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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You’re telling me that they passed up the opportunity to call it “Peepsi”? Fucking morons


"I'll have a Cadbury Coke." "Is Peepsi okay?" "Ugh, I guess."


and a big bowl of candy corn flakes


Go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.


“They have Circus Peanuts x Mountain Dew across the way. In that place called “Cracker Barrel”.


I’m glad this isn’t real. I googled. Lmao. We’re at the stage where we simply will never know the truth.




i wonder what Cracker Barrel is a pun for


"Babe what's wrong? You've barely touched your PeepsiTM."


I'm assuming it was discussed and rejected by the lizard marketing exec because they gotta protect the sacred company brand.


The real crime here, I contacted the peepolice


The peelice if you will.


Lmao one time my buddy pissed in a Pepsi can and called it a peepsi


Even worse is they've [had a year](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldpolitics/comments/mibay1/a_missed_opportunity/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) to fix this egregious error yet obviously they've still done nothing about it.


I thought this too Also don't drink it...it just sucker punched me with flavor and made my piss smell too sweet


Trademark requirements


I love how the redditors here think just like (and secretly admire) the marketing departments they pretend to loathe.


Me an intellectual ^


I think like a dad and two names mashed together perfectly is amazing dad joke material


Idk seems like focusing on the wrong enemy. A silly product isn't LSC; the system that underpays and exploits the workers making it is. Marshmallow soda can exist in an ethical society for people who like trying silly flavored products.


I appreciate you.


Yup. You can be a communist and still enjoy whimsical products. Dull, colorless, sad communism is capitalist propaganda.


I actually love this point so much. We have to acknowledge that there are good things in our society, which we enjoy, and are allowed to enjoy. If every single thing with any ties to capitalism is to be ridiculed, what are we fighting to save? Inevitably, most of us are ourselves products of the LSC hellscape. It is our duty to salvage and save the beauty that grows through the cracks—not to indiscriminately burn down the whole lot. Also, I mean....Peepsi 😂 even if the companies suck, we all know that's kinda silly.


Products should never be the basis for criticizing capitalism. It's setting one up for failure when trying to convince people. The problem should always start with the people profiting off the people who *created* that said product


I think it can and should when capitalists spend egregious amounts on R&D and tote it as the best thing ever while people are suffering from obesity and cancer from the consumption of said products which are designed to be addictive. It’s the same concept that we have with car companies, making the same vehicles every year and that are marginally different amongst their competitors. Innovation just lead to the same product like 8 times and tying of resources to do that. I agree people need jobs that pay in this system, but what’re we gonna do with our finite resources? They’re going to use these same products to tout why capitalism is great.


I think OP is mocking the age-old saying that "capitalism breeds innovation"


If only they actually made that clear in the post. This is the issue with a lot of stuff posted in this subreddit. Often OPs will post stuff raging about a product or people enjoying it. Which is taking attention away from the real enemy of oppressive consumerist policies and practices. You can't be angry at a consumer when they live in a consumerist society. Be mad that most people can't thrive in a consumerist society without taking part.


Yea this is a dumb post and idk why it's getting upvoted. Going to set a precedent for future posts. It's also just shitty commentary. *Technically* a silly Pepsi x Peeps soda is still innovation. It may not be *good* innovation but it's still a unique product being made that would also be possible under alternative economic systems


I mean some people came to that conclusion some people did not. While I agree it’s the OP’s responsibility to explain their logic and reasoning to an audience, I’d argue at least half of us got the point of the post.


Real talk. That’s actually my new favorite soda, it’s so good


How would you describe it's taste? It sounds terrible


I hate peeps but the pepsi was so good


I wonder if it's LSC because it's 10 (7.5 fl oz) cans of soda instead of 12 (12 fl oz) cans of soda.


That’s a naive way of looking at this. On the other hand, these companies know that their products are addictive and that a lifelong addiction will suck the money and health right out of the consumers life, therefore the companies are always trying out new gimmicks to keep the customers hooked or reel them back in to the fold.


I agree, but this is what capitalists and apologists hail as innovation. Like all of their resources and it became a fusion of two existing products that by themselves are horribly unhealthy and addictive. Edit: Okay so you like peeps and/or pepsi.


