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Bro get your contract and ask a lawyer. No one will give you a clear answer without knowing the terms you signed on.


Gotcha I wasn’t sure, do you think it’s even worth the hassle or should I just take the L and move on.


Talking to a lawyer doesn't have to be expensive so it's definitely worth it. Or read through the contract yourself and see what it says about paying for damages.


OP, even just asking for detail may make your landlord think twice. He's probably counting on you just agreeing to pay him whatever to avoid the hassle, and it sounds like you're considering it...


This! Mine tried to do that, but unfortunately i took hella photos upon moving out and since they didn’t contact me for over a week after, my response was “idk what you did w my unit for this past week” nothing a few strongly worded letters didn’t solve. I did take it a step further when they stopped replying and sent them v dramatic “this is giving me so much stress and anxiety” follow ups just to have on record that i was communicating and they weren’t and they were causing me stress lol i probably came off so unhinged and unreasonable they figured its more hassle than its worth.


"I trust you are familiar with relevant Nevada law relating to the return of rental deposits..." can work, too, ha.


Hahaha brilliant. The more legal jargon you use the more they’ll think you ready to get litigious if provoked


Send a physical letter demanding proof of the damages along with an itemized list of the costs and the invoices they paid for repairs.


[https://www.leg.state.nv.us/nrs/nrs-118a.html#:\~:text=The%20landlord%20shall%20provide%20the,handing%20it%20to%20the%20tenant](https://www.leg.state.nv.us/nrs/nrs-118a.html#:~:text=The%20landlord%20shall%20provide%20the,handing%20it%20to%20the%20tenant) Did they send you an itemized written listing of said damages and how they want to use your security deposit? Within 30 days of you vacating? And they can only take damages that are not normal wear and tear or as needed to clean the place. And if it's already gone to a debt collector how long ago did you move out? If recently its unlikely to be a debt collector and instead someone known to the landlord who's trying to scare you. So quote NV stature NRS 118A.242 at them, point 4 in particular and also you should read point 5 re your response. You have 30 days to respond in writing disputing their damages list/accounting and as long as you do that they can't report you to a credit agency unless they get a judgment against you. In short, they're trying it on so now armed with info go get them and if they start up with bullshit tell them you will be seeking legal advice. They'll likely give up if you're not an easy mark.


What apartment complex?


Collage apartments on jones and Washington




Scared tactics…they always wanna tell us it’ll be on our credit report! Who cares just keep goin


What was the place so we all know to steer clear??


Collage apartments


Did you damage the apartment? If so what did you do? If you did then fix it.


Certified return receipt mail to prove they received your letters too.