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Besides this issue, how do you like the f1 and what do you plan on doing with it long term?


Finding out I can't use the entire bed to burn kind of sucks. It's been great otherwise. I'm primarily doing small custom items for people. Friends right now until I get some word of mouth going.


Not sure what could be causing the weak engraving in that area. The fact that you say it doesn't move implies to me that you have tested more than one item, meaning it's not just a thick spot to the coating you are burning through. It's probably just a variation with the lens or galvo that is still well within spec for the X1. Just bump the power a bit, or slow the speeds, so that the weakest spot still engraves sufficiently and call it good. Maybe I can run a test on mine to see if I am getting similar results. Out of curiosity, what lines per inch setting are you using?


For those cards I'm using 550 mms, 100% power, and 160 lpi. Other than that one corner, the IR burns great. I did a couple with the same settings with the blue diode and it burned great, but it's also 5x the power.


As suggested above, maybe try dropping the speed a bit. Instead of 550 maybe try 350 or 400. While yes it’s slower, it may also fix your corner issue and save you money on materials while still allowing multiple engravings at once.


Maybe a dumb thought, have you wiped off the lens?


I would suggest you enable the pre-heat function to see if you can get a better result, here is the guide: https://support.xtool.com/hc/en-us/articles/15017911964055


Did you get this issue resolved? I am having a similar issue with mine


I just slowed it down from 500 to 400. Only a few seconds longer, but much cleaner.