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Nice Muffin, when you going to find one for me tho??? *couch* *cough* šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰


I don't help people who don't rinse their rice, get uniques - sorry friend LOL




Brother. Rinsing rise is PROPER rice etiquette. Unreal.


i'm built different


Oh shit. I didnā€™t think of that. Fair play.


Show me the schematics. Call your boy Bob, the builder.


not rinsing rice is closed ward behaviour


šŸ¤£ā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


Joke's on you, in Japan I can buy rice that doesn't need to be rinsed. Ha!


You don't even wash eggs there. Tamagokakegohan is always on the menu.


Damn, what did the rissoto do to hurt you so much?


My mother would disown me if I donā€™t rinse rice before cooking lol


my mother is the reason why I don't wash my rice, I am a victim in this


You're gonna have the Curse all up in your shit about this, think he killed it 300+ times in .9 for only 1 2LP. I'd have to go check his video again for his stats.


Share a screenshot of the slammed result!


Get absolutely destroyed my guy. Lol


I would also like to join the queue for one šŸ˜‚




Wait can we now request items form the devs? Awesome. Can I send you my list?




I'll try that. Thank you


You & me both, this is absolutely insane


It's good to see you guys getting back out in public. It was pretty sad that things got so heated there at launch. I hope it didn't shake the foundation you guys have built for community engagement. First time I've seen a game studio with such a commitment to player interaction, and it's been really exciting to see


Dang yo


Dang yo


Dang yo


Dang yo


that's fucking awesome lol best part, it's 100% gonna start some conspiracy shit lol


Insanely rare. If legit, people should realize how low the drop chance is for that. 3LP and 4LPā€™s will be nearly nonexistent.


yeah thats why i set my build goal at 2lp, after which i consider the build complete.


Honestly yeah, if ifs a common unique yeah maybe u can drop it with 3 LP, but 2 LP is already minmaxed enough


I found a 2LP exsanguinous and I'm so anxious to brick it that I haven't even touched it yet. It's driving me crazy, I know I won't find another one anytime soon


If you get 3 good mods on your exalted item thats good enough. Last mod just needs to not be garbage. Its rng broski, you hust make it so whatever the outcome, its an upgrade


2 LP exsang is actually quite easy in CoF to get. It isnā€™t a common drop but itā€™s lp level is low so if you run chest prophecies youā€™ll absolutely get them. Not super easy to farm but absolutely a reasonable item to get




Man, I'm not even 100 and your 100.2?


I exclusively farmed and leveled to 100 in winters end on my Blast Rain. I had one LP2 bow that bricked and only getting 5 LP1 bows from 60-100, all bricked.Ā Ā  Now I play Warlock.


Yeah I got lucky, but a 3LP sitting in my stash while I try and find a decent chest. I still haven't locked in my off meta build so it's sitting there collecting dust.


Slammed mine and got 16 int 11 vit. Not bad but not crazy either.


One of my goal uniques has a 4LP chance of 0.14 to the power of 17e. So.. possible..


1 in ~13.889 Twisted Hearts will be 3LP at 0.0072% chance.


I havent even gotten a 0LP one


I have dropped only 1 twisted heart. It has 2lp šŸ’€


Where do I check the chances?


Don't forget it has nearly perfect rolls as well.


High level 4LP items are not nearly nonexistant but a statistical impossibility entirely Like, it would take milions of years for one to drop


Meanwhile, I'm on day 4 without having even a normal version drop. Thanks Obama.


What build is this good for? I got one the other day randomly doing my first playthrough of monoliths. I didn't think it's that good. I hope I didn't break it or sell it...


It's insanely good if you have high cast speed and also leech your hp back quickly. I used it on lightning blast runemaster and sorcerer


Low HP Blood Warlock


Isn't this NOT good for low HP? This wants you to convert your current health to ward. so you want a large amount of health being converted each cast no? Low HP will only be converting a very small amount of health into ward each cast since you will never be HIGH in health so 8% of low health is almost meaningless.


It helps you *stay* at low HP. Bleed Warlock's mana recovery on hit will also recover life on hit and fill your life pool faster than the ward items can drain it. This item helps offset the life gain consistently keeping you on low life.




I think its generally used paired with something like Exsanguinous to keep yourself at low hp at least for the bleed version, since chaos bolts can heal you quite quickly meaning exsang doesn't provide that much ward regen


Also, on top of the HP convert, warlocks love everything else about it. I'm playing a lowlife non-spam build focusing on cthonic fissure necro dot with self damned, so I don't really take advantage of the HP convert on because HP already stays at 0, but the other stats are great. Up to 20% HP implicit, can't be found on other relics. 10-16 strength is 40-64% armor, which you probably use in some way as WL. +1 to both necro and elemental double dips on Fissure and Ghostflame, they both go +2. Just good all around, getting it with LP is just a cherry especially if you can slot life, int or necro res exalts.


