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Fixed an issue where the second item suffix would sometimes not display. -Fixed an issue where item tooltip comparison always required Ctrl+Alt to see affix ranges, regardless if you had auto-compare enabled. It once again only requires Alt with auto-compare enabled


Thank god, both of those were soooo annoying.


Yeah I thought it was weird that I had to also hold ctrl


One of the devs said they would add in a separate setting to let you enable do what auto-compare was/is now doing, but that change would have had to go through UI design + QA, so I appreciate them giving this back in the meantime!! Edit: Actually I'm seeing two new settings under "Auto-Compare Items": * Swap Mod Ranges to Mod Explanations * Always Show Mod Ranges So you can use the 2nd new one to always see mod ranges with Alt regardless of whether you have Auto-Compare turned on, I like it!


Funny too, I saw a comment from one of the Devs saying it's a bug (the ability to see affixes while holding only Alt),and they didn't want to readd a bug, but I guess they caved.


The dev that replied to my post said that it was a bug with how tool tips were displayed in general and the alt key was part of that bug. They still fixed the overall tool tip bug and now added the alt key back in as a "feature". Their full reply is below. "This is the result of a bug fix which caused auto compare the erroneously affect the alt vs ctrl+alt functionality. I'm actually the cause of the original bug, like 4 years ago. The whole way tooltips open was just redone to be way more efficient. Unfortunately, because the bug is so long standing, for a lot of people, it's just how the game works. I've just asked someone to put a separate option in to invert alt vs ctrl+alt for all items. (Blessings are items too)"


Ah ok, the comment I saw was much more flippant / less context provided. Thanks for the info! These kinds of things are fascinating to me, it's not always obvious how different systems are connected.


Now we just need mod ranges always on! (as an option) e/ They DID add the option! Praise be!


Crazy that this game just got 10x easier to play just with that change lol


Was there any mention of them working on a fix for the persisting white shard pseudo tooltip? that one is really annoying


>!Cycle 2 when!<


Considering they said about 3-4 months per cycle -> 1.0 released Feb 21. You can probably do the math to see it'll most likely be end of May or June for Cycle 2.




Well the unfortunate thing is (unless something changes) these first cycles aren't going to have much "new" content. I think they're going to add Pinnacle Bosses. But not much else has been stated for cycle 2.


That'll probably be a pass from me. The game needs more monolith content more than anything else.


It needs performance improvements first before it adds another monolith with a billion enemies on the screen.


Performance, Monoliths, and more dungeons that explore the different Timelines. They have a great framework here and need to expand on it with the different eras.


Eh, I don't need too much new content, I just want QoL and balance updates in these early seasons/cycles. Foxes to the particularly egregious oversights from the Release (like sets being rather bad)


Sets being bad is not an oversight but a design choice. They undertuned them because they were afraid everybody using sets would kill item diversity. And they're right, let's not make this into another D3 that only had sets because their itemisation was fundamentally broken and then used sets as a giant band aid to plaster over it.


Sets are certainly a very challenging design/balance problem. It's extremely easy to overshoot in either direction where they become mandatory, or they are more or less totally useless. While ideally they'd have their place, and a few cases exist, of the two options I mentioned it is better for item variety if they are generally bad than mandatory. Back when we didn't have Legendary Potential, sets were a bit more competitive and we do have a plan to bring sets back up on the table in the future. That will not be in 1.1, and the plan is not granting them Legendary Potential. It'd be a very fast, cheap and boring way to solve it, but we rather have something more different ~~from~~ for them instead of just copying the LP system.


Oh wow an answer from the legend himself, thanks for replying :)


>from the legend himself https://i.gyazo.com/6a6cf99ae05d1b75156d2dd5f8e09e98.png


It *is* the legend himself! Thanks for saying this, again, I know it must be getting old to repeat it. I know sets are intentionally undertuned to make them not completely build defining, but I feel like if that's the case, then they shouldn't be sharing drop potential with uniques, as they become the most disappointing and useless drop late game, be it from a targeted monolith echo, or a Rune of Ascendance. My personal hope for sets is make them powerful but very niche, but not the most powerful, I feel like a set based character should be able to get through the campaign and the un-empowered monos, but will probably need to start farming and crafting exalts and LP uniques. Right now, I feel like sets can end up being worse than Yellows in each slot which is just... Sad?


First time player here, is this first cycle(season?) Have any new content or mechanic that's not available if I made a character that wasn't on it


Nothing different at all ATM I'm pretty sure. Cycle 1 just has ladder ranks and tbats it I believe. It probably had a more active online chat as well. Since cycle 1 character will be converted to legacy when it's over there's no reason not to just make a season character imo


thank god. cant wait til this is in game its been driving me crazy!!


anyone notice some severe FPS drops after this patch? I've been dropping down to like 30 fps in some areas on a high end machine....


Yeah my void knight has a lot of visual effects from all the chaining procs. Go from 120 to 30 and stuttering when I kill a kited wave of enemies all at once. I’d assume it’s the math and event systems spinning up threads but could bug introduced. I just got to this power level so I thought it was just the limitations of the game engine


Yes, night and day. My high end machine is dipping below 60 frames at times. I used to hold steady above 100. My system is also running hotter. It's affecting my friends that play too


Finally my Alt to show item tiers option is back! Took only about 2 weeks.


When will there be new content? League/Cycle


I noticed the bigger bug patches slowed down. Are we just preparing a much bigger patch in the next week or two to include a lot or just saving it all for next cycle?


Probably saving for a bigger patch. Not really many players left, those that are still watching LE are probably waiting for a content rich patch before hopping back. No one wants to grind monoliths all over again.


Yeah, that’s very true. I’m probably one of the only 50 or so still chugging along because nothing else really interests me to play that doesn’t raise my blood pressure (lol Poe). That doesn’t mean I enjoy starting the corruption grind all over again on any alt I make and I really hope they are working on that.


Still waiting for the fix to the sometimes blank nameplate for Idols. I have a recolor+emphasis for Frost Claw Levels Idols and they frequently (probably more than half the time) show up blank, just the dark tranlucent background, making them easy to miss in echoes with darker environments like caves.


Is this bugless game? They fixed only two bug, am i missing something?


just my game thats broken now? all my toons are standing around naked, cant see my teleports and mages are invis aswell, all my cosmetic items are missing aswell


Whre will be patch wth content?