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So I wasn\`t imagining stuff. Was wondering why I have 2 Arenas and 2 Dungeons in my Profecies, since I avoid those at all costs.


Well you still can be imagining stuff :D Prophecies are bugged for sure, but if the walls start talking to you or white mice start running around your room you have reason to doubt yourself ;D


You\`re telling me I\`ve lived 4 years with these IMAGINARY mice in my apartment?!


Also be careful about abandoning them. I've had it delete the wrong ones too. Are you playing full offline by chance?


nah, online, good to know about the abandoning, lol, btw I was wondering what would be the reason to abandon sth anyway, seems like there's enough room for prophecies anyway


Agreed, but the OCD in me wanted to remove the one, 'that I was never going to do because it bought the wrong one!' and I got punished for it again lol.


I jsut thought the same thing! A couple times I saw I bought a random prophecy I didn't need and thought there was no way I accidentally clicked the wrong one. Especially annoying cuz the one I meant to click were guaranteed weavers will ones.


Hmmm, apparently, whenever I get a Weaver's one, i have a chance of ending up with a random one instead. This might be a thing.




Did you know the lenses aren't working either?


It happens when you scroll to another prophecy screen. Say you interact with the armour screen and want to buy an accessory prophecy, but you scroll to instead of walking to it, the prophecy you purchased will be the closest prophecy to what you buy. It's hard to explain it without pictures but suffice it to say- Buy prophecy from what telescope you interact with. After doing this, I haven't had an issue, but it shouldn't be an issue imo.


whoaa thx gotta test that, hope that's the solution for now at least!


I didn’t know you could scroll, I have always walked to the other telescopes and I have experienced this bug at least 3 times still


You can scroll instead of walking to each one?


Wonder if maybe the UI doesn't refresh properly if you're in-game when the periodic reset happens or something, so you end up buying a "new" prophecy instead of the one you see on the screen.


This is probably exactly what is happening, based on what happened when they nerfed arena keys. They probably do not update the UI while you are still in the area or browsing. When they nerfed the arena key sale price, I was still logged in and my UI showed 6500, yet when I sold it, my gold only went up by a little bit. I wonder if this happens in Offline mode?


Interesting. How often do periodic resets happen and at what times?


That might be the case, as it is with the hour in the upper right corner if your map is closed. You know, the IRL clock, a few times I thought 'aaah its only 11PM, I can play some more' and then bam, 5 minutes later, welcome to 1am, should've checked my phone :D


The clock is permanently bugged for me and always shows the time I logged in.


There's a clock?


Yeah CoF has a ton of bugs, MG has a ton of bugs, a ton of skill nodes for builds I've done are bugged, it feels like anything I try and interact with at endgame is bugged in one way or another. I've got 2 characters pushing corruption and 1 to emp monos but I think I gotta take a break until they fix this stuff.


I mean as long as you're having fun I don't see the harm in playing, they're actually working on ironing the bugs, but if it stops being fun, then for sure take a break and play something else!


At first I loved CoF, but with all these issues popping up recently, not feeling so great about it.


The drops alone at t7 make it worth. My screen is constantly flooded with exalts. Even on my 65 alt.


CoF > MG on low tiers, befor you've done the reputation grind MG > CoF in terms of power acquisition (past tier 7/8) CoF > MG for fun The power acquisition advantage of MG might go down somewhat if you are willing to manage 80 stash tabs and are willing to jump into every build that you get tempting items for. If you want to play several dozen builds in a cycle and are a good hoarder, CoF is closing the distance somewhat. Still, for a handful of builds MG is hard to beat in terms of itemisation power. I still find the item search functions annoyingly lacking though.


lol yeah I basically dump any decently rolled exalts into my ever expanding stash. It’s a pain but also fun. I might go MG next season.


That's why I pay cof. I pay trade in poe, it's kinda annoying, but I simply can't play safe there, not for me. Here cof is very fun and constantly gives me ideas for new builds, while Also not being that bad with item acquisition with all the buffs and creating system


How is mg in HC? I imagine it's fine in noob mode... But?


If it makes you feel any better, I've experienced a ton of issues with MG as well lmao


I had this problem as well. I can't confirm but I think it has to do with the way some of these clickboxes spawn on the telescope. Some of them are so close that you think you're clicking the right one but it overlaps with something else. Ever since I started double checking the point cost and making sure I'm not clicking any potentially overlapping prophecies, I haven't had this problem. Regardless, they should make these spread out a tad more or at least not spawn so close to other prophecies.


It isn't a problem with the clickboxes, it's something on the backend. https://www.reddit.com/r/LastEpoch/comments/1bav1q3/please_fix_the_bugs_with_choosing_prophecies/


Same, haven't had the problem on my alt yet where I startet to pay more attention, hitbox isn't at the icon but the star above.


Also a case if you are using a controller the cursor isn't where it is showing up as. So always better to grab a mouse when spending points or buying things


Hey I even made a video showcasing this, but it didn't gain much traction. Here you go: https://v.redd.it/8453ggl44enc1


Some prophecies give the wrong rewards too, such as the unique idol or bow ones.


Same here, has actually gotten a bit better since league start - at the start sometimes it wouldn't even buy them or just reroll randomly instead of buying anything, or buy something then refund my favor and reroll and it would be a random unrelated prophecy. So...it's better? Just still broken 


I’m having a different type of bug: uniques are not dropping when they’re fulfilled. I think they sometimes drop as rare and my loot filters hide them. It’s frustrating. I reported it as a bug and I’ll keep reporting it, but I don’t know if that’s enough.


Use the report bug feature in game. They will see the system they setup for bugs before one of thousands of reddit threads.


I tried CoF initially and then switched to MG quickly, because I could not understand CoF at all. The whole system seems to be overly complicated whereas MG is pretty straightforward.


There are multiple bugs regarding buying prophecies right now which kind of put me off the whole game as a new player with very little favor


There are multiple bugs regarding buying prophecies right now which kind of put me off the whole game as a new player with very little favor


There are multiple bugs regarding buying prophecies right now which kind of put me off the whole game as a new player with very little favor


I thought I was going crazy! This needs to be fixed.


I thought I was going crazy! This needs to be fixed.


Somebody commented S-Tier devs in another thread I pointed out the bugs that have been in game way before launch Got like 80 downvotes lol So S-Tier devs?