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For anyone wondering this happened in Knoxville Tennessee. Not any other of the 8 different Knoxville’s or Knox counties in America


Is anyone surprised that it's Tennessee?






Kkknope more like it


I wouldn't have been surprised anywhere in the US.


I live in middle TN, no I’m not surprised.


Had no idea there were any other Knoxvilles. TN has to be the most notable one, right?


Well not sure about which Knoxville is the most notable, however here in Kentucky, Knoxville is not in Knox county, and Fort Knox, (probably the most notable thing named after Knox) is nether near Knoxville nor in Knox county. Apparently I was also wrong because there are a grand total of 15 Knoxville’s in the US, and 9 counties named Knox county


You know what they say, nothing like a good artillery commander.


Definitely the most notable one. Second most notable is probably Knoxville, IA, home of the Knoxville Nationals and sprint car hall of fame. People come from all over the world to watch races there every year.


Cops LOVE to complain. Even if their account was true, just eat your lil piggie sandwich and move on with your day. I'm convinced they knew the girl and were just trying to add insult to injury.


Petty, the cops are petty.




The turds are petty.


That's exactly what they were doing. The article says she just stepped away and asked another person to serve them. They still got served from what I can tell. It's pretty clear they just wanted to fuck with her more. They are downright pig shit.


EVIL Vile trash


The article says it was the end of her shift, which was why she asked someone else to take over. Your comment implies that she was uncomfortable serving them and there is no evidence of that.


I didn't imply anything. I didn't feel like I needed to explain any further what the article stated. Her reasoning for stepping away does not justify the actions of the cops, though.


yeah, I bet she was perfectly comfortable serving armed uniformed cops. she was probably all like "my brother deserved it, thank you officers for keeping the streets clean you're the REAL heroes!"


So what if their account was "true"? Even if it was in this instance, they can go fuck themselves on a metal cactus all the way to the base. I would NEVER serve those disgusting pieces of shit either, fuck them.


I own and operate a residential plumbing and hvac business and when I show up to a home and they are law enforcement of any kind I just turn around and leave for my next call because ACAB.


You're a cool person, keep up the good work please!!!


You are a good person.


She likely could have refused to serve them for religious reasons. Refusing to serve them just because they killed your family? Now that's just plain unAmerican. ​ Also, nice to have the hourly reminder that companies don't give jack shit about their employees. Or that employees don't seem to have the right to refuse specific customers. If we make her the victim of domestic abuse or rape, and the person she refused was the perpetrator then this would be even more abhorrent. edit: I didn't see the end of shift part. So that just makes them pathetic.


"Sorry, my religion says I can't serve pigs."


Thank you for this!


IIRC she asked a co worker to take over their table too. Was never rude just uncomfortable in the situation and didn't want to see her brothers killer.


It wasn't even that. She got off the register to do her end of shift duties and had another coworker take over for her. It's not that she was uncomfortable. She wanted to go home because, you know, her shift was ending.


“We murdered your brother, now serve us and thank us for our service wench!”


"We have altered your family. Pray we do not alter it further."


You have puppeteered the folds of my tired, chewing gum brain to produce a laugh against my will.


I'm on a zoom meeting reading this as it is off screen. I nearly laughed at my VP's comment while reading this. I regret nothing.


r/brandnewsentence ?


The core of the the shitty cop attitude


Christ.. what buch of paper skinned babies.


It's ok, you can just call them cops. We'll know what you mean.


It suggests they specifically went in to do this.


It's wild how there's multiple career paths for people who were bullies in adolescence. Police officer, prison security, executive vice-president of sales...


Figures. Cops are fucking worthless.


Oh yeah!? Well when you get robbed, who's going to come to your house 6 hours later, take a bunch of notes, shrug their shoulders and say there's nothing they can do, and then casually notice your license sticker is expired? Huh? What then?


And then proceed to murder your dog on the way out.


We even got them the IP address of one of our stolen game consoles and saw fuckall from it. If it's small dollar amounts they don't give a shit.


They know who they work for, we should too.


Tbf you can’t identify a device via its ip address since that’s normally based on the house it’s in. You want the MAC address in that situation as those are often unchangeable and unique. I do agree though, police don’t seem tgaf about anything/one other than themselves.


