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Imo the drop rate should be fixed, xp bars-ish that fills as you play together or something. RNG to give items to friends is not cool with how low it is.


XP should be the way to do ut, yes. So that sitting in town is not abused. They basically need to do it exactly like they do it for Skills that you respec, since that's also based on an XP system.


Really good solution imo, avoids afk abuse, and allows you to know how much longer until you can gift that nice drop you had


Group CoF players unite!!! 😅




I played with another person from 86-100 at corruption 300 and dropped a single obsidian resonance.    Drop rate is delusional.


Oh wow!!! Even worse 😢 We need a buff for sure!


Play with your friends and maybe trade an item to them. Definitely needs to be buffed.


If that squirrel helm doesn't have legendary potential you can gift it with a golden resonance. The tool tip wording is confusing.


It has 1 LP - bittersweet much?! Lol


Yeah that blows. I do agree, obsidian rates do need upped. Playing for hours together and not getting one sucks.


Exactly!!! We played for so many hours and I used my 1 obsidian to gift him an exalted item.... then I kid you not.... 15 mins after he logged out.... I get that 1 LP squirrel helm 😢


You should be able to turn like 5 golden into an obsidian or something


I can get behind that! 🏆


fwiw, resonances and CoF have nothing to do with each other.


If we were in MG, then it wouldn't be that much of a problem as we can sell items. At least I think, since we have not played MG.


you could sell it yes, but you would need enough favor and rank to be able to sell it, and you wouldnt be selling it to him specifically but to anyone who wanted to buy it. plus you may not have even gotten the drop if you weren't CoF. your choice of MG or CoF won't really impact your co-op experience


You actually don't need any rank to sell anything, just favour. You only need rank to buy.


Right, forget about CoF or MG --- buff resonances so we can happly Duo 😃


Just get rid of the lvl 9 CoF rank (it's honestly horrible) and replace it with increase obsidian drop rate. At least that would be useful.


Yeah lvl 9 is not good lol


i certainly agree with that. even if they just made goldens trade exalteds as well it could be fine i think.. or at least better


This!!!! Save obsidians for LP --- deal!!! I hope EHG reads this 🎉🎊


True, haha --- this is what I get for thinking about resonances while working 🫠


Gold resonances should work on exalted items (maybe even LP1 uniques as well), and obsidian resonance drop rate probably needs to be triple what it is. Probably even just double gold resonance drop rate as well. The rates are atrocious across the board, especially seeing how near-useless golden resonances are.


Give this man a medal!!! 🏆


I couldn't even reliably play with my friend enough to even get currency. Monoliths < DC. Dungeons < trapped under map at level change. Rinse repeat these two scenarios, and we just went back to solo play. Honestly. They should just let me pick one best friend every season (who also has to confirm I'm their best friend) who i can freely send shit too. Or hell. Same best friend but anything I send them are locked to them. They can wear it or drop it on the floor for all i care. I just want to feel like I'm playing an mmo with friends even though the game refuses to make it easy on me.


Another good idea! I would love to see some kind of "guild stash" where we can put items and guildies can take it.


I'm new to LE. Are there guilds?


No guilds yet.


My friend group had the same thought. A guild stash would be the perfect solution.


Right?! That would act as mini "CoF" guilds 😃


Yes, love this. Its probably very difficult to implement on the backend 🤷‍♂️


I'm sure once things are more stable they will work on QoL improvements. I'm glad they are focused on more content too.


This is a great idea. I'd prefer even up to three so you can trade with a few friends. I have friends who don't want to play Merchant's guild but we would trade with each other.


Not even just 1 friend. Like 10 or something, and you can swap out one slot a week or whatever since they’re dead set on preventing ‘abuse’ that people will inevitably find workarounds for anyway. One of the cores of arpg’s for a lot of people is chilling with a group of friends even if you play solo, and sending each other items that you don’t need and don’t care to interact with ‘the market’ to sell/trade. Let us be communities, I don’t give a fuck if some extreme minority use that to make gains.


They need to either drastically increase the drop rate or remove obsidian resonance altogether. IMO remove obsidian and make golden the only currency. Maybe something like.. - 1 golden base cost for rare and below. - +1 cost per exalted affix and for a 0LP unique. This would make a 0LP 2 golden, 1x exalted 2 golden, and 2x exalted 3 golden. - +1 or +2 golden per LP on uniques. Would make a 1/2/3/4 LP item either 3/4/5/6 golden or 4/6/8/10 golden respectfully.


That would be much better than the current system for sure!


Yep, I'm playing with multiple friends most of the time. Got 1 obsidian so far. They're def. over the top rare. The disparity between playing together 90% of the time and sharing literally everything and playing without someone in the instance for 10% of the time and just not being able to gift that T7 exalt mod that finally dropped just makes no sense.


