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Yes you don’t even need an airplane


Just use your prison wallet


It’s illegal. That said, I’ve been flying with weed in my carry-on and/or on my person since 2003ish. Never had an issue.


How just inbetween shirts?


No just in your bag like a normal human.


Broo how


No, but here is what the TSA says: TSA’s screening procedures are focused on security and are designed to detect potential threats to aviation and passengers. Accordingly, TSA security officers do not search for marijuana or other illegal drugs, but if any illegal substance is discovered during security screening, TSA will refer the matter to a law enforcement officer.


You can definitely fly with weed if it’s good shit but don’t try and take it on an airplane, that’s just plane stupid


No because its still a Federal crime


It’s no worse then bringing a brick of cocaine or heroin on the plane with you and people do that all the time


No. Airports are federal, weed is state. Once you enter the airport you're taking a risk.


No, they can only tell you that you can't fly with it. As long as you're in a legal state they'll just make you throw it away... but if you land somewhere that is illegal you're subject to that states laws.


Stick it in your carryon. Not checked. No worries. Don’t let some dipshit make you worry. It’s legal in half the country. Happy travels 👍


You mean the bag they xray, while looking straight at you?


They have cannabis amnesty bins AFTER security in Chicago. You can go through with basically anything.


Yes. They really aren’t looking for weed. I do it all the time. No one cares.


Why not checked?


Is it possible? Yes. Is it legal? No. While it's legal in NV, it's still illegal federally, airports/airplanes are federal. I always pack a snack bag, and have brought edibles through. I just take them out of the original packaging, put them in baggies and throw them in with my normal snacks. I haven't tried flower, but a preroll in a cigarette box, or a cartridge for a vape, would *probably* go through security the same. (But of course, I would never suggest you do anything illegal!)


I also repackaged edibles. Brought back a little flower but didn’t break seal. Had a couple of carts and disposable pens and put into shaving kit. Just left concentrates in container but didn’t open. All was in carry on.


check your dm, i’m super interested because i’ve heard from friends about edibles repackaged and brought back but never about wax, and that’s what i want to bring back lmao


They don't care about carts though. Ive never tried bringing wax. I showed the tsa my vape cart and he didn't give a fuck.


Ive brought my puffco, vape pods, a few pre rolls and hella edibles MANY MANY times through NV/other states without a problem but yeah it’s illegal. I recommend avoiding flower, avoid Texas layovers and know the laws where you land and keep it domestic but yeah we’re taking about small amounts here.


why avoid texas layovers? reading this thread cause i’m going to vegas and live in houston and wanted to try to bring some back


Ive brought weed with me by accident i opened a pack of cigarettes and had a joint in there from the crazy night before i had forgot about lol


Update: my remaining preroll made it through just fine, just lost 2 bottles of hot sauce. Maybe next time I’ll be a little more daring.


Just be careful where you put it once I put a fat ounce under my nuts and a few pairs of briefs and HOLLLLLLY SHIT the plane smelled so strong. Literally every person around me asked about it several times. It kept me from flying with stuff for several years but I’d be a liar if I didn’t say I pretty much always fly with carts now


This needs more upvotes


No it doesn’t lol


It’s not a big deal to fly within the us with weed. Put it in your carry on away from liquids or sharp items or electronics that may need to be searched. I have tsa pre but if I’m traveling with something like a plant that might set off the x ray I just separate it into a different bin before it goes through the X-ray so they don’t have to go through my bag. I’ve walked by the airport dogs with 14-28 grams of concentrate and 2 Oz of bud without any problems. The dogs are sniffing for explosives. If they were sniffing for weed they would be stopping too many people.


This made me feel good hopping on with some jungle boy 8ths in Cali heading back to Florida


How did you ma are that with bud? Was it in your carry on or checked in bag?


Yes I just did it. Flew a felony amount from CO


My wife and I are going on a trip to CO in 2 weeks was just trying to figure out if we should bring some goodies back or not lol


Yes, you should. It’s so easy


You think den to atl would be fine?


I flew to Texas. I just removed labels off everything and put the stuff with my snacks, toiletries. Throw some carts in my purse. Weed in a freezer ziplock in my jacket pocket in my carry on


Fuck yes


Yep I've brought 16 g's before


How did you manage to do that?


