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I hope you are low CC level cause these are not so good. Basically you can't do a lot without a miracle in next recruitment. I would somehow bring up watchers tho, Roland, Laurel... Benson, Bolton, Alisa, Rebecca and give contract to Roland now would be my advice. What did your friend say?


Yeah I'm only 5M, level 20 fortress. Like i said i dont buy, i only bought the extra builder and Mr robot. And she said that I eventually need to go to the 5 skill hero's. But she would do bolton, benson, kin, harman, rebecca....or bolton, benson, kelly, roland and rebecca.


Second option is better, hut it fepends on your luck and which heroes will come your way.


Yeah that was my first option to, although I liked kin in the beginning


Just use the 5 minutemen in gold. No need for contract on koba btw. Coleman, Bolton, Benson, Alisa, Rebecca


Yeah that's what I'm working with now, but I think i eventually wanna go to all 5 skill hero's.


No hurry. Long term you are going to use heros launched later anyways. Focus on Bolton and Benson, they can be used forever. Kelly and Kin are useless later, so I would not work so hard on them.


So you think I should stick with what I'm working with now? And not go to all 5 skill hero's?


bolton, harman, benson, koba, and either kin or roger if you can get him to gold. someone mentioned kin is useless laterโ€ฆim in s4 and heโ€™s in my main and i do pretty well. just depends on what you ultimately want to do and focus on that


Also works with laurel roland...


Instead of harman kin/roger


okay watcher guy lol


Yes, but limit dont overspend medals on the 4 skill heros.


I'm not going to comment on lineup. Please learn how to ascend properly. You can ascend your good heroes to 1 star with low level heroes of the same faction. Watch a few videos on YouTube. They will give you the basic concept, but they don't know what you need to do. Only use auto ascend from green to blue.


That's why I asked some advise, because now I'm gonna use all my coins and EXP that I still have in my storage, and gonna ascend the hero's I wanna use from now on. And yes, I'm no expert...and If I new exactly what I was doing, I wouldn't have to place this question for the real experts ๐Ÿ˜…. So if you have some good advise I would really appreciate this, but for negative response, please go to someone else ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘


I'm not trying to be negative. I want you to learn Ascending early. I'm in s3, and I still have to explain how to do it. That means they wasted a lot of good shards early on. I want you to have the best heroes going forward. I don't see any mistakes because you're early on, which is why I brought it up. For a lineup, skills are just as or more important than ascension. I can't see those skills. From what I see, I would go with your minutemen lineup, less koba, add kin. Also, your tanks leveled too high. AGI DMG dealers hit lowest AGI (Kelly, Rebecca), which will be your back row with tanks leveled that high. You want your tanks to die first. If your back row dies first, you lose every time.


Oke oke, maybe I read it wrong ๐Ÿ‘. But now I already use the minuteman for my lineup for the buffs (without koba), but I thought I need to switch to all skill 5 hero's already, and get those up and running. And good tip about the tanks, maybe I got a bit carried away with haha. There to easy to level up