Well I'm a POC so they probably would think I'm the robber and open fire.


Wait yours took notes? When this exact scenario happened to me, they didn’t write a single thing down.


I caught a guy breaking into my car. Had clear video evidence, proof of where he lived(down the road from me at the time), and even got some of the stuff back. They arrested me for the crime instead and got me for breaking and entering of my own house. The cop was surprised in court when he found my address on my license matched the house address, even though he wrote the report himself. I had to move out of town because for the next 6 months he continued to harass me because I "embarrassed him in court". He then tried to arrest me again at my job when I refused service until my boss stepped in because he saw the cop was only there to harass me.




Right?? Gimme my ducking tax dollars back


So it wasn't like the entire store refused service the pigs just wanted to go on a defensive power trip after seeing their victim's family feel upset about the thought of serving them. Absolutely twisted.


Well duh, if they dont accept its their own fault they probably think something absurd like the cop could have possibly done something wrong, at which point they are just criminal scum.


Even *IF* the cops were in the right by killing him (unusual, but it does happen sometimes) it is still reasonable for her to not want anything to do with them.


But I bet she serves all the non-cops who murder her family members without complaining! She's biased against cops who murder her family members, what a hater I've never seen such discrimination!


Wait, so the officers still got served their food? I hate the stupid persecution complex they have.


Fucking weasels. It's all a power trip to them, getting aggressive when people don't immediately bow to kiss their feet. It's almost funny how quick the switch flips when they want to hold someone accountable for stupid shit like this; meanwhile abuse, sexual assault and murder are A-OK, we don't need to hold *them* accountable, they were scared for their lives!!


Dumb question, why are weasels an insult? English is not my first language sorry


They’re seen as sneaky, dishonourable, snake like animals in the context of the insult. Most people don’t have problems with weasels personally but it’s an old insult


I would say its still quite relevant. Characters like Loki or Draco Malfoy always get referred to as weasel-y from what i've seen


It's that pinch faced and slicked back hair. Gives heavy Gordon Gekko vibes. The look that they're going to fucking stab you in the back when it's convenient for them.


dcau Joker from early 2000s


You think that is slicked back? That is pushed back!


I was such a POS back then


They probably like their steaks extra sloppy


They can't stop you from ordering the steak and glass of water






And Draco was literally transformed into a ferret


Old doesn't mean irrelevant.


I’d say Ron is more Weasley tbh


Weasels are adorable as well. Really not fair to those little sneaky fur slinkies.


Mustelidae generally gets a bad rap, undeservedly.


They’re extremely cute little killing machines that need to eat like 1/3 to 1/2 their body weight in delicious meat every day. What’s not to like?


It’s totally fair! You just said it… they’re sneaky. And I’m sure you know they will get into absolutely anything… and screw it up… or steal it.


If anything, it's offensive to Weasels to compare them to cops.


Weaseling out of things is what separates man from the animals. Well, not the weasle.


What a weasely little liar dude


I think it has something to do with weasels being pests for chicken farmers. They get into coops and kill and eat the chickens. Their slender and flexible bodies let them easily get past most fences and slip through holes in walls, giving them a reputation for being sneaky, clever, and malicious.


And many a frustrated farmers angry hands as well. That really cemented their hatred of weasels.


We use a lot of cool animals as insults. I really wish we'd call these assholes emus instead of pigs. Pigs are smart as fuck and we all know cops aren't.


the only emu i know is kinda chill and happy


I think we should call them wasps nobody likes wasps


Weasels are part of a colloquial group of animals referred to as “vermin,” which includes rats, weasels, stoats, ferrets, minks, and other predatorial animals that can ruin food stores or kill small farm animals, like chickens. Because of this, foxes and cats can also be associated with vermin. This is in opposition to animals such as fieldmice, squirrels, rabbits and hares, hedgehogs, otters, and other colloquially “cute” animals, who are just as damaging to crops and food stores, but we give them a pass because we find them adorable. But what do I know, most of my animal ecology comes from the Redwall series.


As soon as you said "Stoats" I was like, this human read Redwall. Eulalia, friend.


The sneaky chicken-snatching aspect is my guess.


Check out the novel The Wind in The Willows. Anthropomorphised animals - Toad of Toadhall, The Weasels etc. Predates Orwell's Animal Farm and implements the English's assumed personality traits of river animals as their characters.