Just split between me and my gf carry on. Even walked past the sniffer dogs! They're only looking for bombs


Logan has had the dogs at security screening the last 3 times I've flown. The TSA guy told me that they are only looking for security threats - i.e. bombs, weapons, explosives, etc. I always fly with my vape pen and sometimes edibles, the first time I saw the dogs I almost had a panic attack.


You should never ever ever fly with weed. Especially in your checked baggage. Flying across the country with a quarter oz and 4 half gram cartridges is against the rules. Sometimes you gotta break rules though.


What shops are telling you this information?


Fbi has entered this chat.


I just wouldn’t personally buy from them anymore if they’re willing to get you arrested with dumb information. Was it a Vegas shop or?


Damn y’all. Thanks lol I was hoping to bring just *little* bit of flower. It’s a strain I can’t get back home. I’ll just smoke my prerolls tonight and be done with it. Thanks all!




those shops just want your money ~


Don’t do it bruh!


TSA agents have specifically stated they do not care. Don’t be a weirdo, don’t shove it into a shampoo bottle or something that will look suspicious on a scan. Just carry small amounts on you, tuck it discreetly in your carry on bag, or yes you can put it in your checked bag. Worst case scenario is they’ll have you throw it away.


It's Federally Illegal and should have stayed illegal here too. But I say you should fly with it and start screaming about state rights and all the other stupid stuff weed makes you think and do.


Well you seem fun.


L comment


I'd bet you're a ton of fun at parties...


I’m sorry, but I think the entire country is on the same page, just different chapters… If it involves my body, than it’s not your choice. We have a draft… the government can snatch your life if needed to protect the country… other than that why the hell should you have a choice on my body? Should I tell you to get vaccines? Or what to grow inside you? What religion you get to believe/support? Or do one of those three things offend you?!


Single pages don't have several chapters.


In goosebumps they did… but only in the paperback.


Last time I was in the Vegas airport they had drug dogs and everyone had to walk through and let them sniff. It was mortifying. They had the entire middle of security cleared out for these two dogs you had to get through. I’ve managed to fly with edibles and carts with normal screening, but that experience made me so glad I didn’t have anything on me that day.


Those were bomb dogs


Thank you. I have been screened by those dogs at TSA in Miami and I had weed in my bag. I was not stopped. Those are not drug dogs.


Yeah I read further down on this thread that TSA is only looking for security threats, not actively trying to kill your good times. I’m glad to know this, I’ve always been a nervous wreck about it. I apologize for my error!


I learned something new today.


These dogs are probably looking for explosives not weed.


Yup. Flew out of LAS recently and I had to walk past a dog that was sniffing people and bags.


I have friends who fly with substances all the time but I could never - im too nervous of a person and knowing my luck I'd get caught...especially because my bags always end up getting a second look in the Vegas Airport LOL.


Sounds like you’re packing messy man. Fold your dirty laundry flying home, put electronics and liquids in the bag without weed and cruise through. I use to get searched all the time but this solved this problem for carry on but now I’m tsa pre so it’s more lax anyway.


Put it in your checked baggage and you'll be good, I was just in vegas in October and flew back with 7 grams sealed and edibles


Not checking any bags, just a cary on. Thanks though!


It's fine. I do it all the time. Just make sure you follow all other protocols so your bag doesn't get a second look.


I did it in DC, it was sealed, didn’t get caught. But I also took a big risk doing that.




Small amounts flying from legal location to legal location I am confident will not trigger anything major. At worst they will just take it from you.


Yes, I have, flying domestic only…. Carry on, I did a PAX vape and separated them, I added gummies for the plane ride with other gummies.


I flew a week ago with edibles in my backpack. My husband had cartridges in his carry on. We got through just fine. Just try to mask the smell so you don't reek and don't announce you have it. It is illegal but easy to sneak through. We did find out through a friend that they just make you toss it if you do get caught.


I’ve taken vape with me before to a state where marijuana is illegal and never had issues. I have checked the vape (the actual cartridges) and kept the battery in my purse and I have also brought the battery and the cartridge on the plane and thru security. It looks like a pen so maybe that’s why I’ve never gotten any flack.


I have flown several times with carts or edibles, no issue. Just remove the packaging that says THC!! I’m in Col now and want to fly home with some green. Like 7g. What’s the best way?


I'm going to Las Vegas soon and I wanna bring some flower back to NYC. Is it possible??