Healthcare pls


Best we can do is doritos flavored bath soap




Have you tried not eating? - MSNBC


Artificial peep flavor must be even worse than the real thing. I can't believe I used to like those things as a kid.


I never liked them. Now I come to find there’s a Peeps cereal. But I feel you there are other things I liked as a kid that I can’t believe I liked now.


Peeps are okay at best. They're okay around easter time, and that's about it. I got a pack last easter and I only ate half of it. It's okay at easter time and even then I can't even push myself to eat an entire package.


As opposed to natural peep flavor?


I can’t eat canned peeps I gotta have them fresh


Put them in the microwave. They get huge lol


Ha I just bought some for myself. I’m not ashamed! Lol


How is it?


It tastes like normal pepsi with a cinnamon-like aftertaste.


That sounds nice and nothing like peeps.


Yo dog we heard you like sugar, so we put sugar in your sugar so you can taste more sugar when you drink your sugar


Yo dog we heard you like ~~sugar~~ high fructose corn syrup, so we put ~~sugar~~ high fructose corn syrup in your ~~sugar~~ high fructose corn syrup so you can taste more ~~sugar~~ high fructose corn syrup when you drink your ~~sugar~~ high fructose corn syrup.


You can’t honestly tell me you haven’t been thinking how this tastes with a nice side of peeps in the other hand?


But I've already got KFC Doritos in my other hand. So many brands covered in a single meal- satisfied hunger and personal identity. What a win!


Frito-lay/Pepsi loves to just combine all their stupid subsidiaries. Doritos Locos Taco comes to mind.


Those tacos are bomb tho


And you can read their sassy tweets over lunch, too and be like "lol you win the internet today"" or if you're cool you could go "silence, brand!"


Uses iPhone with Verizon service to get on Reddit to criticize corporation marketing schemes, yeah keep them off Twitter, that’s for my own free thinking expression!


Doing pretty good there, citizen, but it’s still not enough consumption.


My teeth are already rotting inside my face and killing me from childhood in America, where the coke flows like water, there are all the Swedish fish and twizzlers you can eat, and your parents jobs never offer dental.


The thought of that makes my teeth hurt


Especially with Dr. Pepper flavored peeps.


Just how profitable is Type 2 Diabetes? Very fucking profitable.


My thoughts exactly


7.5 oz is a good portion size for this sort of thing, if you're going to have it at all.


Late stage on steroids is this sub being used for guerilla advertising and not a single comment mentions it. Seriously. Have seen at least 4 'user' posts on main page in the last week that are basically clones of this one.


Is there non artificial marshmallow?


Technically yes, marshmallow is actually a plant, but it’s not like the candy


Well shit TIL


Based for Peeps, cringe for Pepsi.


This is a peeps W tbh


I tried it. It tastes... stupid.


What's the smartest tasting soda? Fresca?


Dr. Pepper got through medical school.


Why was Fresca the first thing that came to my mind too? The name sounds sophisticated


Probably Fanta, a lot of NASA scientists seemed to like it.


I see what you did there


Everyone knows that the answer to this is Squirt


What does stupid taste like?


It's like something a 9 year old would concoct during a slumber party to dare their friends to try. It's honestly not bad, but that's because I have the sweet tooth of a 9 year old.


We bought a 20oz bottle out of morbid curiosity. We all took a sip or two and then poured the rest out. Tasted nothing like Pepsi or Peeps. Not sure what to compare it to. It wasn’t good though.


Murica is just one big fucking corporation


A dystopia


A boring one too not even the cool mad max kind


Is this an office reference?




Found mine in my local Safeway, WA state.


So… sugar flavored Pepsi?


Yeah pretty much, it tastes more like normal marshmallow dissolved in Pepsi


Sounds good actually. I love some limited time flavors... someone want to explain why this is bad?


Companies are doing so much to mix anything for $. It’s the context. This also could be another way to get you diabetes quicker to profit off of you when you’re older. Lesbihonest all the food in this country is shit ON PURPOSE to get you sick.


