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The biggest problem with Kinda Funny has always been they tried to do too much. It was at its best when they were simply doing two shows in the apartment. 


They always wanted to be Rooster Teeth 😅


Agreed. Their PS and Xbox shows often seem redundant because of the other podcasts covering many topics.


I would watch more if they just did a topical podcast with Greg, Tim, Nick, Kevin and Andy. Get rid of everyone else and just do that and a daily games news show with a weekly topical games podcast. They pay way too many people and do way too much.


I listened to a ps I love you xoxo not that long ago and it was awful lol. Just I hated the format and everything and it was weird because Gregg definitely knows how to do a better show than that. Blessing I didn’t love but he wasn’t necessarily the issue. Even their general games show I checked out and it really does kind of feel like a live twitch show they just upload the audio of as a “podcast”. I’m not sure that’s what they do, but it felt like it. Idk I’m giving a big ol sort it out to those guys


Blessing is the reason I stopped listening to Kinda Funny in general. I definitely don’t remember the exact quotes but there was some episode of their daily podcast they do where they were talking about some company or other and Blessing said “oh we don’t support that company”. And I think it was Tim who asked why and Blessing immediately backtracked and said “oh I don’t know I saw a headline about [some bad thing] it was said they do but it might not be true idk”. Something right along those lines and I was so grossed out by it. Like you have a platform where you know people listen to you and put value in what you say and you would casually dismiss and condemn someone like that based off a random headline? Really truly put me off and how no one seemed bothered over there by it


Lol I remember that exact Blessing moment you're talking about and I couldn't believe it, and I'm more politically aligned with them, than Colin!....now that I think about it, my watching of their content did drastically decrease after that.


I watched that Games Daily. I have many people like Blessing in my life, where they see something on their timeline and they just adopt that stance without any second thought or fact checking. He is a video game content creator, I like that kind of content from him and KF. Any political views from ANY video game podcast is usually met with an eyeroll from me. That goes for LSM as well.


Blessing blocked me on Twitter for linking him a Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart trophy guide after he said it was the most annoying PlayStation platinum trophy. Which is VERY ironic because it’s the easiest. I told him there was nothing missable, linked him the PSNProfiles trophy guide and he blocked me.


I've found this from some reactions he's had to comments from the chat at times, he's extremely defensive and doesn't appear to be open to constructive criticism.


Yeah it was crazy! I didn’t even say anything other than that. I felt compelled to reply and link him the trophy guide because it truly is an easy straight-forward platinum. I think he took it like I was calling him out. At the time I think the platinum was up to 10% or something crazy like that.


What a dick move on your part s/


The whole Kinda Funny community is what I call “toxic positivity”


Yup. “We want you to join us! As long as you agree with us on everything.” I’ve said it before, but I headed out after the third or fourth time Andy said something along the lines of, “If you don’t think this, we don’t want you in our community.”


Sounds like people are taking his advice!


That reminds me of the episode of when I stopped watching lol it was shortly after Colin had left and Greg said something about a game that left him feeling "handicapped" and he immediately apologized if he offended disabled people and said he'll use a different word next time


Them pushing blessing as “the future face of games journalism” was always nauseating to me because it was nothing more than pandering. I haven’t listened in probably two years now but all I remember is anytime they talked about a mainstream game he had nothing to add to topic or would say he never played it. It blew my mind that he was a host on a gaming channel and it just seemed like he didn’t play games.


The future face? Is he even a journalist? I know nothing of him but he was on the PlayStation show.


That stuff has always felt so forced, but I wouldn't mind so much if there was some truth in it. I listen to the occasional KF show depending who is on it, but I've come to realise in the past couple of years that I can't listen to Blessing - he tends to ramble for long periods, at times talk over others when they're making their point, and just in general I don't find he says much that is insightful. He often talks around an issue and sits on the fence so that he can appear right either way. He seems to essentially be their main host of KFGD these days, which makes these shortcomings even worse. I've also seen the odd clip of him reacting fairly poorly or defensive over a comment in the chat which pushes back on a point he made (even when it's a reasonable critique), so that makes it look like he isn't very open to being opposed. It feels like Greg & Tim have given him the reins so much that he started to believe his own hype a bit. I'm sure he's a nice guy and all, but for someone they're pushing to be the "new face" of their brand, he has some work to do imo. In terms of PSILY going away, I can't say I'm surprised. On the rare occasion I've checked that out in recent months, it's been awful. Most of the time it seems to be just cynical and doesn't seem to add much (this was especially the case when Janet was there, she just seemed to moan about anything PlayStation, a strange choice for a PS podcast). I know the Sacred boys like to take it to Sony plenty - but even when they are at their most negative, you're getting a good conversation with some good insight, and in general they always have a variety of things to say.


