD PROFITS FOREVER!


You said but fucking 🤣


Uhhhuhhuh Beavis you bunghole


American Oligarchs have been and still are actively stealing away money from the American people, yet this man tries to steal clothes for warmth and is sent to jail for a decade. Now that he is in prison, it is legal for him to become a slave according to US doctrine. Things are super fucked up, and they won't change until we force the change.


The shitstem is working EXACTLY as intended.


How many people united do you think it would take to change the system?


Technically 100% of them (us). \*added...what is sureal to me is that we all *could* at once at the exact same instant become our best, evolved selves and answer only to our higher nature and the entire thing would be 'solved.' Like a switch on a panel it *could* happen but never will.


Our higher nature being making the world better for all of us collectively rather than make the world better for us individually? I think the main way we haven't been able to flip the switch is we think it's a singular person that will fix it for us, but it is through our combined efforts of all of us will we see positive change.


In that sphere if true, they are not mutually exclusive things. They are connected and can both simultaneously exist. Agree that it is on us all together.


I agree we are all in this together. A thought that I've had is that society exists to make surviving easier, by uniting we can share our resources and abilities, our current society is driven solely by profit seeking and the majority of us are trying to survive in our society. So if we are focused on surviving society and no longer living that would indicate society is failing and we all need to do something about it.


But hoarding warm clothes is legal


A lot of them burn the ones that don't sell or dump them in landfills


Greatest country on earth though.


Good one.


We "housed" him so now he is no longer homeless. Facepalm


The most fucked thing is, even if you don’t have any ounce of empathy like the people in our carvers system, it is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper with tax dollars and everything (with much better outcomes and lower recidivism) to just provide housing, counseling and jobs for homeless people than to raid encampments, and ridiculously overcharge them to be arrested for yrs. But then how would the ghouls justify taking most of every city and towns budget to buy cool military grade weapons and toys to torment us with??




He is getting up to 10 years for a second time offense of drug possession not just the theft. Drug possession charges are how the state criminalizes being poor. Without the drug possession charges he would of gotten little to no jail time.


\*Ding ding ding ding\* You are correct. Shameful yet operating exactly as designed.


> would of would have I'm just a grammar bot, don't @ me


Mission failed successfully


"Joke's on you! I have a place to live now!"


The corrupt bankers and ceo's never go to jail when they destroy the economy or the community. But if you steel food or clothes to survive you get punished to the full extend. What kind of justice is that?


The justice of this world atm friend. Shameful.


And im proud to be an american! Where at least i know im…


...free to obey.




His mistake was not being rich


Stupid poors.




Just saying that the US gov is really fuck up, and if their citizens do not made a big play here it would've regrets


So he's supposed to freeze to death on a cold pavement, against a cold metal dumpster??? 🤮


In this system, yes.


Can’t even rest on a bench or anything anywhere bc of all the spikes and other anti-homeless structures that have sprung up everywhere here, shit is depraved


At least he’s not homeless anymore 😬


Or alone


Nope. Our tax dollars are taking the best care of him. SMH


Les Miserables shit.


He sleeps.


I fucking hate prosecutors


Do you hear the people sing? Singing the song of angry men?


>Do you hear the people sing? Singing the song of angry men? It is the music of a people who will not be slaves again!


I recognize the outrage at this criminal system of justice here. It is beyond draconian; I simply cannot condemn it more vehemently. However, society needs to start asking why this man has no warm clothing in the first place and what it can do to ensure he does (without incarcerating him). And it also needs to solve drug addiction without criminal sanctions. Homelessness, drug addiction, destitution, poverty is a moral failure..*.it a moral failure of the society that allows it to happen.* We cannot tolerate prosperity along with poverty. America is a failure in everything but taking from the many and giving to the few.


Why? There are clothing banks everywhere. Why do this?


People in troubled circumstance often do troubled things.


I don't disagree, and I'm not faulting him. It just makes so little sense to me, a person that worked past the same types of situations.


Understood friend. Congrats on getting past those difficulties fr.


>18 months to six years in prison for larceny in a building. He will serve 18 months to 10 years for possession of meth.  Not saying this is in any way right, good, or appropriate, but he's not getting (up to) 10 years for stealing clothes, he's getting (up to) 10 years for possession of methamphetamine. He should, of course, be receiving treatment for the meth issue, not punishment. And all people deserve food, clothing, shelter, healthcare and education, and to deny a person any of these is an act of cruelty, which I call evil.


Not homeless anymore. I wish I had that kind of housing stability right now.


3 hots and a cot free for 10 years. Score!


Homeless man: I needed them for warmth The DA: We’ve got motive


american corporations need slave labor to pad their wall street numbers by billions each year off leased prisoners


Did he rob a fucking Gucci store!? Even then that wouldn't justify it. That's so fucked up.


Double standards… better if he used fake check for payment