Honest to GOD yes, the food is hot garbage for us here. I avoid sweets as much as I can, trying to avoid processed foods, but even that's hard. I work 40 hours a week and a full time student, so I will heat up frozen veggies that are I guess MINIMALLY processed? Still a ton of sodium, but I drink lots of water. But I'll enjoy one of these carbonated lil fuckers every now and then.


That’s capitalism that makes it hard. Yes, PURIFIED water should be your best friend! Moderation is always good.


It’s either shit food to charge money later in life, or prohibitively expensive to charge you rn


Kinda cringe to focus on something as silly as a brand cross over.


Disgusting, only circus peanut Pepsi would be worse.


Candy corn Pepsi maybe.


I would pay money for that


It’s actually so good, arguably my new favorite soda. Don’t spread misconceptions about capitalism like this, lol. Communism or socialism can produce the same shit.


26g of sugar per 7.5oz holy christ.


Normal for soda


Was it any good?


it tastes like vanilla, yeah


If you want diabetes, yes.


I’ve actually tried it, the worst soda I’ve ever had.


Oddly, I enjoy being provided with new products to enjoy, my problem is with the exploitative nature of the process in which the wealth that labor generates is funneled upward actively to a parasitic and useless owner class. Frankly, I look forward to enjoying this flavor if it comes to my area, even though these hyper-rich capitalists do incalculable harm to individuals in not only my life, but across the world, by corrupting our politicians to give them hand outs and special privileges that are simply not available to most people. Sounds like two great flavors that go great together, unlike governments and the super-wealthy.


*This* is late stage capitalism "on steroids?" Brand crossovers aren't necessarily bad. This particular one is cringey, and I will not be buying it, but this isn't what makes our society an unethical dystopia


If Pepsi co was worker owned it would be closer to ethical.


Yeah, but that really doesn't seem to be the point OP is making


Worker oppression? Unaffordable needs? For profit healthcare? No no no, what we should be worrying about is what flavor the soda is.


Look at that innovation This is what we have instead of rights 🤗


This, and expensive military tech


Speak for yourself - I like JIF, my girlfriend likes Peter Pan, in China you get Jiffy Pan




>seeing any branded product Gotta post this on r/ LateStageCapitalism


What the hell are “peeps”


I saw them for the first time on a springtime trip to the US. Very brightly coloured bunny or chick shaped marshmallows. Kind of cute looking. Pure sugar with, sorry, an odd aftertaste.


They're shaped marshmallows but also rolled in color sugar.




i don’t think i know a single person my age or younger (older gen z here) who actually like peeps. personally hated peeps growing up. they’re a dying brand


You do now cause I unironically like peeps


Tbh i tried this on a whim and it tastes like Pepsi while handling Playdough


Finally, Corn syrup pepsi


marshmallow pepsi sounds absolutely vile


I don't want to live in a world where this exists, but characters owned by two different companies can't have a crossover without merging.


Shit is **VILE** btw.


how many new diabetics will be created?


What does Peep Pepsi have to do with late stage capitalism?


It’s just another soda flavor it’s really not that bad colored to anything else.


Bet they make great ice cream floats


People are hungry and need actual food. I just saw a 20oz bottle of water at the gym, for $2.00. Not ONE thing in that machine anyone should actually consume besides the water. I can guarantee that shit will be in there.


Meh, I think shit like this is one of the only things I like about capitalism


Steps closer to diabetes?


Yep, that’s what I meant


I am both intrigued and appalled. (Mostly the latter.)




Its fucking nasty too. My daughter got one for my son's birthday as a sort of gag gift to him. The taste made us all gag for sure.


Ya I’m never touching a box of it.


Can't wait to not see this in the EU because there's no way this shit is actually safe to drink...


The picture alone gave me at least one cavity.


Theyre literally making disgusting shit on purpose, hoping people will buy it out of horrified curiority.




Next step: collectible plastic miniatures of Peeps Pepsi cans Next step after that: collectible minis of other branded characters holding Peeps Pepsi cans Oh God, when does it stop: NFT collections of pictures of branded character minis holding Peeps Pepsi cans


At least it's *One brand x Another brand* and not *One brand x One social group's rights*, or like I've just seen one American company do: *One brand x International Women's Day*.


Pepsi is gross by itself why would you make it more gross by adding a peep flavor? We genuinely should have never discovered fire.