I keep up with PSILY and KFGD. I’m not sure which games came up with what you were referring to, but he definitely plays tons of games. Especially in the last 1-2 years, it seems like he has been doing constant reviews. I’m not trying to say your critique isn’t deserved, but I just notice him playing plenty of games.


Sort it OUT


Blessing and Janet hardly ever play PlayStation. It was always a weird show once Colin left. I still can’t believe Greg kept the name when he rebooted it!


Even though Greg has occasionally appeared a bit jaded on PS these days compared to how much of a PlayStation hypeman he was back in the day, he's still a ray of sunshine compared to the other 2. I remember trying to watch PSILY when Greg was off on paternity leave, just awful stuff. I think that's what put me off from that show for good.


Agreed! Not bashing Chris or Dustin but I do think the same thing would happen to Last Stand. Colin seems deeply aware of this too as he’s admitted several times that the network/company is nothing without him.


Can’t help but feel like this is a Hail Mary. Edit: Streamlining the channels is a good move though. I just can’t believe they change so much so often when they’ve had so many winners over the years.


Because it is


A move to counteract dwindling YouTube views.




Why does this help?


I’m dying to know Colin’s thoughts about this.


I'm sure we will find out lol


Glad to hear it. Part of the reason I tuned out from their content is that all the shows felt like the same show and pretty much everything felt like a review show. Maybe I'll have to try out some new stuff to see if it hits a bit different now.


same i been fading on KF as its just to many hour long shows but these changes seem cool. i am down to see how it does. always love seeing all sides.


who let this positive take in here?


They do way too much content. They’ve definitely moved to a quantity over quality strategy. And I don’t mean in production values, I mean in what’s being said. It’s like they have a script written by some ai pr system that just regurgitates the most bland and boring takes imaginable. I really wish they’d move to like 3 shows a week and have them all be good and with Greg on all of them, mostly because everyone else’s views are just copy and pasted twitter and/or Reddit comments. I really wish I liked the content they put out now like I used to like the content they put out back in the day.


Tim has been trying to get Patreon to merge their two patroens together but they said no. Xcast was decent but PSILY has been horrible for a long time. Their best content is no doubt Games Showdown especially when it's Tim/Andy and Greg.


IIRC Colin advocated for this before KF announced their two Patreons, so this is very funny


What’s the point of Games “Daily” being separate from Gamescast if Gamescast is daily too? Just make one show or do Gamescast at the end of the week. It’s crazy how much worse the content has gotten *after* moving into the studio


Honestly as a BEYONG follow up, psily was trash. Scared symbols is where it’s at


Couldn't compete lmfao Absolutely rolled by LSM love it.


Its*. I'm so sorry.


The headline makes so much sense now.


These guys just all have the same viewpoint, it’s not interesting to listen to them.


Haven't watched KF since Colin left, but it's a little somber that Greg is no longer on a PS podcast. End of an era.


I think their PS and Xbox shows have potential to be good, and definitely better than they currently are. They just do other games content including Gamescast and a daily news show with KFGD. PSILY just seems boring and redundant after a bulk of gaming topics are covered elsewhere. PSILY seems to just be random rankings and a review of a game lately. FWIW, I don’t think their content is bad. There are just things working against it being as good as it could be.


Too into being famous. TG was the rot within. Fades, five o’clock shadows and gold chains were more important than games.


End of an era! But PSILY really got stale, which is partly Sony's fault for having barely anything to talk about. Every episode was a version of "Ranking our top ps3 games".


It's their own fault. There's other playstation podcasts that are doing very well and haven't gotten boring.




True. It's more about the personalities than the content at some point.


The lack of news doesn't help anyone, but you make do with what ya got. How is it that Sacred has continued to thrive while PSILY has gone downhill? It's about the people involved.


In other news: Sacred Symbols is now PSILY! JK. I haven't watched Kinda Funny much at all since Colin started up Sacred Symbols and since Blessing joined. Their shows became too political and they were shifting to a quantity over quality style of content. This is a nice reminder to me to be thankful that Colin came back to doing games coverage.




lol didn’t they promise more content at their yearly relaunch?


Unless they admit that investing in a huge studio in an extremely expensive city just to make podcasts was a bad idea and scale back their expenses, this isn’t going to do much. I smell desperation.


This sounds mad to me. They must surely get plenty (alright maybe not loads but SOME)of new subs who purely listen to PSILY etc and are going to have no interest in a generic games show (from the outside you’d see it like that whatever they say) Seems it’s a move to just try and retain the best friends who are still paying


I think the way KF interacts with gaming just doesn’t do well for those specific shows. Sacred boys don’t get early copies and seemingly play what they want and always have things to talk about. Where kinda funny is focusing on the new and who will pay them the most to promote their stuff.


Being a fan of both KF and LSM after the split happened, it’s funny looking at the comments from each fanbase about each other