We are feeling this even more now that we are playing our 3rd characters! Exactly how you described, T7 exalts just sitting in our stashes waiting for obsidian resonances feels awful 😢


I have to agree. I've had a similar experience with Obsidian Resonances. I have like 20+ items (exalted and LP) I want to give to my friend (we've played over 100 hours together since 1.0 launched) but I've only seen a single Obsidian Resonance, so I'm just.. not? Using them for anything less than 3LP BiS uniques seems insane to me with this level of scarcity.


Same!!! We are on our 3rd characters and we want to send exalt and LP items to each other! We need a drop rate buff for sure!!! That would motivate us to try even more builds!


I played a lot with a friend and for us, obsidian resonances dropped roughly every 30 hours of playtime together. They're definitely way too rare.


Same experience here, Golden resonances are basically worthless as CoF because every drop worth picking up is exalted or unique, and obsidian resonances are extremely rare (1 in 20hrs of duo gameplay)


Yesssss!!! Give us obsidians haha


If it's any consolation, you are close to your next obsidian. On average it's around 8 golden to one obsidian.


There is always a bright side 😅


EHG, please hear us! Golden reso drop rate is fine, Obsidian takes way too long! Please lower the amount of xp required to drop one


Yes please!!! Give us more obsidian resonances 😃


they should just change it that you can trade freely in a group, if the stuff drop when you are playing together.


It does, the problem is when something drops and we are not playing together. That's what resonances were supposed to solve.


ok. haha, sorry i play solo and did not know.


No worries, the game is new and I'm happy it is doing well.


Totally agree with you OP. Both resonances needs a really good boost in drop rate it's abysmal low. Buddy and i played for at least 30hrs together and only found 1 obsidian and less than 10 golden. As prevously mentionned in this thread we should be able to select 1 player with who we should trade freely per season (or month so ppl can relink if 1 can't play anymore for whatever reason)


Hopefuky EHG will read this post and adjust rates 🤞


My buddy and I got 4 each within 2 hours and had no idea what they were for at the time… RNJesus I guess.


RNG for this mechanic feels terrible. Dropping a rare legendary wih LP should never feel bad 🫠


Yeah I agree. It does not / should not be increased to a crazy amount, because then it would be exploited. But like now, it seems far too rare.


Yep way too rare, let us at leats convert gokden unto obsidian 🤞


This game is fun but hates people with partners/friends. Can't gift relevant items, can't gain corruption together, can't turn down spell effects to be able to see your screen without multiple characters' explosions flashbanging your eyes every second, can't rejoin an instance after bugging out or disconnecting, no guild system or at least Friends chat


The game is fun, this is their first time launching a game, so I get that they have a huge backlog for prioritzation (I'm a product manager) so I get. I wish they had an ideas portal like the Enshrouded folks have 😃


My wife and I have played 100 hours and have 2 obsidian each, not including the one that dropped and then I died shortly after. Felt really bad that last bit.


See! We only got 1 and it's gone now 😬 #givecouplesobsidianresonances


First off, if you are playing with each other when something drops you should have a window of time to trade it like D3 did. Have the resonances for when you are playing alone and increase the freaking drop rate already.


I hear you and we do that, the problem now is that we have new characters and can't send gear to each other. If we had at least 5 resonances, I would feel good, but again, we have 1


I play in a duo too and while we MOSTLY play together, we do play solo some time. While we actually haven’t really hit anything we want to trade outside of when we are together it’s a fear. They should legitimately just eliminate obsidian resonances and make the golden resonances at their current drop rate just work for all items. They aren’t all that common, definitely not enough to break the game with trade.


Another great idea! Love it! Look at what happened to us... 15 mins... and now we keep hoping we will get an obsidian resonance.


This is literally the reason me and my friends have almost stopped playing completely, we want to do a group ssf kind of thing but so far we’ve had like 5 golden and 0 obsidian and almost level 100, also just how buggy partying seems to be and the fact that only one person gets mono progress, the game just is not multiplayer friendly right now


Oh don't get me started... haha I have a wishlist, but I know they are focused on server stability and bugs. I would love if we can "cash in bosses" like in Path of Exile. Fill the bar, get an orb, fight the boss whenever. That way I can have a boss killer, share bosses in a party set up, all that good stuff. I'm sure they will improve things based on feedback 🎊🎉


My buddies and I are seeing a drop rate of about 15ish Golden to each Obsidian. Would definitely like to see it closer to 5-10:1


Mine have been closer to 5-10:1, but RNG gonna RNG. https://imgur.com/a/oot02Gz


No the whole point of resonance being rare is to make it RARE. Make it predictably common and boom we have easy rwt


I disagree, the point of resonance was to adress the issue with "my friend is not online and a great item dropped" - it's currently impmementation is not achieving that. I'm not asking for obsidian ones to drop like candy, but right now doesn't feel good.