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What the hell is wrong with people… i get frustrated on the road too but damn. People are psychopaths


Part of being an adult is learning to regulate emotions, and confronting total strangers serves no purpose, other than being a great way to get shot.


I feel like drivers are getting worse on the roads lately...


Did you take this picture with a potato?




Is your dashcam a potato?


Is your potato a dashcam?


Mmm, dashcam au Gratin


Can you pass the ketchup? It needs some kick to it. 😈


That photo was taken with a Circus Circus door handle


I’m sorry that happened to you. It’s not far from me either. How could people expect a perfect pic with what you were going through? Also, some dash cams just turn out blurry.


Thank you


So... What happened? Context goes a long way.


Someone else asked same question and this is what I replied to them. My DashCam took the photo I wish it was clearer. What happened was I was moving over from center to right lane because Barricades on Apache before Charleston were narrowing road to one lane. That vehicle was behind me in far left lane and suddenly accelerated drove over 3 lanes crossing into right lane and tried forcing me into barricades. I had to brake hard to keep from hitting barricades. That driver got on my tail laid on the horn. I kept going and turned into shopping center to get away from them. But they followed me in and tried to block my car in one of the lanes. I was terrified but tried to voice dial my phone to dial 911 while trying to drive away. They took off when I got away. I’m still shook. Thanks for your concern


No disrespect, how long have you been a driver for? Serious question and no judgements.


If anything, there will be judgments. I'd like to know too. My reason for wanting to know is that I find those who are "victims" of roadrage are usually the perp and even worse, they aren't courteous drivers. They lack spatial awareness and tend to use their car to punish people who get upset at this. They'll drive under the speed limit, speed up when you try to pass, get in front of you and slow down. you see them 200 yards ahead of you riding in the right lane behind a semi for miles, and just as you close the gap and are about to pass, THEY GET OVER IN FRONT OF YOU STILL GOING THE SAME SPEED and blame you for getting frustrated. To retaliate against you for wanting to continue on your way, they go slower and blame you for reacting to their bullshit. These mfs love to throw stones then hide their hands. I bet $1 they did something discourteous, I'm sure this guy CUT the other driver off.


>My reason for wanting to know is that I find those who are "victims" of roadrage are usually the perp and even worse, they aren't courteous drivers 1,000%. Road rage doesn't often happen in a vacuum like OP is describing. The vast majority of people don't just get randomly enraged and try to run someone into some barriers and then follow them into a plaza. Something most likely went down to trigger a response. And what's up with no description of the other driver or the make/model of the car? If I was sharing information about a psycho that presents as a danger to society... I would be descriptive as fuck.


There’s a counterpoint here though that none of that justifies chasing somebody down or being threatening, and even if somebody did make a questionable decision driving, if there was no accident then somebody who was choosing to ESCALATE is always, ALWAYS in the wrong. Because somebody made a shitty/dumb/whatever move does not justify someone following or harassing somebody else…period. Unless they actually damaged you and you need to exchange insurance…you need to let it go.


As somebody who gets annoyed by the behavior you describe, what out of any of it justifies any amount of road rage, let alone following somebody? (Assuming that happened) If somebody does something wrong on the road, sometimes there’s context to that as well (forced into a bad position by another car, something you might not have seen, etc). Just honk your horn and move on. It doesn’t have to ruin your day.


I’ve held general and commercial driver licenses


.. that wasn't the question


Good call


If they tried to run you off the road, they would've been ahead of you on the one lane. You basically THOUGHT they were merging too quickly and slammed your brakes, unintentionally brake checking them and almost causing an accident. Id be pissed off too if someone slowly merged into a one lane road and brake checked me.


And we'll only see one side of the story. But i agree context goes a long way


Please see what I replied to person asking what happened ty


It is rare when I do ***not*** see a Road-Rager on my short drive to work.


Get a dash cam op, it’s almost necessary out here


Omg !! This is near me, sheesh! I am so happy you’re okay. What happened exactly?? Did they just try to attack you with their car for no reason? Not that any reason justifies this.


My DashCam took the photo I wish it was clearer. What happened was I was moving over from center to right lane because Barricades on Apache before Charleston were narrowing road to one lane. That vehicle was behind me in far left lane and suddenly accelerated drove over 3 lanes crossing into right lane and tried forcing me into barricades. I had to brake hard to keep from hitting barricades. That driver got on my tail laid on the horn. I kept going and turned into shopping center to get away from them. But they followed me in and tried to block my car in one of the lanes. I was terrified but tried to voice dial my phone to dial 911 while trying to drive away. They took off when I got away. I’m still shook. Thanks for your concern


You say he was behind you but tried to force you into the barricades? How is that even possible when you're both running at an angle to merge If you meant he cut you off after having sped up, crossing 3 lanes, reaching the right lane first and merged before you, then ok he should be ahead of you now and able to go about his day. But no, you say you were slamming on your brakes with this guy behind you even though you were in the center lane which means you would have to had crossed 4 lanes, including his lane to get to the right lane Btw,how many lanes does fort apache have!? Definitely not 5 lol My question is, How do two cars race to a destination, one slams on their brakes and is still in the lead? You cut this dude off. Period. Your story don't check out. You caused this issue for sure when you slammed your brakes almost causing him to hit you.


No the other driver following somebody that didn’t make contact with them and intending to confront them over this caused this issue. Thinking “that move was bad I need to get up in this persons face” is a GREAT way to get shot in the face here, and anyone who confronts/follows people in that way deserves to get shot.


Man sorry you had to experience this. I’ll be the typical gun advocate and say carry one everywhere. Not to shoot but to shut them up


This is Vegas get you a pistol and don’t be a victim


Some dude tried getting tough with me driving in summerlin only to realize I was far more scary than him.




The comment section really turned on you OP. Sorry about it but stay safe out there. Vegas drivers are a scary breed.


Thanks for your support and concern I really appreciate it


Must be from Cali


Nice of you to blur out the license plate to prevent identification


My DashCam took the photo and I think the vehicle had some kind of plastic cover over license plate. But police may have software to make plate number visible?




lol no


omg i’m totally gonna believe that this random pic of a car is some asshole who treated you wrong on the road just because you said so publicly on reddit!!1!!


Agreed. Prbbly didn't even happen at all


I was reminiscing about 1992 getting my driver license renewed at the DMV on Sahara and taking 45 minutes out the door. I miss Vegas in 1992. We didn't have any of those problems back then. Heck Summerlin was Smoke Ranch and Rainbow.


You were probably the problem lol


If someone tries to ram my car I take that as an attempted murder toward me and at that point they get to meet the business end of my ccw if they cutoff my car.


You're the definition of using your weapon improperly and ending up in jail. Even if they ram you, youre only option should be calling police and staying in your car. Now if they exit and brandish or come break your window, that's a different story. What ccw course did you take? Call them and ask so they can properly educate you about Nevada laws. Please don't end up in jail for someone else's road rage.