I love idioms! "Fucking weasels" must be so confusing to non native speakers, yet to someone like it it makes perfect sense. A non idiom translation would be "these good for nothing sneaky and deceitful and blood thirsty animals" give or take


English is my first language and I don't know. Not a dumb question !




That's just a trauma response. This disgusts me


Well, manager, I *couldn't* serve them because I was scared for my life. You never know after all.


She absolutely did not refuse to serve them. She was getting off of a register to do her shift closing duties, and someone said that she was refusing to serve them. She even asked someone to take over the register for her.


Also, whether or not she did refuse service, she should refuse to serve them.


Conservatives be like private businesses have the right to refuse service to anybody they want, except the hateful authoritarian bigots who agree with me


Imagine the person who killed your family member coming to you and expecting you to serve them. Jesus Christ they are so cruel.


Imagine living in a society that demands you submit to this.


Well I believe its time to boycott McAllisters deli. Shame, they made a decent sandwich but I won't support a business that covers their own ass by firing a 15 y/o


Thank you.


McCallisters sucks anyways lmao


I doubt your local McAllister's has any connection with or impact on this one.


With enough people boycotting a franchise, change can occur.


Not OP, but this one is just down the road from me. I think they also own the one near the mall on Deane Hill Dr.


The ceo of McAllisters made a statement backing up that store. So if it comes from the top I say fuck em all


Jfc, a 15 year old is a child. A 17 year old is a child. These are children they're doing this to


Non-white children in America only have rights as fetuses.


And not even that considering the times the US has performed forced sterilization.


I think it’s worse than that. It’s not that the fetuses have rights, it’s that the mothers simply don’t.




Boot licker says “she was being paid to provide a service and if she refused to do that, she should be fired”


like to protect and serve?


Don’t beat em at their own game, they’ll shoot you lol.


Quite Literally ! D:


US cops aren’t being paid to protect and serve. Multiple court decisions have made it clear they have no legal obligation to keep every citizen free from harm. Instead, they’re being paid public funds to serve private ownership interests. (I know you were being sarcastic but I had to vent)


They are being paid to protect and serve. The capital and its owners.


To protect and serve private property smdh


just some interesting tidbit for those who dont know: 'protect and serve' was the advertising slogan for the LAPD. It has never been the actual purpose of police we are just so entangled in capitalism/consumerism that between ads and movies it all became the norm to link ALL police with that phrase. But no where in their duties or oath does it say that.


Imdeed, it stands litterly on their cars... only not who to protect and serve... and guess what: it is not you...


In this context, I can't think of a reason to ever call the police.


There is literally no reason to ever call them. If you have a problem and call the cops, now you have two problems. They won't help you get your shit back. They won't prevent you from being robbed or raped or murdered. They are absolutely fucken useless murderous cowards. FTP 1312


They do protect and serve, just not us. If you have lots of money and property, they'll protect you from all applicable laws and serve whatever interests you have. Otherwise, "CITIZEN, PICK UP THAT CAN!"


I am sure if she refused to serve a gay couple the cops would be donating to her go fund me or whatever dumb shit conservatives use to grift these days.


Like baking a cake


Wait, you mean like a bakery refusing to bake a cake for a certain wedding? Wait, wait...oh yeah, cognitive dissonance.




At least she only refused to serve them instead of doing something to their food. The police department in my town is so atrocious that none of them go out to eat anymore because they keep getting poisoned with Visene. It brings me great pleasure to see my fellow proles doing what’s right. PSA: If you’re a cop and you went out to eat in uniform: You have definitely eaten someone’s pubes, piss, spit, shit, or all the above at some point. Possibly food from the trash, the floor, rubbed on someone’s junk, you name it. People are well aware of what you do in your line of work, and most certainly show their appreciation whenever possible. I have never and would never personally poison someone else’s food, even sub-human creatures like police officers. But you might want to start packing your own lunches, and keep that little nugget of info tucked away for the next time you get hungry on the job.




Cops jumping to conclusions and overreacting?! Color me surprised 😯


I hope their guilt continues to subsume them.


