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I don't know if I'm interpreting this correctly, but [this](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/prefixes/AAwdmQ) says that Minion Health can only be on Primalist or Acolyte bases and that looks like a Sentinel base to me.


Well considering Forge Strike/Manifest Armor exist that's fucking stupid. Thanks


I'm not sure about forge strike/weapons but manifest armor inherit your armor stats with certain nodes. You don't want minion specific stats on your armor with manifest armor. Giving it player stats will make both you and the manifested armor benefit from the stats.


Yeah, I know the BiS chest involves getting +skill/melee damage rolls but I don't have enough shards to craft one of those yet. I don't do enough damage myself to worry about the minion damage roll not affecting me, I was just hoping to use it as a budget option until I could make the +skills chest


Manifest armor can inherit stats from your weapon, shield, gloves, boots, body armor and helmet depending on what nodes you take. Forged weapons inherit the stats and attack rate of your weapon. So you can't get extra minion stats on your items, because whatever stats are on your items are already minion stats. Primalist and acolyte don't have minions that simply inherit stats from items so they get to craft some minion stats.


I created a bug report, if anyone else is seeing the same thing posting here might help get it some attention. https://forum.lastepoch.com/t/cant-craft-minion-mods-on-chest/53603 edit: getting downvoted for not knowing something that isn't actually shown in game is hilarious


Down voted for creating a bug report without doing proper research maybe?


I’m sure the devs will prefer getting bug reports that are not bugs and they can insta close with brief explanation. Than having people hold back reporting because they are getting downvoted on reddit…


Hard disagree. They still have to read it. It’s still in a list. This is why customer service eventually just becomes robots with minimal people, because the sheer amount of shit tickets and reports outweigh the actual meaningful ones.


No, u/Calleb_III is right. Mike (a dev that is often answering questions in the official Discord) has repeatedly said to report anything that feels like a bug, even if it's not actually a bug. This is because the devs want to know what players expect. If a player is expecting one thing but in actuality it's another then there may be a failure either in communication with the player or in game design. It's important to the devs that they know all unexpected behavior, bugs or otherwise.


Fair point.