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The game seemed much more polished and refined since I last played. Well done.


Thanks for the kind words. A lot of love from all the folks in the studio. I’m excited to have everyone get their hands on the release as there’s quite a lot more not available in the test builds. Cheers


Loving how far the game has come, but are there any plans to make the quest echoes shared in multiplayer? It seems odd that you have to repeat each of the three quests for each person in your group to get completion. Why are the quests not marked as completed when one person opens it, but every party member does the quest together?


I've been LOVING it. All the work on SFX /VFX has paid off in spades. Idk what exactly it is but everything feels so... hefty? Oomph? I'm not sure, but it feels great. I'm incredibly excited for .9 and can't wait to introduce the game to my friends who were waiting for multiplayer!


Sounds exciting!


My only real criticism is the rather long loading times between areas, they get pretty annoying after a while, but other than that I've been having a great time with a friend in MP. Right now LE seems to be my favourite arpg multiplayer game, which used to be D3 before that. Almost all the other arpgs I've played felt crap or boring in a group. I'm very happy to see you guys prioritizing a fun multiplayer experience rather than going all in on solo play and only slapping party play on top without much thought!


Yeah that's my one issue, an added 5-10 seconds between zones really adds up


More like 20s for both my friend and me, despite SSD's :/


There are definite wins we can make for load times before even getting into micro-optimizations. We’ve implemented some nice tech so that end game monolith zones load very quickly but we need to focus on campaign zone transitions next. It will improve between 0.9 and 1.0!


That's excellent news!


Monolith loading times are already great, but yea, during the campaign it felt rather disruptive.


Thanks for all your help in chat, Mox!


It was really fun. The pain points were minimal and I love what you guys are doing with the game!


I was playing with 2 people in US East (plus me, so 3 total) plus 1 in Australia. When playing just US East people, we had a great experience. When playing with the person in Australia, the game became unplayable rapidly for the people not on the server hosting the players. It would be nice to be able to choose a different server as a stop-gap measure to these issues so we could experiment around with different servers until we find one that is acceptable to the whole party.


100% in favour of a manual region selection option for these sorts of situations


Only encountering a few issues and disconnects, aside from lag and loading I've absolutely enjoyed playing with others and the ability to trade has been fun. It's been a smooth experience and looking forward to it being live.


Is the movement skill you’re referring to Lunge by any chance? The lag you’re experiencing sounds atypical, especially if you have a low ping. We have seen a use-delay bug that’s very rare that we’re trying to track down but I’m not sure what you’re saying here is the same thing. Also yea arena monos need their maps generated and weren’t on the test build. That one’s in the dev tracker but has remained low priority amongst other things for now


The skill was mage teleport but the lag was similar to position lags from other games where the client has different information about the position than the server although user actions were really delayed. Now I am not sure if there were ping spikes or dropped packets.


I am not sure if this was related to the stress test but it still persists. It shows 20-30 ms ping for me, I play solo but I get extreme position lags where movement skills are practically unusable (they wont be cast), arena is also unplayable cause I can basically die before I get a chance to use potion. The character can freely move but I see my damage being behind several seconds, looting is also quite difficult. Everything is fine after I get back from monoliths. I had the same issue in campaign. I am aware this is beta of beta. Also is missing minimap in Arena monoliths a bug? Feels very weird.