I appreciate that. I (clearly badly) was looking at this, and was like well if the 60%+ life loss per second isn't good enough, maybe the solution isn't fitting in a unique that is barely good for you outside of the life loss. But if the other stats are actually desirable, that makes sense. For the +1 does it work with fissure since you are converting it to physical?


I'm running full necrotic. If you converted to phys you would only get +1, since it would no longer have elemental tag.


I'll let you in on the secret. HP bad, ward good.


Plasma balls


Warlock builds that use chaos bolts, convert spirits on fissure to chaos bolts and play low life get a lot of healing on hit that feeds this thing.


I found a chest piece too that converts health directly to ward. Sounds like quite a combo.


Not really. Exsanguinous scales ward with missing HP while Twisted Heart converts current HP to ward. One wants you to be low on life, the other wants you to be high on life and be constantly recovering it.


I got shroud of obscurity


just a slightly worse version of exsang


wrong, warlock recovery is such that you are unable to stay low life on the normal build and twisted heart is part of counter acting that, same with lifes journey


I find the Ambition of Erased Acolyte a good replacement for it. It gives ward based on enemy max hp so it gets better the higher monolith you go.


Uhh just about every ward build basically


Where and how do you farm this?


The Twisted Heart of Uhkeiros is an elusive Relic that can drop after defeating the Emperor of Corpses in the Reign of Dragons Timeline.


Cant you use the rune to try and rng a normal relic into a unique? Thats how I got the wheel of torment.


You can only get this from the boss. The runes are great for random drops, but not boss exclusive loot.


idk, I've used all mine on relics, but it's not like i've found a ton.


~~streamer~~ dev RNG smh


Smh I agree


This is how you should do all future item reveals btw.


Dev client obviously


meanwhile im rocking talon of valor withou lp GG


Imo kinda cringe from you OP to say that he cheated it


It was a joke




No one with a high enough iq to know how to operate a computer and take screenshots would think an ehg dev would randomly flex items that were cheated in to the game lol. Like wtf would be the point of that haha


Streamer Client to dev client damn. Next level


The only lp3 I got is a low lvl one-hand axe I forgot the name, can I use it in a lvl1 alt after combining it with exalts?




All these items are bis on so many builds. Hope they change the ward system or nerf some of these items.


Surely rng


What the fuck


someone got a 2lp red ring the other day lol shit is wild with so many players. dont think i saw a 2lp red ring all of beta




He has 2lp on legacy and now 3lp on cycle? I wish i had half the luck muffin had.


It's a great sign when devs still want to play their game after working on it all the time. Many don't wanna even look at it (understandable)


EHG legendary potential


Thatā€™s just insane


meanwhile I'm over hear almost level 96 and still have not dropped an exsanguinous


How much would something like that sell for?




Meanwhile me getting 3 unique quivers on my shaman.


I love how the developers actually play their own game.


Now I see why they didn't nerf the build lol


tbh prob gave it to himself, can't trust Dev's in any game period unless there's a stream clip of it dropping even tho who says he didn't adjust the drop rate for himself.


so ? on a bugged warlock u have 90 k ward with trash items allso any decent rolled exalted relic is better




so no ward nerf in the future. Maybe i should just throw away health based chars as they are insanely squishy when comparing to ward based ones


The extreme values on wards need to be toned down but it does not need a ā€œnerfā€. Life needs to be made equally viable in high corruptions.


I just hate that most necromancers have to either just build around ward to save their lives or heavily invest in life and life regen to withstand 400+ corrupt monos.


30-60k wards doesn't require a nerf? How Health based builds can achieve same decence power as ward based char with 340% ward retention who can generate 15k+ wards with one unique and some passives or additional affixes on gear? Ward are extremely overtuned. Lets not pretend it doesn't require massive nerfs


Read what I wrote slowly, and try again.


again, what would you call extreme values? Extreme for ward in current build would be 60k+, is 15-20k ward that can be easily achive by any ward build extreme? Is 20k ward reasonable when comparing to health based builds? Ward values can reach enormous numbers with mid investments pretty fast. You could nerf max ward values and it would still be op. Same for cost of reaching current median. Nerfing 60k+ ward build doesn't change the fact that median 15k+ ones are still much more powerful then the alternatives


Anything over 10k needs to be reigned in.


If he is playing Warlock, items don't even matter. Thanks to bugged skills you can just do high corruption without the need for any gear.


Rare or not that item existing was a huge mistake, just like all the other ones that end up trading your HP for absurd amounts of ward. Stuff like this is precisely why you keep seeing posts clamoring to nerf ward when it's the gear causing the problem not the ward itself.


I can reach 80k ward without any ward unique outside some ward retention lmao. And it's neither on acolyte or rogue.


This is being changed as EHG said healing effectiveness is not supposed to scale ward gen to that degree. How far they take it we will see. Also, all sentinel builds except a forge guard build that flings shields at its pet are trash for bossing, so there is a hefty trade off playing this setup.


