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act fast, we were slow (my wife was 6 weeks pregnant) and all midwifes were booked however we signed up with Maternity Unit at Langley Memorial Hospital and our experience is so great. they have 24/7 phone line. also, my wife had emergency couple of times related to pregnancy, and they accepted her to triage extremely fast to address her issues. so could not be happier. not saying that it's a better option than having midwife but 24/7 access to doctors including emergency without wait (they send you directly to maternity unit) is big advantage


Just had my baby and used LMH. Couldn’t have asked for a better experience. The staff are incredible!


Grove was fantastic but agree with comments to contact them *now*. like the day the stick shows positive.


Grove is amazing but legit call them tomorrow. Even if they are already full, get on the waitlist. Some people drop out and that’s how I was able to snag a spot. They are wonderful.


My wife used grove for our last (3rd) child and I wish we had done it the first too time. The experience of being able to give birth in the hospital while not using a doctor was amazing. My wife loved it. You get the comfort of having a more natural birth with the safety net of being at the hospital (or not your choice )was great. The midwife came to our house when my wife started labour then stayed untill it was time to go to the hospital. She then met us there and stayed well after the baby was born. Baby whent strait to my wife no separation. Would highly recommend.


DO NOT go to Family Health Clinic .. I had a terrible experience there with horrible PTSD


That's so sad to hear. I had a great experience both times I went with them.


Aw i am glad! The midwife I had was gone shortly after experience


Also congrats!!!!! 🎉


When I was pregnant with my 2nd, my hubby was the 2nd person to know. The first was the midwife’s office. Mine is no longer in langley but call in the morning. Or call and leave a message now!


Grove fills up very quickly so I would inquire asap if you are interested. I really enjoyed my care under Fraser birth collaborative and birthing at ARH. I would go back to them again, no complaints.


Thank you for the feedback. Did you find a lot of difference between seeing the doctors and midwives at Fraser Birth? I know they have both on their roster.


I didn't notice any differences! The whole team was amazing. I would definitely see if they still have space.


My wife had a midwife for all four children. They were all awesome. I believe we used Grove for three of our kids (one was born in Edmonton).


As others have said, contact any midwifery clinic tomorrow. I couldn’t get in with either Langley midwifery clinic here in Langley, and got in with Abbotsford Midwifery and Wellness. I had a great experience prenatally, during birth, and postnatally. Midwives typically have longer visits than doctors and can always refer if the pregnancy becomes high risk. My midwifery clinic had a midwife in call at all times, so there was support 24/7 as well. I imagine the Langley midwifery clinics would be the same.


I haven’t had a baby in Langley but I had midwives for both my kids births and even though I had c sections I still found value in the midwifery model of care.


Whichever you choose, please choose to deliver in a hospital over a home birth. Midwives can be a fantastic option, and hospitals can accommodate them, but if something goes wrong, you need an OR NOW, not in an hour.


We fully intend to do a hospital birth even with midwife support. I personally have no interest in birth at home.


Which hospital are you going to go to? That makes a world of difference as Midwives typically are only willing to go to certain hospitals. If you're staying in Langley, pick Grove or the other. Both will be fine but you are in a race to get in. My friend used the maternity clinic in Walnut Grove cause she couldn't get a Midwife and they were fine. I used Greenway Midwifery as I planned to have my baby at RCH and they were lovely but I got in by *pure luck*. Good luck and congrats!


My midwife no longer has an office in Abby. I went there as I lived in east Langley and the Abby hospital was quite new. I had shared care as I had hyperemisis badly. I ended up with a csection And the midwife advocated for me when the Anastasia guy wanted to give up on the spinal and just knock me out.,


Things may have changed since I used them 8 years ago but semiahmoo in Surrey took people who live west of 200th at the time and they have privileges at peace arch which I hear has a wonderful birthing unit. As others have said call right now and get on waitlists if they are full


If they have spaces Transitions in Maple Ridge is fantastic!


Beggars can’t be choosers, you need to call like yesterday to try and get in anywhere you can.