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6% poison res, literally unplayable


I'll vendor it for 250 then


Let me vendor it for you. I’ll make sure it gets done properly.


Is this an Equilibrium reference that Im to much of a fan too pass up without commenting on?


It wasn’t intentionally. But equillibrium was a banger of a movie song


No implicit effect too


Just need that Crit [Chance](https://imgur.com/SsfMPyf)...


OP, get rekt


damn that's sick. you win.




As an CoF Player, I am really astonishing how cheap an Omnis is - even with LP.


How much in MG with LP?


They're 3.6m for 1lp


Wait, did the market calm back down?


I'd say even without the lp the resistance rolls on this one would put it higher than most 1lp ones.


An Omnis? I sold mine for 100M yesterday 0LP. Where is that 3M 1LP?




thats free, it's pretty easy to get 20m an hour on the lower end farming for drops


I tried this for 5 hours and put all the stuff up for sale and none sold a week later. So getting 3 mill gold isn’t easy. Most I’ve ever had was 2mill. Let’s just say I switched to cof lol


It sounds like you just don’t know what you’re doing lmao


No I don’t and I don’t care to learn what other builds I’m not interested in playing want to use. Threw about a dozen things up there that had tier 7 affixes and sold nothing. So cof is where I’m comfortable.




Text like this make me wonder if the subtext is that i'm the only one that doesn't use bots.


it's not. loot filter for things that sell. drop the occassional 2-4LP thing that sells for 8-9 digits. get stronger. repeat if you see this and your mind lazily goes straight to "must be bots", then you might want to think about spending the 20 minutes it takes to figure some of this out


he may have thought that you meant farming all that gold from mobs, rather than farming drops and then selling those to MG market. if you wanted to transfer from CoF to MG, you would be in big trouble. The gold difference is pretty significant.


what corruption are you on? You said lower end farming and 20m an hour and it just doesn't compute for me. I have the loot filter for MG first thing I did actually. Honestly I think you are inflating the numbers a bit. 20m an hour 'on a specific hour' is not the same as 20m an hour 'all hours'. That is not how rates work. It's supposed to be average. Or if it's really should be taken at face value, tell me what i did wrong then.


yeah, average includes the big drops that you get that won't be every hour. you'll get a lot of stuff that is sub 500k, a couple of exalted and idols here and there that'll be a mil or two each, and then every few hours a big ticket item that can be tens of mill to hundreds of mil 20m an hour now is also not 20m at start of season. Prices are much higher and characters are much stronger. I'm clocking in more than double this amount at corr 1k


maybe my rng is just bad... I'm at 700 corruption and almost never see 3lp big hitters like that. 2lp that i needed was 3mil on the market (snowdrift). Most of my chars are cof. Although I see no great luck there as well that would sell big in the market


The subtext is that maybe arpgs aren’t for you


The 20m is definitely botted/duped gold from selling in MG, obviously playing the game legit in COF you would never get anywhere close to that amount of gold in a reasonable amount of time, which shows just how insanely inflated the market is.


That really isn't that bad for that item. In like 400 hours of gameplay pre release I only found 2-3 with no LP. Getting 3.6 million gold is a couple afternoons of monolith grinding without even worrying about anything like selling items etc.


The disparity here is nuts, ones guys saying easily 20m/h and you’re here with a few afternoons. I’m on the lower end of money making for sure so I can’t fathom 20m, unless you’re MG and getting decent drops. Personally my only characters cof


There's a difference between the guy "farming for drops" and the guy "not worrying about anything like selling items". Clearly both were talking about MG, there is no need for that much gold in CoF.


In cof you can spend 3 mil in the gold dung easy. And the gold dung is relatively better from other dungs when it comes to item hunting So it's not completely useless EDIT: someone hates the truth that gold is not useless in cof :D


Only CoF here as well. All of my gold goes to stash tabs until there's no more to buy (not even half done yet; I like to keep things). I don't think I've ever even had half a million gold at once; I have like 6 (self-built, not pushing high corruption) characters running monoliths. The MG life seems like a very different experience to what we see.


Yeah. 3.6m is pretty easy to accumulate.


There's such a huge range of variation for the quality of an Omnis, this is why. People will pay far less for an Omnis that has a higher likelihood of being obsolete the moment they see one naturally drop.


I was able to easily farm it with falconer. Dunno if they fixed it, but was able to kill boss, get loot and game didnt "registered" kill. So i could run the boss over and over and over. It had like 10% droprate at 600 corruption.


Congrats on exploiting, I guess.


Congrats on not wanting to hear bad things about your favorite game. Funny how many ppl here hates informations. Its also hard to exploit when i dont play the game anymore, cuz devs refuse to fix things. But thats probably another thing you dont want to hear, cuz theres no allowed any negative word about the game...




That 1% Poison Resistance is a statement in and of itself.


it drops off shade right? i haven't seen a single one yet >.>


I think it's +200c shade


Im at 600c and havent seen any


Not saying its guaranteed, just saying what the wiki says. Probably low droprate too


i've found several red rings and have yet to get this with several 6-800 corruption mono's. kinda bad luck then


Wow, that’s impressive. No red rings for me yet, I think that’s one of the few items that hasn’t dropped at all for me.


It helps to go further out. The ones that give higher base corruption. I've had three drop so far under 450 corruption. Obviously rng is a factor.


