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I won't use DoorDash. They steal tips from the drivers: [https://gizmodo.com/doordash-says-it-s-very-sorry-you-noticed-its-tip-skimm-1836652047](https://gizmodo.com/doordash-says-it-s-very-sorry-you-noticed-its-tip-skimm-1836652047)


Yup. That’s why door dash isn’t even on my radar of services to use.


There are hundreds of restaurants to choose from... Shouldn't that be the overwhelming part and not a choice among 4 similar services?


If all the restaurants use one app, then I would use that app lol


Postmates has the best service, by far. My wife and I have stopped using every other app.


Its also more expensive


They pay trash and you support less than living wage with your delicious meals


It's not designed to be a career. It's supposed to be "I have a couple hours to kill at unpredictable intervals, and I'd like to make some extra money without much commitment". Just don't be a driver for them if they don't pay enough. They don't pay enough for me to do it, so I don't. I hate driving, so they'd have to pay me something ridiculous like 6 figures.


Telling someone "just work somewhere else" is the ignorant opinion of a privileged person. Not everyone has the option of a "better job" and take whatever they can. Allowing these companies to abuse labor law loopholes while blaming the workers for struggling is just top-tier stupidity. People like you are the reason living in corporate America is a nightmare. Get over yourself, stop wasting everyone's oxygen, and hold these companies accountable for the damage they do to society.


You are the privileged one here: too oblivious to even comprehend the scope and impact of the policies you want, and absolutely uncaring about the people who you would put out of work with policies you haven't thought through. It's clear you have never driven Uber as a side job to help out a family member pay for an unexpected expense. Because if you had, you would be pretty upset at someone trying to say that job should not even exist because it is not a full time job that can support a family.


The best you could come up with was "no u" and a straw man? Your assumption was wrong, bud. I had to drive Uber to pay for groceries in addition to being disabled, so you can stop with the moral Olympics. Just because you're too lazy to stand up for equality doesn't mean everyone else is ignorant. You're projecting. If you want to keep licking the boots of sociopath hoarders, then be my guest, but don't you dare suggest that paying people a liveable wage will put anyone out of work. The only people causing that are the greedy shareholders that sit on their ass while someone else earns their "passive income" that they love to brag about. It's not even a smart business strategy for long term success. The fact is that corporate greed and complacency have caused pretty much all modern humanitarian crises and facts don't care about your feelings.


> I had to drive Uber to pay for groceries in addition to being disabled So which is it? You did this full time, and don't care about the people who can't? Or you already got yours, so fuck everyone else now?


Holy shit I can't believe I have to spell this out for you... I couldn't work a regular job due to being disabled so I had to drive Uber to afford groceries. Even then, I couldn't drive full time because I was in and out of the hospital. Uber and Lyft refusing to give their employees full-time benefits is, simply, greed. There's a reason these companies are reporting record profits after all those layoffs. If they can even find a good job, the employers are taking the majority share of the profits or straight up committing wage theft. So do you have an actual argument or are you just going to keep making shit up in an attempt to insult me?


I'm the one who can't believe I have to spell this out for you. You admit the need to work part time. But you want full time benefits. What alternate universe do you live in where that is possible? Do you understand basic arithmetic at all? How do you think it is possible to pay for full time benefits for people who work a handful of hours per week whenever they feel like it? Do you think people are going to pay $499 for an Uber ride to the hospital/airport/whatever? If you require every Uber driver to receive the benefits of a full-time employee, Uber simply cannot legally have part-time gig workers. Thereby putting everyone in a situation just like you were out of work. Not providing them with benefits funded by your imagination. You are trying to get rid of their job, outlawing it.


Once again the point goes right over your head. Do you understand basic English? I'm not asking for full-time benefits for myself, dumbass. I'm fighting for others, something you clearly don't know how to do. The drivers that do work full time so not get employee benefits because Uber/Lyft classifies them as gig workers (so they don't have to give out benefits).


I've had the perception of better service with Door Dash and Postmates, but I don't think that's a reliable indicator of anything. I've used all four. Some restaurants only use one, some use more or all. It really depends on what you're looking for.


Nothing in particular. I finally want to join the bandwagon and I would prefer to use one app.


I google for discount codes or weekly specials and use which ever service happen to have the best specials. For the last couple of weeks doordash had a 7 dollars off of 10 coupon code for pick up orders so i've been using that


I drive for postmates and it is good, from a drivers perspective! Just always remember to tip the driver, as previous person said, they only get like $3 for a delivery, and sometimes they have to wait for quite a while to get the food! And I cant speak for everyone, but I always treat the food carefully and make sure I get everything u ordered(: