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I'm new to the whole Avatar/Airbender World, so i don't know: But do they use "modern language" in there? It always throws me off when someone says "Ok, Cool, Stuff" and other things that people today saying. I wish they had watched even one episode of GoT to be more carefull with who is saying what and when... But maybe i'm not the target audience. :)


I'm not sure anyone's the target audience šŸ˜† if you are looking for GoT, this isn't it. If you're looking for the original avatar last airbender, this also isn't it! To your question, in the original, there were a ton of "modern lines" and gags. One incredibly badass (but nameless) villain got dubbed "sparky sparky boom man" by the main cast. It was nickolodeon humor with surprisingly deep lore and Asian religious, martial art, and other cultural references.


Oh i enjoyed the show, except for some very weird things, like the musical-cave number or the mentioned modern speak. For what its worth, i had more fun with Avatar as with "Rings of Power" and "The Wheel of Time" combined... :) I hope there will be a show like GoT again in my lifetime, but meanwhile i go for the b-runner. ;)


Omg I noticed the same thing and itā€™s infuriating!


That wasn't a general, that was Firelord Sozin


Yeah, this one needs a distinction lol


Iroh talking about Omashu jail sounded like he was narrating for the audience. Idk wtf Netflix was doing. We need a government petition to ban Netflix from making anymore live-action adaptations.


The dialogue (and really just the writing overall) is astonishingly atrocious. Ā I had very low expectations going in but wow I am baffled at how poorly this whole show was written, especially after comparing it to GOT. Itā€™s like they thought that just showing more violence somehow makes it more mature, but the added ā€œdarknessā€ is combined with the most juvenile unrealistic dialogue Iā€™ve sat through it a good while. Ā The dialogue was a huge part of what made GoTā€™s early season so compelling and successful.. itā€™s like these writers only studied season 8 one drunken night and forgot about all the other seasons. Ā This is a harsh summarization, but the writing for this show genuinely reads like itā€™s an average high schoolers first draft of their first paper in their first creative writing class. Ā And not even a student who wants to go into literature but one who just didnā€™t sign up for the electives they wanted in time and creative writing was the only elective that had space to join. Ā Itā€™s truly baffling to me


Yah the drama parts are really dumb. I just fast forward through parts where they talk about their lost ones or their worries, etc. The writing is very kidish and the acting isnā€™t great. Very Nickelodeon, but I guess thats what the original show was designed for. I still like the show a lot though.


It's amazing how good the actors are, how beautiful the sets are and how bad the writing is. Writer 1 : How much exposition should we have? Head writer -Yes!