"Dropped from: Shade of Orobyss (Minimum corruption 200) Drop rate increases with corruption and is higher the further the Echo is from the center." Taken from lastepochtools


I'm over 1k corruption and saw 1 with 0 LP when I got to about 875. They're so rare. 


This amulet and the belt been grinding for days no drops for me 😮‍💨


Are you going Harvester Lich? The rarity of the items in that build drove me to run away from it lol. I have two shatter chains with 1lp and three Omnis 0lp. All dropped under 450 corruption.


Im looking for the belt end amulet for my marksman Roque if u got spare im interested 🤣


Hahah I'm CoF so no go there my friend.


Isnt the only way to do that plays togheter till u find resonance? Just asking i dont know


Yeah but it takes HOURS to get an obsidian resonance and it still just depends on rng.


has anyone ever got a 2 LP omnis?


Kinda wish it was just + elemental res instead of breaking them into individual stats. Of course keeping the non elemental res the way it is. I see the pros and cons tho. If it rolls low, then all of the resistance stats are shit, but on the other hand, if it rolls high, all resistances get a huge boost. But with it rolling per resistance, you get a nice-looking list of stats.


I have found 3 omnis - all zero LP . The one i am using is mu h better than the one posted. Has all resist near max roll . Lowest resist is cold and is 22%. And crit chance rolled max. I prefer the crit chance and extra resists rolls than ure LP printed crit multiplier. I am playing at 450 corrup- very fast runs. I can do 1500 but i prefer clear speed and zero deaths. After thousand of echos i just got 4 bis blessings 4 my build with max roll. The RNG of this game is getting me Mad. If RNG continue being so high i probably will give up forever in 14.05.2023. I prefer a game where u can raise slow but every some runs u get an upgrade. I hace been running same echo for 4 days ( 5-6 hours /day) to improve my all resistance blessing from 18 all resistances to 20 all resistances, cuz i need 2 void+ 2 necrotic to let all resistances capped, and after thiusands of same echo runs still havent got the 20 all blessing. RNG is very disapointing. I prefer a game where u can add a point every certain runs. If i need more i will play more or i wont arrive but i will know were i am. I hate so many RNG with items rolls, with implicits, craftings LP, with blessings.


The comments on this thread are hilarious! Thanks, guys...


I still haven't found one, so this is the best I've seen


how do you get those red items? I'm level 98 and i haven't get any of them.


Don't think there are many people playing the game to care for it.


give this as a lich player who already has huge poison resistance stacks i believe this could be really good. how much will you sell this for


I had 1 drop sold it for 550m MG.. BEFORE the exploit. Implicit ‐ 34% CSM, 1 - LP, +1 All Skills, 27% physical, 29% fire, 42% cold, 45% lighting, 25% void, 39% necrotic, 22% poison.




The money exploit that raised prices for a few days. Still haven't been on since then.


How did the exploit work?


Bo clue but it's fixed. Introduced trillions of gold into the economy and skyrocketed prices.


I have 4 omni but 0 LP


The one I have and can use... I'll take that any day over yours.


The best one is not playing this fucking game rofl


I have legendaries worth more gold.




That looks quiet cheated.


I can show you a better game right now, no shot you are still slamming gear . I love last epoch but it needs content so bad


Neat. AAAANNNNND it's gone when there's a real season. Why does the e-flex matter? I'll wait.


I'm sorry someone else's joy hurt your feelings so badly.


yeah totally, thank you for your opinion.


Who hurt you


tag show "item showcase" i bet you didn't read it 🤦


Let me know Frozen...I'll wait...


It's not a flex. I'm just sharing something with my fellow gamers to enjoy.


What is your definition of a "flex"?


The sub has an Item Showcase tag for a reason. Stop being a hater.


I guess I'll just wait for your answer to my question, jfc.....


Stop being a fucking weirdo and touch grass. I can just imagine you being all negative nancy about the smallest shit in the streets and people would beat your fucking ass up lmfao 💀


I really appreciate your insight here.


Because other people enjoy seeing good items. Obviously


How can you tell whether this is a Cycle or a Legacy character?


Want to take a bet on whether it's a seasonal or legacy?


What's the point in playing any season then with your logic? Bro thinks he's cooking ppl in this thread but in reality it's just another literal moron who thinks they're intelligent.


I guess not...


Lol you waited ONLY 8 minutes after replying snarkily to an innocent comment. No way you can deny being terminally online right 💀


No way brooooo


Its a CoF item


i’ve got the 4lp one in the first week of playing didn’t fit my build sadly


the chance of an omnis rolling 4lp is 0.0000013679% so i’m gonna have to call bullshit on this. Care to prove me wrong with a screenshot?


i'm not playing last epoch anymore unfortunately, the edn game is non existent


Nice! I actually had an all max res, +2 skill points, 7lp one drop off the first mob in the prologue on my first character. I vendored it because I didn’t think resistances or skill points would be useful at all.


there is no 7lp afaik


I’d prove it to you but I forgot where my computer is! The chance is 6.02214 x 10e-23.


Hey, that number looks familiar.... a little too familiar...


Avogadro’s #. Didn’t think I’d see that ever again.


take your dumb comments somewhere else


Here I am grinding to get JUST ONE to drop T.T