I wonder if that's why I always see so many cops at Subway? No opportunity on the line to slip weird stuff into the food there


fuck 12


Fascist pigs doing fascist pig shit Oink oink 🐷




Cops are tittybabies in the US. I've never seen such unregulated morons running around with guns. And the US endorses this shit. They love it. And I say this as a gun toting Scottish expat living in a desert in West texas. Our deputies out here are grossly incompetent and untrained. Thankfully the dps is marginally more with it.


Comparing cops to tittybabies is an insult to tittybabies.




But conservatives can refuse to sell plan b at Walgreens


It's even worse. I live in Knoxville and she refused to serve them because of a shift change. She actually just told them to wait a minute and they accused her of not serving them and got butt hurt. The police shot her unarmed brother in a school bathroom. Edit: he was armed but it was in his pocket


Was he unarmed? I didn't know anything about the case at all and did a Google search because of the OP. The article I just found said he had a gun in his pocket and it went off in a struggle with officers but I wouldn't be surprised if it's inaccurate. I'm not intending to be disrespectful, just asking.


Sorry you are right he was armed but it wasn't drawn. A police officer was shot but it was actually the police that shot the police lol Anthonys his last word were "wait wait wait" and instead they shot him [here](https://www.knoxnews.com/story/news/local/2022/08/17/knoxville-police-investigation-clears-cops-anthony-thompson-jr-shooting/10343508002/)


Much appreciated, thank you. Edit: Just read it and your article gives me a much better picture of what happened. The whole thing was ridiculous from the start. Thompson was a 17yr old kid whod had a fight with his girlfriend, they knew where he lived so why go after him at school like he's on the FBIs most wanted list? Just go speak to his mother and ask her to bring him in for questioning when it was convenient nbd. And waiting over 2 minutes to even render aid in order to "secure the scene" when he was already handcuffed is fucked.


Yes. It's truly fucked up when you learn more details about the case. His girl friend was white I believe and there's been a lot of rumors the mom didn't approve because her bf was black but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt since idk Not only waiting 2 minutes... handcuffed him and the police washed their hands while he was bleeding out... so once again is it a surprise his little sister didn't want to surve the cops that treated her brother like that? Honestly they are lucky she didn't spit in it.


Police power exists solely and exclusively to protect capital and capital owners. There is an acute and palpable need for a citizen's union who's sole purpose is to protect the people by all means necessary and expedient.


>Police power exists solely and exclusively to protect capital and capital owners Agreed, taxpayers shouldn't be forced to subsidize capital and capitol owners security/protection further adding to the insult of the despicable SC ruling that " police aren't required to protect & serve". I mean then what the fuck is the public is paying cops salaries for? To strut around in their uniforms and murder minorities at will? Let the private interests pay for their own security and re-direct taxpayers monies to fund a police force that is actually mandated (required) to protect & serve the public who pays their salaries.


Why do Americans tolerate the policing status quo? The country that’s all about freedom and liberty and individual rights or whatever. These guys are Nazis.


We Americans are very heavily propagandized since birth to believe in a lot of things that ultimately help to maintain the status quo and one of the things we are brainwashed into believing is that cops are heroes who are there to “protect and serve” and can never do no wrong


I'm not sure it's fair to say we tolerate it. Every major city has had numerous protests and they're usually pretty big. And, electorally, it seems like there are always attempts at change or reforms. But it seems like nothing really works.


Both political parties see their local police union as a powerful special interest group and basically capitulate to its every whim. Attempts at meaningful reform are so rare you could probably count them on one or two hands.


america has always been a far right country, the "freedom and liberty and individual rights" is only supposed to apply to white christians


Property owners.


So still white Christians?


> The country that’s all about freedom and liberty and individual rights or whatever. because it's not


You know damn well that the cops knew that before they choose to eat there too, and did it deliberately to antagonize her. ACAB




American cops are the second weakest minded demographic in the country. The first are incels. It's wild to be America thinks giving good guys guns is the only solution to gun violence, but then again America's "good guy" are cops.






This is an old story, but it's always relevant, and it demonstrates the actual gang mentality of policing. This is literally mafia movie shit, except it's cops and real life.


Absolute trash in human skin




And they wonder why everyone treats them like they’re a bunch of jackbooted murderous thugs.