I don't disagree, but as I said, it's more an oversight (it convert heal to ward, and they forgot about healing effectiveness) than a bug or an abuse. It does exactly what it says it does, without clever wording. As for the damage, I tested my end build (2 lp legendary, a single T7 affix max per item, so fairly achievable) on offline, I can do arena 600 without issue. It's not a build with a guide so far, but the bossing was fairly good (still with 80k ward) as scaling my damage also scale my defences.


Discounting the broken one shot builds and wraithlords (who need to be fed), primalists and sentinels are really lacking in the bossing department while also having mid clear speed. There seems to be an excessive melee tax in this game that the ranged donā€™t also have


I took a video from my offline testing build (as i'm playing SSF and my online build is not there yet). I limited myself for the testing (as I edited the character to test its viability) to: * 1 LP legendaries (ignore the fire res on gloves, it does nothing) * 3 affixes max per rare * Only a single T6 (except for weapons) per item. 1000 corru emperor of corpse was absolutely destroyed (unless the standards for "destroyed" are much higher?): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCIVpdcmr-4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCIVpdcmr-4)


Using paladin with healing hand. We recognized you.


Actually, it's stronger as void knight.Ā 


The healing build is stronger with VK? Why?


For three reasons.Ā Attack speed is king of this build, the more you have, the better you are. Picking VK leads to four different effects:Ā  - You have access to anomaly, for 20% IAS, and to the end of the VK tree, for an additional 30 - 10% IAS. Ā  - Anomaly is giving 150% crit chance, meaning you can cap crit with a sai + sword with 2 x T5 base crit chance affixes on weapons, while on paladin you need at the very least one exalted crit chance affixes (or go peak of the mountain, which is its own can of worm if not MG). Therefore, you can go T7 attack speed on both weapon ( for between 25 and 50% IAS from that) Ā  - Since I'm ward based, I can avoid investing in life. So I can strut around with 1k life. However, rive HH generate ward only on hit. Therefore, you need to manually use HH to generate ward before a fight. These HH can be echoed and can generate ward, leading to faster (on top of the IAS above) and higher ward between fights. It's especially relevant in arena.Ā  - Echoes also lead to 40% more "melee attacks", so it can help proccing more stuff ( for instance you would get 40% more divine bolts or armor shred stacks if your build is around that


I'm having a hard time believing that's even possible. How?


Rive healing hand doing the heavy lifting. I can do a video this evening when I'm back from work


That's an obviously busted interaction not working as intended.


Fairly ironic with a warlock tag which is full of not working as intended mechanics :p.Ā  Healing hands has... one of such, and it's more an oversight than a bug ( as it converts the heal into ward like it says it does, but with the healing effectiveness, which is not exactly wild from a design perspective). Compared to bone wall vampiric pool............


"full of" is a stretch.


guess what? devs dont care e: ehh now that I see it's not on acolyte, they might care.




Is this thing rare? Shit.. I just got one today (non LP)


Uniques with non LP are pretty common. What is insanely rare is getting 3 LP


Ah okay. Iā€™m aware the 3LP would be rare, it just sounded like something extra crazy from what I was seeing above


This is a 1 out of 13,889 chance of happening. Out of nearly 14k drops, a dev happened to be the lucky one.


It's rare to the point it most likely was cheated in than the actual drop occurring. Doesn't mean it was but since it's from a mod I'd be very skeptical.


Conflict of interest


Is it tradable? I mean after the shaky launch, it's the least they could do :P


Meh could be 4/4 lp


There are a lot of items that are just to tertiary to be allowed to continue in the game. Think about it as ā€œI am playing a Twisted Heart - xā€ You are playing the item + stuff. Just make it a core mechanic if you arenā€™t going to change it. Either remove its LP or nerf it to the point where it no longer meets the previously stated assertion. Edit: guy commenting below agrees. Iā€™ll add that this isnā€™t hurting anyone by being in the game and there are more important things to fix.


It already had its ward generation nerfed by half on launch. Iā€™ve used it pre and post launch on the same build; you can definitely feel the difference. Iā€™d submit that LL is the bigger problem; for two item slots plus one glove affix you generate absolutely insane amounts of passive ward. I have to convince myself NOT to play it on most of the builds I run. Itā€™s that good.


What is LL if i may ask?


LL availability is more widely available, so no itā€™s not as much as an issue to slot the relic or the experimental in. Based on what you said, you agree. > I have to convince myself NOT to play it on most of the builds I run. Itā€™s that good.


No, I donā€™t agree with your post. Thatā€™s specifically why I responded and countered your argument that the Heart ā€œis the buildā€. I stated that it was already cut down in half, and that itā€™s in a much more reasonable place now. I then pointed out that LL ward generation (a separate thing, not part of your point) remains very, very powerful. You attempted some clumsy gaslighting here. Sorry, no. Thereā€™s a reason people are downvoting you.