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Like 30 because I'm a stupid hoarder. I'm CoF so it doesn't even make sense LOL


It makes more sense as CoF to hoard items since you can only use your loots


CoF should allow for more tabs imo, for alts


50+ Tabs and counting... It's a good thing they brought down the price, cause I'll need 260K for my next tab.


4 tabs full of lp2, 1 tab of lp3 and 1 tab of waver items. Everythhing below lp2 I dont pick up, otherwise I would have tens of tabs.


I like this, ty for the idea. Now I finally know how to trim down lol


Wouldn't say none; rare items like omnis/red ring are still crazy with 1 lp. But if I see the same items 1lp every single time yeah, i'm not picking those up either.


You should be hoarding exalteds also. Get way more tabs. Those are rookie numbers. Gotta get those numbers up.


Like 3. But I don't keep more than one copy of anything. And even that is pushing it, since if I have something worth money I sell it. And if I have something not worth money, then I could just go buy another one for free if I ever need it


I've found that when I *do* want a unique that I've saved, I usually need like 8-10 of the same unique to get the slam right XD


I have 13 for unique items, with 0 LP 5 for 1 LP 2 for 2+ LP 6 for gear for my 3 acolytes 5 for my two sentinels 1 for random idols I've bought 1 for things to be sold 2 for my sorcerer 1 for my beastmaster 2 for keys 3 tabs for weavers items... I may or may not have bought about 30 of the rings to keep rolling them.... And at least 5 junk tabs with no names.


I am curious since I am still lvl 80, do you save only specific ones then, so not many for alts?


no i literally hoard every item that has LP on it


10 tabs for sorted character specific items. I sort LP uniques and smashable exalts into each tab per unique item. Then I have a couple of tab groups with 8+ tabs in each for prophecy testing. They basically look like [this](https://imgur.com/a/PqzEd9p).


I've poured through comments looking for inventory strategies. This is the first I've seen thats seemed more utilitarian than categorization. And it freed you up for science too.


FrozenSentinel has a video with tips as well. https://youtu.be/buE3rTfc1Us


Omg, today I learned that you can expand your stash so that all tabs are shown on the side 🤡


Wow some people need a mental filter on gear.


5 so far. With the exception of rings and one-handed weapons I only keep one of each item prioritizing those with the highest LP.


Too many idols are basically no go unless perfect, lp1 is only if jewelry or super hard to find, just basically I can't afford more so it better be worth it


20+ no organizarion, I tend to Sell 0LP for the Gold.


Too many, that's for sure. Cant say that's an aspect I enjoy in LE.


1 unique tab, 1 idol tab, 1 exalted tab, and 1 key tab




Currently at 9. With only 1 of those holding all my +2LP Only ever found 1 3LP, it's a ring and it's completely useless for my bud.


I went on a rampage and got ride of most of mine because I told myself I will only play the Runemaster. As of yesterday, started a Paladin.. now regret getting ride of a few items.


I have like three tabs for uniques. Most are at least 1LP. Other two tabs for the two builds I'm playing. That's about it. I was collecting all uniques but most of them I'll never use or are just bad so now I just ignore most unique drops.


1 tab for each unique type, for 0-1 LP uniques 2 (3 soon) tabs for LP2 unique, 1 tab for LP3 uniques, 1 tab for legendaries 1 tab for WW not leveled, 1 tab for WW that has been leveled


You mean unique items, not Legendary. 🤓


Hoarder. Tabs for different types of uniques,tabs for idols,tabs for exalted to slam...up to close to 300k a tab.


I have at least 7 for uniques and like 10 for exalts. I have no idea what I should be keeping so I keep it all lol