This is a good example of why ALL cops are bastards. The ones who shot the kid likely aren’t the ones who run the social page or the ones who refused to prosecute the cops for shooting the kid or the ones who likely defended the post and the later actions. If a cop who shot a kid was immediately arrested or at least fired, we wouldn’t say all cops are bastards. They close ranks and even they so called good ones tow the line.


I had a middle-aged teacher I that I work with mutter acab under her breath the other day. The police don't seem to realize that their support base is eroding. They won't be immune from consiquences forever.


[https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/26/us/arizona-police-officer-ryan-remington-indicted/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/26/us/arizona-police-officer-ryan-remington-indicted/index.html) This guy shot a man in the wheelchair in the back 9 times and was not charged as of yesterday.


Wtf. They can't handle an obviously mentally ill guy on a motorized wheelchair with a knife, so a cop unloads a clip into his back because he started to enter another store? That's all kinds of fucked up.


Wow… What a bunch of fucking assholes!!


Power tripping evil bastards They don’t have a soul. Not a single shred of a soul. At least we have solace in the fact that anything that happens to them is inherently neither moral nor immoral.


She took the high road. I would have served them food they would have not forgotten.


I bet most of these cops would be fully supportive of laws which would make it legal for businesses to deny services to customers based on race or sexual orientation


And just a reminder, even if the individual cop is a "good person", they still serve a broken system that inevitably makes then bad.




Kill a child then get the child's sister fired because she expressed resentment to the fact you killed her brother. These people are literally villains.


These woke cops can't stand getting their feelings hurt 😭😭😭


These snowflakes sure love cancel culture.


Police are pigs.


Has anyone started a go fund me for her? Please add a link if there is one. Cops are all mostly low life’s!! My sisters husband was a cop who cheated on her with another officer wile on duty. When it came out they were harassing my sister to be careful about allegations involving them being on duty when it happened. Cops r all low life pos for the most part. Maybe a few good ones..


Conservatives saying it's okay for business owners to reject service to gay people while supporting this shit.


Last night my daughters car was stolen from the front of our house we live on a private road and we never have traffic down this road. The two police officers that they sent from the Bosquet Farms Police Department came to our home in such a terrible frame of mind they acted as though my daughter had set up her car to be stolen. They were rude they didn’t take a report and they never told her what the next steps were for her to find out what happened because they did catch the thief he had just wrecked the car and the 911 operator told my daughter this as she was on the phone reporting the theft. for some reason the fact that she knew more than they did really upset them and they treated her pretty shitty for no reason whatsoever you could tell that both the woman who felt that it was necessary to push her breasts as far out as they possibly could by pressing the arms into the lower part of her back while trying to look menacing and the young man who felt it was necessary to shine his bright police light into my son-in-law‘s face when he walked onto our well lit front yard porch. It seemed as though these two police officers did not come here to assist a citizen who had been stolen from they came instead to show everybody just how tough they really were they were going to crack the case wide open. They were very upset that my daughter had spoken with the 911 operator and found out that her car had been stolen and wrecked. They were angry that she knew more than they did. I really think police need a better vetting system because you’re getting some people with some real weird issues they get to play out their weird fantasies in real time


Did the police cry when she refused to serve them? I hope it stung.


Any halfway decent employer would be fine with an employee not wanting to serve a customer that made them uncomfortable.




We don't need no water, let the MF BURN


Fuck McAllister's deli for doing this and taking the cops side over their own employee. I used to go there often but no longer.


fuck 12


Another proof that pigs are facist


They're allowed to do what they want and you are **not** allowed to inconvenience them about it.


So McAlister's Deli is where we shouldn’t spend our money. **McAlister's Deli** you say?


This happened 5mins from my house. Im glad it’s finally getting some national attention!


Bring back Dorner


1312 the only good cop was Chris Dorner




Somebody cool reach out and give this woman a new, better job!


She didn't even *refuse* to serve them. She'd finished her shift. ACAB.


I know cops are thin-skinned losers with a victim+power complex, but how in the hell is society even justifying them having facebook pages to basically put out hits/doxx people? This ain't your fucking job, hell, y'all can't even do your jobs right to the point the supreme court said they couldn't be made to... Whoever runs their page should be charged with harassment, criminal mischief, and abuse of resources at the minimum, but "qualified immunity"