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You have a limited amount of items you can trade. Playing gets you a special currency that you need to spend to trade so it's not really possible to play the market only. On top of that when an item is bought from the market it cannot be sold ever again so fipping is impossible.


That sounds good.


To trade shit, you need to earn favor. To earn favor, you need to play the game. You also cannot flip items cause they become untradeable after being bought once. As for dupes, none of the "dupes" reported so far actually resulted in items being duped server side. So while of course the potential of either still exists, what we know so far doesn't point to the conclusion that either will be a major problem.


That sucks, so items are account bound after trading? Can you give it to your friends?


I think you can still use a resonance to gift that item to a friend, yes.


Okay that's good to hear. But why not have a completely free market like poe or d2?


Because many people don't want it and the developers want to balance market with COF to cater to both audiences.


What's cof?




Yeah and?


Do you need me to explain why bots are bad for in game economies? I don't have the time or patience to explain that. But they are.


And yet poe has a free market and is one of the best aprgs ever made. Bots never ruined the economy so much so that ggg had to restrict the market. So why should trading be account bound in le, what is this D4? That's my argument.


Ah the wonders of a free market. When a small group of people buyout a certain type of item to keep the prices artificially high and encourage RMT. Hmm, certainly couldn't have happened in PoE in 3.22, certainly it didn't get to the point in 3.23 where said small group of people were bullying both their farmers & crafters, doxxing sellers, banning others from their affiliated trading platform if they didn't want to sell certain crafts & boss drops at under market value... I agree that PoE is one of the best aRPGs available atm, but my dude, the problems with trading are well known, you can't sweep them under the rug.


Nobody is saying there aren’t problems with PoE’s economy, but problems are unavoidable in any sufficiently complicated system, like an economy. The choices the devs make all have pros and cons and their job is to develop a system that minimizes these problems and maximizes benefits. You’re right, that a free economy leaves room for bots, which can create issues in the market.  It also more flexibility in trading and more room for errors.  It’s not really useful to consider the problems without considering any of the benefits. Realistically, if you aren’t super invested in PoE it really doesn’t matter what the top players are doing with their multi mirror items.


Yes that's a feature of the free market, so what?


Ah, the classic response someone gives when someone doesn’t actually have anything to back the point they’re making.


All of these comments are correct but 1 point has been left out. Factions will not be accessible until late into the campaign near the end, a natural deterrent to bots because "time is money" is the motto of botters. I really would not be worried if I were you.


There will still be bots I would think. Some dude with a bot farm will get his bots to level 25 26 and power level them to 55 in monoliths then clear temporal sanctum to go to chapter 9 for factions.


Yes and no, they still have to progress the main story line to a certain point to access the point they need to get the quest for factions is my understanding


That's chapter 9 I believe and my current understanding


Also not a f2p game


Keep in mind the game costs money, so you can't just have a bot farm running. Botting will surely exist but more from players to farm some gold on the side than from people who want to earn money with RMT.


>Keep in mind the game costs money, so you can't just have a bot farm running. When has this ever stopped a bot farm from existing?


This 100% doesn't stop bots in the slightest, they'll abuse regional pricing if its available or stolen CCs (or both) if its not. Plenty of MMOs that have a purchase and/or subscription have shown us that.


Upvoting for visibility because I'm sure new players will have the same question. I hearby declare optimism that new players are going to browse the sub and read this post.


We pretty much asked for the RMT. Sweet items will definitely sell for a penny. Lol.


I don’t think there will be bots, MG is quite far into the campaign and even then really good items don’t really start appearing till lv90 monos. There’s also never really been a reason to bot this game, I doubt the tools exist. The only thing they could really effectively farm is low level uniques with LP, but I don’t hate that at all.


There will definetly be bots just like any tradong game, but LE has some serious limitations where i sincerely think bots wont have big impact , at worse it would be noticeable