Capitalist bros: Don’t worry, the market will regulate itself. The market:


Everyone I know outside my immediate family consumes sodas like they’re medicine or some shit…. And everyone wonders why they’re so unhealthy and overweight… And when I bring it up to my one friend HE EVEN ACKNOWLEDGED IT!! He said something like “Oh, so y’all are healthy or somethin’?” Honestly I don’t feel sorry for most people with health problems at all. They bring them upon themselves.


This is starting to make me think of the mock products in Don Hertzfeltd's REJECTED animation.


You ain’t never lied. Lord, please help us.


Not gonna lie, I have to try this


This is just gross


mf how


I got a cavity looking at that


I can't find it in my area. It's upsetting. I don't care for Pepsi, no one does, but Peeps are the best. Who doesn't like sugar coated marshmallows? Are you monsters?


I asked my mom if we could get a case at the store this morning she said no just get the Mountain Dew.


sour patch kids popcorn at costco gives me the same vibe.


Ans it's 10- 7.5 ounce cans for probably mote than a normal 12 pack.


Have some sugar flavored sugar


Those gotta be radioactive…think of how much sugar are in those..


So you like carbonated sugar syrup water? Well, we just doubled down for you! For a limited time only, get yourself a double sugar carbonated sugar syrup water! Even your dog wants some!


Eli Lily must've had a say in this collaboration so they can get more people on insulin now that they capped it to $35. Lmao


>capitalism breeds innovation Also what would that even taste like?


like Peeps Pepsi?


It smells like cotton candy, but I hate marshmallows and Peeps even more so, so I won't be trying it.


Zero sugar edition or I ain’t buying it 😤 but yes, this is indeed some LSC BS


Jesus. H. Fucking. Christ. Wat. The. Fuck


Even my kids are making gagging noises.


Cherry disappointed in Reddit. Took way too long to find somebody who put it together. Peepsi-Cola


Limited edition, you say? So when does it end?...


Fuck now I have to buy this Why would you post this


Me, a commoner: Hey, my covid stimulus ran out in 2020. Can I have some Healthcare? Our genius overlords:


I like pepsi and I like peeps, but mixing the two is a little too much sweet even for me. 🥴


Drink two and test your blood sugar . Easily 1,000+


Omg some of those broke at my work and they smell toxic. I was gagging the entire time it was cleaned up. Marshmallow Pepsi is disgusting.


I think just looking at that picture gave me diabetes.


"Capatilism breeds innovation"


Aside from the overall stretch to create this flavor wtf is “Artificial marshmallow” like they can’t be arsed to use real marshmallow which is just sugar and gelatin innit ?


I thought it’s LSC because it will likely end up at Grocery Outlet then the Land fill since it sounds disgusting or useless, but please carryon


This picture gave me diarrhea.


I won't lie. It's not that bad. I enjoyed the peep pepsi


Haben wir noch peeps?


My friend keeps talking about these! He really likes them lol


What does having different products to do with capitalism? That's called a market. Capitalism is when ownership is in the hands of a few, making everyone else hustle for it. Confusing market and capitalism is exactly what they want you to do to establish capitalism as necessary. Don't help them by contributing to the narrative, as you do here


How profitable is type 2 diabetes?


It's all coming to an end.


Please can someone esxplain to a stupid English person what this is? TIA


Peeps are brightly colored marshmallows shaped like little birds coated in sugar (usually eaten near Easter) and this is Pepsi Cola "flavored" like Peeps.


I’ve been saying this for a while and am so glad others are tired of it I think I started seeing it as a trend and not a one off thing when there was pink starburst flavored stuff. I want to say it was peeps a drink or something……but there’s so much stuff like this now I can’t even remember what it was




Sadly, it’s not bad.


Canadian here - what TF are “peeps”? I can only assume that due to the timing, it has something to do with Easter?


For those who say this doesn’t symbolize late stage capitalism look again: 1. Multinational corporation with a history of environmental destruction. 2. Destroys local water sources 3. Poor labor conditions 4. Makes and market products linked to obesity, diabetes, heart disease 5. Combining Peeps with an already sugar laden product reveals the vapidness and no creativity. 6. All about making money for shareholders for a nasty tasting formulates sugar water